Issue creating a polyline dynamically - react-leaflet

I have an issue where I'm creating a dynamic polyline based on various user trips. I create an array of latlong positions based off the user for a given trip, however, when I set the positions for the PolyLine it appears to draw multiple lines. I can create a const global array with the same coordinates and use it and it all works fine. For example, if I set linePositions=myRouteTest it loads the line fine. Any thoughts.
Here is the code:
import React, { useState, useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
import L from 'leaflet';
import { LayersControl, Polyline} from 'react-leaflet'
import Alert from 'react-s-alert';
import { floor, random } from 'mathjs'
const myRouteTest = [
export default function TripLine2({trip}) {
return (
<LayersControl.Overlay checked name={}>
<CFTripLine trip={trip} />
const CFTripLine = ({ trip }) => {
const [linePositions, setLinePositions] = useState([]);
const [color, setColor] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
var tempLatLong = []; =>
tempLatLong.push([Number(waypoint.latitude), Number(waypoint.longitude)])
console.log("New: " + tempLatLong);
console.log("const: " + myRouteTest);
//dynamically set the line color for the trip
setColor({ color: getColor() });
}, []);
const getColor = () => {
console.log("getting color");
var r = floor(random() * 255);
var g = floor(random() * 255);
var b = floor(random() * 255)
return "rgb(" + r + " ," + g + "," + b + ")";
return (
(linePositions && linePositions.length > 0) ? <Polyline pathOptions={color} positions={linePositions} /> : null
Here is an example json:


3rd level nesting lookup rewind at level3 in mongodb

I have to add permissions data at each level by getting data(permission object) by permision_id from the permissions collection
at lease one level will contain permission_id and at most 3 levels can have permission_id
Sample Data looks like
"name": "label 1",
"permision_id": "1",
"level2": [
"name": "label 2.1",
"permision_id": "2",
"level3": [
"name": "lebel 3.1",
"permision_id": "8"
"name": "lebel 3.2",
"permision_id": "6"
"name": "label 2.2",
"permision_id": "5"
what I have tried
'$lookup': {
'from': 'permissions',
'localField': 'permission_id',
'foreignField': '_id',
'as': 'permissions'
}, {
'$unwind': {
'path': '$permissions',
'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays': true
}, {
'$unwind': {
'path': '$level2',
'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays': true
}, {
'$lookup': {
'from': 'permissions',
'let': {
'level2_permission_id': '$level2.permissions_id'
'pipeline': [
'$match': {
'$expr': {
'$eq': [
'$_id', '$$level2_permission_id'
'as': 'level2.permissions'
}, {
'$unwind': {
'path': '$level2.permissions',
'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays': true
}, {
'$unwind': {
'path': '$level2.level3',
'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays': true
}, {
'$lookup': {
'from': 'permissions',
'let': {
'level3_permission_id': '$level2.level3.permission_id'
'pipeline': [
'$match': {
'$expr': {
'$eq': [
'$_id', '$$level3_permission_id'
'as': 'level2.level3.permissions'
}, {
'$unwind': {
'path': '$level2.level3.permissions',
'preserveNullAndEmptyArrays': true
'$group': {
'_id': '$_id',
'level2': {
'$push': '$level2'
Now the problem is level2 data is pushedd as an array at level1 correctly but I am unable to push level3 data to level2.
Output i got
"name": "label 1",
"permision_id": "1",
"permissions": {
"access": true,
"otherPermission": {...}
"level2": [
"name": "label 2.1",
"permision_id": "2",
"permissions": {
"access": true,
"otherPermission": {...}
"level3": {
"permision_id": "8"
"permissions": {
"access": true,
"otherPermission": {...}
"name": "label 2.2",
"permision_id": "5"
"permissions": {
"access": true,
"otherPermission": {...}
Output Expected at level 2 (level will reamins same)
at level 3 should be array of items with
"level2": [
"name": "label 2.1",
"permision_id": "2",
"permissions": {
"access": true,
"otherPermission": {...}
"level3": [
"name": "lebel 3.1",
"permision_id": "8"
"permissions": {
"access": true,
"otherPermission": {...}
"name": "lebel 3.2",
"permision_id": "6"
"permissions": {
"access": true,
"otherPermission": {...}
"name": "label 2.2",
"permision_id": "5"
"permissions": {
"access": true,
"otherPermission": {...}

RESTful architecture file to openAPI file

I'm new working with APIs and its documentation. However, I need to get an openAPI or swagger file from a RESTful API.
I have tried a couple of libraries (, and swaggerHub or However, I have not find a way to transform the file I have to a proper swagger structure.
Is it possible to get from the definition file I have for the RESTful API to an openAPI swagger?
Here is a snippet of the file I need to transform:
"doc":"Input param entityName"
"doc":"Input param aspectName"
"doc":"Input param filter.",
"doc":"The filter for finding a record or a collection of records",
"doc":"A list of disjunctive criterion for the filter. (or operation to combine filters)",
"doc":"A list of criterion and'd together.",
"doc":"A criterion for matching a field with given value",
"doc":"The name of the field that the criterion refers to"
"doc":"The value of the intended field"
"doc":"Values. one of which the intended field should match\nNote, if values is set, the above \"value\" field will be ignored",
"doc":"The condition for the criterion, e.g. EQUAL, START_WITH",
"doc":"The matching condition in a filter criterion",
"IS_NULL":"Represent the relation: field is null, e.g. platform is null",
"IN":"Represent the relation: String field is one of the array values to, e.g. name in [\"Profile\", \"Event\"]",
"EQUAL":"Represent the relation: field = value, e.g. platform = hdfs",
"CONTAIN":"Represent the relation: String field contains value, e.g. name contains Profile",
"GREATER_THAN":"Represent the relation greater than, e.g. ownerCount > 5",
"LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO":"Represent the relation less than or equal to, e.g. ownerCount <= 3",
"START_WITH":"Represent the relation: String field starts with value, e.g. name starts with PageView",
"LESS_THAN":"Represent the relation less than, e.g. ownerCount < 3",
"GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO":"Represent the relation greater than or equal to, e.g. ownerCount >= 5",
"END_WITH":"Represent the relation: String field ends with value, e.g. name ends with Event"
"doc":"A list of and criteria the filter applies to the query"
"doc":"Deprecated! A list of conjunctive criterion for the filter. If \"or\" field is provided, then this field is ignored.",
"doc":"Input param aggregated metrics.",
"doc":"Provides the aggregation specification on a member/field.",
"doc":"Name of the member/field."
"doc":"Aggregation type for the metric."
"doc":"Defines the group by bucket definitions for time series requests.",
"doc":"Defines a grouping bucket type.",
"doc":"Type of the grouping bucket."
"doc":"Key that specifies the column name to be used as the timestamp field for bucketing."
"doc":"Bucket size (like a day/hour etc) for the date grouping buckets.",
"doc":"Defines the size of a time window.",
"doc":"Interval unit such as minute/hour/day etc."
"doc":"How many units. Defaults to 1.",
"doc":"Input param groupingBuckets"
"doc":"Defines a generic table.",
"doc":"The names of the columns."
"doc":"The types of the columns."
"doc":"The data rows.",
"doc":"The results table."
"doc":"When the index was last updated.",
"doc":"Single unified resource for fetching, updating, searching, & browsing DataHub entities\n\ngenerated from: com.linkedin.metadata.resources.entity.EntityResource",
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"string\" }",
"returns":"{ \"type\" : \"map\", \"values\" : \"long\" }"
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"com.linkedin.entity.Entity\" }",
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"com.linkedin.mxe.SystemMetadata\" }",
"returns":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"string\" }"
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"string\" }",
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"string\" }",
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"string\" }",
"doc":"Retrieves the value for an entity that is made up of latest versions of specified aspects."
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"string\" }",
Thank you in advance!

MongoDB query to include count of most frequent values for multiple fields

Thank you in advance for any help!
I've a collection QR with schema similar to this:
var qrSchema = new Schema({
qrId: { type: String, index: true },
owner: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
qrName: { type: String },
qrCategory: { type: String, index: true },
shortUrl: { type: String}}
And collection Datas similar to this:
var dataSchema = new Schema({
qrId: { type: String, index: true}
city: { type: String},
device: { type: String},
date: { type: Date, index:true},
The relation between QR and Datas is 1-to-many.
I've an aggregate like this:
{ $match: {
$and: [
{ owner: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(user._id) },
$expr: {
$cond: [
{ $in: [ category, [ null, "", "undefined" ]] },
{ $eq: [ "$qrCategory", category ] }
{ $lookup:
"from": "datas",
"localField": "qrId",
"foreignField": "qrId",
"as": "data"
$project: {
_id: 0,
qrId: 1,
qrName: 1,
qrCategory: 1,
shortUrl: 1,
data: {
$filter: {
input: "$data",
as: "item",
cond: {
$and: [
{ $gte: [ "$$", date.start ] },
{ $lte: [ "$$", date.end ] }
] }
$group: {
_id: { "qrId": "$qrId", "qrName": "$qrName", "qrCategory": "$qrCategory", "shortUrl": "$shortUrl" },
data: {
$push: {
dataItems: "$data",
count: {
$size: { '$ifNull': ['$data', []] }
$sort: {
"data.count": -1
$limit: 10,
}]).exec((err, results) => { })
Which is returning something like:
"_id": {
"qrId": "0PRA",
"qrName": "Campaign 0PRA",
"qrCategory": "html",
"shortUrl": ""
"data": [
"dataItems": [
"_id": "6200f2a8c0cf7a1c49233c7f",
"qrId": "0PRA",
"device": "iOS",
"city": "Beijing",
"_id": "6200f2eac0cf7a1c49233c80",
"qrId": "0PRA",
"device": "AndroidOS",
"city": "Beijing",
"_id": "6200f3a4c0cf7a1c49233c81",
"qrId": "0PRA",
"device": "AndroidOS",
"city": "Beijing",
"_id": "6200f632c0cf7a1c49233c88",
"qrId": "0PRA",
"device": "AndroidOS",
"city": "Nanchang",
"_id": "6201b342c0cf7a1c49233caa",
"qrId": "0PRA",
"device": "iOS",
"city": "Taizhou",
"count": 5
"_id": {
"qrId": "NQ17",
"qrName": "Campaign NQ17",
"qrCategory": "menu",
"shortUrl": ""
"data": [
"dataItems": [
"_id": "6200f207c0cf7a1c49233c7a",
"qrId": "NQ17",
"device": "iOS",
"city": "Singapore"
"_id": "8200f207c1cf7a1c49233c7a",
"qrId": "NQ17",
"device": "iOS",
"city": "Singapore"
"_id": "6200ac5db44f23b9ec2b6040",
"qrId": "NQ17",
"device": "AndroidOS",
"city": "San Antonio"
"count": 3
I'm trying to include the most frequent device and city in the results after the count of dataItems, like this:
"_id": {
"qrId": "0PRA",
"qrName": "Campaign 0PRA",
"qrCategory": "html",
"shortUrl": ""
"data": [
"dataItems": [
"_id": "6200f2a8c0cf7a1c49233c7f",
"qrId": "0PRA",
"device": "iOS",
"city": "Beijing",
"_id": "6200f2eac0cf7a1c49233c80",
"qrId": "0PRA",
"device": "AndroidOS",
"city": "Beijing",
"_id": "6200f3a4c0cf7a1c49233c81",
"qrId": "0PRA",
"device": "AndroidOS",
"city": "Beijing",
"_id": "6200f632c0cf7a1c49233c88",
"qrId": "0PRA",
"device": "AndroidOS",
"city": "Nanchang",
"_id": "6201b342c0cf7a1c49233caa",
"qrId": "0PRA",
"device": "iOS",
"city": "Taizhou",
"count": 5,
"topDevice": "AndroidOS", // <---- trying to add this
"topLocation": "Beijing" // <---- trying to add this
"_id": {
"qrId": "NQ17",
"qrName": "Campaign NQ17",
"qrCategory": "menu",
"shortUrl": ""
"data": [
"dataItems": [
"_id": "6200f207c0cf7a1c49233c7a",
"qrId": "NQ17",
"device": "iOS",
"city": "Singapore"
"_id": "8200f207c1cf7a1c49233c7a",
"qrId": "NQ17",
"device": "iOS",
"city": "Singapore"
"_id": "6200ac5db44f23b9ec2b6040",
"qrId": "NQ17",
"device": "android",
"city": "San Antonio"
"count": 3,
"topDevice": "iOS", // <---- trying to add this
"topLocation": "Singapore" // <---- trying to add this
Is this possible?
Thank you very much in advance for any help or hints!
Method 1
Use $function will be way more easier. MongoDB version >= 4.4
Sort function in js
"$set": {
"data": {
"$map": {
"input": "$data",
"as": "d",
"in": {
"count": "$$d.count",
"dataItems": "$$d.dataItems",
"topDevice": {
$function: {
body: "function(arr) {return arr.sort((a,b) =>arr.filter(v => v===a).length-arr.filter(v => v===b).length).pop() }",
args: [ "$$d.dataItems.device" ],
lang: "js"
"topLocation": {
$function: {
body: "function(arr) {return arr.sort((a,b) =>arr.filter(v => v===a).length-arr.filter(v => v===b).length).pop() }",
args: [ "$$" ],
lang: "js"
Method 2
"$match": {
owner: {
"$in": [
"$lookup": {
"from": "data",
"localField": "qrId",
"foreignField": "qrId",
"as": "data",
"pipeline": [
"$match": {
"$and": [
"date": {
"$gte": ISODate("2021-09-01T01:23:25.184Z")
"date": {
"$lte": ISODate("2021-09-02T11:23:25.184Z")
"$facet": {
"deviceGroup": [
"$group": {
"_id": "$device",
"sum": {
"$sum": 1
"$sort": {
sum: -1
"$limit": 1
"cityGroup": [
"$group": {
"_id": "$city",
"sum": {
"$sum": 1
"$sort": {
sum: -1
"$limit": 1
"all": []
"$set": {
"data": {
"$first": "$data.all"
"topDevice": {
"$first": {
"$first": "$data.deviceGroup._id"
"topLocation": {
"$first": {
"$first": "$data.cityGroup._id"
$group: {
_id: {
"qrId": "$qrId",
"qrName": "$qrName",
"qrCategory": "$qrCategory",
"shortUrl": "$shortUrl"
data: {
$push: {
dataItems: "$data",
topDevice: "$topDevice",
topLocation: "$topLocation",
count: {
$size: {
"$ifNull": [
add the match you need, i didn't understand what the match should do
lookup on qrId
filter to keep only the start<=dates<=end (replace the 1 and 100)
facet to group all-documents, the topDevice the topLocation
$set to bring those data out from the nested locations they are
count is added as the size of all-documents
*maybe i am missing something, but try it(first part i think its like YuTing answer)
Test code here
[{"$match":{"$and":[{"date":{"$gte":1}}, {"date":{"$lte":100}}]}},
[{"$group":{"_id":"$device", "count":{"$sum":1}}},
{"$sort":{"count":-1}}, {"$limit":1}],
[{"$group":{"_id":"$city", "count":{"$sum":1}}},
{"$sort":{"count":-1}}, {"$limit":1}]}}],
{"$set":{"data":{"$arrayElemAt":["$data", 0]}}},
{"field":"_id", "input":{"$arrayElemAt":["$data.topDevice", 0]}}},
"input":{"$arrayElemAt":["$data.topLocation", 0]}}},

MongoDB $facet aggregation

I'm having a problem in my $facet aggregation. I want to know also if it is byAllProduct I will know that this product is the bestSeller, newlyAdded, and mostReviewed.
$facet: {
"byBestSeller": [
{ $sort: { "sold":-1 }},
{ $limit: 1 }
"byMostReviewed": [
{ $addFields: { "noOfReviews": {$size:"$reviews.message"}}},
{ $sort: { "noOfReviews":-1 }},
{ $limit: 1 }
"byNewlyAdded": [
{ $sort: { "createdAt":-1 }},
{ $limit: 1 }
"byAllProducts": [
{ $limit: 100 }
Now, my result is this.
"byBestSeller": [
"sold": 150,
"name": "Big Mac",
"shop": [
"name": "McDonald's"
"createdAt": {
"reviews": [
"message": "Yummylicious"
"message": "Yummy burger"
"byMostReviewed": [
"sold": 100,
"name": "Spaghetti",
"shop": [
"name": "McDonald's"
"createdAt": {
"reviews": [
"message": "Yummylicious"
"message": "Yummy Spaghetti"
"message": "Yummy super rich spag."
"noOfReviews": 3
"byNewlyArrived": [
"sold": 0,
"name": "Fries",
"shop": [
"name": "McDonald's"
"createdAt": {
"reviews": [
"message": "Yummylicious"
"byAllProducts": [
"sold": 150,
"name": "Big Mac",
"shop": [
"name": "McDonald's"
"createdAt": {
"reviews": [
"message": "Yummylicious"
"message": "Yummy burger"
"sold": 100,
"name": "Fries",
"shop": [
"name": "McDonald's"
"createdAt": {
"reviews": [
"message": "Yummylicious"
"message": "Yummy Spaghetti"
"message": "Yummy super rich spag."
"sold": 0,
"name": "Fries",
"shop": [
"name": "McDonald's"
"createdAt": {
"reviews": [
"message": "Yummylicious"
Is there a way so that even if it is included in all products I can know that it is the bestSeller, mostReviewed, and newlyarrived?

Application insights sink option not showing Performance counter in the Application insights for service fabric

Below is the configuration I have setup for Application Insights sink to send EtwEventSourceProviderConfiguration and EtwManifestProviderConfiguration and PerformanceCounters.
"WadCfg": {
"DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration": {
"overallQuotaInMB": "50000",
"sinks": "applicationInsights",
"EtwProviders": {
"EtwEventSourceProviderConfiguration": [
"provider": "Microsoft-ServiceFabric-Actors",
"scheduledTransferKeywordFilter": "1",
"scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT5M",
"DefaultEvents": {
"eventDestination": "ServiceFabricReliableActorEventTable"
"provider": "Microsoft-ServiceFabric-Services",
"scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT5M",
"DefaultEvents": {
"eventDestination": "ServiceFabricReliableServiceEventTable"
"EtwManifestProviderConfiguration": [
"provider": "cbd93bc2-xxxx-4566-b3a7-xxxxxxxx",
"scheduledTransferLogLevelFilter": "Information",
"scheduledTransferKeywordFilter": "4611686018427387904",
"scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT5M",
"DefaultEvents": {
"eventDestination": "ServiceFabricSystemEventTable"
"PerformanceCounters": {
"scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT1M",
"PerformanceCounterConfiguration": [
"counterSpecifier": "\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time",
"sampleRate": "PT1M",
"unit": "Percent",
"sinks": "applicationInsights"
"counterSpecifier": "\\Process(My.WebAPI)\\Private Bytes",
"sampleRate": "PT1M",
"sinks": "applicationInsights"
"SinksConfig": {
"Sink": [
"name": "applicationInsights",
"ApplicationInsights": "d504ba9a-xxx-42b7-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"
"name": "MyApplicationInsightsProfilerSink",
"ApplicationInsightsProfiler": "d504ba9a-xxxx-42b7-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx"
"StorageAccount": "sfdgjsxxxxxxxxxxxx"
I do not see any of the events or performance counter in Log.