Paypal Autoreturn For Multiple Sites - paypal

I have a question about PayPal auto return. I have a customer with multiple sites that all of them use the same PayPal business account. The integration contains both notify, cancel and return URLs which are generated automatically.
In order to activate auto-return, I must submit a URL. Because I have different sites using the same PayPal business account do I have to submit multiple auto-return URLs? or does PayPal check the return URL and override's the auto-return URL?
Has anyone faced a similar problem?

The URLs specified in the transaction context (at payment time) override any URLs set in the account.
URLs set in the account are only used when nothing is provided as part of the transaction.
(A current PayPal Checkout integration does not use return URLs nor need notify URLs for anything, anyway. They are legacy things, only needed for old integrations used by old software/websites.)


Verifying paypal account

I am building website which requires customer to update paypal account.
Is there anyway to check the reality of customer's account?
When my customer fill out their paypal account in my site, I want them to be directed to paypal login page to login and paypal will return the result.
Does paypal api support this situation?
Pretty much any implementation of PayPal you choose would follow the flow you mentioned.
Payments Standard would allow you to create basic buttons or create an HTML form and POST directly to PayPal to process. It would send the user to PayPal for login and approval to complete the payment. The transaction details would include the payer status (verified or unverified) as well as the address status (confirmed or unconfirmed) and lots of other details about the order.
Express Checkout is basically the API version of Standard, but it's much more advanced and open to integrate in the way that works best for your site or application. In this case, some of buyer/transaction data is available during the process within your app through API requests and responses, and then you can also get to it via transaction details after the fact just like payments standard provides.
Another option would be to use Adaptive Payments, but if you're doing a general payment of any kind you probably don't need that. That's what you would use if/when you start wanting to split payments among multiple receivers within the same transaction, setup preapproval profiles, etc.
If you happen to be working with PHP my class library for PayPal will make the API calls very simple for you.
You could do what PayPal itself does when you register. Send them a few cents and have them tell you how many when they get it. The payment itself will fail if the account doesn't exist, and telling you how many cents proves that they own the account.

PayPal: How do you get notifications of payment through the permissions API?

Using the PayPal permissions API can you receive notifications from payments made after a customer clicks on a payment button, proceeds to PayPal, and then pays?
I notice they have IPN, but will this work with the permissions API?
You can include NotifyURL in your API requests to set a URL for IPN to POST data to. It's not something that technically "works with the permissions API" but any transaction that is made would indeed trigger the IPN.
If you're building an app for 3rd parties to use, though, and you're passing NotifyURL in your API requests, that will override any IPN configuration each individual merchant using your tool might have setup on their own. This can cause frustration for such users because then their own IPN solution doesn't get hit when they take payments through your app.
If you're going to do that I recommend setting up a way for your users to enter their own IPN URL in your app settings, and then if they have a value, forward the POSTed data to their URL when PayPal sends it to yours. That way both IPN scripts will get hit and process the data accordingly.

paypal different pages - visa/debit payment not create account

Hi I have searched for this solution and although others have experienced the same problem I couldn't find a solution that works for my site.
My wordpress site mainly sells registrations/bookings for events and I'm using the s2Memberplugin to process the payments with Paypal. The problem is that when we direct the users/customers to the paypal page to complete the transaction which i want set up with the option of paying via credit/debit card if the user/customer doesn’t have (or doesn’t want to create one) a paypal account. That has been working perfectly except for when users/customers are using a variety of internet browser with various cookie settings so the user/customer get’s directed to a completely different page both in appearance and functionality from the page I want them to see. This incorrect page ‘requires’ users/customers to have or create a paypal account to make the payment, no option to pay via card is available. I tried calling paypal and of course they say it is something wrong with my site.
Over 20 days ago i lodged a support ticket with Paypal MTS (or whatever they are called) and of course no response. I have lodged about 5 more tickets and made about 10 more phone calls and they simply don't care about customers. That is clearly demonstrated when you ask to speak to the complaints section and they say "We don't have a complaints section'
Thanks very much, any assistance is greatly appreciated
I haven't been provided with any error codes, unfortunately - i did ask for them but nobody supplied them.
we just discovered that the payflow and IPN settings within my sites plugin were empty but i'm filling them in now but i have two questions:
The vendor, is that just my username for my paypal account? (why don't they just use the same terminology - confusing)
My s2Member plugin say's i'll need my IPN url (and then supplies a url, but whn i look at the IPN notification url within my paypal settings it's a totally different link. Should i be changing my paypal IPN url to that which is supplied by my s2Member plugin or am i getting two different url's confused?
Thanks for your help again mate.
If you're using Payments Standard this experience is cookie based as you mentioned. If you want to make sure the full credit card form shows up and allows people to pay with a credit card without creating an account you can use the Express Checkout API instead.
In your SetExpressCheckout request you just need to set SOLUTION=Sole and LANDINGPAGE=Billing.

Pay to 3rd Party PayPal account from website, and confirm success

How can I have a visitor to my site pay to a 3rd party PayPal account (one I do not have access to) and have PayPal return the visitor to my site, confirming that the payment was a success (while requiring no special setup or confidential information from the 3rd party account)?
My company provides a service to clients of other organizations, however, we collect payment directly from those organizations (and not from their clients). In our particular case, if the organization's client opts to use our service, they will pay the organization they are part of (and not us) - the entirety of their payment goes to the 3rd party organization (the value of the payment may vary, but it will always be billed as a single item). The only information we need from this transaction is: the ID of the client (a value from our database), and some type of verifiable confirmation (ideally, a dollar value paid).
The flow is as follows:
Our site
redirect to 3rd party PayPal
return to our site with confirmation
Authorize transaction and enable service
e.g. thank you page with Next button
payment needs to be authorized before going to next page
We would like to implement this in such a way that the 3rd party organization does not need to set up anything additional in their PayPal account, and does not need to share confidential information with us (ideally, they should only need to share their PayPal email address).
Currently, we are exploring using the following:
Buy Now button
Set the notify_url field on the form
Setup an IPN listener on our server that will process (and verify) the transaction
The problems are two fold:
We have been unable to confirm that this implementation would not require the 3rd party
organization to setup anything in their PayPal account (e.g. they
don't need to setup IPN, since we are using a per transaction URL
and they don't need to share their API key).
IPN is asynchronous - so we will not receive the notification as part of the transaction flow (which complicates things, but if no better option exists, we
can make it work). Is there any synchronous approach that would
notify us of a successful transaction without requiring additional
credentials (e.g. PDT requires an identity token so does not appear
to be an option for us).
If there are any better ways to approach this problem, suggestions would be appreciated.
You can use Parallel or Chained Payments to send money to multiple recipients, be able to control where the buyer is taken to after completing the payment, and you would get an API response back right away telling you if the payment completed or not. Using the Permission Services API calls you can set up your account as a third party to the receivers so they wouldn't have to make the changes themselves.
You mentioned that you're looking into using Buy Now buttons through Payments Standard. That would work for if you're looking for a quick and simple way of setting it up. Define the receiver as the business value and the money would be sent to them.
By default, IPN is set to "off" in an account which means an IPN post will still be sent out if you define it with the "notify_url" variable. You may need them to enable IPN within their account if they've previously disabled the service. If the receiver already has an IPN URL set in their account it would be overwritten by the "notify_url" value you provide.

Getting Paypal to do an immediate redirect?

When the PayPal transaction is complete, PayPal shows this:
Thanks for your order
Your payment of $XXXX.XX USD is complete.
You're now going back to MYSITE.
If you are not redirected within 10 seconds, click here.
I don't want the client to even see this page. Is there any way to either avoid it completely, or set the redirect time to 0?
You will also need a Website Payments Pro subscription for that.
Once you have it, get the API signature, API username & API password from the My Profile area of your paypal account.
Then, use the Direct Payment method as described in the following manual
As mentioned by Watermark, you might need to review PCI requirements and at least have SSL on your site before you can do this.
Check out You can build your own interface using PayPal's API. The user will never know that PayPal handled the transaction.
Be sure to review PCI-DSS requirements when using this approach.
What you ask is achievable with PayPal Payments Standard, but the seller account receiving the payment needs to be a PayPal Business/Premier account (a free upgrade), and they need to enable Auto Return and provide a Return URL in their PayPal account > Profile > Profile & Settings > My Selling Tools > Website Preferences.
You can also pass a return URL variable to checkout for each order, which would override any Return URL (or lack thereof) in the seller's PayPal account profile; however, if Auto Return is not also enabled in the seller's account, the buyer would need to click past the end of checkout manually in order to be redirected to that URL.