How to migrate GCS bucket from one project to another in different account - google-cloud-storage

How to transfer GCS bucket from one account to another account without downloading data
Is Transfer Service for Cloud Data Chargable?

You don't transfert GCS bucket from an account to another one. The GCS bucket belong to a project.
You can grant new user on the project, on only on the bucket to allow them access. You can also create another bucket, in another project, with another name (project id and bucket name are global resources, 2 can't have the same name all around the world) and use Transfer service to duplicate the data. The service is free of charge if the data stay in the same region (if not, egress cost will be applied)


Unable to transfer GCS bucket from one account to another

I am trying to create a transfer job in Data Transfer, to copy all files in a bucket belonging to one account to an existing bucket belonging to another account.
I get access to both source and destination buckets, I get "green light" in the wizard, but when I try to run the transfer job I get the following error message:
To complete this transfer, you need the 'storage.buckets.setIamPolicy'
permission for the source bucket. Ask the bucket's administrator to
grant you the required permission and try again.
I have tried to apply various roles to the user runnning the transfer job, but I can't figure out how to overcome this problem.
Can anyone help me on this?
This permission storage.buckets.setIamPolicy can be granted with either roles/storage.legacyBucketOwner or roles/iam.securityAdmin role. It could be needed to keep the permissions applied to the source object.
Permissions for copying an object:
storage.objects.create (for the destination bucket)
storage.objects.delete (for the destination bucket)
storage.objects.get (for the source object)
storage.objects.getIamPolicy (for the source object)
storage.objects.setIamPolicy (for the destination bucket)
Please see:
Cloud IAM > Documentation > Understanding roles
Cloud Storage > Documentation > Reference > Cloud IAM roles

Data Transfer between Google Storage different Service Accounts

I have two Google Service Credentials and a bucket on each account .I have to transfer files from one bucket to another. How can I do this programmatic ally?
Can I achieve this with two Storage objects or using the Cloud storage Transfer service?
Yes, with Storage Transfer Service you can create a transfer job and send the data to a destination bucket (in another project), keep in mind that it is documented that:
To access the data source and the data sink, this service account must
have source permissions and sink permissions.
Meaning that you can't use two different service accounts, you will need to grant access to only one of the two service accounts you have.
If you want to transfer files from one bucket to another programmatically. First, you must grant permission to the service account associated with the Storage Transfer Service so it can access the data sink(destination bucket), please follow these steps.
Please note that if you are not creating the transfer job in the same project where the source bucket is located, then you must grant permissions to access it.
With Storage Transfer Service you can create a transfer job programmatically with Java and Python, examples include creating the transfer job and checking the transfer operation status. Full code example can be found for Java and Python.

Cannot create a bucket in google cloud with the name even if i have deleted the previous one?

I created a bucket with my domain name in google cloud to host my static website there. I deleted it for some reason and now iam not able to create a same named bucket. Is there any thing i cannot do that again. Then is there any way i can create bucket to point my website.

Right way of using Google Storage on a GCE VM

I want to know the right/best way of having one machine copying data to Google Storage.
I need one machine to be able to write to a bucket, but not be able to create or delete other buckets.
While researching, I found out that you should create a account service so this account can log in to GC and then use the storage.
But the problem is, when the machine is from GCE, there are scopes. When setting up the scope "Default" it can Read from Google Storage, but can not write to it. Even after authenticated with a service account.
When the scope is Devstorage.read_write now the machine can create and remove buckets from that storage without login. I find that to risk.
Does anyone have any recommendations?
The core problem here is that the "write" scope covers both write and delete, and that the GCE service account is likely a member of project-editors, which can create and delete buckets. It sounds like what you want to do is restrict a service account to only being able to affect a single bucket. You should be able to do this with these steps:
Create a service account in your project (and save the private key file).
In the permissions page for the project, make sure that service account is not a project editor for your project.
Using an account that does have full permissions to your project, create the bucket, then grant the service account write access to the bucket. Example gsutil commands to do this:
gsutil mb gs://yourbucket
gsutil acl ch -u gs://yourbucket
Create a VM that does not have a GCE service account enabled.
Push the service account's private key file to that VM.
On the VM, gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=your-key-file.json
Now gsutil commands run on the VM should be able to write to (and delete) objects in that bucket, but not any other buckets in your project.

Cannot create bucket even if another user no longer own the bucket name

We are transferring Google cloud storage bucket name (naked domain name) from one user to another. Since we no longer have active account, who own the bucket name, the bucket was deleted from Google cloud storage. And then recreate the same bucket name, but the console panel continue deny to create the bucket with the following error.
The bucket you tried to create is a domain name owned by another user.
It has been several days, the bucket was deleted.
In order to create a bucket that maps to a domain name, the account creating the bucket must be the registered owner of the domain name. Presumably the old account is registered as the owner of the domain. You're going to want to have the new account go through the domain verification process at Google Webmaster Tools:
Here's some more documentation about how to claim ownership of the domain name: