How to make substring-matching query work fast on a large table? - postgresql

I have a large table with a text field, and want to make queries to this table, to find records that contain a given substring, using ILIKE. It works perfectly on small tables, but in my case it is a rather time-consuming operation, and I need it work fast, because I use it in a live-search field in my website. Any ideas would be appreciated...

Check Waiting for 9.1 – Faster LIKE/ILIKE blog post from depesz for a solution using trigrams.
You'd need to use yet unreleased Postgresql 9.1 for this. And your writes would be much slower then, as trigram indexes are huge.
Full text search suggested by user12861 would help only if you're searching for words, not substrings.

You probably want to look into full text indexing. It's a bit complicated, maybe someone else can give a better description, or you might try some links, like this one for example:


Postgresql Text Search Performance

I have been looking into text search (without tsvector) of a varchar field (more or less between 10 to 400 chars) that has the following format:
The query I am planning to run is probably similar to:
select * from information_table where fields like '%field_x%'
As there are no spaces in fields, I wonder if there are some performance issues if I run the search across 500k+ rows.
Any insights into this?
Any documentation around performance of varchar and maybe varchar index?
I am not sure if tsvector will work on a full string without spaces. What do you think about this solution? Do you see another solutions that could help improve the performance?
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.
In general the text search parser will treat commas and spaces the same, so if you want to use FTS, the structure with commas does not pose a problem. pg_trgm also treats commas and spaces the same, so if you want to use that method instead it will also not have a problem due to the commas.
The performance is going to depend on how popular or rare the tokens in the query are in the body of text. It is hard to generalize that based on one example row and one example query, neither of which looks very realistic. Best way to figure it out would be to run some real queries with real (or at least realistic) data with EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) and with track_io_timing turned on.

Pattern matching performance issue Postgres

I found the query like below taking longer time as this pattern matching causes the performance in my batch job,
select, b.code
from table a
left join table b
on a.desc_01 like '%'||b.desc_02||'%';
I have tried with LEFT, STRPOS functions to improve the performance. But at the end am losing few data if i apply these functions.
Any other suggestion please.
It's not that clear what your data (or structure) really looks like, but your search is performing a contains comparison. That's not the simplest thing to optimize because a standard index, and many matching algorithms, are biased towards the start of the string. When you lead with %, then then a B-tree can't be used efficiently as it splits/branches based on the front of the string.
Depending on how you really want to search, have you considered trigram indexes? they're pretty great. Your string gets split into three letter chunks, which overcomes a lot of the problems with left-anchored text comparison. The reason why is simple: now every character is the start of a short, left-anchored chunk. There are traditionally two methods of generating trigrams (n-grams), one with leading padding, one without. Postgres uses padding, which is the better default. I got help with a related question recently that may be relevant to you:
Searching on expression indexes
If you want something more like a keyword match, then full text search might be of help. I had not been using them much because I've got a data set where converting words to "lexemes" doesn't make sense. It turns out that you can tell the parser to use the "simple" dictionary instead, and that gets you a unique word list without any stemming transformations. Here's a recent question on that:
If that sounds more like what you need, you might also want to get rid of stop/skip/noise words. Here's a thread that I think is a bit clearer on the docs regarding how to set this up (it's not hard):
The long term answer is to clean up and re-organize your data so you don't need to do this.
Using a pg_trgm index might be the short term answer.
create extension pg_trgm;
create index on a using gin (desc_01 gin_trgm_ops);
How fast this will be is going to depend on what is in b.desc_02.

Wanting to obfuscate data in database incrementally

I am looking to obfuscate data in a postgres database that is quite large and would like to be able to do it incrementally. What i was thinking, is that I could roll the char's of names forward or something like that, but, I would need a way to be able to tell if it has been applied to that "name" already? any ideas on this? If it could be done this way i.e is_changed(), it would be easy to replay on the difference each day.
I am pretty much wanting to find all first/last /mobile/emails in the db and change them but not into garbage. Also, some names are in jsonb columns just to make it more complicated ;)
Basically, I have decided to do a text pg_dump and scripted a solution which modifies all relevant data with the same pattern. This allows the relationships to be maintained after the obfuscation has been done.
It is also much simpler and performant than sql + updates across a large dataset.
Still open to other ideas if anyone has a better one.
If you're not terribly concerned with how obfuscated the resulting text is, maybe one of the hashing functions included within postgres would suffice, such as md5 just for a simple example.
UPDATE person p SET = MD5(;
A possible actual implementation might involve using the pgcrypto module to encode your values, this would not be terribly efficient however.
UPDATE person p SET = crypt(, gen_salt('test'));
But as I asked in the comment, what is the threat profile you're trying to guard against? Obfuscation might not be a great solution for mitigating the effects of a data breach.

Should I create an index on a column with repetitive values and where in lookup

I have a materialized view (which is very much a table) where I need to make where in kind of queries.
The column I want to query (say view_id) definitely has repetitions (15-20).
The where in queries would also be very large i.e - it would contain a lot of view_id to query.
Should I go ahead and create an index on this column?
Will it give me some performance improvements?
I have another column which would help help me have a multi column index(unique). Should this be a better option?
With questions such as these on performance, there is no substitute for testing it with your exact case. There's little harm in trying it out (even on a production system, but utilize a test system if you can!), other than perhaps slowing performance until you undo what you did. Postgres makes this kind of tinkering safe.
#tim-biegeleisen's first comment is spot on: with your setup, your cardinality is reduced, but that doesn't mean it's not a win.
In short, try it and see. There is no better answer you will get than what your own dataset and access patterns will give you.

How can I limit DataSet.WriteXML output to typed columns?

I'm trying to store a lightly filtered copy of a database for offline reference, using ADO.NET DataSets. There are some columns I need not to take with me. So far, it looks like my options are:
Put up with the columns
Get unmaintainably clever about the way I SELECT rows for the DataSet
Hack at the XML output to delete the columns
I've deleted the columns' entries in the DataSet designer. WriteXMl still outputs them, to my dismay. If there's a way to limit WriteXml's output to typed rows, I'd love to hear it.
I tried to filter the columns out with careful SELECT statements, but ended up with a ConstraintException I couldn't solve. Replacing one table's query with SELECT * did the trick. I suspect I could solve the exception given enough time. I also suspect it could come back again as we evolve the schema. I'd prefer not to hand such a maintenance problem to my successors.
All told, I think it'll be easiest to filter the XML output. I need to compress it, store it, and (later) load, decompress, and read it back into a DataSet later. Filtering the XML is only one more step — and, better yet, will only need to happen once a week or so.
Can I change DataSet's behaviour? Should I filter the XML? Is there some fiendishly simple way I can query pretty much, but not quite, everything without running into ConstraintException? Or is my approach entirely wrong? I'd much appreciate your suggestions.
UPDATE: It turns out I copped ConstraintException for a simple reason: I'd forgotten to delete a strongly typed column from one DataTable. It wasn't allowed to be NULL. When I selected all the columns except that column, the value was NULL, and… and, yes, that's profoundly embarrassing, thank you so much for asking.
It's as easy as Table.Columns.Remove("UnwantedColumnName"). I got the lead from
Mehrdad's wonderfully terse answer to another question. I was delighted when Table.Columns turned out to be malleable.