My if statement is not working, in other words it's not wanting to detect player scores. I've also tried checking if it exists.
Here is the whole script:
local price = script.Parent.Price.Value
local item = script.Parent.Price.Value
local db = true
local function buy(player)
local itemName = game.ServerStorage.GravityCoil:Clone()
print("got to click detecting")
if player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats").Tix.Value >= 5 then
print("checked price")
db = false
player.leaderstats.Tix.Value = player.leaderstats.Tix.Value - price
itemName.Parent = player.Backpack
print("gave item")
db = true
But we need to focus on one part,
if player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats").Tix.Value >= 5 then
print("checked price")
db = false
player.leaderstats.Tix.Value = player.leaderstats.Tix.Value - price
itemName.Parent = player.Backpack
print("gave item")
db = true
There are no errors, warnings, anything in the console. I can't pinpoint the problem, I've joined discord servers, I've looked at roblox forums, I just can't find a solution to this problem! So please, if you have 30 minutes just to look at this and try to post an answer, I will praise you. Have a great day.
I suggest removing the FindFirstChild as leaderstats should already exist in player so there is no need to check for it. Also check if your greater sign is correct as you could have meant to put a lesser sign which resulted in the if statement not working.
None of it's working. Can you please help. This is in Roblox Studio.
local Time = math.floor (game.Lighting:GetMinutesAfterMidnight(480/60))
local intakeAlert = game.StarterGui.Main.IntakeAlert
local prisonerCount = game.ReplicatedStorage.NumPrisoners
local intake = game.ReplicatedStorage.PrisonerIntake -- This is the prisoner intake status
while wait() do
if Time == 8 then -- Checks if it is 8 hours after midnight.
print("Prison Bus Arriving.")
intakeAlert.Visible = true
intakeAlert.Visible = false
After reading your code, the reason I can say that the reason it is not running is because of this line of code:
if Time == 8 then -- Checks if it is 8 hours after midnight.
The main reason is probably your time variable.
local Time = math.floor (game.Lighting:GetMinutesAfterMidnight(480/60))
First things first, GetMinutesAfterMidnight() doesn't take any parameters. I'm not sure why there is one
Second, you setup your variable at runtime, meaning its value is static. If the ingame time at runtime was 2, then the time variable would remain 2 until the script is stopped.
Here is my fix to this:
local intakeAlert = game.StarterGui.Main.IntakeAlert
local prisonerCount = game.ReplicatedStorage.NumPrisoners
local intake = game.ReplicatedStorage.PrisonerIntake -- This is the prisoner intake status
local debounce -- Make sure this event doesn't fire several times
while true do
local currentTime = math.floor(game.Lighting.ClockTime) -- You can change this to GetMinutesBeforeMidnight if you want. Might have to do some math.
if currentTime == 8 then -- Checks if it is 8 hours after midnight.
if debounce then return end -- Return if the event has already been fired.
debounce = true
print("Prison Bus Arriving.")
intakeAlert.Visible = true
intakeAlert.Visible = false
debounce = false -- If its 9 after midnight, debounce will be set to false for the next day.
wait() -- You should avoid using this, I suggest changing it to something like RunService.Heartbeat:Wait() but that's your choice.
A little background, I'm trying to do a custom Category listing, but at the moment it seems the Category not being sort as I seen on Admin.
Here's the code that I've done so far
$current_store = $this->_storeManager->getStore();
$root_category_id = $this->_storeManager->getStore()->getRootCategoryId();
$collection = $this->_categoryCollectionFactory->create()
->addAttributeToFilter('is_active', 1)
return $collection->addAttributeToFilter('entity_id', array('nin' => $root_category_id))
And the result, when I tried to echo its ID is like below
But, from the Admin, it doesn't reflect the order correctly, below is the figure
The problem that I realize is, that, I have sub category, I tried to echo the query from above code, and then copy-paste it into sql GUI, and I realize, the position is kinda weird but, it does make-sense, because it's a sub category.
Here's the result when I execute the query on sql GUI
So, what I tried to achieve is to sort above result, to reflecting what I set on Admin.
Is there anything that I missed? I'm not sure where to look, since I've been stuck around 1-2 days, not sure what's the proper keyword, almost all keyword I did will arrive to product sort or kind of that, not category sort
Thanks in Advance!
For those who still needs some answer relating to this question, here's the answer
$store_categories = $this->_categoryFactory->create();
$store_categories = $store_categories->load($this->_root_category_id)->getChildrenCategories();
foreach ($store_categories as $category) {
//get id
$category_id = $category->getId();
//get category model
$category = $this->getCategoryModel($category_id);
$sub_children = $this->getActiveChildCategories($category);
if (count($sub_children) > 0) {
$sub_categories = $this->getSubCategory($sub_children);
$categories = array_merge($categories, $sub_categories);
} else {
$categories[] = $category;
The _categoryFactory comes from Magento\Catalog\Model\CategoryFactory.
It's pretty much covering what I want, but not really as I expected before, because I think it's not really efficient.
PS - I'm still new on Magento 2, so, if someone else has other answer that might be pretty much like I expect, then, I'm happily change it as Accepted Answer. :)
New to reactive programming and pretty lost.
I have a number (which can be positive or negative) coming into a script from a patch in SparkAR and I'd like to add the number to itself once every frame.
ie if the incoming number is 1 and it comes in 9 times the variable would be 9.
let intoScript = Patches.getScalarValue('intoScript').pinLastValue;
let myValue = Reactive.add(myValue, intoScript);
The above doesnt work.
One way-
Increment counter in Patch editor and send variable value to SparkAR.
let originalValue = Reactive.val(0)
function increment(newValue){'originalValue', originalValue)
originalValue = newValue.add(originalValue)
Don't forget to import Reactive module. more info about logical operations here
Good afternoon everyone,
I am trying to combine 2 separate function to create a semi-dynamic where clause. Currently I have 3 identical view in my SQL database which are pretty much the same except for the following line pending on what the user state are.
For WA User.
(dbo.JunctionT.ProcessState = 'CDS' )
For VIC User.
(dbo.JunctionT.ProcessState = 'VIC' OR dbo.JunctionT.ProcessState = 'WA')
For NSW User.
(dbo.JunctionT.ProcessState = 'NSW')
Therefore, if the user is from NSW, return results from their user state.. and if the user is from WA then return result where ProcessState is CDS and if the user is from VIC then return result where ProcessState is either VIC or WA.
I have written the following nested case when statement to try and combine these 3 views into 1:
`dbo.JunctionT.ProcessState =
WHEN dbo.fnGetReviewState(CURRENT_USER) = 'NSW' THEN 'NSW'
WHEN dbo.fnGetReviewState(CURRENT_USER) = 'WA' THEN 'CDS'
WHEN dbo.fnGetReviewState(CURRENT_USER) = 'VIC' THEN 'VIC OR WA'
This seems to be working perfectly fine for both NSW and WA users but when I trial it as a VIC user, it returns nothing. I suspect it could be a syntax issue but i have tried the following without much success:
Have tried to use:('VIC OR WA'), ('VIC' OR 'WA'), ['VIC' OR 'WA'], <'VIC' OR 'WA'>
Hoping that someone more knowledgeable is able to show me what it is I am missing or even suggest a better way to complete this dynamic statement. Many many thanks in advance!!
Brien is close. This should do the trick:
when dbo.JunctionT.ProcessState = 'NSW' and
dbo.fnGetReviewState(CURRENT_USER) = 'NSW' then 1
when dbo.JunctionT.ProcessState = 'CDS' and
dbo.fnGetReviewState(CURRENT_USER) = 'WA' then 1
when dbo.JunctionT.ProcessState in ( 'VIC', 'WA' ) and
dbo.fnGetReviewState(CURRENT_USER) = 'VIC' then 1
else 0
end = 1
'VIC OR WA' is literally "VIC OR WA", that is why there are no rows returning.
dbo.JunctionT.ProcessState would have to equal "VIC OR WA" (this exact/literal string) to return rows.
What you want instead dbo.JunctionT.ProcessState IN ('VIC','WA')
So there is an element of dynamic SQL involved in order to have your CASE statement return exactly what you need.
I have a structure like so:
There are ~13 components to each basis, including 6 asset class IDs.
So, for example
fieldnames(Basis.SalaryIncrease) =
Now what I want to do is select all unique asset classes used in any basis. I am really struggling to make this neat though, currently I am using:
basisNames = fieldnames(Basis);
for i = 1:size(fieldnames(Basis),1)
requiredSeries = [requiredSeries;unique(Basis.(basisNames{i}).AAssetClassID)];
requiredSeries = [requiredSeries;unique(Basis.(basisNames{i}).BAssetClassID)];
requiredSeries = [requiredSeries;unique(Basis.(basisNames{i}).CAssetClassID)];
requiredSeries = [requiredSeries;unique(Basis.(basisNames{i}).DAssetClassID)];
requiredSeries = [requiredSeries;unique(Basis.(basisNames{i}).EAssetClassID)];
requiredSeries = [requiredSeries;unique(Basis.(basisNames{i}).FAssetClassID)];
requiredSeries = unique(requiredSeries)
Which is really ugly in my opinion. I want to do some kind of string compare to find 'AssetClassID' within the fields, so something like:
field = fieldnames(Basis.(basisNames{1}));
And then use that cell array to logically index 'field' and just grab the data from 'AssetClassID' fields. But I am stuck on making that work.
gets me the logical index, how do I apply that to fields and then use it to get values.
Any ideas would be appreciated, I feel there should be a neat way of doing it and I am missing something. Hardcoding those fieldnames seems short sighted as a solution.
Edit: I hate myself.
Sorry folks, I came up with a working variant like moments after posting this, apologies for wasting anyones time!
basisNames = fieldnames(Basis);
for i = 1:size(fieldnames(Basis),1)
field = fieldnames(Basis.(basisNames{i}));
field = cell2mat(field(~cellfun('isempty',strfind(field,'AssetClassID'))));
for j = 1:size(field,1)
requiredSeries = [requiredSeries;unique(Basis.(basisNames{i}).(field(1,:)))];
requiredSeries = unique(requiredSeries)
I was missing a necessary cell2mat earlier which caused the inability to get it to bloody work. Anyway, I'd always like to hear improvements to that but otherwise you can shut this down.
Sorry folks, I came up with a working variant 30 mins or after posting this, popping it down as an answer as per Michelle's suggestion.
basisNames = fieldnames(Basis);
for i = 1:size(fieldnames(Basis),1)
field = fieldnames(Basis.(basisNames{i}));
field = cell2mat(field(~cellfun('isempty',strfind(field,'AssetClassID'))));
for j = 1:size(field,1)
requiredSeries = [requiredSeries;unique(Basis.(basisNames{i}).(a(1,:)))];
requiredSeries = unique(requiredSeries)
I was missing a necessary cell2mat earlier which caused the inability to get it to bloody work. Anyway, I'd always like to hear improvements to that but otherwise you ignore this entirely :)