I'm sure it's straightforward, but I cannot get it.
My wxpython app was used to looks like this with the system python interpreter:
But from miniconda it looks like this:
Can somebody explain me which packages I'm missing?
The only clue I have are this missing modules:
Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Failed to load module "atk-bridge"
I installed the ismrmrd-python-tools succesfully after running the following command on Colab:
!pip install git+https://github.com/ismrmrd/ismrmrd-python-tools.git
Successfully built ismrmrd-python-tools
But when I want to import the module, I get the next message error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ismrmrd'
I tried with other module names like 'ismrmrd-python-tools', 'ismrmrdtools', etc. as well.
Does someone know anything about what could possibly be happening here?
I try it and it works without any problems.
!pip install git+https://github.com/ismrmrd/ismrmrd-python-tools.git
import ismrmrdtools
I am running a toolkit named RNA Framework that requires ViennaRNA to be installed.
I have installed the ViennaRNA 2.4.14 to run a function named rf-fold, However, I constantly receive this error:
[!] Error: ViennaRNA package's Perl module RNA.pm is required.
Please ensure that `ViennaRNA package v2.2.0` (or greater) is installed and try again
When I check the missing RNA.pm module, I can see it is in this path:
when I check which Perl I am using (type: which Perl) it gives me:
I tried different ways to install the ViennaRNA, including conda install -c bioconda viennarna, compile and make install from ViennaRNA-2.4.14.tar.gz file from the official website. But I cannot get over this error.
I saw a similar issue here and there is a solution (https://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=1052814), but I don't fully understand the content. Thanks in advance for any help and sorry if it is a basic question!
I think the RNA.pm come with the package, when you download ViennaRNA-2.4.14.tar.gz and install following this link.
So I found my RNA.pm is in the directory:
And I modified the PERL5LIB environment variable by :
export PERL5LIB=/share/apps/ViennaRNA-2.1.7/compile-install/lib/
Problem solved!
I was going to use Swift/t and normally I started to with HELLO WORLD code from the gallery. Unfortunately, I encountered compiling error as follow:
zsh: error while loading shared libraries: libtinfo.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
May you please provide me some hints that may help me to resolve the issue.
This kind of errors (bash/zsh: error while loading shared libraries: ...) appear when you don't have a library installed on your system.
In your case, your missing library is libtinfo, on its version 5. You should be able to search and install it throught your system's package manager.
Just as an example, in Ubuntu you can install it by:
sudo apt install libtinfo5
I have a python file running perfectly in the IDE.
I want to run it on a different PC without any IDE.
I run the program from the command line: python program.py
Error message: File "program.py", line 8, in
from mpl_finance import candlestick_ohlc
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mpl_finance'
When trying: pip install mpl_finance (or pip install mpl_toolkits)
I get the message: No matching distribution found for mpl_finance (or mpl_toolkits)
There also seems to be a problem with matplotlib backend.
Looking for a solution please.
After many failed paths, here's what worked:
matplotlib.finance is deprecated and it is now mpl_finance.
Create 2 files named mpl_finance.py and setup.py and get their contents from here.
Then from the command-line: python setup.py install
Fixing the backend (this can save you a few days):
If the backend of matplotlib was set in a file original PC (and not in the code). Then you need to do the same on the second PC.
Windows Path: C:\Program Files\Python36\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\mpl-data\matplotlibrc
Change (probably line 38) to this: backend : Qt5Agg
I have a new macbook air running yosemite and I have installed Anaconda.
I want to practise on making GUIs with either wxpython.
When I run " conda list" wxpython is there, but when I import it I get "No module named wxpython" .
Any ideas how to fix this? Anaconda is added to my path in the bash_profile.
According to this it looks like the correct way to import this package is import wx. Try that.
It's possible you might run into a cairo error like this:
ImportError: /usr/lib64/libpangocairo-1.0.so.0: undefined symbol: cairo_ft_font_options_substitute. I was able to get around this by installing the cairo package via conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/pmuller cairo.