Azure DevOps - Planning of manual testing in Test Plans - how to define planned execution date for each Test case - azure-devops

At our project we use Azure DevOps Test Plans for manual testing. We do not use pipelines. We have each Test plan for testing of one iteration - approx. 1 month testing for each test plan, but eg. SIT or UAT will take longer. I would like to see, when each test case (or test suite) is going to be tested, but there is no attribute for this.
I would also like to have reporting based on that (how many test cases should have been run by today and how many were really run)?
Can anyone help how to approach that?

As a simple way, you can use iterations to plan target periods for your test activities. If you want to have a custom attribute, you can edit your process template (Customize a project using an inherited process):
Select Add new field:
As an example, assign the exiting field to the test case:
You can add it to the test suite and test case:
Test case:
Test suite:


Parallel execution on specflow xunit

I am looking to maximize the parallel execution of Specflow + Xunit, currently the parallel is up to the feature level. I am looking for a way to make it up to scenario level. I do plan to use specflow+runner, unfortunately it has stopped development.
Currently I did the workaround using DevOps pipeline to distribute the scenarios to 2 agents. Does someone have any better suggestions?
Feature: Calculator
Scenario: Add two numbers
#agent2 // Assign to agent 2
Scenario: Add two numbers 2
Feature: Calculator2
Scenario: Add two numbers 3
#agent2 // Assign to agent 2
Scenario: Add two numbers 4
This appears to be a limitation of xUnit. From Running Tests in Parallel on
Test Collections
How does decide which tests can run against each other in parallel? It uses a concept called test collections to make that decision.
By default, each test class is a unique test collection. Tests within the same test class will not run in parallel against each other.
(emphasis, mine)
A feature file in SpecFlow gets parsed and converted to a test class in xUnit. A test class (and therefore a feature file in SpecFlow) become default collections to support parallelization when running tests. Until xUnit supports a way to run test methods in the same class in parallel, this does not appear possible when using xUnit + SpecFlow, because it is not possible when just using xUnit.

Azure DevOps test Plans

How do I call multiple shared parameters in a single test plan? I can call a single shared parameter for now. It will be helpful if I can call multiple parameters in a single test plan.
When you write a manual test, you often want to specify that the test should be repeated several times with different test data. For example, if your users can add different quantities of a product to a shopping cart, then you want to check that a quantity of 200 works just as well as a quantity of 1.
To do this, you insert parameters in your test steps. Along with the test steps, you provide a table of parameter values. You can also share parameters and their data between test cases when you use the web portal with TFS 2015 and later or Azure DevOps. That way you can run multiple test cases with the same data.

Azure Devops Regression test case management

We have a very large application with nearly 2K testcases for regression. Our process is multiple sprints of work towards a single release. So, we use a dedicated regression test plan.
My question is how to manage regression runs? Right now, we clone the Master Regression suite or prior regression suite. This allows us to preserve the previous regression results. But this method creates new unique test cases, which doesn't keep associated bugs.
If we reset all the tests in the current suite, I know the previous runs could be seen at the test case level. However, I can't figure out how to call up historical aggregate results, for a previous run.
How should DevOps be used for managing repeat test runs?
How should DevOps be used for managing repeat test runs?
To repeat test, we could to insert parameters in test steps:
Create a parameter by typing a name preceded by "#" in the actions and expected results of test steps
You could check this document Repeat a test with different data for some more details.
For the historical aggregate results, there is an user voice about it on the Developer Community.
Hope this helps.

Running Parallel Jobs and getting the aggregated results

I had a quick question about the workflow plugin. I'm trying to see if the plugin will be able to satisfy my use case:
We have a jenkins job that will build our app
We want to spin off a suite of test jobs that will perform various tests on the newly built app (unit, integration, etc). These will need to be run in parallel and we want to run them on more than one jenkins node for performance reasons
We'll take the aggregated output from all our test processes from step 2 and be able to decide whether or not we should deploy (everything's passed) or not
I was curious as to whether or not I'd be able to accomplish this within the plugin and if so if you had any tips/pointers to a start.
You can certainly run nodes inside parallel branches. If one branch fails, the parallel step as a whole fails. If you want the build to succeed, but behave differently depending on test results, you can capture them directly as Groovy variables in various ways.
If you are using JUnitArchiver, currently it does not provide a simple means of exposing the test results directly to the Pipeline script (JENKINS-26276), though if you just want to tell if there are some failures or none, you can inspect currentBuild.status.
If you have JUnit-format test results and wish to automatically split them amongst various nodes (especially helpful in case you have a large pool of machines and it would be unmaintainable to manually divide your tests), see this demo of the Parallel Test Executor plugin’s splitTests step.

How do I set up a multi-stage test pipeline in sbt?

Specifically, for a Scalatra project, but the question probably applies to most.
For example, I typically want to run:
unit tests
code quality checks (coverage, duplication, complexity, jsLint!)
integration tests (not too many!)
acceptance tests (usually a "pre-checkin" subset)
regression tests (basically the same as acceptance tests, but a bigger set)
performance tests
I want to run different subsets of these by context - i.e. after a simple code change I might just run the first three; before checking in I might want to run a bigger set, and the Continuous Integration server might have a "fast" and a "slow" build that have even bigger sets.
The basic sbt docs seem to assume a single "test" target - is there a recommended way to implement multiple test phases like this?
You may want to look at this blog about using integrated testing with SBT and Hudson:
Then, to add your own actions you can use this page:
Basically, though, you will probably want to add a new action for each of your testing steps, in order to get the particular events you want to happen.