MVVM Design with struct and async response - swift

I'm trying to implement the MVVM approach to my app and have some trouble with the required struct as Model. In a struct it is hard to manipulate its own data but I need two because its holds the view data.
I request data from a firebase database and after receiving, assigning the data to an array.
As I found out, I can not manipulate the array inside a response closure. When I try to call another function as callback I get the following error:
Partial application of 'mutating' method is not allowed
Here is my code:
mutating func searchLocations(name: String, onlyOwnList: Bool) {
if onlyOwnList{
onlineDataManager.getOwnLocations(searchName: name, userId: appViewModel.currentUser, completionHandler: getLocationsCallback)
onlineDataManager.getAvailableLocations(searchName: name, userId: appViewModel.currentUser, completionHandler: getLocationsCallback)
mutating private func getLocationsCallback(_ locations: BarLocations){
for location in locations.locations{
I'm used to Java so im struggling with the sense of structs.
I hope somebody can help me or tell me, how to do it better

I believe the issue you're facing is that the mutation of the struct needs to happen in the same scope of the first mutating function since structs are pass-by-values.
mutating func searchLocations(name: String, onlyOwnList: Bool) {
if onlyOwnList{
onlineDataManager.getOwnLocations(searchName: name, userId: appViewModel.currentUser) { [weak self] locations in
self?.locationList.locations = locations
} else{
onlineDataManager.getAvailableLocations(searchName: name, userId: appViewModel.currentUser) { [weak self] locations in
self?.locationList.locations = locations
To be honest, if your model is handling the loading of its own information, I'd change your model to be a class and not a struct. Either that, or handle the data load outside of the model (in your view controller and then create a simple struct with the information).


How to return value from a closure in a Struct in Swift?

I'm retrieving data from a website.
Networking works well. Data is parsed correctly from JSON.
A couple of references - In this struct:
Replies is the datamodel for the JSON
PrepareQuestions is a func which performs the parsing (I have it in an extension of the same Struct)
I'd like to have an object within this struct (downloadedData - 'Replies' is the struct with the datamodel) containing all the information downloaded, but I incur into an error due to "self being an immutable capture". Any suggestions? Thank you!
struct QuestionsManager {
var downloadedData:Replies?
func useData() {
manageQuestions(url: K.urlForRetreival, numberOfQuestions: K.numberOfSquares) { [self] (replies, error) in
if let replies = replies {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
downloadedData = replies // Here I got the error
func manageQuestions(url: String, numberOfQuestions: String, myCompletion: #escaping (Replies?, Error?)->()) {
let generatedUrl = URL(string: url + numberOfQuestions)!
let urlSession = URLSession(configuration: .default)
let task = urlSession.dataTask(with: generatedUrl) { (data, response, error) in
if error == nil {
if let fetchedData = data {
let fetchedProcessedData = prepareQuestions(data: fetchedData)
myCompletion(fetchedProcessedData, nil)
} else {
myCompletion(nil, error)
You're seeing this error because the closure captures an immutable self.
Just like primitive types (e.g. Int), structs are value-types, and Swift is built with the notion of immutability of value-types.
In other words, if you had let questionManager = QuestionManager(), you'd expect questionManager not to change. Even if it was a var, it can only mutate via direct action by the caller, e.g. questionManager.doMutatingFunc().
But, if a closure was allowed to capture self, it could modify itself at some later point. This is not allowed.
This simplest (only?) way to fix this is to turn QuestionManager into a class:
class QuestionManager {
// ...
struct is a value type. For value types, only methods explicitly
marked as mutating can modify the properties of self, so this is not
possible within a computed property.
If you change struct to be a class then your code compiles without
Structs are value types which means they are copied when they are
passed around.So if you change a copy you are changing only that copy,
not the original and not any other copies which might be around.If
your struct is immutable then all automatic copies resulting from
being passed by value will be the same.If you want to change it you
have to consciously do it by creating a new instance of the struct
with the modified data.

How to design Complications for watchOS 6 independent app?

I have an independent application on watchOS 6 and in my app I am using the Firestore REST API to show the data to the user using URLSession.
Since the Cloud Firestore REST API returns a JSON string, in order to process the data, I have created nested structs. Example: To access the 'title' in a particular response, I do something like this: response.mapValue.fields.title.stringValue.
The app works fine for now. In the long run I plan on creating the URLSessions as background tasks. Right now, I am calling URLSession every time the view is rendered by using .onAppear(functionToUseURLSession())) on my data's List view.
Now the next thing I want to implement is the complication for this particular app.
I am new to Swift and SwiftUI and am having the hardest time just getting started. All the tutorials I've been through online use WKExtensionDelegate to get the data models for the complication.
But in my case, I don't even have a data model! I just have structs calling other structs in a nested fashion in order to process the JSON response I get from the API call.
Any help allowing me to understand this is highly appreciated!
Here is some code to better understand the structure of the App:
struct Firebase: Codable {
var name: String?
var createTime, updateTime: String?
var fields: FirebaseFields
Now, FirebaseFields is also another struct:
struct FirebaseFields: Codable {
var emailID, lastName, firstName: String?
var goalsRoutines: GoalsRoutines
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case emailID = "email_id"
case lastName = "last_name"
case firstName = "first_name"
Similarly, GoalsRoutines is also a struct...
As mentioned above, I have made these structs to follow the exact structure of the JSON object is get in response from Firebase API. So I access fields like:
My GoalsView.swift is:
var body: some View {
FirebaseServices.getFirebaseData() {
(data) in = data
And finally, in FirebaseServices.swift, func getFirebaseData is:
func getFirebaseData(completion: #escaping ([Value]) -> ()) {
guard let url = URL(string: "FIRESTORE URL HERE") else { return }
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, _, _) in
let data = try! JSONDecoder().decode(Firebase.self, from: data!)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
So this is how I currently get the data and show it on the app.
I am really lost on how to do the same on my Complication.
Any help is really appreciated.

How to set the value of lazy computed property via a closure in Swift?

So I've been stuck on this problem for a while, and can't find questions addressing my particular problem online.
I am trying to set the value in description, which is defined as a lazy computed property and utilizes a self-executing closure.
To get the book's description, I make an API call, passing in another handler to the API completion handler so that I can set the book's description inside the lazy computed property.
I know my below code is wrong, since I get the error:
Cannot convert value of type '()' to specified type 'String'
class Book : NSObject {
func getInfo(for name: String, handler: #escaping (_ string: String) -> String) {
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: "" + name) { (data, response, error) in
guard let data = data else {return}
descriptionStr = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? "No description found"
lazy var description: String = {
getInfo(for: { str in
return str
How can I set the value of description?
I've tried two methods. Using a while loop to wait for a boolean: inelegant and defeats the purpose of async. Using a temp variable inside description - doesn't work because getInfo returns before the API call can finish.
In case you wonder my use case: I want to display books as individual views in a table view, but I don't want to make api calls for each book when I open the tableview. Thus, I want to lazily make the API call. Since the descriptions should be invariant, I'm choosing to make it a lazy computed property since it will only be computed once.
Edit: For those who are wondering, my solution was as the comments mentioned below. My approach wasn't correct - instead of trying to asynchronously set a property, I made a method and fetched the description in the view controller.
Already the explanation in comments are enough for what's going wrong, I will just add on the solution to your use case.
I want to display books as individual views in a table view, but I
don't want to make api calls for each book when I open the tableview.
Thus, I want to lazily make the API call.
First of all, does making lazy here make sense. Whenever in future you will call description, you are keeping a reference for URLSession and you will do it for all the books. Looks like you will easily create a memory leak.
Second, task.resume() is required in getInfo method.
Third, your model(Book) should not make the request. Why? think, I have given one reason above. Async does mean parallel, all these network calls are in the queue, If you have many models too many networks calls in the event loop.
You can shift network call responsibility to service may be BookService and then have a method like this BookService.getInfo(_ by: name). You Book model should be a dumb class.
class Book {
let description: String
init(desc: String) {
self.description = desc
Now your controller/Interactor would take care of calling the service to get info. Do the lazy call here.
class BookTableViewController: ViewController {
init(bookService: BookService, book: [String]) {
# you can call when you want to show this book
func loadBook(_ name: String) -> Book {
BookService.getInfo(name).map { Book(desc: str) }
func tableView(UITableView, didSelectRowAt: IndexPath) {
let bookName = ....
# This is lazy loading
let book = loadBook(bookName)
Here, you can do the lazy call for loadBook. Hope this helps.

How to add a field to the Moya.Response JSON that wasn't in the real payload from the http response

If I have:
import Moya
import RxSwift
import ObjectMapper
import Moya_ObjectMapper
provider.request(.callApi(id: id))
.subscribeOn(ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(qos: .background))
struct Thing: Mappable, Equatable {
var id: String?
init?(map: Map) {
mutating func mapping(map: Map) {
id <- map["id"]
Making an http api call and getting back json like {"id: "123"} and it's all working great. A new Thing struct is made with the right id. But what if I want to add "flavor" to Thing and hard code {"id: "123", "flavor": "something"}.
i.e. let's just modify the actual http response body and add "flavor": "something" before it gets to the .mapObject method. Where is the right place to tap into that?
And it's not just adding it to the mapping func in Thing because "something" is different for each id. Might be flavor: "something1" and then flavor: "something2". I have this value in the same scope as callApi(id: id) so something like:
provider.request(.callApi(id: id))
.addJSON("flavor", flavor)
.subscribeOn(ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler(qos: .background))
But .addJSON is something I just made up. It doesn't exist. But there must be some simple solution for this?
Trying to modify the actual JSON feels dirty and at two low-level. But I've been there so no judging from me if it works. :)
I'd approach it by creating a special version of the Moya.Response extension methods available from Moya_ObjectMapper.
public extension Response {
/// Maps data received from the signal into an object which implements the Mappable protocol.
/// If the conversion fails, the signal errors.
public func mapObject<T: BaseMappable>(_ type: T.Type, context: MapContext? = nil) throws -> T {
guard let object = Mapper<T>(context: context).map(JSONObject: try mapJSON()) else {
throw MoyaError.jsonMapping(self)
return object
I'd add a similar method but with an additional parameter closure (T) -> (T). So it would essentially return the mapped object after doing another map which would add any necessary information you need into it.

Swift: Protocol Based Type Construction

I'm trying to create a protocol in Swift I can use for object construction. The problem I'm running into is that I need to store the type information so the type can be constructed later and returned in a callback. I can't seem to find a way to store it without either crashing the compiler or creating build errors. Here's the basics (a contrived, but working example):
protocol Model {
init(values: [String])
func printValues()
struct Request<T:Model> {
let returnType:T.Type
let callback:T -> ()
We have a simple protocol that declares a init (for construction) and another func printValues() (for testing). We also define a struct we can use to store the type information and a callback to return the new type when its constructed.
Next we create a constructor:
class Constructor {
var callbacks: [Request<Model>] = []
func construct<T:Model>(type:T.Type, callback: T -> ()) {
callback(type(values: ["value1", "value2"]))
func queueRequest<T:Model>(request: Request<T>) {
func next() {
if let request = callbacks.first {
let model = request.returnType(values: ["value1", "value2"])
A couple things to note: This causes a compiler crash. It can't figure this out for some reason. The problem appears to be var callbacks: [Request<Model>] = []. If I comment out everything else, the compiler still crashes. Commenting out the var callbacks and the compiler stops crashing.
Also, the func construct works fine. But it doesn't store the type information so it's not so useful to me. I put in there for demonstration.
I found I could prevent the compiler from crashing if I remove the protocol requirement from the Request struct: struct Request<T>. In this case everything works and compiles but I still need to comment out let model = request.returnType(values: ["value1", "value2"]) in func next(). That is also causing a compiler crash.
Here's a usage example:
func construct() {
let constructor = Constructor()
let request = Request(returnType: TypeA.self) { req in req.printValues() }
//This works fine
constructor.construct(TypeA.self) { a in
//This is what I want
constructor.queueRequest(request) //The callback in the request object should be called and the values should print
Does anyone know how I can store type information restricted to a specific protocol to the type can later be constructed dynamically and returned in a callback?
If you want the exact same behavior of next I would suggest to do this:
class Constructor {
// store closures
var callbacks: [[String] -> ()] = []
func construct<T:Model>(type:T.Type, callback: T -> ()) {
callback(type(values: ["value1", "value2"]))
func queueRequest<T:Model>(request: Request<T>) {
// some code from the next function so you don't need to store the generic type itself
// **EDIT** changed closure to type [String] -> () in order to call it with different values
callbacks.append({ values in
let model = request.returnType(values: values)
func next(values: [String]) {
Now you can call next with your values. Hopefully this works for you.
EDIT: Made some changes to the closure type and the next function
Unfortunately there is no way to save specific generic types in an array and dynamically call their methods because Swift is a static typed language (and Array has to have unambiguous types).
But hopefully we can express something like this in the future like so:
var callbacks: [Request<T: Model>] = []
Where T could be anything but has to conform to Model for example.
Your queueRequest method shouldn't have to know the generic type the Request it's being passed. Since callbacks is an array of Request<Model> types, the method just needs to know that the request being queued is of the type Request<Model>. It doesn't matter what the generic type is.
This code builds for me in a Playground:
class Constructor {
var callbacks: [Request<Model>] = []
func construct<T:Model>(type:T.Type, callback: T -> ()) {
callback(type(values: ["value1", "value2"]))
func queueRequest(request: Request<Model>) {
func next() {
if let request = callbacks.first {
let model = request.returnType(values: ["value1", "value2"])
So I found an answer that seems to do exactly what I want. I haven't confirmed this works yet in live code, but it does compile without any errors. Turns out, I needed to add one more level of redirection:
I create another protocol explicitly for object construction:
protocol ModelConstructor {
func constructWith(values:[String])
In my Request struct, I conform to this protocol:
struct Request<T:Model> : ModelConstructor {
let returnType:T.Type
let callback:T -> ()
func constructWith(values:[String]) {
let model = returnType(values: values)
Notice the actual construction is moved into the Request struct. Technically, the Constructor is no longer constructing, but for now I leave its name alone. I can now store the Request struct as ModelConstructor and correctly queue Requests:
class Constructor {
var callbacks: [ModelConstructor] = []
func queueRequest(request: Request<Model>) {
func queueRequest(request: ModelConstructor) {
func next() {
if let request = callbacks.first {
request.constructWith(["value1", "value2"])
Note something special here: I can now successfully "queue" (or store in an array) Request<Model>, but I must do so indirectly by calling queueRequest(request: ModelConstructor). In this case, I'm overloading but that's not necessary. What matters here is that if I try to call callbacks.append(request) in the queueRequest(request: Request<Model>) function, the Swift compiler crashes. Apparently we need to hold the compiler's hand here a little so it can understand what exactly we want.
What I've found is that you cannot separate Type information from Type Construction. It needs to be all in the same place (in this case it's the Request struct). But so long as you keep construction coupled with the Type information, you're free to delay/store the construction until you have the information you need to actually construct the object.