Variable used within its own initial value Swift 3 - swift

I try to convert my code to swift 3 an I have spent hours on the following error:
Type 'Any' has no subscript members
Here's was my original code:
let data: AnyObject = user.object(forKey: "profilePicture")![0]
I looked at the answers here but I'm still stuck. (I do programming as a hobby, I'm not a pro :/)
I've try that:
let object = object.object(forKey: "profilePicture") as? NSDictionary
let data: AnyObject = object![0] as AnyObject
But now I get this error:
Variable used within its own initial value

Second issue: Use always a different variable name as the method name, basically use more descriptive names than object anyway.
First issue: Tell the compiler the type of the value for profilePicture, apparently an array.
if let profilePictures = user["profilePicture"] as? [[String:Any]], !profilePictures.isEmpty {
let data = profilePictures[0]
However, the array might contain Data objects, if so use
if let profilePictures = user["profilePicture"] as? [Data], !profilePictures.isEmpty {
let data = profilePictures[0]
Or ā€“ what the key implies ā€“ the value for profilePicture is a single object, who knows (but you ...)
And finally, as always, don't use NSArray / NSDictionary in Swift.


List all window names in Swift

Iā€™m learning Swift. How do I fix the following code to list the window names?
import CoreGraphics
let windows = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(CGWindowListOption.optionAll, kCGNullWindowID)
for i in 0..<CFArrayGetCount(windows) {
if let window = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(windows, i) {
print(CFDictionaryGetValue(window, kCGWindowName))
The error:
main.swift:6:32: error: cannot convert value of type 'UnsafeRawPointer' to expected argument type 'CFDictionary?'
print(CFDictionaryGetValue(window, kCGWindowName))
as! CFDictionary
It becomes easier if you avoid using the Core Foundation types and methods, and bridge the values to native Swift types as early as possible.
Here, CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo() returns an optional CFArray of CFDictionaries, and that can be bridged to the corresponding Swift type [[String : Any]]. Then you can access its values with the usual Swift methods (array enumeration and dictionary subscripting):
if let windowInfo = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(.optionAll, kCGNullWindowID) as? [[ String : Any]] {
for windowDict in windowInfo {
if let windowName = windowDict[kCGWindowName as String] as? String {
You can use unsafeBitCast(_:to:) to convert the opaque raw pointer to a CFDictionary. Note that you'll also need to convert the second parameter, to a raw pointer:
CFDictionaryGetValue(unsafeBitCast(window, to: CFDictionary.self), unsafeBitCast(kCGWindowName, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self))
unsafeBitCast(_:to:) tells the compiler to treat that variable as another type, however it's not very safe (thus the unsafe prefix), recommending to read the documentation for more details, especially the following note:
Calling this function breaks the guarantees of the Swift type system; use with extreme care.
In your particular case there should not be any problems using the function, since you're working with the appropriate types, as declared in the documentation of the Foundation functions you're calling.
Complete, workable code could look something like this:
import CoreGraphics
let windows = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(CGWindowListOption.optionAll, kCGNullWindowID)
for i in 0..<CFArrayGetCount(windows) {
let windowDict = unsafeBitCast(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(windows, i), to: CFDictionary.self)
let rawWindowNameKey = unsafeBitCast(kCGWindowName, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self)
let rawWindowName = CFDictionaryGetValue(windowDict, rawWindowNameKey)
let windowName = unsafeBitCast(rawWindowName, to: CFString?.self) as String?
print(windowName ?? "")
You can bring the CoreFoundation array sooner to the Swift world by casting right from the start:
let windows = CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(CGWindowListOption.optionAll, kCGNullWindowID) as? [[AnyHashable: Any]]
windows?.forEach { window in
The code is much readable, however it might pose performance problems, as the cast to [[AnyHashable: Any]]` can be expensive for large array consisting of large dictionaries.

Accessing values in a dictionary containing AnyObject

I have some data I stored into a dictionary which is defined as:
let data = Dictionary<String, AnyObject>()
In this dictionary the value is always a string, but the value can be an array or integer or string. But when I try to access an item in a array in this dictionary, like:
let item = data["key"][0]
It gives me this error:
Cannot subscript value of type "AnyObject"
How should I access that item?
You need to tell the compiler that you're expecting an array:
if let array = data["key"] as? [Int] {
let item = array[0]
Without that, the compiler only knows that there MAY be an AnyObject in data["key"] (it might also be nil).

Value type of "Any" has no member 'objectforKey' Swift 3 conversion

I am currently facing this problem (Value type of "Any" has no member 'objectforKey') due to swift 3 upgrade. Anybody knows why?
Here is my line of code that have the error
let bookName:String = (accounts[indexPath.row] as AnyObject).objectForKey("bookName") as! String
*accounts is an array.
Okay basically it is the .objectForKey needs to be change as the following:
let bookName:String = (accounts[indexPath.row] as AnyObject).object(forKey:"bookName") as! String
As always, do not use NS(Mutable)Array / NS(Mutable)Dictionary in Swift. Both types lack type information and return Any which is the most unspecified type in Swift.
Declare accounts as Swift Array
var accounts = [[String:Any]]()
Then you can write
let bookName = accounts[indexPath.row]["bookName"] as! String
Another Dont: Do not annotate types that the compiler can infer.

Swift Error: Ambiguous reference to member 'subscript'

I'm new to coding and picked up some open source project to get the idea.
I'm getting the error:
Ambiguous reference to member 'subscript'
in the code below:
let pictures = ( selectedRestaurant["Pictures"] as! NSArray ) // Error
let picture = ( pictures[zoomedPhotoIndex] as! NSDictionary )
let pictureURL = picture["url"] as! String
let imageURL = NSURL(string: pictureURL)
let urlRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: imageURL!)
NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(urlRequest, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()) {
response, data, error in
if error == nil && data != nil {
self.imageView.image = UIImage(data: data!)
self.imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit
Just specify explicitly what is the type of pictures:
So instead of:
let pictures = selectedRestaurant["Pictures"] as! NSArray
let pictures: NSArray = selectedRestaurant["Pictures"] as! NSArray
For me the answer was to specifically state the type of array I was casting to:
if let foo = dictionary["bar"] as? [String]
It means that "Pictures" is not a valid subscript. It looks like you are creating a constant named pictures and you are trying to assign it a value of selectedRestaraunt["Pictures"] and then trying to cast it as an NSArray. If selectedrestaraunt is already an array, then what goes in the [] brackets after selectedRestaraunt should be an integer value which will refer to an index in the selectedRestaraunt array. Obviosuly "Pictures" is not an integer, it is a string.
If you are trying to access an array within an array. Meaning that Pictures is an array stored within the selectedRestarauntarray then you can access it by using selectedRestaraunt[index of Pictures array] where [index of pictures array] is an integer which is equal to the index number in which the Picutres array resides within the selectedRestaraunt array
I managed to get this error in a somewhat weird way. I had code like this:
cell.textLabel = anArrayOfStrings[indexPath.item].uppercased()
And I was stumped as to why it couldn't figure out that this was an array, even though I very clearly declared its type. I broke the line in two and finally got a helpful error message:
let name = anArrayOfStrings[indexPath.item].uppercased()
cell.textLabel = name
I was trying to assign a String to a UILabel, but somehow the point at which the type inference engine failed was at the subscript.
So my advice to anyone stumped by this is to try to break up your statement into bite-sized chunks that the Swift type inference engine can more easily digest.
As Eric and Eugene mentioned in their comments it is impossible to review the issue you are having without knowing the selectedRestaurant type. That is after all why you are getting the compiler ambiguity error.
I have to respectfully disagree with MikeG though. The problem is not one of a valid subscript. You'd be getting that kind of error, if for example you had a selectedRestaurant type of [NSNumber:AnyObject], where clearly String is no longer valid since the dictionary key could only be an NSNumber.

Dictionary Values in Swift

I am trying to access values I've set in a Swift dictionary. The dictionary has a String for the keys and values. My intent is to use the dictionary to set a string variable as I work through a series of URLs. In Objective-C I understand how this works. I have a string property called currentFeed that I pass the value of the dictionary to.
self.currentFeed = [NSString stringWithString: [self.URLDictionary objectForKey: #"FLO Cycling"]];
In Swift I am having a difficult time with this. I tried the following code and receive an error message.
self.currentFeed = self.URLDictionary["FLO Cycling"]
Error Message: "Cannot subscript a value of type '[String:String]' with an index of type 'String'.
For reference the dictionary was created in Swift in the following way. The constants were created with lets.
let kFLOCyclingURL = ""
let kTriathleteURL = ""
let kVeloNewsURL = ""
let kCyclingNewsURL = ""
let kRoadBikeActionURL = ""
let kIronmanURL = ""
The items were added to the dictionary with keys.
let URLTempDictionary = ["FLO Cycling" : kFLOCyclingURL, "Triathlete" : kTriathleteURL, "Velo News" : kVeloNewsURL, "Cycling News" : kCyclingNewsURL, "Road Bike Action" : kRoadBikeActionURL, "Ironman" : kIronmanURL]
Thanks for any help.
Take care,
This compiles fine for me. The only thing I noticed was that your dictionary is named URLTempDictionary and you're accessing URLDictionary. :)
Option a (safest, most robust)
if let dict = self.URLDictionary
self.currentFeed = dict["FLO Cycling"]
Option b (use with caution, possible runtime error)
self.currentFeed = dict!["FLO Cycling"]