Mongo DB find the bulk of data (without pagination) efficiently using a large sentence - mongodb

we have some functionality where we search large amount of data using large sentence which user provide. provided sentence can have 1000+ words. now we're using text search to find the data, but it is taking a lot of time even it is getting crashed at some point. we can not use pagination because we need entire searched results in front end. so how can we fix this issue? any kind of help is welcome. Thanks in advance.


ElasticSearch vs MongoDB vs Cassandra for mailer logs

I have a mailer system where in we send 1-2 lakhs mail everyday and then we store all the clicks / opens actions of those mail.
This is currently working fine in MySQL.
But now with increasing traffic, we are facing some performance issue with Mysql.
So we are thinking of shifting to Elastic / Cassandra / Mongo.
My possible queries include
a) Getting user which have opened / clicked a specific mail or not.
b) Calculating open rate / click rate for mail
I think cassandra might not fit here perfectly as it is well suited for applications with high concurrent writes but with less read queries.
Here there can be many types of read queries so it will be difficult to decide on partitioning key / clustering, so too mzny aggregations will be running on cassandra.
What should we use in this case and why?
We are anyhow working on both elastic / mongo to design the data model for both and then run some benchmarks around it.
ELK stack (Elastic Search, LogStash, Kibana) is the best solution for this. As far as I have used ELK stack, it is fast for log processing.
Cassandra is definitely not the right option.
You can use MongoDB since most of the queries are GET queries.
But I have a few points why Elastic search gains power over Mongo for Log Processing.
Full-text search : Elastic Search implements a lot of features, such as customized splitting text into words, customized stemming, facetted search, etc.
Fuzzy Searching : A fuzzy search is good for spelling errors. You can find what you are searching for even though you have a spelling mistake.
Speed : Elastic search is able to execute complex queries extremely fast.
As the name itself suggests Elastic search is made for searching purpose. And Searching in mongo is not as fast as Elastic Search.
But Maintaining Elastic Search also has its own problems.
Thanks, I think this will help.
If I try to look at your Data Structure and Data Access pattern, it looks like you'll have a message Id for each message, it's contents, and then along with it, a lot of counters which get updated each time a person opens it, maybe some information like user id/email of people who have opened it.
Since these records are updated on each open of an email, I believe the number of writes are reasonably high. Assuming each mail gets opened on an Average of 10 times/day, it'll have 10-20 Lakh writes per day with 1-2 Lakh emails.
Comparing this with reads, I am not sure of your read pattern, but if it's being used for analytics purpose, or to show in some dashboard it'll be read a few times a day maybe. Basically Reads are significantly low compared to writes.
That being said, if your read query pattern is of the form where you query always with a message id, then Cassandra/Hbase are the best choices that you have.
If that's not the case and you have different kinds of queries, or you want to do a lot of analytics, then I would prefer Mongo DB.
Elastic search is not really a Database, it's more of a query engine. And there are a lot of instances where the data loss happens in ES. If you are planning to keep this as your primary data store then Elastic Search/ELK is not a good choice.
You could look at this video to help come to a conclusion on which DB is best given what scenarios.
Alternatively, a summary is # CodeKarle's website

How can I handle a very large database and do not miss the performance?

if i want to develop an application, I'm worried about its performance after the number of users and stored data increases.
actually I don't know what is the best way to implement a program that it works with a really large data and do some things like search in it, find and receive user information, search text and so on in real time without any delay !
Let's me explain the problem more
for example i have chosen 'Mongodb' as a database and suppose we have at least five million users and a user want to log in into the system, the user has sent the username and password
The first thing that we should do is to find the user with that username and then check the password, in mongodb we should use something like 'find' method to get the user's information, something like below:
Users.find({ username: entered_username })
then get the user information and we check the password
but the 'find' method should search the username between million users and it's a large number and if any person request for authentication, this method should be run for each of them and it cause a heavy processing on the system
but unfortunately this problem is only for something like finding a user, if we decide to search a text when we have a lot of texts and posts on the database the problem is more bigger
i don't know how big companies like facebook and linkedin search through millions of data in such a short span of time. actually i don't want to create something like facebook or more but i have a large amount of data and i'm looking for a good way to handle it
is there any framework or something else that help me to handle large data on the databases or is there exist a method to implement data on database so that we search and find data fast and quickly? should i use a particular data structure?
i founded an opensource project elasticsearch that it help us to search faster but i don't know if i found something with elastic how can i find it on mongodb too for doing something like updating data and if i use elastic search i should use mongodb too or not!? can i use elastic as a database and as a search engine simultaneous !?
if i use elasticsearch and mongodb together then i should have two copies of my data, one in mongodb and one in elasticsearch!? and this two copies of the data that are separated :( i wish elasticsearch search in the mongodb that does not have to create two copies of the data
thank you if you help me to find out a good way and understand what should i do.
When you talk about performance, it usually boils down to three things:
Your design
Your definition of "quick", and
How much you're willing to pay
Your design
MongoDB is great if you want to iterate on your data model, can scale horizontally, and very quick if used properly. Elasticsearch on the other hand, is not a database. However, it is very quick for searching. A traditional relational database will be useful if you know exactly how your data looks like, and don't expect it to change much, or is relational by nature.
You can, for example, use a relational database for user login, use MongoDB for everything else, and use Elastic for textual, searchable data. There is no rule that tells you to keep everything within a single database.
Make sure you understand indexing, and know how to utilize it to its fullest potential. The fastest hardware will not help you if you don't design your database properly.
Conclusion: use any tool you need, combine if necessary, but understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Your definition of "quick"
How "quick" is quick enough for your application? Is 100ms quick enough? Is 10ms quick enough? Remember that more performance you ask of the machine, more expensive it will be. You can get more performance with a better design, but design can only go so far.
Usually this boils down to what is acceptable for you and your client. Not every application needs a sub-10ms response time. There's plenty of applications that can tolerate queries that return in seconds.
Conclusion: determine what is acceptable, and design accordingly.
How much you're willing to pay
Of course, it all depends on how much you're willing to pay for all the hardware that need to host all that stuff. MongoDB might be open source, but you need some place to host it. Also, you cannot expect magic. You can't throw thousands of queries and updates per second, and expect it to be blazing fast when you only give it 1 GB of RAM.
Conclusion: never under-provision to save money if you want your application to be successful.

Using xmlpipe2 with Sphinx

I'm attempting to load large amounts of data directly into Sphinx from Mongo; and currently the best method I've found has been using xmlpipe2.
I'm wondering however if there are ways to just do updates to the dataset, as a full reindex of hundreds of thousands of records can take a while and be a bit intensive on the system.
Is there a better way to do this?
Thank you!
Main plus delta scheme. When all the updates goes to separate smaller index as described here:

How to make substring-matching query work fast on a large table?

I have a large table with a text field, and want to make queries to this table, to find records that contain a given substring, using ILIKE. It works perfectly on small tables, but in my case it is a rather time-consuming operation, and I need it work fast, because I use it in a live-search field in my website. Any ideas would be appreciated...
Check Waiting for 9.1 – Faster LIKE/ILIKE blog post from depesz for a solution using trigrams.
You'd need to use yet unreleased Postgresql 9.1 for this. And your writes would be much slower then, as trigram indexes are huge.
Full text search suggested by user12861 would help only if you're searching for words, not substrings.
You probably want to look into full text indexing. It's a bit complicated, maybe someone else can give a better description, or you might try some links, like this one for example:

iphone sdk sqlite lookup performance for +40k records

What is the best way to get this thing done:
I have a huge table with +40k records (tv show titles) in sqlite and I want to do real time lookups to this table. For eg if user searches for a show, as and when user enters search terms I read sqlite and filter records after every keystroke (like google search suggestion).
My performance benchmark is 100 milliseconds. A few things I have thought of are: creating indexes, splitting the data into multiple tables.
However, I would really appreciate any suggestions to achieve this in the fastest possible time so I can avoid any ui refresh delays - it would be awesome to have feedback from coders who have already done something similar.
Things to do:
Index fields appropriately.
Limit yourself to only 10-15 records on the initial query—that should be enough to populate the top of the table view.
If you don't need to sort, don't. If you do need to sort, sort on an indexed field.
Do as much as you can in SQLite rather than your own code.
Do as little as you can overall.
You'll likely find what I have: SQLite and the iPhone are actually amazingly capable as long as you don't do anything really dumb.
Keep "perceived performance" in mind - doing lookups right after a key is hit is could be somewhat expensive. How many milliseconds does it take a user to hit a key, though? You can probably get away with not updating the resultlist until the user hasn't typed anything for several hundred milliseconds. (For really fast users, perhaps update every X hundred millisecodns while he's still typing).
How do you know the performance will be bad? 40k rows is not that much, even for an iPhone... try it on the phone before you optimize.
Avoid doing any joins, try to use paging so that you keep the amount of data returned to a minimum. Perhaps you should try loading the whole thing into memory, then sort and do binary search? If it is just a list of show titles it would fit?