Running DB as Kubernetes Deployment or StatefulSet? - kubernetes

I would like to run a single pod of Mongo db in my Kubernetes cluster. I would be using node selector to get the pod scheduled on a specific node.
Since Mongo is a database and I am using node selector, is there any reason for me not to use Kubernetes Deployment over StatefulSet? Elaborate more on this if we should never use Deployment.

Since mongo is a database and I am using node selector, Is there any reason for me not to use k8s deployment over StatefulSet? Elaborate more on this if we should never use Deployment.
You should not run a database (or other stateful workload) as Deployment, use StatefulSet for those.
They have different semantics while updating or when the pod becomes unreachable. StatefulSet use at-most-X semantics and Deployments use at-least-X semantics, where X is number of replicas.
E.g. if the node becomes unreachable (e.g. network issue), for Deployment, a new Pod will be created on a different node (to follow your desired 1 replica), but for StatefulSet it will make sure to terminate the existing Pod before creating a new, so that there are never more than 1 (when you have 1 as desired number of replicas).
If you run a database, I assume that you want the data consistent, so you don't want duplicate instances with different data - (but should probably run a distributed database instead).


In Kubernetes, what is the real purpose of replicasets?

I am aware about the hierarchical order of k8s resources. In brief,
service: a service is what exposes the application to outer world (or with in cluster). (The service types like, CluserIp, NodePort, Ingress are not so much relevant to this question. )
deployment: a deployment is what is responsible to keep a set of pods running.
replicaset: a replica set is what a deployment in turn relies on to keep the set of pods running.
pod: - a pod consist of a container or a group of container
container - the actual required application is run inside the container.
The thing i want to empasise in this question is, why we have replicaset. Why don't the deployment directly handle or take responsibility of keeping the required number of pods running. But deployment in turn relies on replicset for this.
If k8s is designed this way there should be definitely some benefit of having replicaset. And this is what i want to explore/understand in depth.
Both essentially serves the same purpose. Deployments are a higher abstraction and as the name suggests it deals with creating, maintining and upgrading the deployment (collection of pods) as a whole.
Whereas, ReplicationControllers or Replica sets primary responsibility is to maintain a set of identical replicas (which you can achieve declaratively using deployments too, but internally it creates a resplicaset to enable this).
More specifically, when you are trying to perform a "rolling" update to your deployment, such as updating the image versions, the deployment internally creates a new replica set and performs the rollout. during the rollout you can see two replicasets for the same deployment.
So in other words, Deployment needs the lower level "encapsulation" of Replica sets to achive this.

Run different replica count for different containers within same pod

I have a pod with 2 closely related services running as containers. I am running as a StatefulSet and have set replicas as 5. So 5 pods are created with each pod having both the containers.
Now My requirement is to have the second container run only in 1 pod. I don't want it to run in 5 pods. But my first service should still run in 5 pods.
Is there a way to define this in the deployment yaml file for Kubernetes? Please help.
a "pod" is the smallest entity that is managed by kubernetes, and one pod can contain multiple containers, but you can only specify one pod per deployment/statefulset, so there is no way to accomplish what you are asking for with only one deployment/statefulset.
however, if you want to be able to scale them independently of each other, you can create two deployments/statefulsets to accomplish this. this is imo the only way to do so.
see for more information.
Containers are like processes,
Pods are like VMs,
and Statefulsets/Deployments are like the supervisor program controlling the VM's horizontal scaling.
The only way for your scenario is to define the second container in a new deployment's pod template, and set its replicas to 1, while keeping the old statefulset with 5 replicas.
Here are some definitions from documentations (links in the references):
Containers are technologies that allow you to package and isolate applications with their entire runtime environment—all of the files necessary to run. This makes it easy to move the contained application between environments (dev, test, production, etc.) while retaining full functionality. [1]
Pods are the smallest, most basic deployable objects in Kubernetes. A Pod represents a single instance of a running process in your cluster. Pods contain one or more containers. When a Pod runs multiple containers, the containers are managed as a single entity and share the Pod's resources. [2]
A deployment provides declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets. [3]
StatefulSet is the workload API object used to manage stateful applications. Manages the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods, and provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of these Pods. [4]
Based on all that information - this is impossible to match your requirements using one deployment/Statefulset.
I advise you to try the idea #David Maze mentioned in a comment under your question:
If it's possible to have 4 of the main application container not having a matching same-pod support container, then they're not so "closely related" they need to run in the same pod. Run the second container in a separate Deployment/StatefulSet (also with a separate Service) and you can independently control the replica counts.
Documentation about Containers
Documentation about Pods
Documentation about Deployments
Documentation about StatefulSet

StatefulSet update: recreate THEN delete pods

The Kubernetes StatefulSet RollingUpdate strategy deletes and recreates each Pod in order. I am interested in updating a StatefulSet by recreating a pod and then deleting the old Pod (note the reversal), one-by-one.
This is interesting to me because:
There is no reduction in the number of Ready Pods. I understand this is how a normal Deployment update works too (i.e. a Pod is only deleted after the new Pod replacing it is Ready).
More importantly, it allows me to perform application-specific live migration during my StatefulSet upgrade. I would like to "migrate" data from (old) pod-i to (new) pod-i before (old) pod-i is terminated (I would implement this in (new) pod-i readiness logic).
Is such an update strategy possible?
This is inherently possible with Deployments, but not StatefulSets. StatefulSets are used when you care strongly about an exact number of replicas with well known names. Deployments are used for more elastic workloads.
You may be able to accomplish your goal by using multiple StatefulSets- e.g. instead of a StatefulSet of 3 replicas, use 3 StatefulSets of 1 replica each. Then deploy an additional StatefulSet for your data migration before removing one of the previous ones.
Alternatively, this may be a use case for an Operator to manage the application.
No, because pods have specific names based on their ordinal (-0, -1, etc) and there can only be one pod at a time with a given name. Deployments and DaemonSets can burst for updates because their names are randomized so it doesn't matter what order you do things in.

When should I use StatefulSet?Can I deploy database in StatefulSet?

I heard that statefulset is suitable for database.
But StatefulSet will create different pvc for echo pod.
If I set the replicas=3.then I get 3 pod and 3 different pvc with different data.
For database users,they only want a database not 3 database.
So Its clear we should not use statefulset in this situation.
But when should we use statefulset.
A StatefulSet does three big things differently from a Deployment:
It creates a new PersistentVolumeClaim for each replica;
It gives the pods sequential names, starting with statefulsetname-0; and
It starts the pods in a specific order (ascending numerically).
This is useful when the database itself knows how to replicate data between different copies of itself. In Elasticsearch, for example, indexes are broken up into shards. There are by default two copies of each shard. If you have five Pods running Elasticsearch, each one will have a different fraction of the data, but internally the database system knows how to route a request to the specific server that has the datum in question.
I'd recommend using a StatefulSet in preference to manually creating a PersistentVolumeClaim. For database workloads that can't be replicated, you can't set replicas: greater than 1 in either case, but the PVC management is valuable. You usually can't have multiple databases pointing at the same physical storage, containers or otherwise, and most types of Volumes can't be shared across Pods.
We can deploy a database to Kubernetes as a stateful application. Usually, when we deploy pods they have their own storage, but that storage is ephemeral - if the container kills its storage, it’s gone with it.
So, we’ll have a Kubernetes object to tackle that scenario: when we want our data to persist we attach a pod with a respective persistent volume claim. By doing so, if our container kills our data, it will be in the cluster, and the new pod will access the data accordingly.
Some limitations of using StatefulSet are:
1.Required use of persistent volume provisioner to provision storage for pod-based on request storage class.
2.Deleting or scaling down the replicas will not delete the volume attached to StatefulSet. It ensures the safety of the data.
3.StatefulSets currently require a Headless Service to be responsible for the network identity of the Pods.
4.StatefulSet doesn’t provide any guarantee to delete all pods when StatefulSet is deleted, unlike deployment, which deletes all pods associated with deployment when the deployment is deleted. You have to scale down pod replicas to 0 before deleting StatefulSet.
stateful set useful for running the application which stores the state basically.
Stateful set database run the multiple replicas of POD and PVC however internally they all auto sync. Data sync across the pods and PVC.
So ideally it's best option to use the stateful sets with multiple replicas to get the HA database.
Now it depends on the use case which database you want to use, it supports replication or not clustering, etc.
here is MySQL example with replication details :

What happens when we scale the kubernetes deployment and change one of the pod or container configuration?

When i scale the application by creating deployment .Let's say i am running nginx service on 3 cluster.
Nginx is running in containers in multiple pods .
If i change nginx configuration in one of the pod ,does it propagate to all the nodes and pods because it is running in cluster and scaled.
does it propagate to all the nodes and pods because it is running in
cluster and scaled.
No. Only when you change the deployment yaml. Then it re-creates pods 1 by 1 with the new configuration.
I would like to add a few more things to what was already said. First of all you are even not supposed to do any changes to Pods which are managed let's say by ReplicaSet, ReplicationController or Deployment. This are objects which provide additional abstraction layer and it is their responsibility to ensure that there are given number of Pods of a certain kind running in your kubernetes cluster.
It doesn't matter how many nodes your cluster consists of as mentioned controllers span across all nodes in the cluster.
Changes made in a single Pod will not only not propagate to other Pods but may be easily lost if such newly created Pod with changed configuration crashes.
Remember that one of the tasks of the Deployment is to make sure that certain number of Pods of a given type ( specified in a Pod template section of the Deployment ) are always up and running. When your manually reconfigured Pod goes down then your Deployment (actually ReplicaSet created by the Deployment) acts behind the scenes and recreates such Pod. But how does it recreate it ? Does it take into consideration changes introduced by you to such Pod ? Of course not, it will recreate it based on the template it is given in the Deployment.
If you want to make changes in your Pods one by one kubernetes allows you to do so by providing so called rolling update mechanism.
Here you can read about old-fashioned approach using ReplicationController which is not used any more as it is replaced by Deployments and ReplicaSets but I think it's still worth reading just to grasp the concept.
Currently Deployment is the way to go. About updating a Deployment you can read here. Note that the default update strategy is RollingUpdate which ensures that changes are not applied to all Pods at once but one by one.