Unable to resolve $(Release.ReleaseId) in Azure DevOps yml pipelines - azure-devops

When using the Releases tab in Azure DevOps web console, to create release definitions, the tasks can resolve $(Release.ReleaseId) inside of a bash task.
But if I instead do my deployment in the azure-pipelines.yml file and do echo $(Release.ReleaseId), I get null because the variable doesn't exist. How come?
Here is part of the yml file
- stage: Deploy
dependsOn: BuildAndPublishArtifact
condition: succeeded('BuildAndPublishArtifact')
- deployment: DeployToAWSDev
displayName: My display name
vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'
environment: 'dev'
- download: current
artifact: MyArtifact
- task: Base#3
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
echo $(Release.ReleaseId) # Nothing
Thanks for any help to point in the right direction of how I can retrieve my release id.

Refer to the documentation on variables. There's no differentiation of "build" vs "release" in a YAML pipeline. Thus, Build.BuildId would be the run's ID.


How to Create Azure Devops Release pipeline from Github to DevOps Using Yaml?

Need Help With Fixing this Yaml Code for Release Pipeline in Azure Synapse that Would Take json Templates from GitHub Branch and Deploy then to Azure Synapse
Error While Pipeline Run : Error during execution: Error: No file found with this pattern
# Starter pipeline
# Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code.
# Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more:
# https://aka.ms/yaml
- main
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
system.debug: true
- stage: deploy
displayName: 'Deploy to Synapse Workspace'
- job: deploy
displayName: 'Synapse Workspace Deployment'
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- task: AzureSynapseWorkspace.synapsecicd-deploy.synapse-deploy.Synapse workspace deployment#1
displayName: 'Synapse deployment task for workspace: synapse-qa-van '
TemplateFile: 'github.com/PromitXI/Synapse-dev/blob/workspace_publish/synapse-data-dev-van/TemplateParametersForWorkspace.json'
ParametersFile: 'github.com/PromitXI/Synapse-dev/blob/workspace_publish/synapse-data-dev-van/TemplateParametersForWorkspace.json'
azureSubscription: 'Promit''s Cloud (58xxxxxxxxxxf09-82b8-882exxxxxxxx)'
ResourceGroupName: 'RG-Van-Test-DataPlatform-westus3'
TargetWorkspaceName: 'synapse-qa-van '
workspacePublish: true
workspacePublishPath: Synapse-dev
workspacePublishRepository: workspace_publish
timeoutInMinutes: 15
retryCountOnTaskFailure: 1
I was Trying to Implement the Yaml Code To Azure Dev-Ops Pipeline after Connecting to the GitHub repository
Expecting that the ARm templates in the Workspace_publish branch would get Deployed in my Synapse QA Instance

Manually triggering Devops pipeline with pipeline resource should use latest resource pipeline run for that branch

I have 2 pipelines in the same repo:
The Build pipeline is declared as a pipeline resource in the Deploy pipeline:
- pipeline: Build
source: BuildPipelineName
trigger: true
When I run the Build pipeline, the Deploy pipeline is correctly triggered on the same branch. However, when I run the Deploy pipeline manually, it does not use the latest pipeline run from same branch.
I tried adding a couple of variations of the line below to the to the pipeline resource, but the variable does not expand:
branch: ${{ variables.Build.SourceBranchName }}
Is there any way to make this work?
Workaround that achieves the result I am looking for, but is not very elegant:
- ${{ if ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'ResourceTrigger') }}:
- task: DeleteFiles#1
displayName: 'Remove downloaded artifacts from pipeline resource'
SourceFolder: $(Pipeline.Workspace)
- task: DownloadPipelineArtifact#2
displayName: 'Download artifacts for branch'
source: 'specific'
project: 'myProject'
pipeline: <BuildPipelineId>
runVersion: 'latestFromBranch'
runBranch: $(Build.SourceBranch)
For example, if I have a build pipeline named 'BuildPipelineAndDeployPipeline',
then the below YAML definition can get the latest build pipeline run from a specific branch:
- pipeline: BuildPipelineAndDeployPipeline
project: xxx
source: BuildPipelineAndDeployPipeline
- main
vmImage: 'windows-latest'
- task: CmdLine#2
script: |
echo Write your commands here
echo Hello world
echo $(resources.pipeline.BuildPipelineAndDeployPipeline.runID)

Extending my Azure DevOps Pipeline to include Build validation for all Pull Requests

I have 30 or so Java Microservices that run of the same ci and cd template. i.e. Each of my Microservices has a build pipeline as follows and as shown below it runs automatically on a merge to master:
name: 0.0.$(Rev:r)
- master
pr: none
- group: MyCompany
- repository: templates
type: git
name: <id>/yaml-templates
- stage: Build
- job: build
displayName: Build
- template: my-templates/ci-build-template.yaml#templates
- stage: PushToContainerRegistry
dependsOn: Build
condition: succeeded()
- job: PushToContainerRegistry
displayName: PushToContainerRegistry
- template: my-templates/ci-template.yaml#templates
Where ci-build-template.yaml contains...
- checkout: self
path: s
- task: PowerShell#2
- task: Gradle#2
displayName: 'Gradle Build'
- task: SonarQubePrepare#4
displayName: SonarQube Analysis
- task: CopyFiles#2
displayName: Copy build/docker to Staging Directory
I would like to implement pr build validation wherever someone raises a pr to merge into master. In the PR build only the Build stage should run and from the build template only some tasks within ci-build-template.yaml should run.
A few questions for my learning:
How can i uplift the yaml pipeline above to make the "PushToContainerRegistry" skip if it is a pr build?
How can i uplift ci-build-template.yaml to make the "SonarQubePrepare#4" and "CopyFiles#2" skip if it is a pr build?
And lastly how can i uplift the yaml pipeline above to enable build validation for all pr's that have a target branch of master?
Whilst doing my own research i know you can do this via clickops but I am keep on learning on how to implement via yaml.
How can i uplift the yaml pipeline above to make the
"PushToContainerRegistry" skip if it is a pr build?
How can i uplift ci-build-template.yaml to make the
"SonarQubePrepare#4" and "CopyFiles#2" skip if it is a pr build?
Just need to use condition of task:
For example,
name: Azure Pipelines
- script: |
echo Write your commands here
echo Hello world
echo $(Build.Reason)
displayName: 'Command Line Script'
condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest'))
Above definition will skip the step if Pull request trigger the pipeline.
Please refer to these documents:
And lastly how can i uplift the yaml pipeline above to enable build
validation for all pr's that have a target branch of master?
You can use this expression in the condition:
eq(variables['System.PullRequest.TargetBranch'], 'refs/heads/master')
If you are based on DevOps git repo, then just need to add branch policy is ok:

How to make correct my azure deployment issue by rearranging my azure-pipelines.yml?

I am trying to establish a pipeline by using azure cloud and devops. But I got an error below while deploying from succeeded building. How can I solve this issue?
I read an article it is awesome "http://www.alessandromoura.com.br/2020/04/23/azure-devops-publish-and-download-artifacts/"
I applied your rule sets but I got error always below :
Error: No package found with specified pattern: D:\a\r1\a***.zip
Check if the package mentioned in the task is published as an artifact in the build or a previous stage and downloaded in the current job.
azure-pipelines.yml :
# Docker
# Build and push an image to Azure Container Registry
# https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/languages/docker
- main
- repo: self
# Container registry service connection established during pipeline creation
dockerRegistryServiceConnection: 'xxxxx'
imageRepository: 'xxxhelloaspnetcore'
containerRegistry: 'xxxcontainer01.azurecr.io'
dockerfilePath: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/Dockerfile'
tag: '$(Build.BuildId)'
# Agent VM image name
vmImageName: 'ubuntu-latest'
- stage: Build
displayName: Build and push stage
- job: Build
displayName: Build
vmImage: $(vmImageName)
- task: Docker#2
displayName: Build and push an image to container registry
command: buildAndPush
repository: $(imageRepository)
dockerfile: $(dockerfilePath)
containerRegistry: $(dockerRegistryServiceConnection)
tags: |
- download: none
- task: DownloadPipelineArtifact#2
displayName: 'Download Build Artifacts'
patterns: '**/*.zip'
path: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
- task: PowerShell#2
displayName: 'Degug parameters'
targetType: Inline
script: |
Write-Host "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)"
Write-Host "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)"
Write-Host "$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)"
Write-Host "$(Pipeline.Workspace)"
Write-Host "$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)"
Your pipeline creates and pushes image to container registry so you don't have there pipeline artifacts. This is why DownloadPipelineArtifact throws error.
DownloadPipelineArtifact makes sens only if you use PublishPipelineArtifact before. This doc - Publish and download artifacts in Azure Pipelines describe it very well.
There is also a way to download artifacts from another pipeline - but it requires to use resource, but you don't have defined pipeline resource in your pipeline.
So all works as expected. Can you explain what actually do you want to download and what achieve by that?

Azure DevOps YAML pipeline manual intervention job run in parallel with other job

I want the jobs to go one after another and the first job should control the execution of the following one.
As there are no approvals currently available in the YAML pipeline for deployment outside Kubernetes, I'm using the Manual Intervention to stop the job from being run. But apparently, it doesn't stop the job before instead, it stops the upcoming stage. What do I do wrong? I would expect some notification on the intervention, but it fails immediately and doesn't stop the next job at all.
This is the part of the code for the Deploy STG stage, where the parameters.interventionEnabled is set to true
- job: RunOnServer
displayName: 'Reject or resume'
pool: server
continueOnError: false
- task: ManualIntervention#8
displayName: 'Manual Intervention'
timeoutInMinutes: 0
instructions: 'reject or resume'
enabled: ${{ parameters.interventionEnabled }}
- job: Deploy
displayName: ${{ parameters.name }}
name: ${{ parameters.agentPoolName }}
- checkout: none # skip checking out the default repository resource
- task: DownloadPipelineArtifact#2
displayName: Download NPM build artifact
artifact: ${{ parameters.artifactName }}
buildType: 'current'
targetPath: ${{ parameters.artifactPath }}
Hey Andree ManualIntervention#8 is not supported in YAML. It is roadmapped for 2020\Q2.
I think the route you want to go down is to use approvals with generic environment types.
So you define a deployment job and environment in your yaml like so
- deployment: DeploymentHosted Context
displayName: Runs in Hosted Pool
vmImage: 'Ubuntu-16.04'
# creates an environment if it doesn't exist
environment: 'Dev'
- bash: |
echo This multiline script always runs in Bash.
echo Even on Windows machines!
And you use the GUI to protect the Environment.
Navigate to Pipelines -> Environments.
Select the Environment (you can pre-create them).
Then add and an Approval
There are some drawbacks when compared to classic release definitions and being able to manual trigger to stages. You may not want every artifact to be a candidate for each stage, and if you don't approve the environment it will eventually timeout and report failure. Other good discussion in the comments here.
This is now available:
- task: ManualValidation#0
timeoutInMinutes: 1440 # task times out in 1 day
notifyUsers: |
instructions: 'Please validate the build configuration and resume'
onTimeout: 'resume'