Why is roblox creating a leaderstats for me? - roblox

So, I'm currently working on a roblox game and roblox automatically made a leaderstats for me. I coded my own but it still goes with roblox's leaderstats not mine how can I fix this?
here's the picture of the leaderstats

Roblox doesn't create leaderstats for you, use the search all (CTRL/Command Shift F) and search for leaderstats and see what script created it.

It is almost defently created by a free model or a plugin. Check free models for scripts and look at what your plugins do.


Raspberry Pi3 Retropie : .lutro files for Mame2003 libretro aren't working

Hello everybody!
I'm currently trying to launch .lutro files (ROMs for Mame2003 Libretro). Unfortunately it doesn't work, here's what happens when the ROM is launched :
1- ROM seems at first to launch normally
2- The screen goes black for about 1 second
3- And we go back to the menu where Mame2003 Libretro games are
What is the most annoying thing about this issue is that my final goal isn't even to simply launch a .lutro ROM but a game developped by classmates... But first I need to solve this problem.
I saw a forum online talking about something called "Rewind". Apparently the issue would be related to the game who would be unable to have "savestates" and in order to solve that, we would apparently need to delete a file called nvram.
And here we stumble against another issue... The nvram file maybe is (I still haven't checked) inside the offical .lutro ROMs. But I can assure all of you that there is no nvram files inside the game developped by my classmates, and our game has exactly the same issue as the official .lutro ROMs. So here we go back to the beginning. Maybe the issue is directly in Retropie. Maybe not. I really do not have any way to know that.
That's why I hope that someone who reads this stumbled into the same issue and found a solution.
.lutro files are meant to be launched with libretro-lutro which is a love2d-like game engine, not MAME2003.

I have a script I'm trying to put on the character but it won't let me?

Alright, so I'm working in Unity for a class and I'm doing the 3D Survival Shooter tutorial. I just finished making the Player Movement script and I'm trying to test it out, but when I press the play button, it says "All compiler errors have to be fixed before you can enter playmode!"
I was looking at the bottom and saw in the console that the error I have says: "Assets/_Complete-Game/MobileInput/Scripts/MobileControlRig.cs(12,29): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'IActiveBuildTargetChanged' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEditor.Build'. Are you missing an assembly reference?"
I've never used Unity before, so I have no idea what to do. Can anyone help me figure this out?
Things to note: I'm using Unity 5.6.0f3 Personal, and my computer's on Windows 7 (it's a school computer so we can't update them).
IActiveBuildTargetChanged is not available. That's causing the error.
You are using Unity 5.6.0f3 but IActiveBuildTargetChanged was added in Unity 2017.1. You need to download Unity 2017.1 or version above this in order to follow this tutorial.
Alright, thanks to the commenter who linked me to a Unity Forums website.
What I got from it was you can avoid having that error by going in the script and deleting the lines "#if UNITY_EDITOR , UnityEditor.Build.IActiveBuildTargetChanged #endif:".
And if it happens in any of the other scripts, just delete it from them too.
Thanks for your help, everyone!

Yarnspinner: saving and loading dialogue state

My team is using Yarnspinner in Unity to create a text-based game, visual novel style. It works pretty much perfectly, but we're having trouble figuring out how to save and load the dialogue state in the game. It doesn't seem that saving the game state "normally" will properly save the dialogue state.
I've done a lot of research but have found little documentation on how to do this. Given that Yarnspinner is an overall improvement on previous Yarn parsing, I feel like there is likely a built in function somewhere that does this, but I haven't been able to find anything. Does anyone know how to do this, or know any online resources that describe this?

Importing a floor plan in netlogo

beginner netlogo user here. I did some basic stuff like creating turtles and making them move in a loop and such. Then I found out in the NetLogo dictionary that by using the command import-pcolors-rgb so that the turtles can interact with them. So I took out a simple floor plan and see what happens. The import was successful. But the layout in NetLogo was incomplete. Like some of the walls are missing. I tried searching for tutorials but I couldn't find one. I also tried my turtle to move forward and forward until it reached a wall. I was expecting it to stop or give me an error but it just passed through. How can I make this happen?
Edit: I've researched some sample simulation models on how they made it like setep by step, or even in youtube. But couldn't find anything.
Tutorials and help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Github made canser in my game

I am working on a project for shcool and in order to work with my partner effectivly we are using git hub. we are making the game in game maker, but there is a problem where a room called room0.room.gmx is giving me an error. I deleted it in the game maker file, and have deleted it in finder. It still is giving me issues so I right clicked on it in git hub to see if there was some version of it still existing.... it said the file dosent exist.... but it is contained somewhere in my computer. I cant find this anywhere on the internet! Please help!!!
I can't cure canser, but deleting the tumorous room won't be enought. You need to also delete it in the GameMaker studio project. The problem is that somewhere in your project file is a link to all the files you use. If you delete the room file, GameMaker has no clue and still thinks it exists somewhere, and still points to it.
Maybe it isn't exactly your problem, but a more detailed question would help.