How does the encoded data end up in the Encoder, when it has no mutating functions? - swift

I am trying to code a custom Coder and I am having trouble understanding something, particularly about the Encoder part.
The Encoder is only required to have three functions and two variables :
struct MyEncoder : Encoder {
public var codingPath : [CodingKey]
public var userInfo : [CodingUserInfoKey : Any]
public func container<Key>(keyedBy type: Key.Type -> KeyedEncodingContainer<Key> where Key : CodingKey {}
public func unkeyedContainer() -> UnkeyedEncodingContainer {}
public func singleValueContainer() -> SingleValueEncodingContainer {}
You will notice, none of them are mutating. They all return something and that's it.
The containers themselves, to generalise, have sub functions to encode specific types into themselves :
struct MySingleValueContainer : SingleValueEncodingContainer {
var codingPath: [CodingKey]
mutating func encode(_ value : someType) throws {}
/// etc with a lot of different types
If a user wants to customise how their class is encoded, they may do this :
func encode(to: Encoder) throws {}
And here is my problem ! The encoder persists after the call to encode(to: Encoder) but it does not mutate so how does the encoded data end up inside it ? Reading the JSON Encoder's source I can see that their containers have a variable containing an Encoder, which is passed down. But it should be copy-on-write as everything else in Swift, which means the data shouldn't be able to make its way back up the chain !
Is the Encoder somehow secretly passed as a reference instead of as a value ? That seems like the only logical conclusion but it seems very weird to me... If not, what is going on ?
I have also taken a look at this question and its answer, and although they have helped me they display the same behaviour of magically bringing data up the chain, except it passes down a custom type instead of the Encoder itself.

Is the Encoder somehow secretly passed as a reference instead of as a value?
Close, but not quite. JSONEncoder and its underlying containers are relatively thin veneer interfaces for reference-based storage. In the swift-corelibs-foundation implementation used on non-Darwin platforms, this is done using RefArray and RefObject to store keyed objects; on Darwin platforms, the same is done using NSMutableArray and NSMutableDictionary. It's these reference objects that are passed around and shared, so while the individual Encoders and containers can be passed around, they're writing to shared storage.
But it should be copy-on-write as everything else in Swift, which means the data shouldn't be able to make its way back up the chain!
One more note on this: all of the relevant types internal to this implementation are all classes (e.g. JSONEncoderImpl in swift-corelibs-foundation, _JSONEncoder on Darwin), which means that they wouldn't be copy-on-write, but rather, passed by reference anyway.
Regarding your edit: this is the same approach that the linked answer uses with its fileprivate final class Data — it's that class which is shared between all of the internal types and passed around.

JSONEncoder.encode uses JSONEncoderImpl as the concrete implementation of Encoder (source):
open func encode<T: Encodable>(_ value: T) throws -> Data {
let value: JSONValue = try encodeAsJSONValue(value)
func encodeAsJSONValue<T: Encodable>(_ value: T) throws -> JSONValue {
let encoder = JSONEncoderImpl(options: self.options, codingPath: [])
guard let topLevel = try encoder.wrapEncodable(value, for: nil) else {
return topLevel
wrapEncodable would then eventually call encode(to: Encoder) on your Codable type with self as the argument.
Is the Encoder somehow secretly passed as a reference instead of as a value ?
Notice that JSONEncoderImpl is a class, so there is nothing "secret" about this at all. The encoder is passed as a reference in this particular case.
In general though, the Encoder implementation could also be a struct, and be passed by value. After all, all it needs to do is to provide mutable containers into which data can be encoded. As long as you have a class somewhere down the line, it is possible to "seemingly" mutate a struct without mutating or making the struct a var. Consider:
private class Bar {
var magic: Int = -1
struct Foo: CustomStringConvertible {
private let bar = Bar()
var description: String { "\(bar.magic)" }
func magicallyMutateMyself() {
bar.magic = Int.random(in: 0..<100)
let foo = Foo()
print(foo) // -1
print(foo) // some other number


Reference Types/Subclassing, and Changes to Swift 4 Codable & encoder/decoders

I'm struggling to understand class/reference type behavior and how this relates to changes as I try to upgrade and reduce code using Codable in Swift 4.
I have two classes – a SuperClass with all of the data that will be persistent and that I save to UserDefaults (a place name & string with coordinates), and a SubClass that contains additional, temporary info that I don't need (weather data for the SuperClass coordinates).
In Swift 3 I used to save data like this:
func saveUserDefaults() {
var superClassArray = [SuperClass]()
// subClassArray is of type [SubClass] and contains more data per element.
superClassArray = subClassArray
let superClassData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: superClassArray)
UserDefaults.standard.set(superClassData, forKey: " superClassData")
SuperClass conformed to NSObject & NSCoding
It also included the required init decoder & the encode function.
It all worked fine.
In trying to switch to Swift 4 & codable I've modified SuperClass to conform to Codable.
SuperClass now only has one basic initializer and none of the encoder/decoder stuff from Swift 3. There is no KeyedArchiving happening with this new approach (below). SubClass remains unchanged. Unfortunately I crash on the line where I try? encoder.encode [giving a Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x10)]. My assumption is that the encoder is getting confused with identical reference types where one is SuperClass and one SubClass (subClassArray[0] === superClassArray[0] is true).
I thought this might work:
func saveUserDefaults() {
var superClassArray = [SuperClass]()
superClassArray = subClassArray
// assumption was that the subclass would only contain parts of the superclass & wouldn't produce an error when being encoded
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
if let encoded = try? encoder.encode(superClassArray){
UserDefaults.standard.set(encoded, forKey: " superClassArray ")
} else {
print("Save didn't work!")
Then, instead of creating an empty superClassArray, then using:
superClassArray = subClassArray, as shown above, I replace this with the single line:
let superClassArray: [SuperClass] ={SuperClass(name: $, coordinates: $0.coordinates)}
This works. Again, assumption is because I'm passing in the values inside of the class reference type & haven't made the superClassArray = subClassArray. Also, as expected, subClassArray[0] === superClassArray[0] is false
So why did the "old stuff" in Swift 3 work, even though I used the line superClassArray = subClassArray before the let superClassData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: superClassArray)
? Am I essentially achieving the same result by creating the array in Swift 4 that was happening with the old Swift 3 encoder/decoder? Is the looping / recreation
Polymorphic persistence appears to be broken by design.
The bug report SR-5331 quotes the response they got on their Radar.
Unlike the existing NSCoding API (NSKeyedArchiver), the new Swift 4 Codable implementations do not write out type information about encoded types into generated archives, for both flexibility and security. As such, at decode time, the API can only use the concrete type your provide in order to decode the values (in your case, the superclass type).
This is by design — if you need the dynamism required to do this, we recommend that you adopt NSSecureCoding and use NSKeyedArchiver/NSKeyedUnarchiver
I am unimpressed, having thought from all the glowing articles that Codable was the answer to some of my prayers. A parallel set of Codable structs that act as object factories is one workaround I'm considering, to preserve type information.
Update I have written a sample using a single struct that manages recreating polymorphic classes. Available on GitHub.
I was not able to get it to work easily with subclassing. However, classes that conform to a base protocol can apply Codable for default encoding. The repo contains both keyed and unkeyed approaches. The simpler is unkeyed, copied below
// Demo of a polymorphic hierarchy of different classes implementing a protocol
// and still being Codable
// This variant uses unkeyed containers so less data is pushed into the encoded form.
import Foundation
protocol BaseBeast {
func move() -> String
func type() -> Int
var name: String { get }
class DumbBeast : BaseBeast, Codable {
static let polyType = 0
func type() -> Int { return DumbBeast.polyType }
var name:String
init(name:String) { = name }
func move() -> String { return "\(name) Sits there looking stupid" }
class Flyer : BaseBeast, Codable {
static let polyType = 1
func type() -> Int { return Flyer.polyType }
var name:String
let maxAltitude:Int
init(name:String, maxAltitude:Int) {
self.maxAltitude = maxAltitude = name
func move() -> String { return "\(name) Flies up to \(maxAltitude)"}
class Walker : BaseBeast, Codable {
static let polyType = 2
func type() -> Int { return Walker.polyType }
var name:String
let numLegs: Int
let hasTail: Bool
init(name:String, legs:Int=4, hasTail:Bool=true) {
self.numLegs = legs
self.hasTail = hasTail = name
func move() -> String {
if numLegs == 0 {
return "\(name) Wriggles on its belly"
let maybeWaggle = hasTail ? "wagging its tail" : ""
return "\(name) Runs on \(numLegs) legs \(maybeWaggle)"
// Uses an explicit index we decode first, to select factory function used to decode polymorphic type
// This is in contrast to the current "traditional" method where decoding is attempted and fails for each type
// This pattern of "leading type code" can be used in more general encoding situations, not just with Codable
//: **WARNING** there is one vulnerable practice here - we rely on the BaseBeast types having a typeCode which
//: is a valid index into the arrays `encoders` and `factories`
struct CodableRef : Codable {
let refTo:BaseBeast //In C++ would use an operator to transparently cast CodableRef to BaseBeast
typealias EncContainer = UnkeyedEncodingContainer
typealias DecContainer = UnkeyedDecodingContainer
typealias BeastEnc = (inout EncContainer, BaseBeast) throws -> ()
typealias BeastDec = (inout DecContainer) throws -> BaseBeast
static var encoders:[BeastEnc] = [
{(e, b) in try e.encode(b as! DumbBeast)},
{(e, b) in try e.encode(b as! Flyer)},
{(e, b) in try e.encode(b as! Walker)}
static var factories:[BeastDec] = [
{(d) in try d.decode(DumbBeast.self)},
{(d) in try d.decode(Flyer.self)},
{(d) in try d.decode(Walker.self)}
init(refTo:BaseBeast) {
self.refTo = refTo
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
var container = try decoder.unkeyedContainer()
let typeCode = try container.decode(Int.self)
self.refTo = try CodableRef.factories[typeCode](&container)
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.unkeyedContainer()
let typeCode = self.refTo.type()
try container.encode(typeCode)
try CodableRef.encoders[typeCode](&container, refTo)
struct Zoo : Codable {
var creatures = [CodableRef]()
init(creatures:[BaseBeast]) {
self.creatures = {CodableRef(refTo:$0)}
func dump() {
creatures.forEach { print($0.refTo.move()) }
//: ---- Demo of encoding and decoding working ----
let startZoo = Zoo(creatures: [
Flyer(name:"Kookaburra", maxAltitude:5000),
Walker(name:"Snake", legs:0),
Walker(name:"Doggie", legs:4),
Walker(name:"Geek", legs:2, hasTail:false)
print("---------\ntesting JSON\n")
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
let encData = try encoder.encode(startZoo)
print(String(data:encData, encoding:.utf8)!)
let decodedZoo = try JSONDecoder().decode(Zoo.self, from: encData)
print ("\n------------\nAfter decoding")
Update 2020-04 experience
This approach continues to be more flexible and superior to using Codable, at the cost of a bit more programmer time. It is used very heavily in the Touchgram app which provides rich, interactive documents inside iMessage.
There, I need to encode multiple polymorphic hierarchies, including different Sensors and Actions. By storing signatures of decoders, it not only provides with subclassing but also allows me to keep older decoders in the code base so old messages are still compatible.

Error: Trying to put the stack in unreadable memory at:

I am trying to add additional properties to UIViewController.
protocol AdditionalStoredProperties
associatedtype Title
func getAssociatedObject<Title>(key: UnsafePointer<Title> ,
defValue : Title)->Title
extension AdditionalStoredProperties
func getAssociatedObject<Title>( key: UnsafePointer<Title> , defValue : Title)->Title
guard let actual_value = objc_getAssociatedObject(self as! AnyObject, key) as? Title else
return defValue
return actual_value
extension UIViewController:AdditionalStoredProperties
typealias Title = String
var previousPage : String
get { return getAssociatedObject(&self.previousPage, defValue: self.previousPage) }
set { objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &self.previousPage, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)}
But I am getting the following error:
Error: Trying to put the stack in unreadable memory at:
I know that we cannot directly add stored properties to extensions so I am trying it add using objc_setAssociatedObject()
If someone has the below scenario
If your method is getting called recursively, you may get this error.
There are a number of things wrong with what you're doing:
Attempting to access self.previousPage within its own getter will call itself recursively.
You cannot use &self.previousPage as a stable or unique pointer value, as it'll be a pointer to a temporary variable (because you're dealing a computed property). You cannot therefore use it as the key for an associated object. Swift only guarantees stable and unique pointer values for static and global stored variables (see this Q&A for more info).
You should make AdditionalStoredProperties a class-bound protocol (with : class), as you can only add associated objects to Objective-C classes (which, on Apple platforms, Swift classes are built on top of). While you can bridge, for example, a struct to AnyObject (it'll get boxed in an opaque Obj-C compatible wrapper), it is merely that; a bridge. There's no guarantee you'll get the same instance back, therefore no guarantee the associated objects will persist.
You probably didn't mean for Title to be an associated type of your protocol; you're not using it for anything (the generic placeholder Title defined by getAssociatedObject(key:defValue:) is completely unrelated).
Bearing those points in mind, here's a fixed version of your code:
protocol AdditionalStoredProperties : class {
func getAssociatedObject<T>(ofType: T.Type, key: UnsafeRawPointer,
defaultValue: #autoclosure () -> T) -> T
extension AdditionalStoredProperties {
func getAssociatedObject<T>(ofType: T.Type, key: UnsafeRawPointer,
defaultValue: #autoclosure () -> T) -> T {
// or: return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, key) as? T ?? defaultValue()
guard let actualValue = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, key) as? T else {
return defaultValue()
return actualValue
extension UIViewController : AdditionalStoredProperties {
private enum AssociatedObjectKeys {
static var previousPage: Never?
var previousPage: String {
get {
// return the associated object with a default of "" (feel free to change)
return getAssociatedObject(ofType: String.self,
key: &AssociatedObjectKeys.previousPage,
defaultValue: "")
set {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedObjectKeys.previousPage,
Note that we're:
Using a static stored property in order to get a pointer value to use as the key for our associated object. Again, this works because Swift guarantees stable and unique pointer values for static and global stored variables.
Using #autoclosure for the defaultValue: parameter, as it may not need to be evaluated if an associated object is already present.
Having the key: parameter take an UnsafeRawPointer, as the type of the pointee is irrelevant; it's merely the location in memory that's used as the key.
Explicitly satisfying the generic placeholder with an ofType: parameter. This is mainly a matter of preference, but I prefer to spell these things out explicitly rather than relying on type inference.
Using camelCase instead of snake_case, as is Swift convention.

How to get all class initializers using reflection in Swift

I'm trying to get all signature of initializer from the class in Swift. Initializer can mirror, I can find the signatures like below code.
enum MessageType {
case say
case shout
case wisper
class Message {
var text = ""
var type : MessageType = .say
init(text: String, type: MessageType) {
self.type = type
self.text = text
init(text: String) {
self.text = text
let firstInit = Message.init(text:)
let secondInit = Message.init(text:type:)
let firstMirror = Mirror(reflecting: firstInit)
let secondMirror = Mirror(reflecting: secondInit)
// (String) -> Message
// ((String, MessageType)) -> Message
However, this code requires to specify init which I want to look it up. What I expected is something like below:
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: Message)
let inits = mirror.initializers
// something like [Message.init(text:), Message.init(text:type:)] as [Any]
for method in inits {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: method)
How can I get all init initializers from class using Mirror?
The Mirror struct in Swift offers some runtime introspection features, but for the default case, these focus on the instance being reflected upon rather than the type of that instance. From the language reference for Mirror:
Representation of the sub-structure and optional “display style” of any arbitrary subject instance.
Describes the parts—such as stored properties, collection elements, tuple elements, or the active enumeration case—that make up
a particular instance. May also supply a “display style” property that
suggests how this structure might be rendered.
You can implement a custom mirror for you Message type by conforming to the CustomReflectable protocol. Implementing a custom mirror with the single purpose of listing available initializers, however, would still require manually supplying the initializer's information to the implementation of the custom mirror.
extension Message: CustomReflectable {
var customMirror: Mirror {
let children = DictionaryLiteral<String, Any>(dictionaryLiteral:
("init(text:)", type(of: Message.init(text:))),
("init(text:type:)", type(of: Message.init(text:type:))))
return Mirror.init(Message.self, children: children,
displayStyle: .class)
// using your custom mirror
let myMessage = Message(text: "foo")
for case (let label?, let value) in Mirror(reflecting: myMessage).children {
print("\(label), \(value)")
} /* init(text:), (String) -> Message
init(text:type:), ((String, MessageType)) -> Message */
This manual implementation requirement possibly defeats the very purpose of the exercise though. Note also that reflection must still be performed upon an instance rather than the type itself (so possibly it's easier to simply implement a dictionary describing the initializers directly as a static type property; but the manual form of this implementation defeats much of its value).

Swift: Protocol Based Type Construction

I'm trying to create a protocol in Swift I can use for object construction. The problem I'm running into is that I need to store the type information so the type can be constructed later and returned in a callback. I can't seem to find a way to store it without either crashing the compiler or creating build errors. Here's the basics (a contrived, but working example):
protocol Model {
init(values: [String])
func printValues()
struct Request<T:Model> {
let returnType:T.Type
let callback:T -> ()
We have a simple protocol that declares a init (for construction) and another func printValues() (for testing). We also define a struct we can use to store the type information and a callback to return the new type when its constructed.
Next we create a constructor:
class Constructor {
var callbacks: [Request<Model>] = []
func construct<T:Model>(type:T.Type, callback: T -> ()) {
callback(type(values: ["value1", "value2"]))
func queueRequest<T:Model>(request: Request<T>) {
func next() {
if let request = callbacks.first {
let model = request.returnType(values: ["value1", "value2"])
A couple things to note: This causes a compiler crash. It can't figure this out for some reason. The problem appears to be var callbacks: [Request<Model>] = []. If I comment out everything else, the compiler still crashes. Commenting out the var callbacks and the compiler stops crashing.
Also, the func construct works fine. But it doesn't store the type information so it's not so useful to me. I put in there for demonstration.
I found I could prevent the compiler from crashing if I remove the protocol requirement from the Request struct: struct Request<T>. In this case everything works and compiles but I still need to comment out let model = request.returnType(values: ["value1", "value2"]) in func next(). That is also causing a compiler crash.
Here's a usage example:
func construct() {
let constructor = Constructor()
let request = Request(returnType: TypeA.self) { req in req.printValues() }
//This works fine
constructor.construct(TypeA.self) { a in
//This is what I want
constructor.queueRequest(request) //The callback in the request object should be called and the values should print
Does anyone know how I can store type information restricted to a specific protocol to the type can later be constructed dynamically and returned in a callback?
If you want the exact same behavior of next I would suggest to do this:
class Constructor {
// store closures
var callbacks: [[String] -> ()] = []
func construct<T:Model>(type:T.Type, callback: T -> ()) {
callback(type(values: ["value1", "value2"]))
func queueRequest<T:Model>(request: Request<T>) {
// some code from the next function so you don't need to store the generic type itself
// **EDIT** changed closure to type [String] -> () in order to call it with different values
callbacks.append({ values in
let model = request.returnType(values: values)
func next(values: [String]) {
Now you can call next with your values. Hopefully this works for you.
EDIT: Made some changes to the closure type and the next function
Unfortunately there is no way to save specific generic types in an array and dynamically call their methods because Swift is a static typed language (and Array has to have unambiguous types).
But hopefully we can express something like this in the future like so:
var callbacks: [Request<T: Model>] = []
Where T could be anything but has to conform to Model for example.
Your queueRequest method shouldn't have to know the generic type the Request it's being passed. Since callbacks is an array of Request<Model> types, the method just needs to know that the request being queued is of the type Request<Model>. It doesn't matter what the generic type is.
This code builds for me in a Playground:
class Constructor {
var callbacks: [Request<Model>] = []
func construct<T:Model>(type:T.Type, callback: T -> ()) {
callback(type(values: ["value1", "value2"]))
func queueRequest(request: Request<Model>) {
func next() {
if let request = callbacks.first {
let model = request.returnType(values: ["value1", "value2"])
So I found an answer that seems to do exactly what I want. I haven't confirmed this works yet in live code, but it does compile without any errors. Turns out, I needed to add one more level of redirection:
I create another protocol explicitly for object construction:
protocol ModelConstructor {
func constructWith(values:[String])
In my Request struct, I conform to this protocol:
struct Request<T:Model> : ModelConstructor {
let returnType:T.Type
let callback:T -> ()
func constructWith(values:[String]) {
let model = returnType(values: values)
Notice the actual construction is moved into the Request struct. Technically, the Constructor is no longer constructing, but for now I leave its name alone. I can now store the Request struct as ModelConstructor and correctly queue Requests:
class Constructor {
var callbacks: [ModelConstructor] = []
func queueRequest(request: Request<Model>) {
func queueRequest(request: ModelConstructor) {
func next() {
if let request = callbacks.first {
request.constructWith(["value1", "value2"])
Note something special here: I can now successfully "queue" (or store in an array) Request<Model>, but I must do so indirectly by calling queueRequest(request: ModelConstructor). In this case, I'm overloading but that's not necessary. What matters here is that if I try to call callbacks.append(request) in the queueRequest(request: Request<Model>) function, the Swift compiler crashes. Apparently we need to hold the compiler's hand here a little so it can understand what exactly we want.
What I've found is that you cannot separate Type information from Type Construction. It needs to be all in the same place (in this case it's the Request struct). But so long as you keep construction coupled with the Type information, you're free to delay/store the construction until you have the information you need to actually construct the object.

NSUserDefaults in Swift - implementing type safety

One of the things that bugs me about Swift and Cocoa together is working with NSUserDefaults, because there is no type information and it is always necessary to cast the result of objectForKey to what you are expecting to get. It is unsafe and impractical. I decided to tackle this problem, making NSUserDefaults more practical in Swift-land, and hopefully learning something along the way. Here were my goals in the beginning:
Complete type safety: each key has one type associated with it. When setting a value, only a value of that type should be accepted and when getting a value the result should come out with the correct type
Global list of keys which are clear in meaning and content. The list should be easy to create, modify and extend
Clean syntax, using subscripts if possible. For example, this would
be perfect:
3.1. set: UserDefaults[.MyKey] = value
3.2. get: let value = UserDefaults[.MyKey]
Support for classes that conform to the NSCoding protocol by
automatically [un]archiving them
Support for all property list types accepted by NSUserDefaults
I started by creating this generic struct:
struct UDKey <T> {
init(_ n: String) { name = n }
let name: String
Then I created this other struct that serves as a container for all the keys in an application:
struct UDKeys {}
This can then be extended to add keys wherever needed:
extension UDKeys {
static let MyKey1 = UDKey<Int>("MyKey1")
static let MyKey2 = UDKey<[String]>("MyKey2")
Note how each key has a type associated with it. It represents the type of the information to be saved. Also, the name property is the string that is to be used as a key for NSUserDefaults.
The keys can be listed all in one constants file, or added using extensions on a per-file basis close to where they are being used for storing data.
Then I created an "UserDefaults" class responsible for handling the getting/setting of information:
class UserDefaultsClass {
let storage = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
init(storage: NSUserDefaults) { = storage }
init() {}
// ...
let UserDefaults = UserDefaultsClass() // or UserDefaultsClass(storage: ...) for further customisation
The idea is that one instance for a particular domain is created and then every method is accessed in this way:
let value = UserDefaults.myMethod(...)
I prefer this approach to things like UserDefaults.sharedInstance.myMethod(...) (too long!) or using class methods for everything. Also, this allows interacting with various domains at the same time by using more than one UserDefaultsClass with different storage values.
So far, items 1 and 2 have been taken care of, but now the difficult part is starting: how to actually design the methods on UserDefaultsClass in order to comply with the rest.
For example, let's start with item 4. First I tried this (this code is inside UserDefaultsClass):
subscript<T: NSCoding>(key: UDKey<T>) -> T? {
set { storage.setObject(NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(newValue), forKey: }
get {
if let data = storage.objectForKey( as? NSData {
return NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(data) as? T
} else { return nil }
But then I find out that Swift doesn't allow generic subscripts!! Alright, then I guess I'll have to use functions then. There goes half of item 3...
func set <T: NSCoding>(key: UDKey<T>, _ value: T) {
storage.setObject(NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(value), forKey:
func get <T: NSCoding>(key: UDKey<T>) -> T? {
if let data = storage.objectForKey( as? NSData {
return NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(data) as? T
} else { return nil }
And that works just fine:
extension UDKeys { static let MyKey = UDKey<NSNotification>("MyKey") }
UserDefaults.set(UDKeys.MyKey, NSNotification(name: "Hello!", object: nil))
let n = UserDefaults.get(UDKeys.MyKey)
Note how I can't call UserDefaults.get(.MyKey). I have to use UDKeys.MyKey. And I can't do that because it's not yet possible to have static variables on a generic struct!!
Next, let's try number 5. Now that has been an headache and that's where I need lots of help.
Property list types are, as per the docs:
A default object must be a property list, that is, an instance of (or
for collections a combination of instances of): NSData, NSString,
NSNumber, NSDate, NSArray, or NSDictionary.
That in Swift means Int, [Int], [[String:Bool]], [[String:[Double]]], etc are all property list types. At first I thought that I could just write this and trust whoever is using this code to remember that only plist types are allowed:
func set <T: AnyObject>(key: UDKey<T>, _ value: T) {
storage.setObject(value, forKey:
func get <T: AnyObject>(key: UDKey<T>) -> T? {
return storage.objectForKey( as? T
But as you'll notice, while this works fine:
extension UDKeys { static let MyKey = UDKey<NSData>("MyKey") }
UserDefaults.set(UDKeys.MyKey, NSData())
let d = UserDefaults.get(UDKeys.MyKey)
This doesn't:
extension UDKeys { static let MyKey = UDKey<[NSData]>("MyKey") }
UserDefaults.set(UDKeys.MyKey, [NSData()])
And this doesn't either:
extension UDKeys { static let MyKey = UDKey<[Int]>("MyKey") }
UserDefaults.set(UDKeys.MyKey, [0])
Not even this:
extension UDKeys { static let MyKey = UDKey<Int>("MyKey") }
UserDefaults.set(UDKeys.MyKey, 1)
The problem is that they are all valid property list types yet Swift obviously interprets arrays and ints as structs, not as their Objective-C class counterparts. However:
func set <T: Any>(key: UDKey<T>, _ value: T)
won't work either, because then any value type, not just the ones that have a class cousin courtesy of Obj-C, is accepted, and storage.setObject(value, forKey: is no longer valid because value has to be a reference type.
If a protocol existed in Swift that accepted any reference type and any value type that can be converted to a reference type in objective-c (like [Int] and the other examples I mention) this problem would be solved:
func set <T: AnyObjectiveCObject>(key: UDKey<T>, _ value: T) {
storage.setObject(value, forKey:
func get <T: AnyObjectiveCObject>(key: UDKey<T>) -> T? {
return storage.objectForKey( as? T
AnyObjectiveCObject would accept any swift classes and swift arrays, dictionaries, numbers (ints, floats, bools, etc that convert to NSNumber), strings...
Unfortunately, AFAIK this doesn't exist.
How can I have write a generic function (or collection of overloaded generic functions) whose generic type T can be any reference type or any value type that Swift can convert to a reference type in Objective-C?
Solved: With the help of the answers I got, I arrived at what I wanted. In case anyone wants to take a look at my solution, here it is.
I don't mean to brag but ... oh who am I kidding, I totally do!
Preferences.set([NSData()], forKey: "MyKey1")
Preferences.get("MyKey1", type: type([NSData]))
Preferences.get("MyKey1") as [NSData]?
func crunch1(value: [NSData])
println("Om nom 1!")
Preferences.set(NSArray(object: NSData()), forKey: "MyKey2")
Preferences.get("MyKey2", type: type(NSArray))
Preferences.get("MyKey2") as NSArray?
func crunch2(value: NSArray)
println("Om nom 2!")
Preferences.set([[String:[Int]]](), forKey: "MyKey3")
Preferences.get("MyKey3", type: type([[String:[Int]]]))
Preferences.get("MyKey3") as [[String:[Int]]]?
func crunch3(value: [[String:[Int]]])
println("Om nom 3!")
I'd like to introduce my idea. (Sorry for my poor English in advance.)
let plainKey = UDKey("Message", string)
let mixedKey
= UDKey("Mixed"
, array(dictionary(
string, tuple(
let ud = UserDefaults(NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults())
ud.set(plainKey, "Hello")
ud.set(plainKey, 2525) // <-- compile error
ud.set(mixedKey, [ [ "(^_^;)": ([1, 2, 3], .Some(NSDate()))] ])
ud.set(mixedKey, [ [ "(^_^;)": ([1, 2, 3], .Some(NSData()))] ]) // <-- compile error
The only difference is that UDKey() now requires #2 argument, a value of BiMap class. I've uncoupled the work originally of UDKey into BiMap which converts a value of a type to/from a value of another type.
public class BiMap<A, B> {
public func AtoB(a: A) -> B?
public func BtoA(b: B) -> A?
Consequently, types that set/get can accepts are conducted by BiMap, and no longer limited to types as can automatically cast
from/to AnyObject (more specifically, types NSUserDefaults can accepts.).
Because BiMap is a generic class, you can easily create subtypes of that, interchanging arbitrary two types you want.
Here is full source code. (But there are bugs yet to be fixed..)