Azure DevOPS - run task only if artifact exists from build - azure-devops

I have two pipelines - build and publish. Build pipeline can produce up two artifacts but it depends on given parameters.
Publish pipeline is automatically triggered when build pipeline is completed. Publish pipeline then tooks published artifacts and deploy them. However I want to run publish tasks only and only if particular artifacts exists from build pipeline.
Right now, if artifact does not exists, it will fail "download" task.
Simplified to important parts and redacted some secret info
- pipeline: buildDev # Internal name of the source pipeline, used elsewhere within app-ci YAML, # e.g. to reference published artifacts
source: "Build"
- dev
- feat/*
- stage: publish
displayName: "🚀🔥 Publish to Firebase"
- job: publish_firebase_android
displayName: "🔥🤖Publish Android to Firebase"
- script: |
- download: buildDev
artifact: android
- download: buildDev
artifact: changelog
- task: DownloadSecureFile#1
name: firebaseKey
displayName: "Download Firebase key"
secureFile: "<secure>.json"
- script: <upload>
displayName: "Deploy APK to Firebase"
workingDirectory: "$(Pipeline.Workspace)/buildDev/android/"
- job: publish_firebase_ios
displayName: "🔥🍏Publish iOS to Firebase"
- download: buildDev
artifact: iOS
- download: buildDev
artifact: changelog
- task: DownloadSecureFile#1
name: firebaseKey
displayName: "Download Firebase key"
secureFile: "<secure>.json"
- script: <upload...>
workingDirectory: "$(Pipeline.Workspace)/buildDev/iOS/"
displayName: "Deploy IPA to Firebase"
I've tried to find some solution but every other solution solve the only problem within the same pipeline. Based on MS Docs I can't find if there is a prepared env. a variable that could point to "pipeline resources". With that env. variable I could theoretically run a script which checks presence of artifact, set variable and use that variable as condition for steps.

I think you can use stage filters in trigger. I don't know what structure your build pipeline is, but you can set up a stage to publish artifacts. Execute that stage if there are artifacts to publish, otherwise skip it. You can do this using conditions. Here is a simple sample:
- stage: Build
- job: build
- stage: Artifact
condition: ... # Set the condition based on your parameter
- job: artifact
Then use the stage filter in the publishing pipeline. If the stage executes successfully, then the publish pipeline will run, otherwise, the publish pipeline will not run.
- pipeline: buildpipeline
source: buildpipeline
- Artifact
Using variable groups is an option as well. You can use the variable groups to pass variable from a pipeline to another pipeline. Here are the detailed steps:
(1). Create a variable group in Pipelines/Library and add a new Variable. I will call this variable "var" later.
(2). In your build pipeline, you can update "var" based on your parameters:
- group: {group name}
- bash: |
az pipelines variable-group variable update --group-id {id} --name var --value yes
AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT: $(System.AccessToken)
condition: ...
Tip 1. If you don't know your variable group id, go to Pipelines/Library and select your variable group. You can find it in the URL:{id}&...
Tip 2. If you meet the error "You do not have permissions to perform this operation on the variable group.", go to Pipelines/Library and select your variable group. Click on "Security" and give "{pipeline name} Build Service" user the Administrator role.
Tip 3. Use your parameter in condition to decide whether to update var.
(3). In your publish pipeline, you can use var from variable group in condition:
condition: eq(variables['var'], 'yes')


Extending my Azure DevOps Pipeline to include Build validation for all Pull Requests

I have 30 or so Java Microservices that run of the same ci and cd template. i.e. Each of my Microservices has a build pipeline as follows and as shown below it runs automatically on a merge to master:
name: 0.0.$(Rev:r)
- master
pr: none
- group: MyCompany
- repository: templates
type: git
name: <id>/yaml-templates
- stage: Build
- job: build
displayName: Build
- template: my-templates/ci-build-template.yaml#templates
- stage: PushToContainerRegistry
dependsOn: Build
condition: succeeded()
- job: PushToContainerRegistry
displayName: PushToContainerRegistry
- template: my-templates/ci-template.yaml#templates
Where ci-build-template.yaml contains...
- checkout: self
path: s
- task: PowerShell#2
- task: Gradle#2
displayName: 'Gradle Build'
- task: SonarQubePrepare#4
displayName: SonarQube Analysis
- task: CopyFiles#2
displayName: Copy build/docker to Staging Directory
I would like to implement pr build validation wherever someone raises a pr to merge into master. In the PR build only the Build stage should run and from the build template only some tasks within ci-build-template.yaml should run.
A few questions for my learning:
How can i uplift the yaml pipeline above to make the "PushToContainerRegistry" skip if it is a pr build?
How can i uplift ci-build-template.yaml to make the "SonarQubePrepare#4" and "CopyFiles#2" skip if it is a pr build?
And lastly how can i uplift the yaml pipeline above to enable build validation for all pr's that have a target branch of master?
Whilst doing my own research i know you can do this via clickops but I am keep on learning on how to implement via yaml.
How can i uplift the yaml pipeline above to make the
"PushToContainerRegistry" skip if it is a pr build?
How can i uplift ci-build-template.yaml to make the
"SonarQubePrepare#4" and "CopyFiles#2" skip if it is a pr build?
Just need to use condition of task:
For example,
name: Azure Pipelines
- script: |
echo Write your commands here
echo Hello world
echo $(Build.Reason)
displayName: 'Command Line Script'
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest'))
Above definition will skip the step if Pull request trigger the pipeline.
Please refer to these documents:
And lastly how can i uplift the yaml pipeline above to enable build
validation for all pr's that have a target branch of master?
You can use this expression in the condition:
eq(variables['System.PullRequest.TargetBranch'], 'refs/heads/master')
If you are based on DevOps git repo, then just need to add branch policy is ok:

Trigger Azure pipelines in a specific order

My team is responsible for 10 microservices and it would be useful to have a single pipeline that triggers their individual CI/CD pipelines.
I know it is possible to use pipeline triggers, like
- pipeline: MasterPipeline
source: DeployAllMicroservices
trigger: true
and I can add this to the pipelines and create a very simple DeployAllMicroservices pipeline. This works, but the pipelines will be triggered in a random order.
The thing is, two services need to be rolled out first before the other 8 can be deployed. Is there a way to first trigger pipeline A & B, where pipelines C-J are triggered after their completion?
Something else I've tried is to load the pipeline files A.yml, B.yml as templates from the master pipeline.
- template: /CmcBs/Pipelines/A.yml
- template: /CmcBs/Pipelines/B.yml
but that doesn't work with full-fledged pipelines (starting with trigger, pool, parameters, et cetera).
Currently DevOps does not support multiple pipelines as the triggering pipeline of one pipeline at the same time.
There is a workaround you can refer to:
Set pipelineA as the triggering pipeline of the pipelineB.
Set pipelineB as the triggering pipeline of the other pipelines(pipelines c-j).
For more info about the triggering pipeline, please see Trigger one pipeline after another.
Another approach is to use stages in order to execute first pipeline A,B and then C to J.
An example .yml for this approach would be the below.
- none
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- stage: FirstBatch
displayName: Build First Batch
- job: pipelineA
displayName: Build pipelineA
- script: echo pipelineA
displayName: pipelineA
- job: pipelineB
displayName: Build pipelineB
- script: echo pipelineB
displayName: pipelineB
- stage: SecondBatch
displayName: Build Second Batch
- job: pipelineC
displayName: Build pipelineC
- checkout: none
- script: echo Build pipelineC
displayName: Build pipelineC
- job: pipelineD
displayName: Build pipelineD
- checkout: none
- script: echo Build pipelineD
displayName: Build pipelineD
- job: pipelineE
displayName: Build pipelineE
- checkout: none
- script: echo Build pipelineE
displayName: Build pipelineE
The drawback of this approach would be to have a single pipeline and not separated pipelines for your microservices. In order to decouple more this solution you could use templates.

need to set condition from variables in azure pipelines

I setting up the variables at global level and value will be provided through variables before running pipeline, trying to set condition using variables but could not succeeded. below is my sample pipeline
- develop
stagename: $(stagename)
- stage: deploy
- task: download artifact
condition: notin(variables($(stagename),(tst1,tst2)))
- task: deploy2
condition: notin(variables($(stagename),(tst1,tst2)))
the goal is to not to run above those two tasks if stagname equals to tst1 or tst2, should run in other cases.
You can refer to the following sample and it worked on my side:
- develop
- stage: deploy
- job: Build
- task: PowerShell#2
condition: notin(variables['stagename'],'tst1','tst2')
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host "Hello World"
You do not need to set variable at the pipeline root level. A variable set in the pipeline root level will override a variable set in the Pipeline settings UI. Here is the document about define variables and specify conditions.

Unable to resolve $(Release.ReleaseId) in Azure DevOps yml pipelines

When using the Releases tab in Azure DevOps web console, to create release definitions, the tasks can resolve $(Release.ReleaseId) inside of a bash task.
But if I instead do my deployment in the azure-pipelines.yml file and do echo $(Release.ReleaseId), I get null because the variable doesn't exist. How come?
Here is part of the yml file
- stage: Deploy
dependsOn: BuildAndPublishArtifact
condition: succeeded('BuildAndPublishArtifact')
- deployment: DeployToAWSDev
displayName: My display name
vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'
environment: 'dev'
- download: current
artifact: MyArtifact
- task: Base#3
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
echo $(Release.ReleaseId) # Nothing
Thanks for any help to point in the right direction of how I can retrieve my release id.
Refer to the documentation on variables. There's no differentiation of "build" vs "release" in a YAML pipeline. Thus, Build.BuildId would be the run's ID.

Azure YAML Get variable from a job run in a previous stage

I am creating YAML pipeline in Azure DevOps that consists of two stages.
The first stage (Prerequisites) is responsible for reading the git commit and creates a comma separated variable containing the list of services that has been affected by the commit.
The second stage (Build) is responsible for building and unit testing the project. This Stage consists of many templates, one for each Service. In the template script, the job will check if the relevant Service in in the variable created in the previous stage. If the job finds the Service it will continue to build and test the service. However if it cannot find the service, it will skip that job.
- stage: Prerequisites
- job: SetBuildQueue
- task: powershell#2
name: SetBuildQueue
displayName: 'Set.Build.Queue'
targetType: inline
script: |
## ... PowerShell script to get changes - working as expected
Write-Host "Build Queue Auto: $global:buildQueueVariable"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=buildQueue;isOutput=true]$global:buildQueueVariable"
- stage: Build
- job: StageInitialization
- template: Build.yml
projectName: Service001
projectLocation: src/Service001
- template: Build.yml
projectName: Service002
projectLocation: src/Service002
projectName: ''
projectLocation: ''
- job:
displayName: '${{ parameters.projectName }} - Build'
dependsOn: SetBuildQueue
continueOnError: true
condition: and(succeeded(), contains(dependencies.SetBuildQueue.outputs['SetBuildQueue.buildQueue'], '${{ parameters.projectName }}'))
- task: NuGetToolInstaller#1
displayName: 'Install Nuget'
When the first stages runs it will create a variable called buildQueue which is populated as seen in the console output of the PowerShell script task:
Service001 Changed
Build Queue Auto: Service001;
However when it gets to stage two and it tries to run the build template, when it checks the conditions it returns the following output:
Started: Today at 12:05 PM
Duration: 16m 7s
Evaluating: and(succeeded(), contains(dependencies['SetBuildQueue']['outputs']['SetBuildQueue.buildQueue'], 'STARS.API.Customer.Assessment'))
Expanded: and(True, contains(Null, 'service001'))
Result: False
So my question is how do I set the dependsOn and condition to get the information from the previous stage?
It because you want to access the variable in a different stage from where you defined them. currently, it's impossible, each stage it's a new instance of a fresh agent.
In this blog you can find a workaround that involves writing the variable to disk and then passing it as a file, leveraging pipeline artifacts.
To pass the variable FOO from a job to another one in a different stage:
Create a folder that will contain all variables you want to pass; any folder could work, but something like mkdir -p $(Pipeline.Workspace)/variables might be a good idea.
Write the contents of the variable to a file, for example echo "$FOO" > $(Pipeline.Workspace)/variables/FOO. Even though the name could be anything you’d like, giving the file the same name as the variable might be a good idea.
Publish the $(Pipeline.Workspace)/variables folder as a pipeline artifact named variables
In the second stage, download the variables pipeline artifact
Read each file into a variable, for example FOO=$(cat $(Pipeline.Workspace)/variables/FOO)
Expose the variable in the current job, just like we did in the first example: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=FOO]$FOO"
You can then access the variable by expanding it within Azure Pipelines ($(FOO)) or use it as an environmental variable inside a bash script ($FOO).