Can we do validation that issues a warning as apposed to an error? - formio

I would like to have some validation be a warning and not cause the while form to stop/fail. Searching Google it seems possible, but I can't find any example of how to do it.
Is it possible?


Do PayPal smart buttons require an intent?

I recently created some buttons and copied the code directly from their website. I copied and pasted exactly what they gave me. However, when I checked this morning I noticed that there was a warning in the console. When I checked their documentation I saw that leaving the "intent" parameter empty defaulted to "capture". Now, the buttons give me the following warning: "Expected intent=subscription to be passed to SDK, but got intent=capture". I don't see "subscription" as an intent value mentioned in their documentation. Has anyone experienced this problem?
Below is the warning given in the console:
Expected intent=subscription to be passed to SDK, but got intent=capture
The warning was added recently; that intent=subscription query string parameter will be required in some future time.
The future requirement hasn't made its way into the documentation yet, but I expect you'll see it there soon.
Basically, add intent=subscription to your SDK line now when using subscriptions for them to be future-proof.
This hardly seems like a future proofing... What about if I want to use both createOrder and createSubscription with the same sdk? Adding intent=subscription breaks createOrder. What would be a proper solution in this case?

onvif with gsoap 2.8.62 version get error code (SOAP_EMPTY 52)

I get SOAP_EMPTY using gsoap, I have searched for a long time and had no answer,SOAP_EMPTY is newly added to gsoap,and it seems I'm the unlucky guy to meet this problem.
Here is where my code come from:
Now soap_call___tds__GetCapabilities will return code SOAP_EMPTY,I'm now using gdb to track this problem it seems that I need to set a valid soap->id to avoid this problem,but I'm a fresh guy with onvif and don't know how to set a valid soap->id,and now I'm reading various docs about onvif and trying to solve it.
Hope any guys could help me, sinch searching so many docs makes my eyes pain and I still haven't found the answer,thanks.
SOAP_EMPTY is a validation failure. This error indicates than an element/attribute is empty but is supposed to have content. For example an integer value should not be an empty string. The old error generated by older gSOAP releases in this case was SOAP_TYPE which was less informative. In either case, validation fails. The best way to find out is to use soap_print_fault() and soap_print_fault_location()` where the latter call shows the location in XML where the problem is. Our ONVIF testing with gSOAP did not reveal such an issue.

Why is jquery.fileupload-validate raising $.blueimp.fileupload.prototype.options.processQueue.push error?

I am using jquery file upload on a page, and the following error is being raised in the browser console.
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '$.blueimp.fileupload.prototype.options.processQueue.push')
It appears to be coming from jquery.fileupload-validate.
I have been unable to find much information about this error. From previous experience jquery file upload seems to be very sensitive to the order in which modules are loaded, but again I've been unable to find much in the way of documentation about this.
Has anyone else encountered this error, or can shed some light on load order or other possible causes?
BTW, I am currently loading files in the following order (though have tried others without success)
Try this order:

PageExpiredException occurs after closing of ModalWindow

Currently I'm trying to upgrade the application from wicket 1.4 to wicket 6 and I'm stuck with the following issue:
When I try to close ModalWindow, it is closed but I receive PageExpiredException on the page where I was opening this ModalWindow, so I'm redirected to
I thought maybe the way I create ModalWindow is outdated, so I've tried an example from here
and it gives me the same exception.
Maybe I have to configure something in my WebApplication implementation, but I don't know what.
If anyone could help, it'll be really appreciated. Thanks.
Check your server logs for errors related to the serialization of the opener page. PageExpiredException means that the page cannot be found in the page storage. If there was an error with the serialization then it won't be stored and thus later won't be found too.

facebook app action grammar

I have created a Facebook app to make calls. Well, I'm still having trouble getting the action verified.
I got this message when I tried to submit it for approval:
The action grammar is as follows:
I couldn't find the mistake in the grammar I specified. I read their documentation. I still couldn't figure it out.
Can anyone please advice what I'm doing wrong.
The reason is that your imperative tense is too long.
Change 'make free calls using' to 'call using'