Cadence - Identifying important Operation metrics - cadence-workflow

I am doing some metrics collection and want to do some aggregations based on Operation.
What would you say are the top 5 (or more or less) operations across all services that we should be focusing on? OR
Are there top 5 (or more or less) for individual services? If yes, can you list them.
Thanks in advance.

First of all, this question is quite vague. I just made some for my own preference as minimum set of monitors.
Server metrics
You should monitor availability & latency of all APIs for every service, and persistence API.
You should monitor queue latency from history service -- this is the key metric to understand the background task perf which is missing from API availability & latency
You should make dashboard for API counters for each service so that you can see the load changing over the time
Client metrics
You should monitor on Workflow failure/timeout
You should monitor on Activity task failure/timeout
You should monitor decision task failure/timeout


How to spin up/down workers programmatically at run-time on Kubernetes based on new Redis queues and their load?

Suppose I want to implement this architecture deployed on Kubernetes cluster:
Simple RESTful HTTP microservice accepting scraping tasks (URLs to scrape along with postback urls)
Request Queues - Redis (or other message broker) queues created dynamically per unique domain (when new domain is encountered, gateway should programmatically create new queue. If queue for domain already exists - just place message in it.
Response Queue - Redis (or other message broker) queue used to post Worker results as scraped HTML pages along with postback URLs.
Workers - worker processes which should spin-up at runtime when new queue is created and scale-down to zero when queue is emptied.
Response Workers - worker processes consuming response queue and sending postback results to scraping client. (should be available to scale down to zero).
I would like to deploy the whole solution as dockerized containers on Kubernetes cluster.
So my main concerns/questions would be:
Creating Redis or other message broker queues dynamically at run-time via code. Is it viable? Which broker is best for that purpose? I would prefer Redis if possible since I heard it's the easiest to set up and also it supports massive throughput, ideally my scraping tasks should be short-lived so I think Redis would be okay if possible.
Creating Worker consumers at runtime via code - I need some kind of Kubernetes-compatible technology which would be able to react on newly created queue and spin up Worker consumer container which would listen to that queue and later on would be able to scale up/down based on the load of that queue. Any suggestions for such technology? I've read a bit about KNative, and it's Eventing mechanism, so would it be suited for this use-case? Don't know if I should continue investing my time in reading it's documentation.
Best tools for Redis queue management/Worker management: I would prefer C# and Node.JS tooling. Something like Bull for Node.JS would be sufficient? But ideally I would want to produce queues and messages in Gateway by using C# and consume them in Node.JS (Workers).
If you mean vertical scaling it definitely won't be a viable solution, since it requires pod restarts. Horizontal scaling is somewhat viable when compared to vertical scaling, however you need to consider a fact that even for spinning up your nodes or pods it takes some time and it is always suggested to have proper resources in place for serving your upcoming traffic else this delay will affect some features of your application and there might be a business impact. Just having auto scalers isn’t an option; you should also have proper metrics in place for monitoring your application.
This documentation details how to scale your redis and worker pods respectively using the KEDA mechanism. KEDA stands for Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling, KEDA is a plugins which sits on top of existing kubernetes primitives (such as Horizontal pod autoscaler) to scale any number of kubernetes containers based on the number of events which needs to be processed.

How does cadence handle fault in various failure condition?

Cadence is a fault tolerant stateful code platform. How does cadence handle fault in various failure condition?
There are al kinds of failures in distributed systems and Cadence provides various options to them.
Here is the list from myself. It may not be complete. But I will try add more if I can think of.
Activity failure and retry. See
Also note that long running activity can recover from checkpoints via “heartbeat “
By design of event sourcing models, a workflow can recover from any point left when a worker crashed. See
Workflow can also have retry policy like activity to retry on failure automatically
On certain scenarios the failure is caused by bad code change which leads to wrong states. Cadence provides “reset” tool to reset workflow to any point of time.
On top of reset, Cadence also allows you to reset by deployment. This is useful to reset a big number of workflow(eg millions of).
Cadence server cluster
Both activity and workflow workers are stateless.
Cadence server is a highly available and scalable service provides the durability.
The durability is from underlying design and persistence storage ( by either Cassandra, MySQL or Postgres)
In a single cluster setup, Cadence service is running with different independent shards. The whole cluster consists of different hosts. Any failed host can be replaced by another.
Cadence provides Cross data center replication to provide much higher availability

Unpredictable API requests latency spikes in my ASP.NET Web API published to Azure Web App

We have a production system which is an ASP.NET Web API (classic, not .NET Core) application published to Azure. Data storage is Azure SQL Database and we use Entity Framework to access the data. API has a medium load, 10-60 requests per second and upper_90 latency is 100-200 ms which is a target latency is our case. Some time ago we noticed that approximately every 20-30 minutes our services stalls and latency jumps to approximately 5-10 sec. All requests start to be slow for about a minute and then the system recovers by itself. Same time no requests are being dropped, they all just take longer to execute. for a short period of time (usually 1 minute).
We start to see the following picture at our HTTP requests telemetry (Azure):
We can also see a correlation to with our Azure SQL Database metrics, such as DTU (drop) and connections (increase):
We've analyzed the server and didn't see any correlation with the host (we have just one host) CPU/Memory usage, it's stable at 20-30% CPU usage level and 50% memory usage.
We also have an alternative source of telemetry which shows the same behavior. Our telemetry measures API latency and database metrics such as active connection count and pooled connection count (ADO.NET Connection Pool):
What is interesting, that every system stall is accompanied by a pooled connection quantity raise. And our tests show, the more connection pooled, the longer you spend waiting on a new connection from that pool to execute your next database operation. We analyzed a few suggestions but were unable to prove or disprove any of them:
ADO.NET connection leak (all our db access happens in a using statement with proper connection disposal/return to pool)
Socket/Port Exhaustion - where unable to properly track telemetry on that metric
CPU/Memory bottleneck - charts shows there is none
DTU (database units) bottleneck - charts shows there is none
As of now we are trying to identify the possible culprit of this behavior. Unfortunately, we cannot identify the changes which led to it becuase of missing telemetry, so now the only way to deal with the issue is to properly diagnose it. And, of course, we can only reproduce it in production, under permanent load (even when load is not high like 10 requests a second).
What are the possible causes for this behavior and what is the proper way to diagnose and troubleshoot it?
There can be several possible reasons:
The problem could be in your application code, create a staging environment and re-run your test with profiler tool telemetry (i.e. using YourKit .NET Profiler) - this will allow you to detect the heaviest methods, largest objects, slowest DB queries, etc.Also do a load test on your API with JMeter.
I would recommend you to try Kudu Process API to look at the list of currently running processes, and get more info about them list their CPU time.
The article for how to monitor CPU using in Azure App service are shown below:
We ended up separating a few web apps hosted at a single App Service Plan. Even though the metrics were not showing us any bottle neck with the CPU on the app, there are other apps which cause CPU usage spikes and as a result Connection Pool Queue growth with huge Latency spikes.
When we checked the App Service Plan usage and compared it to the Database plan usage, it became clear that the bottleneck is in the App Service Plan. It's still hard to explain while CPU bottleneck causes uneven latency spikes but we decided to separate the most loaded web app to a separate plan and deal with it in isolation. After the separation the app behave normally, no CPU or Latency spikes and it look very stable (same picture as between spikes):
We will continue to analyze the other apps and eventually will find the culprit but at this point the mission critical web app is in isolation and very stable. The lesson here is to monitor not only Web App resources usage but also a hosting App Service Plan which could have other apps consuming resources (CPU, Memory)

Does this make sense for Orleans or SF and if so guidance please

We’re working to take our software to Azure cloud and looking at Orleans and Service Fabric (SF) as potential frameworks. We need to:
Populate our analysis engines with lots of data (e.g., 100MB to 2GB) per engine instance.
Maintain that state, and if an engine instance goes idle for say 20 minutes or more, we’d like to unload it (i.e., and not pay for the engine instance resource).
Each engine instance will support one to several end users with a specific data set.
Each engine instance can be highly interactive generating lots of plot data near realtime. We’re maintaining state as we don’t want to pay the price to populate engine instance for each engine interaction.
An engine instance action can take a few seconds, a few minutes, to even tens of minutes. We’ll want some feedback.
Users may access an engine instance every few seconds (e.g., to steer the engine towards a result based on feedback) and will want live plot data.
Each user will want to talk to a specific engine instance.
As a user expresses interest in running a simulation (i.e., standing up an engine instance), ideally we want him to choose small/medium/large computing resource to run his engine instance (i.e., based on the problem he’s trying to solve he may want more or less computing/memory power).
We’re considering Orleans and SF but we’re having difficulty specifying architecture based on above requirements. We’ve considered:
Trying to think about an SF partition, or an Orleans silo as an ‘engine instance’ described above.
Leveraging both Orleans and SF notion of fault tolerance through replication.
Leveraging local (i.e., to partition or silo) storage to store results and maintain state (i.e., for long periods or until idle for 20 minutes).
We’ve not understood how to:
Limit a silo or a partition to a single engine instance so that we can control resourcing of the engine instance.
Keep a user’s engine instance data separate from another users engine instance data.
Direct a request from a user (e.g., through a web API) to a particular engine instance.
Does this make sense for Orleans, does it make more sense for SF? Any pointers on how to implement the above would be helpful.
When you say SF I assume you mean SF Actors right?
You can use them the way you want, but in both cases does not look as the right solution for your problem, because:
Actors are single threaded, if you plan to share the same instance with multiple clients, each one would have to wait for the previous one to finish before it start processing anything. If you need to monitor the status of a running actor, you would have to make the actor publish the updates to external subscribers.
Actor state is isolated, so you can't access the state of other actors, the way to do it is provide a method to return it, but if the actor is running a command you have to wait the completion, unless you make a separate state service to hold the processed data.
You can't limit the resources required for a actor, in service fabric you specify the resources needed for a service, but you can't do it for actors, and you can't limit the resources they use, when they hit the limit, service fabric will try to balance the resources for your, but nothing prevent the process to consume more memory than requested.
Both actor services communicates using the ask approach, so they will "block" the caller waiting for an answer, it is asynchronous but you still have to keep the caller 'waiting'. (block and wait is because there is not an idea of fire and forget like Akka that uses the Tell approach, where it delivery the message and forget.)
Based on some of your requirements, I think a containers would be a better approach. Because:
You can limit the resource consumption for each container
The data is isolated inside the container and not visible to others
But on containers you have to manage the replication and partitioning by yourself, so in this case I would recommend the best of both worlds:
Create SF services to host the shared data sets between the the users
SF Service+Actor to only store the results of users simulations.
Containers to run the simulations and send updates to actors
This is just an example, it all will depend on your requirements, architecture and how data will be isolated from each other.

How to monitor (micro)services?

I have a set of services. Every service contains some components.
Some of them are stateless, some of them are stateful, some are synchronous, some are asynchronous.
I used different approaches to monitoring and alerting.
Log-based alerting and metrics gathering. New Relic based. Own bicycle.
Basically, atm I am looking for a way, how to generalize and aggregate important metrics for all services in single place. One of things, I want is that we monitor more products, than separate services.
As an end result I see it as a single dashboard with small amount of widgets, but looking at those widgets I would be able to say for sure, if services are usable to end-customer.
Probably someone can recommend me some approach/methodology. Or give a reference to some best practices.
I like what you're trying to achieve! A service is not production-ready unless it's thoroughly monitored.
I believe what your're describing goes into the topics of health-checking and metrics.
... I would be able to say for sure, if services are usable to end-customer.
That however will require a little of both ;-) To ensure you're currently fulfilling your SLA, you have to make sure, that your services are all a) running and b) perform as requested. With both problems I suggest to look at the StatsD toolchain. Initially developed by Etsy, it has become the de-facto standard for gathering metrics.
To ensure all your services are running, we're relaying Kubernetes. It takes our description for what should run, be reachable from outside etc. and hosts that on our infrastructure. It also makes sure, that should things die - that they will be restarted. It helps with things like auto-scaling etc. as well! Awesome tooling and kudos to Google!
The way it ensures that is with health-checks. There are multiple ways how you can ensure your service node booted by Kubernetes is alive and kicking (namely HTTP calls and CLI scripts but this should be a modular thing should you need anything else!) If Kubernetes detects unhealthy nodes it will immediately phase them out and start another node instead.
Now, making sure, all your services perform as expected you'll need to gather some metrics. For all of our services (and all individual endpoints), we gather a few metrics via StatsD like:
number of errors returned (404, etc...)
Response times (Average, Median, Percentiles depending on the services SLA)
Payload size (Average)
sometimes the number of concurrent requests per endpoint, the number of instances currently running
general metrics like the hosts current CPU and memory usage and uptime.
We gather a lot more metrics but that's about the bottom line. Since StatsD has become more of a "protocol specification" than a concrete product there are a myriad of collector, front- and backends to choose from. They help you visualize your systems state and many of them feature alerts of something or some combination of metrics go beyond their thresholds.
Let me know, if this was helpfull!
There's at least 3 types of things you will need to monitor: the host where the service is deployed, the component itself and the SLAs and some of them depend on the software stack you're using as well as the architecture.
With that said, you could for example use Nagios to monitor the hardware where the services are deployed, Splunk for the services metrics/SLAs as well as for any errors that might occur. You can also use SNMP packages in case something goes wrong and you have a more sophisticated support structure, this would be yours triggers. Without knowing how your infrastructure/services are set up it is complicated to go into deeper details.