Eclipse 2022-3 no longer support CVS? - eclipse

After upgrading Eclipse to the latest version, 2022-3, I found it seems 'Eclipse CVS Client' plug-in is no longer available in the official software source, which has been the way to install the CVS support for the past several versions. Any idea how to install CVS support going forward?

Yes, as announced in September 19, 2021, Eclipse 2021-12 (4.22) was the last release containing CVS support.
Installing the Eclipse CVS Client from the Eclipse 4.22 update site might work. Otherwise, you have to build it yourself.
Consider to subscribe to the Eclipse cross-project-issues-dev mailing list to not to miss such things.

I'm using the CVS plugin.
CVS is still very useful for versioning of scripts.
It still works after in-place upgrade to Eclipse 2022-03.
Hope this will be the case with future Eclipse versions.


How to upgrade from Eclipse Mars to Eclipse Neon?

To upgrade to a new version, the eclipse FAQ suggests to add a new repository and then install available updates. Upgrading to Neon, the corresponding repository is
On this page, it says:
NOTE: Due to structural changes you cannot update from a Mars (or prior) all-in-one package to a Neon version. If interested in the technical details, see bug 332989 and bug 490515.
I still tried to above procedure, but no updates were found. What is the best way to upgrade from Mars to Neon? A complete new installation? How do I preserve my settings?
The note on the repository page is right. Thanks to your report, I edited the FAQ to make it clear that upgrading packages from Mars to Neon is not supported.
Instead you need to to a fresh install for Neon (or later).
I tried to upgrade in the recommended way, by adding the repository links and doing an update, but then I got a lot of conflict messages. I foolishly tried to remove the conflicting software components, until it told me that Eclipse itself was the conflict! I posted my problem to the Eclipse Forums, and was told by a regular with tens of thousands of posts that Neon was so different that I should not even try to upgrade, just create a new installation. When I tried to do that however, I got lots of warnings "That the artifact download is progressing very slowly from ..."
It is not possible to upgrade from Mars (or earlier versions), so a new install is needed.
This can be in parallel with the old install. From the FAQ:
Fresh install
If you prefer not performing an update (for example
because some 3rd-party content isn't ready for the current release of
Eclipse IDE so the update reports conflicts), you can still download a
fresh install of the Eclipse IDE and install it in another location on
your filesystem, and use it together with the previous version.
To do so, download a new build from the Eclipse download Web site
( and run the
installer or unzip the archive in a new directory. We strongly
recommend against installing/unzipping over your existing version of
Eclipse IDE as it may corrupt your installation.
When you start a new version of Eclipse IDE, you can use the same
existing workspace folder that you were using with older version. The
workspace will be migrated to newer version and Eclipse IDE will to
reuse all configuration. The workspace is forward compatible

How to install SVN Repository Exploring plugin for Eclipse

How to install SVN Repository Exploring plugin for Eclipse? My current Eclipse version is 2.6.1. it does not have SVN Repository Exploring Perspective.
Update your eclipse firstly.
Help --> Eclipse MarketPlace, search subclipse, click install, and then follow the instructions to finish up the installation process.
I highly advise you to update your Eclipse instead of trying to make the plugins work with the obsolete version of the IDE. You will encounter numerous issues in order to make the plugins work with older versions of the IDE since most of the plugins require atleast the 3.4 version of Eclipse to function properly. You will need to dig the archives to find older version of plugins and then some-how make them compatible with the older eclipse
My adivse, download (not update) the latest version of eclipse from the official website. I believe the latest version in use is 4.3.1.
Update : The latest version in use is now 4.4.1 (Luna)
Did you try Help -> Install New Software -> All Available sites
There you can select SVN plugin. try to install
You can add a particular site there, for example '' and select the SVN Version as per the Eclipse and trying referring it from 'Help > Install New Software > Add Site' .
Hope this helps.

What is the best way to upgrade Eclipse 3.6 to 3.7 (or a subsequent version)?

In the past I've always downloaded the new version, and then manually reinstalled all of the plugins I use - but this is tedious in the extreme.
Is there a way to upgrade Eclipse "in-place"? How do I do this exactly?
The approach below worked for me, and seems to be the easiest. It's from this eclipse FAQ and slightly modified for clarity:
For upgrading from Eclipse 3.5+ to 3.6+
Help -> Install New Software
Enter the release update site url eg. '' <- if upgrading from 3.5 or 3.6 (Helios) to 3.7 (Indigo)
Click Add
Click Cancel
Help -> Check for Updates
Note: The original URL has changed. (I've left the original link for posterity)
following the NEW FAQ instructions
Also you may have to remove any incompatible updates plugins before proceeding.
(For Example: JBoss Tools has different versions for Helios and Indigo that are incompatible)
Update: I didn't try this when upgrading from 3.x to 4.x (Juno). I just set up a whole new workspace. I think I read somewhere that doing that is the safest approach to upgrading major versions.
As of 3.7 (Indigo), you may export/import install configurations via the
File > Import/Export > Install menu.
This allows you to install a new release of Eclipse, point it at your
existing workspace, and install your plugins from an older installed
If you always download all plugins manually and then deploy it by copying to dropins folder, then while migrating to newer version, just need to copy that folder to the new eclipse.
And even not all plugins will support newer version of Eclipse so I guess there is no really easy way available to do the migration.
The answer is, there is none. It's pointless to speculate here as to why the Eclipse community chooses not to make one. They haven't.

Do you know update site addresses for *latest* eclipse components?

I am looking for all addresses related to:
3.x eclipse itself (milestones and/or integration builds)
3.x other components (GEF, GMF, EMF, ...)
In the spirit of answering my own question, I do have an answer for:
3.5 eclipse itself, with some details and caveats,
3.6 Helios, with the steps involved to follow the updates.
However, If you have further addresses, either for eclipse or other eclipse components, please publish them here.
Update September 2009: see also addresses for eclipse 3.6 Helios
For eclipse itself, the eclipse wiki
However, the Milestone names are not there yet.
(For instance, the build number there is 20080807 is assumed to be 3.5M1)
The update site will be added as a location for builds in order to get published to automatically:
see bug 248509
Warning: the update process in itself might generate some freeze (see bug 234916) which might be solved by using a local http client (bug 220240).
Meaning you should first update your eclipse installation with the ECF_Apache_Httpclient-Based_Provider update site (, then try the different update sites mentionned for eclipse components.
Update May 2009
The page "compare package" now provides all links to different released packages
(See links to the left of the page: Europa 3.3, Ganymede 3.4, Ganymede SR1, and Galileo 3.5Mx)
The current available Galileo M6 lists packages built with M6 release. That address will soon be not valid since Galileo M7 has just been published (May, 2d 2009).
The new Galileo packages (M7) will then be at this address.
For eclipse 3.6 Helios (see above for eclipse3.5), from "Catching up with Milestones and I-Builds"
The p2 repos for Eclipse are not only for the stable releases, but also for the Milestones, I Builds and Nightly builds:
See Eclipse Project Updates Sites
Nightly Builds:
Prakash G.R. in his post advices:
Go to your Preferences and add the required repo in your Available Software Site preferences (and disable all others, it will be slow to update).
Also enable the automatic updates. You are done. Whenever there is a new Milestone (or an I-Build), then your Eclipse gets updated automatically to it and you don't have to worry about installing other required plug-ins
How about this one for Eclipse 3.5?

Getting Subclipse in Aptana to work with the newest release of Subversion

The version of Subclipse (1.2.4) currently available through Aptana's automatic Plugins Manager does not work with the newest version of Subversion.
I see on the Subclipse website however that they have 1.4.2 out for Eclipse. So I added a new remote update site to my Update manager. When I tried to install it, it told me I needed Mylyn 3.0.0. So after much searching I found Mylyn 3.0.0 and added another new remote update site to my update manager. Then when I tried to install that, it told me I needed org.eclipse.ui 3.3.0 or equivalent.
Looking at the configuration details for Aptana, it looks like it is built against eclipse 3.2.2.
Does anyone know if there is a way to upgrade the version of Eclipse Aptana that is built against to 3.3.0? Or if there is some other way to get Subclipse to work with the very newest version of Subversion?
I know this isn't necessarily a "programming" question, but I hope it's ok since it's highly relevant to the programming experience.
Subclipse does not require Mylyn, but the update site includes a plugin that integrates Mylyn and Subclipse. This is intended for people that use Mylyn. In your case, you would want to just de-select Mylyn in the update dialog.
Subclipse also requires Subversion 1.5 and the corresponding version of the JavaHL native libraries. I have written the start of an FAQ to help people understand JavaHL and how to get it. See:
I've had problems with JavaHL in Eclipse Ganymede, when it worked fine in Eclipse Europa. I'm not sure how Aptana is different, but try either upgrading JavaHL or switching to the pure-java SVNKit implementation within the Subclipse config.
if you're not going to be using mylyn just uncheck that dependency. I'm not really familiar with Aptana, but in eclipse you can expand whats being installed and uncheck anything you don't need.
I used the update url and I installed the JavaHL adapter, the Subclipse project itself and the SVNKit adapter BETA.
After this it worked fine for me, this is for linux platform hope it works for you.