In Kubernetes, what is the real purpose of replicasets? - kubernetes

I am aware about the hierarchical order of k8s resources. In brief,
service: a service is what exposes the application to outer world (or with in cluster). (The service types like, CluserIp, NodePort, Ingress are not so much relevant to this question. )
deployment: a deployment is what is responsible to keep a set of pods running.
replicaset: a replica set is what a deployment in turn relies on to keep the set of pods running.
pod: - a pod consist of a container or a group of container
container - the actual required application is run inside the container.
The thing i want to empasise in this question is, why we have replicaset. Why don't the deployment directly handle or take responsibility of keeping the required number of pods running. But deployment in turn relies on replicset for this.
If k8s is designed this way there should be definitely some benefit of having replicaset. And this is what i want to explore/understand in depth.

Both essentially serves the same purpose. Deployments are a higher abstraction and as the name suggests it deals with creating, maintining and upgrading the deployment (collection of pods) as a whole.
Whereas, ReplicationControllers or Replica sets primary responsibility is to maintain a set of identical replicas (which you can achieve declaratively using deployments too, but internally it creates a resplicaset to enable this).
More specifically, when you are trying to perform a "rolling" update to your deployment, such as updating the image versions, the deployment internally creates a new replica set and performs the rollout. during the rollout you can see two replicasets for the same deployment.
So in other words, Deployment needs the lower level "encapsulation" of Replica sets to achive this.


Why not to use Kubernetes StatefulSet for stateless applications?

I know why use StatefulSet for stateful applications. (e.g. DB or something)
In most cases, I can see like "You want to deploy stateful app to k8s? Use StatefulSet!"
However, I couldn't see like "You want to deploy stateless app to k8s? Then, DO NOT USE StatefulSet" ever.
Even nobody says "I don't recommend to use StatefulSet for stateless app", many stateless apps is deployed through Deployment, like it is the standard.
The StatefulSet has clear pros for stateful app, but I think Deployment doesn't for stateless app.
Is there any pros in Deployment for stateless apps? Or is there any clear cons in StatefulSet for stateless apps?
I supposed that StatefulSet cannot use LoadBalancer Service or StatefulSet has penalty to use HPA, but all these are wrong.
I'm really curious about this question.
P.S. Precondition is the stateless app also uses the PV, but not persists stateful data, for example logs.
I googled "When not to use StatefulSet", "when Deployment is better than StatefulSet", "Why Deployment is used for stateless apps", or something more questions.
I also see the k8s docs about StatefulSet either.
Different Priorities
What happens when a Node becomes unreachable in a cluster?
Deployment - Stateless apps
You want to maximize availability. As soon as Kubernetes detects that there are fewer than the desired number of replicas running in your cluster, the controllers spawn new replicas of it. Since these apps are stateless, it is very easy to do for the Kubernetes controllers.
StatefulSet - Stateful apps
You want to maximize availability - but not you must ensure data consistency (the state). To ensure data consistency, each replica has its own unique ID, and there are never multiple replicas of this ID, e.g. it is unique. This means that you cannot spawn up a new replica, unless that you are sure that the replica on the unreachable Node are terminated (e.g. stops using the Persistent Volume).
Both Deployment and StatefulSet try to maximize the availability - but StatefulSet cannot sacrifice data consistency (e.g. your state), so it cannot act as fast as Deployment (stateless) apps can.
These priorities does not only happens when a Node becomes unreachable, but at all times, e.g. also during upgrades and deployments.
In contrast to a Kubernetes Deployment, where pods are easily replaceable, each pod in a StatefulSet is given a name and treated individually. Pods with distinct identities are necessary for stateful applications.
This implies that if any pod perishes, it will be apparent right away. StatefulSets act as controllers but do not generate ReplicaSets; rather, they generate pods with distinctive names that follow a predefined pattern. The ordinal index appears in the DNS name of a pod. A distinct persistent volume claim (PVC) is created for each pod, and each replica in a StatefulSet has its own state.
For instance, a StatefulSet with four replicas generates four pods, each of which has its own volume, or four PVCs. StatefulSets require a headless service to return the IPs of the associated pods and enable direct interaction with them. The headless service has a service IP but no IP address and has to be created separately.The major components of a StatefulSet are the set itself, the persistent volume and the headless service.
That all being said, people deploy Stateful Applications with Deployments, usually they mount a RWX PV into the pods so all "frontends" share the same backend. Quite common in CNCF projects.
A stateful set manages each POD with a unique hostname based on an index number. So with an index, it would be easy to identify the individual PODs and also easy for the application to check which on rely or unique network identities. Also, you might have read stateful sets get deleted in a specified order to maintain consistency.
When you use stateful for the stateless application it will be like a burden to manage and add complexity to unique network identities and ordering guarantees.
For example, when you scale down to zero stateful sets it goes in the controlled way while with deployment or RS it won't be the same case. However, there is no guarantee when deleting the resource stateful set.
Also, Before a scaling operation is applied to a stateful set Pod, all of its predecessors must be Running and Ready. So if you are deploying the application, three Pods will be deployed suppose in order app-0, app-1, app-2. app-1 wont be deployed before app-0 is Running & Ready, and app-2 wont be deployed until app-1 is Ready.
While with deployment you can manage the % for and handle the RollingUpdate scenario but with a stateful set it will delete and recreate new POD one by one.

Why we need replicaset when deployment can do everything that replicaset can do? I know that deployment uses replicaset underneath it [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
k8s - Why we need ReplicaSet when we have Deployments
(2 answers)
Kubernetes: what's the difference between Deployment and Replica set?
(4 answers)
Closed last month.
I know that deployment uses replicaset underneath it, has revision control, creates another replicaset during rolling upgrade/downgrade.
I want to know what is the scenario in which only replicaset can be used and deployment can't be used.
ReplicaSet's purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time and it checks how many pods need to maintain bases on which it creates or deletes the pods. ReplicaSet then fulfills its purpose by creating and deleting Pods as needed to reach the desired number. ReplicaSets can be used independently. With ReplicaSet you define the number of replicas you want to run for a particular service. You would have those many replicas running.
Whereas Deployment is the advancement of replica sets. When you use Deployments you don't have to worry about managing the ReplicaSets that they create. Deployments own and manage their ReplicaSets. As such, it is recommended to use Deployments when you want ReplicaSets. As a replica looks only on creating and deleting the pods. Deployment is recommended for application services and
With deployment you should be able to do rolling upgrades or rollbacks. You can update images from v1 to v2.
Refer to this SO1 , SO2 and official documentation of Replicasets and Deployment.
what is the scenario in which only replicaset can be used and deployment can't be used.
There is no such common scenario. ReplicaSets are a lower level abstraction for maintaining stateless pods of the same image / config version. You typically creating new ReplicaSets when you want to change image or pod configuration, it is recommended to use Deployment for such changes.
By its own, it is not very useful to use ReplicaSet directly, it is more a lower level abstraction to maintain the number of replicas with the same configuration.

Running DB as Kubernetes Deployment or StatefulSet?

I would like to run a single pod of Mongo db in my Kubernetes cluster. I would be using node selector to get the pod scheduled on a specific node.
Since Mongo is a database and I am using node selector, is there any reason for me not to use Kubernetes Deployment over StatefulSet? Elaborate more on this if we should never use Deployment.
Since mongo is a database and I am using node selector, Is there any reason for me not to use k8s deployment over StatefulSet? Elaborate more on this if we should never use Deployment.
You should not run a database (or other stateful workload) as Deployment, use StatefulSet for those.
They have different semantics while updating or when the pod becomes unreachable. StatefulSet use at-most-X semantics and Deployments use at-least-X semantics, where X is number of replicas.
E.g. if the node becomes unreachable (e.g. network issue), for Deployment, a new Pod will be created on a different node (to follow your desired 1 replica), but for StatefulSet it will make sure to terminate the existing Pod before creating a new, so that there are never more than 1 (when you have 1 as desired number of replicas).
If you run a database, I assume that you want the data consistent, so you don't want duplicate instances with different data - (but should probably run a distributed database instead).

What happens when we scale the kubernetes deployment and change one of the pod or container configuration?

When i scale the application by creating deployment .Let's say i am running nginx service on 3 cluster.
Nginx is running in containers in multiple pods .
If i change nginx configuration in one of the pod ,does it propagate to all the nodes and pods because it is running in cluster and scaled.
does it propagate to all the nodes and pods because it is running in
cluster and scaled.
No. Only when you change the deployment yaml. Then it re-creates pods 1 by 1 with the new configuration.
I would like to add a few more things to what was already said. First of all you are even not supposed to do any changes to Pods which are managed let's say by ReplicaSet, ReplicationController or Deployment. This are objects which provide additional abstraction layer and it is their responsibility to ensure that there are given number of Pods of a certain kind running in your kubernetes cluster.
It doesn't matter how many nodes your cluster consists of as mentioned controllers span across all nodes in the cluster.
Changes made in a single Pod will not only not propagate to other Pods but may be easily lost if such newly created Pod with changed configuration crashes.
Remember that one of the tasks of the Deployment is to make sure that certain number of Pods of a given type ( specified in a Pod template section of the Deployment ) are always up and running. When your manually reconfigured Pod goes down then your Deployment (actually ReplicaSet created by the Deployment) acts behind the scenes and recreates such Pod. But how does it recreate it ? Does it take into consideration changes introduced by you to such Pod ? Of course not, it will recreate it based on the template it is given in the Deployment.
If you want to make changes in your Pods one by one kubernetes allows you to do so by providing so called rolling update mechanism.
Here you can read about old-fashioned approach using ReplicationController which is not used any more as it is replaced by Deployments and ReplicaSets but I think it's still worth reading just to grasp the concept.
Currently Deployment is the way to go. About updating a Deployment you can read here. Note that the default update strategy is RollingUpdate which ensures that changes are not applied to all Pods at once but one by one.

Why don't Kubernetes deployments support services?

I'm new to K8s, so still trying to get my head around things. I've been looking at deployments and can appreciate how useful they will be. However, I don't understand why they don't support services (only replica sets and pods).
Why is this? Does this mean that services would typically be deployed outside of a deployment?
To answer your question, Kubernetes deployments are used for managing stateless services running in the cluster instead of StatefulSets which are built for the stateful application run-time. Actually, with deployments you can describe the update strategy and road map for all underlying objects that have to be created during implementation.Therefore, we can distinguish separate specification fields for some objects determination, like needful replica number of Pods, template for Pod by describing a list of containers that should be in the Pod, etc.
However, as #P Ekambaram already mention in his answer, Services represent abstraction layer of network communication model inside Kubernetes cluster, and they declare a way to access Pods within a cluster via corresponded Endpoints. Services are separated from deployment object manifest specification, because of their mission to dynamically provide specific network behavior for the nested Pods without affecting or restarting them in case of any communication modification via appropriate Service Types.
Yes, services should be deployed as separate objects. Note that deployment is used to upgrade or rollback the image and works above ReplicaSet
Kubernetes Pods are mortal. They are born and when they die, they are not resurrected. ReplicaSets in particular create and destroy Pods dynamically (e.g. when scaling out or in). While each Pod gets its own IP address, even those IP addresses cannot be relied upon to be stable over time. This leads to a problem: if some set of Pods (let’s call them backends) provides functionality to other Pods (let’s call them frontends) inside the Kubernetes cluster, how do those frontends find out and keep track of which backends are in that set?
Services.come to the rescue.
A Kubernetes Service is an abstraction which defines a logical set of Pods and a policy by which to access them. The set of Pods targeted by a Service is (usually) determined by a Label Selector
Something I've just learnt that is somewhat related to my question: multiple K8s objects can be included in the same yaml file, separate by ---. Something like:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Deployment
# other stuff here
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
# other stuff here
i think it intends to decoupled and fine-grained.