Do PayPal smart buttons require an intent? - paypal

I recently created some buttons and copied the code directly from their website. I copied and pasted exactly what they gave me. However, when I checked this morning I noticed that there was a warning in the console. When I checked their documentation I saw that leaving the "intent" parameter empty defaulted to "capture". Now, the buttons give me the following warning: "Expected intent=subscription to be passed to SDK, but got intent=capture". I don't see "subscription" as an intent value mentioned in their documentation. Has anyone experienced this problem?
Below is the warning given in the console:
Expected intent=subscription to be passed to SDK, but got intent=capture

The warning was added recently; that intent=subscription query string parameter will be required in some future time.
The future requirement hasn't made its way into the documentation yet, but I expect you'll see it there soon.
Basically, add intent=subscription to your SDK line now when using subscriptions for them to be future-proof.

This hardly seems like a future proofing... What about if I want to use both createOrder and createSubscription with the same sdk? Adding intent=subscription breaks createOrder. What would be a proper solution in this case?


Can someone help me out with changing my invocation phrase?

For a project that I'm working on that is in Alpha right now, I used to use an invocation ''talk to XXX''. Now that I want to deploy the Action to Beta, I want to change the invocation name/phrase as well. So I changed it to ''talk to YYY'', which is the suggested input field in the simulator as well. But when I want to test this in the simulator, I get the following error message:
Invocation Error:
You cannot use standard Google Assistant features in the Simulator. If you want to try them, use Google Assistant on your phone or other compatible devices.
For some reason, if I ignore the suggested input chip (which says ''talk to YYY'') and type in ''talk to XXX'' (the old invocation phrase) everything still works though. Seems that I'm missing something and Google support can't answer me, does someone know what I can do to successfully deploy to Beta?
When I get that message, it's usually a problem with the Console. A refresh of the page—and sometimes a simple retry—usually does the trick.
You could also try "Change Version" to make sure you're pointed to "Draft".

Whether or not your action is for families is required before publishing a Google Assistant action?

I was on the process of publishing my first google assitant action and after filling all the required details I am receiveing two errors.
1.Whether or not your action is for families is required
I have already checked and accepted the terms and conditions for families question. The data is saved also. Still I do not know why the error keeps popping up.
2.For en: Your sample invocations are structured incorrectly.
I have tested my invocations in the emulator and it seems to be working. And this error appears to be random. Sometimes, it does not happen even if I just save the same details again.
Any help appreciated as I am a complete new-bie to this.
I think this was a problem from the console itself. I updated today again and it seems to be saved.

The method FB.JSON.parse is not officially supported by Facebook and access to it will soon be removed.

I got this warning message on Chrome whith My facebook application.
The method FB.JSON.parse is not officially supported by Facebook and access to it will soon be removed.
The method FB.JSON.stringify is not officially supported by Facebook and access to it will soon be removed.
When this flash is loaded this message appears.
I'm using Facebook Flash AS3 API 1.8.1, SWFObject 2.2.
What does it mean ?
Test here (facebook test):
I have the same error on my application.
As you probably know, the Facebook AS3 API calls JavaScript functions to communicate with FB, and, as Baris says, this error is a warning that one of those JS functions that it calls is deprecated and will soon be removed.
You can safely ignore it for the present. Hopefully the API will be updated before the function is actually deprecated, otherwise we may get a breaking bug rather than just a warning. I'm going to keep an eye out for updates to the API and upgrade my code as soon as one is released.
Or, if you're feeling really brave, you can go digging in the API source and fix the issue yourself :)
A few days ago, many flash apps suddenly stopped working, if you have this problem follow this steps:
If you are using GraphAPI_Web_1_8_1.swc delete it
Download the modified graph API from here
Paste those folders on your library, if you had the facebook folder overwrite it
Publish your project
This problem started when facebook changed its file in a way that all the calls made from the AS3 file must be changed from FB.JSON to just JSON.
FB.JSON.stringify is that a javascript function or actionscript function?
In flash if you are targetting flash player 11 and up you can just use JSON.parse and JSON.stringify, or you can use the JSON class in the com.adobe.serialization package.
If that is a javascript method, just get a json library from the web.
The error just means facebook is no longer supporting/updating that function and they will remove it. It will stop working soon so you should replace your usages of it with something else.

Has anyone used SlickGrid with the updated drag functions jquery.event.drag-2.2.js?

I read from the threedubmedia site "The previous version of this plugin allowed this method to be overloaded with arguments to additionally bind handlers for "dragstart" and "dragend" in a single call, but this is no longer supported." but since I haven't actually read every line of the code I was wondering if this has already been accounted for?
Yes I upgraded to v2.2 (Updated: 2012-05-21) and it works fine for me.
I actually had an issue with 'dragend' event getting missed sometimes with v2.0.
I was doing some operations at the end of 'dragend' event (like when user stops resizing column width), but sometimes the operation won't trigger because this event was missed. Actually one had to resize rather quickly and release mouse soon to get the problem in v2.0.
After upgrading to v2.2 those issues are gone.

Invalid or missing URL scheme hackbook

I am trying to use facebook ios sdk but when I run the Hackbook example it gives me the error message "Invalid or missing URL scheme. You cannot run the app unti you set up a valid URL scheme in your .plist" Where do I make the changes for this?
Since one of the answers mentioned it, I will say that I have already modified the plist to have fb[my_app_id] in the URLSchemes.
This tutorial walks you through the process step by step, search for "Modify the app property list file".
I figured it out. There was another instance in the code where the ID needed to be replaced. What's odd is that it's not specifically called out as far as I can tell. I did a search for it.
you have to add like this
100% works and solved crash