I have an array of strings and a CoreData object with a bunch of variables stored in it; the strings represent each stored variable. I want to show the value of each of the variables in a list. However, I cannot find a way to fetch all variables from a coredata object, and so instead I'm trying to use the following code.
ListView: View{
//I call this view from another one and pass in the object.
let object: Object
//I have a bunch of strings for each variable, this is just a few of them
let strings = ["first_name", "_last_name", "middle_initial" ...]
var body: some View{
ForEach(strings){ str in
//Want to pass in string here as property name
//This doesn't work because string cannot be directly passed in as property name - this is the essence of my question.
So as you can see, I just want to pass in the string name as a member name for the CoreData object. When I try the code above, I get the following errors: Value of type 'Object' has no member 'name' and Expected member name following '.'. Please tell me how to pass in the string as a property name.
CoreData is heavily based on KVC (Key-Value Coding) so you can use key paths which is much more reliable than string literals.
let paths : [KeyPath<Object,String>] = [\.first_name, \.last_name, \.middle_initial]
ForEach(paths, id: \.self){ path in
Text(object[keyPath: path]))
Swift is a strongly typed language, and iterating in a python/javascript like approach is less common and less recommended.
Having said that, to my best knowledge you have three ways to tackle this issue.
First, I'd suggest encoding the CoreData model into a dictionary [String: Any] or [String: String] - then you can keep the same approach you wanted - iterate over the property names array and get them as follow:
let dic = object.asDictionary()
ForEach(strings){ str in
//Want to pass in string here as property name
let propertyValue = dic[str]
//This doesn't work because string cannot be directly passed in as property name - this is the essence of my question.
Make sure to comply with Encodable and to have this extension
extension Encodable {
func asDictionary() throws -> [String: Any] {
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(self)
guard let dictionary = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .allowFragments) as? [String: Any] else {
throw NSError()
return dictionary
Second, you can hard coded the properties and if/else/switch over them in the loop
ForEach(strings){ str in
//Want to pass in string here as property name
switch str {
case "first_name":
// Do what is needed
Third, and last, You can read and use a technique called reflection, which is the closest thing to what you want to achieve
let disucssionMessageTimestampKey = DiscussionMessage.CodingKeys.messageTimestamp.stringValue gives an error:
'CodingKeys' is inaccessible due to 'private' protection level
I have a message structure defined like this:
struct DiscussionMessage: Codable {
let message, userCountryCode, userCountryEmoji, userName, userEmailAddress: String
let messageTimestamp: Double
let fcmToken, question, recordingUrl, profilePictureUrl: String?
I want to define a variable disucssionMessageTimestampKey whose value will be messageTimestamp. I want to use disucssionMessageTimestampKey variable in the following query:
messagesReference.queryOrdered(byChild: "messageTimestamp").queryStarting(atValue: NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970).observe(.childAdded)
So that I don't have to hardcode the string value ("messageTimestamp") of the variable name.
Now I know I could just do let disucssionMessageTimestampKey: String = "messageTimestamp". But this is again prone to errors. So I was wondering if there was a way that I could get the string value messageTimestamp without having to define it anywhere.
By something like this (I know this won't work but just to give an idea of what I am looking for)
let disucssionMessageTimestampKey: String = String(describing: DiscussionMessage.messageTimestamp) // Will store disucssionMessageTimestampKey = "messageTimestamp"
Also, would it be possible to completely define the key values first as strings and then use those as variable names in the actual codable object? I.e. first define let disucssionMessageTimestampKey: String = "messageTimestamp", and then use the variable disucssionMessageTimestampKey to define what the property (messageTimestamp) of the codable object should be called. (This is low priority but curious and seems related to the question at hand)
I have code that save a dictionary of [String: Any] in UserDefaults. On retrieval String are changed to __NSCFString. I am using Mixpanel to track events and sends this dictionary as events properties. Now the problem is __NSCFString is not a valid MixpanelType so Mixpanel is discarding my dictionary.
Is there a way to get same datatypes that are saved using dictionary in UserDefaults?
Is there a way Mixpanel accepts converted datatypes?
Here is a code I am using
var mixpanelProperties: [String: Any] {
get { defaults.dictionary(forKey: "\(#function)") ?? [:] }
set { defaults.set(newValue, forKey: "\(#function)") }
mixpanelProperties = ["a-key": "value for the key"]
let prop = mixpanelProperties
print("Type of: \(String(describing: prop["a-key"]))")
MacOS and iOS use a variety of different classes to represent strings, which are all compatible. x as? String should just work, no matter what the concrete class of x is. Unless you use code that explicitely checks the class which you shouldn't do.
I want to initialize every time a struct with dictionaries. Later, I'm going to use its properties instead a dictionary's keys and values - it seems rather easier. However, when I try the code below, it tells me that "Return from initializer without initializing all stored properties" and "1. 'self.one' not initialized" and "2. 'self.two' not initialized". My question is how to initialize a struct from a dictionary, so that I have basically a struct with the contents of the dictionary? Or how to transform it into struct?
struct Blabla {
var one: String
var two: [Int]
init(three: [String: [Int]]) {
for i in three {
self.one = i.key
self.two = i.value
} ERROR! - Return from initializer without initializing all stored properties
struct Blabla {
var one: String
var two: [Int]
init(three: [String: [Int]]) {
one = ""
two = []
for i in three {
self.one = i.key
self.two = i.value
} ERROR! - Return from initializer without initializing all stored properties
for in clause may have zero runs, in which case struct properties will not be initialized. You have to provide default values (or emit fatalError if you really need to).
While I think your example is pure synthetical, there is no need to loop through array, you can set properties to its last entry.
The issues is that if three is an empty Dictionary, the instance properties one and two don't get initialised. Also, you are overwriting the properties in each iteration of the for loop and the compiler cannot guarantee that there will be any iterations of the loop in compile-time, hence the compiler error.
You could make the initialiser failable to account for this by checking that the dictionary actually contains at least one key-value pair and assigning that first key-value pair to your properties.
struct Blabla {
var one: String
var two: [Int]
init?(three: [String: [Int]]) {
guard let key = three.keys.first, let value = three[key] else { return nil }
one = key
two = value
However, you should rethink what it is that you are actually trying to achieve, since with your current setup you have a mismatch between your init input values and the properties of your struct.
This code should compile, but it feels unsafe to me to initialize a Struct in this way because:
It assume your dictionary has values in it.
Your stored properties will always have the last value you looped through.
In order to pull values out to satisfy the compiler you need to force unwrap them. (With Dávid Pásztor's guard-letting approach, this can be avoided)
struct Blabla {
var one: String
var two: [Int]
init(three: [String: [Int]]) {
self.one = three.keys.first!
self.two = three[three.keys.first!]!
let input = ["pizza": [1,2]]
let l = Blabla(three: input)
If I were you I would let the memberwise initializer that you get for free do its thing and provide either a specialized initializer to handle your case of taking a Dictionary as input or move that parsing to another function/class/etc....
The compiler error is clear: If the dictionary is empty the struct members are never initialized. But the code makes no sense anyway as each iteration of the dictionary overwrites the values.
Maybe you mean to map the dictionary to an array of the struct
struct Blabla {
let one: String
let two: [Int]
let three = ["A":[1,2], "B":[3,4]]
let blabla = three.map{Blabla(one: $0.key, two: $0.value)}
print(blabla) // [Blabla(one: "A", two: [1, 2]), Blabla(one: "B", two: [3, 4])]
struct blabla{
var a : string
var b : [int] = []
init(_ data: [string:[int]]){
// whatever you want to do
In my app I translate objects from custom classes into dictionaries so that they can be saved locally in a plist as well as on a server. I use the following to turn the properties of a class into a dictionary:
func dictionary() -> [String : Any] {
var count: UInt32 = 0;
let myClass: AnyClass = self.classForCoder;
let properties = class_copyPropertyList(myClass, &count);
var dictionaryRepresentation: [String:Any] = [:]
for i in 0..<count {
let property = properties![Int(i)]
let cStringKey = property_getName(property);
let key = String(cString: cStringKey!)
dictionaryRepresentation[key] = self.value(forKey: key) as Any
return dictionaryRepresentation
I have a problem, however, with computed properties. It seems that those are computed and the returned value gets put into the dictionary as well, which I would like to avoid. So here is my question:
Is it possible to check whether is a property computed programatically using only its name?
I am assuming this could be possible by trying to assign a value to it which would give me an error or some similar approach.
Here is what seems to be a working solution, based on suggestion by dasblinkenlight.
Rather than using the Objective-C method outlined above, create a Mirror of the class which has a children made up of all settable properties, therefore excluding computables.
Used like this:
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: MyObject)
for case let (label?, value) in mirror.children {
print (label, value)
Here label is the name of the variable and value is obviously the value.
EDIT: In case anyone wants to convert objects into dictionary, I am posting the full code here as well. Do however remember that if values are custom objects as well, those will need to be converted too.
func dictionary() -> [String:Any] {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
var dictionaryRepresentation = [String:Any]()
for case let (label, value) in mirror.children {
guard let key = label else { continue }
dictionaryRepresentation[key] = value
return dictionaryRepresentation
You can try property_copyAttributeList(_:_:) function, it may contain a read-only marker for swift's computed properties. Although I guess let properties also will have that marker, so you must find a way to differ them.
I try to convert my code to swift 3 an I have spent hours on the following error:
Type 'Any' has no subscript members
Here's was my original code:
let data: AnyObject = user.object(forKey: "profilePicture")![0]
I looked at the answers here but I'm still stuck. (I do programming as a hobby, I'm not a pro :/)
I've try that:
let object = object.object(forKey: "profilePicture") as? NSDictionary
let data: AnyObject = object![0] as AnyObject
But now I get this error:
Variable used within its own initial value
Second issue: Use always a different variable name as the method name, basically use more descriptive names than object anyway.
First issue: Tell the compiler the type of the value for profilePicture, apparently an array.
if let profilePictures = user["profilePicture"] as? [[String:Any]], !profilePictures.isEmpty {
let data = profilePictures[0]
However, the array might contain Data objects, if so use
if let profilePictures = user["profilePicture"] as? [Data], !profilePictures.isEmpty {
let data = profilePictures[0]
Or – what the key implies – the value for profilePicture is a single object, who knows (but you ...)
And finally, as always, don't use NSArray / NSDictionary in Swift.