Spark Column Pruning: How to prevent empty schema on count()? - scala

I created a data source with the V2 API, and a catalog for our company internal data which works fine. When registering everything correctly and doing a
val df =
.select($"foo", $"bar")
the pruneColumns method in my scan builder correctly receives a schema only containing the required foo and bar columns which is then pushed down to the Scan.
However, when doing:
logInfo(s"the count of df is ${df.count()}")
the count() operation causes an empty schema to be submitted to the pruneColumns method.
How do I manage to get the correct requiredSchema BEFORE count() makes it empty? Is there another trait I have to mix into my scan builder or elsewhere?


Databricks - All records from Dataframe/Tempview get removed after merge

I am observing some weired issue. I am not sure whether it is lack of my knowledge in spark or what.
I have a dataframe as shown in below code. I create a tempview from it and I am observing that after merge operation, that tempview becomes empty. Not sure why.
val myDf = getEmployeeData()
// Result1: Below lines display all the records
// performing merge operation
val sql = s"""MERGE INTO employee AS a
USING myView AS b
ON a.Id = b.Id
// Result2: ISSUE is here. myDf & mvView both are empty
getEmployeeData method performs join between two dataframes and returns the result., expr(joinString), "inner").filter(finalFilterString).select(s"$df1Alias.*")
Dataframes in Spark are lazily evaluated, ie. not executed until an action like .show, .collect is executed or they're used in SQL DDL operation. This also means that if you refer to it once more, it will get reevaluated again.
Assuming there's no other background activity that can mess up, apparently your function getEmployeeData, depends on employee table. It gets executed both before and after the merge and might yield different result.
To prevent it you can checkpoint the dataframe:
or explicitly materialize it:
and later refer to the materialized version.
I agree with the points that #Kombajn zbozowy said related to Dataframes in spark are lazily evaluated and will be reevaluated again if you call action on it once more.
I would like to point out that, it is normal expected behavior and might not have to do anything with the merge operation.
For example, the dataframe that you get as an output of the join only contains inserts and you perform those inserts on the target table using dataframe write api, and then if you run the command again it would show you output as empty because when it is reevaluating the content of the dataframe by performing join it won't get any difference and will not output any records...
Same holds true for merge operation as it also updates the target table with insert/updates and when you rerun it won't show any output rows.

Spark Dataset - "edit" parquet file for each row

I am trying to use Spark/Scala in order to "edit" multiple parquet files (potentially 50k+) efficiently. The only edit that needs to be done is deletion (i.e. deleting records/rows) based on a given set of row IDs.
The parquet files are stored in s3 as a partitioned DataFrame where an example partition looks like this:
Each partition can have upwards of 100 parquet files that each are between 50mb and 500mb in size.
We are given a spark Dataset[MyClass] called filesToModify which has 2 columns:
s3path: String = the complete s3 path to a parquet file in s3 that needs to be edited
ids: Set[String] = a set of IDs (rows) that need to be deleted in the parquet file located at s3path
Example input dataset filesToModify:
Set("a", "b")
Expected Behaviour
Given filesToModify I want to take advantage of parallelism in Spark do the following for each row:
Load the parquet file located at row.s3path
Filter so that we exclude any row whose id is in the set row.ids
Count the number of deleted/excluded rows per id in row.ids (optional)
Save the filtered data back to the same row.s3path to overwrite the file
Return the number of deleted rows (optional)
What I have tried
I have tried using => deleteIDs(row.s3path, row.ids)) where deleteIDs is looks like this:
def deleteIDs(s3path: String, ids: Set[String]): Int = {
import spark.implicits._
val data = spark
val clean = data
// write to a temp directory and then upload to s3 with same
// prefix as original file to overwrite it
writeToSingleFile(clean, s3path)
1 // dummy output for simplicity (otherwise it should correspond to the number of deleted rows)
However this leads to NullPointerException when executed within the map operation. If I execute it alone outside of the map block then it works but I can't understand why it doesn't inside it (something to do with lazy evaluation?).
You get a NullPointerException because you try to retrieve your spark session from an executor.
It is not explicit, but to perform spark action, your DeleteIDs function needs to retrieve active spark session. To do so, it calls method getActiveSession from SparkSession object. But when called from an executor, this getActiveSession method returns None as stated in SparkSession's source code:
Returns the default SparkSession that is returned by the builder.
Note: Return None, when calling this function on executors
And thus NullPointerException is thrown when your code starts using this None spark session.
More generally, you can't recreate a dataset and use spark transformations/actions in transformations of another dataset.
So I see two solutions for your problem:
either to rewrite DeleteIDs function's code without using spark, and modify your parquet files by using parquet4s for instance.
or transform filesToModify to a Scala collection and use Scala's map instead of Spark's one.
s3path and ids parameters that are passed to deleteIDs are not actually strings and sets respectively. They are instead columns.
In order to operate over these values you can instead create a UDF that accepts columns instead of intrinsic types, or you can collect your dataset if it is small enough so that you can use the values in the deleteIDs function directly. The former is likely your best bet if you seek to take advantage of Spark's parallelism.
You can read about UDFs here

How can I resolve table names to Parquet on the fly?

I need to run Spark SQL queries with my own custom correspondence from table names to Parquet data. Reading Parquet data to DataFrames with and registering the DataFrames with df.registerTempTable isn't cutting it for my use case, because those calls have to be run before the SQL query, when I might not even know what tables are needed.
Rather than using registerTempTable, I'm trying to write an Analyzer that resolves table names using my own logic. However, I need to be able to resolve an UnresolvedRelation to a LogicalPlan representing Parquet data, but gives a DataFrame, not a LogicalPlan.
A DataFrame seems to have a logicalPlan attribute, but that's marked protected[sql]. There's also a ParquetRelation class, but that's private[sql]. That's all I found for ways to get a LogicalPlan.
How can I resolve table names to Parquet with my own logic? Am I even on the right track with Analyzer?
You can actually retrieve the logicalPlan of your DataFrame with
val myLogicalPlan: LogicalPlan = myDF.queryExecution.logical

Reading ES from spark with elasticsearch-spark connector: all the fields are returned

I've done some experiments in the spark-shell with the elasticsearch-spark connector. Invoking spark:
] $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --master local[2] --jars ~/spark/jars/elasticsearch-spark-20_2.11-5.1.2.jar
In the scala shell:
scala> import org.elasticsearch.spark._
scala> val es_rdd = sc.esRDD("myindex/mytype",query="myquery")
It works well, the result contains the good records as specified in myquery. The only thing is that I get all the fields, even if I specify a subset of these fields in the query. Example:
myquery = """{"query":..., "fields":["a","b"], "size":10}"""
returns all the fields, not only a and b (BTW, I noticed that size parameter is not taken in account neither : result contains more than 10 records). Maybe it's important to add that fields are nested, a and b are actually doc.a and doc.b.
Is it a bug in the connector or do I have the wrong syntax?
The spark elasticsearch connector uses fields thus you cannot apply projection.
If you wish to use fine-grained control over the mapping, you should be using DataFrame instead which are basically RDDs plus schema.
pushdown predicate should also be enabled to translate (push-down) Spark SQL into Elasticsearch Query DSL.
Now a semi-full example :
myQuery = """{"query":..., """
val df ="org.elasticsearch.spark.sql")
.option("query", myQuery)
.option("pushdown", "true")
.limit(10) // instead of size
.select("a","b") // instead of fields
what about calling:
scala> val es_rdd = sc.esRDD("myindex/mytype",query="myquery", Map[String, String] (""->"a,b"))
You want restrict fields returned from elasticsearch _search HTTP API? (I guess to improve download speed).
First of all, use a HTTP proxy to see what the elastic4hadoop plugin is doing (I use on MacOS Apache Zeppelin with Charles proxy). This will help you to understand how pushdown works.
There are several solutions to achieve this:
1. dataframe and pushdown
You specify fields, and the plugin will "forward" to ES (here the _source parameter):
POST ../events/_search?search_type=scan&scroll=5m&size=50&_source=client&preference=_shards%3A3%3B_local
(-) Not fully working for nested fields.
(+) Simple, straightaway, easy to read
2. RDD & query fields
With JavaEsSpark.esRDD, you can specify fields inside the JSON query, like you did. This only work with RDD (with DataFrame, the fields is not sent).
(-) no dataframe -> no Spark way
(+) more flexible, more control

Is it inefficient to manually iterate Spark SQL data frames and create column values?

In order to run a few ML algorithms, I need to create extra columns of data. Each of these columns involves some fairly intense calculations that involves keeping moving averages and recording information as you go through each row (and updating it meanwhile). I've done a mock through with a simple Python script and it works, and I am currently looking to translate it to a Scala Spark script that could be run on a larger data set.
The issue is it seems that for these to be highly efficient, using Spark SQL, it is preferred to use the built in syntax and operations (which are SQL-like). Encoding the logic in a SQL expression seems to be a very thought-intensive process, so I'm wondering what the downsides will be if I just manually create the new column values by iterating through each row, keeping track of variables and inserting the column value at the end.
You can convert an rdd into dataframe. Then use map on the data frame and process each row as you wish. If you need to add new column, then you can use, withColumn. However this will only allow one column to be added and it happens for the entire dataframe. If you want more columns to be added, then inside map method,
a. you can gather new values based on the calculations
b. Add these new column values to main rdd as below
val newColumns: Seq[Any] = Seq(newcol1,newcol2)
Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq.init ++ newColumns)
Here row, is the reference of row in map method
c. Create new schema as below
val newColumnsStructType = StructType{Seq(new StructField("newcolName1",IntegerType),new StructField("newColName2", IntegerType))
d. Add to the old schema
val newSchema = StructType(mainDataFrame.schema.init ++ newColumnsStructType)
e. Create new dataframe with new columns
val newDataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(newRDD, newSchema)