RESTful architecture file to openAPI file - rest
I'm new working with APIs and its documentation. However, I need to get an openAPI or swagger file from a RESTful API.
I have tried a couple of libraries (, and swaggerHub or However, I have not find a way to transform the file I have to a proper swagger structure.
Is it possible to get from the definition file I have for the RESTful API to an openAPI swagger?
Here is a snippet of the file I need to transform:
"doc":"Input param entityName"
"doc":"Input param aspectName"
"doc":"Input param filter.",
"doc":"The filter for finding a record or a collection of records",
"doc":"A list of disjunctive criterion for the filter. (or operation to combine filters)",
"doc":"A list of criterion and'd together.",
"doc":"A criterion for matching a field with given value",
"doc":"The name of the field that the criterion refers to"
"doc":"The value of the intended field"
"doc":"Values. one of which the intended field should match\nNote, if values is set, the above \"value\" field will be ignored",
"doc":"The condition for the criterion, e.g. EQUAL, START_WITH",
"doc":"The matching condition in a filter criterion",
"IS_NULL":"Represent the relation: field is null, e.g. platform is null",
"IN":"Represent the relation: String field is one of the array values to, e.g. name in [\"Profile\", \"Event\"]",
"EQUAL":"Represent the relation: field = value, e.g. platform = hdfs",
"CONTAIN":"Represent the relation: String field contains value, e.g. name contains Profile",
"GREATER_THAN":"Represent the relation greater than, e.g. ownerCount > 5",
"LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO":"Represent the relation less than or equal to, e.g. ownerCount <= 3",
"START_WITH":"Represent the relation: String field starts with value, e.g. name starts with PageView",
"LESS_THAN":"Represent the relation less than, e.g. ownerCount < 3",
"GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO":"Represent the relation greater than or equal to, e.g. ownerCount >= 5",
"END_WITH":"Represent the relation: String field ends with value, e.g. name ends with Event"
"doc":"A list of and criteria the filter applies to the query"
"doc":"Deprecated! A list of conjunctive criterion for the filter. If \"or\" field is provided, then this field is ignored.",
"doc":"Input param aggregated metrics.",
"doc":"Provides the aggregation specification on a member/field.",
"doc":"Name of the member/field."
"doc":"Aggregation type for the metric."
"doc":"Defines the group by bucket definitions for time series requests.",
"doc":"Defines a grouping bucket type.",
"doc":"Type of the grouping bucket."
"doc":"Key that specifies the column name to be used as the timestamp field for bucketing."
"doc":"Bucket size (like a day/hour etc) for the date grouping buckets.",
"doc":"Defines the size of a time window.",
"doc":"Interval unit such as minute/hour/day etc."
"doc":"How many units. Defaults to 1.",
"doc":"Input param groupingBuckets"
"doc":"Defines a generic table.",
"doc":"The names of the columns."
"doc":"The types of the columns."
"doc":"The data rows.",
"doc":"The results table."
"doc":"When the index was last updated.",
"doc":"Single unified resource for fetching, updating, searching, & browsing DataHub entities\n\ngenerated from: com.linkedin.metadata.resources.entity.EntityResource",
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"string\" }",
"returns":"{ \"type\" : \"map\", \"values\" : \"long\" }"
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"com.linkedin.entity.Entity\" }",
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"com.linkedin.mxe.SystemMetadata\" }",
"returns":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"string\" }"
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"string\" }",
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"string\" }",
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"string\" }",
"doc":"Retrieves the value for an entity that is made up of latest versions of specified aspects."
"type":"{ \"type\" : \"array\", \"items\" : \"string\" }",
Thank you in advance!
Summarise keys and values from all json objects using jolt
I have a JSON input jolt transformation [ { "System": { "Provider": { "Name": "Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog", "Guid": "{sdada}" } }, "EventID": "3434", "EventData": { "SubjectUserSid": "3455", "SubjectUserName": "abc", "SubjectDomainName": "def", "SubjectLogonId": "e4545", "ObjectServer": "dggg", "ObjectType": "eet" } }, { "System": { "Provider": { "Name": "Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog", "Guid": "{sdada1}" }, "EventID": "3435" } } ] As you can see Event data is present in the first JSON but not in the second JSON object in the array My desired output is : [ { "winlog": { "provider_name": "Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog", "provider_guid": "{sdada}", "EventID": "3434", "event_data": { "SubjectUserSid": "3455", "SubjectUserName": "abc", "SubjectDomainName": "def", "SubjectLogonId": "e4545", "ObjectServer": "dggg", "ObjectType": "eet" } } }, { "winlog": { "provider_name": "Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog", "provider_guid": "{sdada1}", "EventID": "3435", "event_data": { "SubjectUserSid": null, "SubjectUserName": null, "SubjectDomainName": null, "SubjectLogonId": null, "ObjectServer": null, "ObjectType": null } } } ] I want to event data key in both the objects with the value as null for the second object [ { "operation": "shift", "spec": { "*": { "System": { "Provider": { "Name": "[&3].winlog.provider_name", "Guid": "[&3].winlog.provider_guid" } }, "EventData": "[&1].winlog.event_data" } } }] My output is [ { "winlog" : { "provider_name" : "Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog", "provider_guid" : "{sdada}", "event_data" : { "SubjectUserSid" : "3455", "SubjectUserName" : "abc", "SubjectDomainName" : "def", "SubjectLogonId" : "e4545", "ObjectServer" : "dggg", "ObjectType" : "eet" } } }, { "winlog" : { "provider_name" : "Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog", "provider_guid" : "{sdada1}" } } ] In short how to summarize keys for each array JSON
Firstly, you can put default values into the tree like this: { "operation": "modify-default-beta", "spec": { "*": { "EventData": { "SubjectUserSid": null, "SubjectUserName": null, "SubjectDomainName": null, "SubjectLogonId": null, "ObjectServer": null, "ObjectType": null } } } }
Application insights sink option not showing Performance counter in the Application insights for service fabric
Below is the configuration I have setup for Application Insights sink to send EtwEventSourceProviderConfiguration and EtwManifestProviderConfiguration and PerformanceCounters. "WadCfg": { "DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration": { "overallQuotaInMB": "50000", "sinks": "applicationInsights", "EtwProviders": { "EtwEventSourceProviderConfiguration": [ { "provider": "Microsoft-ServiceFabric-Actors", "scheduledTransferKeywordFilter": "1", "scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT5M", "DefaultEvents": { "eventDestination": "ServiceFabricReliableActorEventTable" } }, { "provider": "Microsoft-ServiceFabric-Services", "scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT5M", "DefaultEvents": { "eventDestination": "ServiceFabricReliableServiceEventTable" } } ], "EtwManifestProviderConfiguration": [ { "provider": "cbd93bc2-xxxx-4566-b3a7-xxxxxxxx", "scheduledTransferLogLevelFilter": "Information", "scheduledTransferKeywordFilter": "4611686018427387904", "scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT5M", "DefaultEvents": { "eventDestination": "ServiceFabricSystemEventTable" } } ] }, "PerformanceCounters": { "scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT1M", "PerformanceCounterConfiguration": [ { "counterSpecifier": "\\Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time", "sampleRate": "PT1M", "unit": "Percent", "sinks": "applicationInsights" }, { "counterSpecifier": "\\Process(My.WebAPI)\\Private Bytes", "sampleRate": "PT1M", "sinks": "applicationInsights" } ] } }, "SinksConfig": { "Sink": [ { "name": "applicationInsights", "ApplicationInsights": "d504ba9a-xxx-42b7-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" }, { "name": "MyApplicationInsightsProfilerSink", "ApplicationInsightsProfiler": "d504ba9a-xxxx-42b7-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx" } ] } }, "StorageAccount": "sfdgjsxxxxxxxxxxxx" } } }, I do not see any of the events or performance counter in Log.
How to filter unique value in REST API
I want to filter unique IP regardless it's in DST_Local_IP or in SRC_Local_IP. this is my REST API: { "size" : 0, "query": { "bool": { "should": [ { "match":{"IPV4_DST_ADDR":""} }, { "match":{"IPV4_SRC_ADDR":""} }, { "range" : { "LAST_SWITCHED" : { "gte" : 0 } } } ], "minimum_should_match": 2 } }, "aggs": { "DST_Local_IP": { "filter": { "bool": { "filter": { "match":{"IPV4_DST_ADDR":""} } } }, "aggs": { "dst_local_ip" : { "terms" : { "field" : "IPV4_DST_ADDR", "size": 10000 } } } }, "SRC_Local_IP": { "filter": { "bool": { "filter": { "match":{"IPV4_SRC_ADDR":""} } } }, "aggs": { "src_local_ip" : { "terms" : { "field" : "IPV4_SRC_ADDR", "size": 10000 } } } } } } response: "aggregations": { "SRC_Local_IP": { "doc_count": 48287688, "src_local_ip": { "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0, "sum_other_doc_count": 0, "buckets": [ { "key": "", "doc_count": 6890185 }, { "key": "", "doc_count": 3791683 }, { "key": "", "doc_count": 1646648 }, { "key": "", "doc_count": 1058027 } . . . "DST_Local_IP": { "doc_count": 36696216, "dst_local_ip": { "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0, "sum_other_doc_count": 0, "buckets": [ { "key": "", "doc_count": 2762815 }, { "key": "", "doc_count": 1344110 } I want the return value is distinct because the ip in DST_Local_IP may be in SRC_Local_IP duplicated, but I just want the unique ip regardless the ip is in DST_Local_IP or SRC_Local_IP. How can I do?could you give me some idea:) thank you in advance!
Match_phrase isn’t precise
this is my REST API: GET logstash-2017.12.29/_search { "_source": { "includes": [ "IPV4_DST_ADDR","IPV4_SRC_ADDR","IN_BYTES","OUT_BYTES"] }, "size" : 100, "query": { "bool": { "should": [ { "match_phrase":{"IPV4_DST_ADDR":""} }, { "match_phrase":{"IPV4_SRC_ADDR":""} } ], "must": { "range" : { "LAST_SWITCHED" : { "gte" : 1514543547 } } } } }, "aggs": { "IN_PKTS": { "sum": { "field": "IN_PKTS" } }, "IN_BYTES": { "sum": { "field": "IN_BYTES" } }, "OUT_BYTES": { "sum": { "field": "OUT_BYTES" } }, "OUT_PKTS": { "sum": { "field": "OUT_PKTS" } }, "genres":{ "terms" : { "field" : "L7_PROTO_NAME.keyword", "order" : { "in_bytes" : "desc" } }, "aggs":{ "in_bytes": { "sum": { "field":"IN_BYTES"} } } }, "download1" : { "filter" : { "term": { "IPV4_DST_ADDR":""} }, "aggs" : { "downlod_bytes" : { "sum" : { "field" : "IN_BYTES" } } } }, "download2" : { "filter" : { "term": { "IPV4_SRC_ADDR":""} }, "aggs" : { "downlod_bytes" : { "sum" : { "field" : "OUT_BYTES" } } } },"upload1" : { "filter" : { "term": { "IPV4_DST_ADDR":""} }, "aggs" : { "downlod_bytes" : { "sum" : { "field" : "OUT_BYTES" } } } },"upload2" : { "filter" : { "term": { "IPV4_SRC_ADDR":""} }, "aggs" : { "downlod_bytes" : { "sum" : { "field" : "IN_BYTES" } } } } } I found there are some return documents didn't meet my requirement. { "_index": "logstash-2017.12.29", "_type": "ntopng-*", "_id": "AWCh1jPtnZ2m3739FTU7", "_score": 1, "_source": { "IPV4_SRC_ADDR": "", // not in my expectation "IN_BYTES": 132, "IPV4_DST_ADDR": "", // not in my expectation "OUT_BYTES": 0 } } the return document IPV4_SRC_ADDR or IPV4_DST_ADDR are not "". it seems fuzzy search, but I want to match_phrase 100%. either IPV4_SRC_ADDR or IPV4_DST_ADDR is "". How should I modified my REST API . thank you in advance!
You should map your IP fields using the ip data type { "mappings": { "my_type": { "properties": { "IPV4_SRC_ADDR": { "type": "ip" }, "IPV4_DST_ADDR": { "type": "ip" } } } } } Then you'll be able to match those addresses exactly using a simple term query: "should": [ { "term":{"IPV4_DST_ADDR":""} }, { "term":{"IPV4_SRC_ADDR":""} } ], UPDATE: Given your mapping you can also use the .keyword sub-field, like this { "_source": { "includes": [ "IPV4_DST_ADDR", "IPV4_SRC_ADDR", "IN_BYTES", "OUT_BYTES" ] }, "size": 100, "query": { "bool": { "minimum_should_match": 1, "should": [ { "term": { "IPV4_DST_ADDR.keyword": "" } }, { "term": { "IPV4_SRC_ADDR.keyword": "" } } ], "must": { "range": { "LAST_SWITCHED": { "gte": 1514543547 } } } } }, "aggs": { "IN_PKTS": { "sum": { "field": "IN_PKTS" } }, "IN_BYTES": { "sum": { "field": "IN_BYTES" } }, "OUT_BYTES": { "sum": { "field": "OUT_BYTES" } }, "OUT_PKTS": { "sum": { "field": "OUT_PKTS" } }, "genres": { "terms": { "field": "L7_PROTO_NAME.keyword", "order": { "in_bytes": "desc" } }, "aggs": { "in_bytes": { "sum": { "field": "IN_BYTES" } } } }, "download1": { "filter": { "term": { "IPV4_DST_ADDR.keyword": "" } }, "aggs": { "download_bytes": { "sum": { "field": "IN_BYTES" } } } }, "download2": { "filter": { "term": { "IPV4_SRC_ADDR.keyword": "" } }, "aggs": { "downlod_bytes": { "sum": { "field": "OUT_BYTES" } } } }, "upload1": { "filter": { "term": { "IPV4_DST_ADDR.keyword": "" } }, "aggs": { "downlod_bytes": { "sum": { "field": "OUT_BYTES" } } } }, "upload2": { "filter": { "term": { "IPV4_SRC_ADDR.keyword": "" } }, "aggs": { "downlod_bytes": { "sum": { "field": "IN_BYTES" } } } } } }
Acumatica Rest API to get sales order with line item detail
I was doing a demo and could easily create and retrieve orders but was not able to get the expand parameter to work For example I created order SO003615 with: URI http://localhost/Acumatica6/entity/Default/6.00.001/SalesOrder { "OrderType": { value: "SO" }, "CustomerID" : { value : "ACTIVESTAF" } , "LocationID" : { value : "MAIN" }, "Description" : { value : "Sample Order"}, "Details" : [ { "InventoryID" : {value: "AACOMPUT01"}, "Quantity" : {value: 2}, "UOM" : {value: "EA"}, "UnitPrice" : {value: 1000.99} }, { "InventoryID" : {value: "AALEGO500"}, "Quantity" : {value: 1} } ] } Then I tried to get order with URI http://localhost/Acumatica6/entity/Default/6.00.001/SalesOrder/SO/SO003615?expand=Details But the line items are not in the result. What am I missing? { "id": "37c15980-f71d-4496-882d-6e05e4a50061", "rowNumber": 1, "note": "", "BillingAddressOverride": { "value": false }, "BillingContactOverride": { "value": false }, "CreditHold": { "value": false }, "Currency": { "value": "USD" }, "CustomerID": { "value": "ACTIVESTAF" }, "CustomerOrder": {}, "Date": { "value": "2017-03-16T00:00:00-04:00" }, "Description": { "value": "Sample Order 6" }, "DestinationWarehouseID": {}, "ExternalReference": {}, "Hold": { "value": false }, "IsTaxValid": { "value": false }, "LastModified": { "value": "2017-03-17T01:05:56.74-04:00" }, "LocationID": { "value": "MAIN" }, "NewCard": { "value": false }, "OrderedQty": { "value": 3 }, "OrderNbr": { "value": "SO003615" }, "OrderTotal": { "value": 2101.98 }, "OrderType": { "value": "SO" }, "PaymentCardIdentifier": {}, "PaymentMethod": { "value": "CHECK" }, "PaymentRef": {}, "PreferredWarehouseID": {}, "Project": { "value": "X" }, "RequestedOn": { "value": "2017-03-16T00:00:00-04:00" }, "ShippingAddressOverride": { "value": false }, "ShippingContactOverride": { "value": false }, "ShipVia": {}, "Status": { "value": "Open" }, "TaxTotal": { "value": 0 }, "custom": {}, "files": [] }
It is $expand, not expand. Try using the following http://localhost/Acumatica6/entity/Default/6.00.001/SalesOrder/SO/003615?$expand=Details