vsCode on Problems panel, items from tasks/problemMatcher -how to remove an item when there is no more error - visual-studio-code

Using VSCode, I define a Task to compile my code.
Into the task, I define a problemMatcher to catch error(severity=error) or success(severity=info).
When I execute the task, if error match pattern, VSCode report it into a item of Problems Panel.
So, I read my error, place a correction on my code and re-start the task to compile. Now, there is no more error.
BUT how to remove the 'error' item from the Problems Panel ?
Is there a way to define a 'no'problemMatcher ? or a command to remove a item on panel ?

so, I found I need to define the problemMatcher.owner with a value (arbitrary).
If omitted, each execution set a different owner to the 'problem' item and then it do not delete previous 'problem' items.
Default 'external' if omitted seems not exact or not complete.
I discover it when I analyze the detail of Problems items (right copy message) from my problems and compare with working tasks/problemMatcher. The main difference was the owner value, unique on mine, same on working tasks/problemMatcher.


Error handling in Sublime Text Plugin API

I'm creating my first sublime plugin to be used internally and was wondering if there's a way to stop the plugin from executing and display an error message on screen like an alert?
I took a look at view#show_popup() but this didn't render for me. Below is how I attempted to show it:
if "WebContent" in subdirectories:
directory = ROOT_DIR + "/WebContent"
elif "Content" in subdirectories:
directory = ROOT_DIR + "/Content"
self.view.show_popup('Directory not found', location=-1)
Working Principle:
The plugin takes some data from one view and then pastes them in another view. The plugin has two TextCommands. One command takes the data from the first view, opens a new view and then executes the 2nd command on the new view. The above snippet is in the 2nd command.
I was unable to find any resources to help with show_popup() or any other error handling.
Does any one have possible ideas?
view.show_popup() is for showing things like hover popups next to the cursor; it's used for things like the built in functionality for going to references/definitions for functions:
While you could in theory use this for error messages, it may not be the sort of user experience that anyone would expect.
Your code above is technically valid, but since the content is expected to be minihtml it may be hard to see because as just a single string all you're going to see is just the text (i.e. you have no font style, padding, etc):
Perhaps more importantly, when location is -1, the popup appears at the point in the buffer closest to the first cursor position, so depending on your circumstance it may be appearing in a place you don't expect, and then vanishing away before you can scroll to see it, etc.
What you want here is sublime.error_message(); given a string, it will display that string in a dialog for the user to interact with, and it also logs the error into the Sublime console as well so that there's an additional trace.

How do I get the event tags for a Coverity issue?

If I am looking at an issue in the Coverity user interface, how do I get the event tag or tags? I need to know a tag in order to suppress the finding using code annotations, as described in the question "How can I disable coverity checking using code annotation?" but I'm not seeing it or maybe don't know where to look.
The event tag is the first identifier-like word in each line of commentary that makes up the issue report.
For example, on Github, RcppCore/Rcpp issue 760 contains a screenshot that I have reproduced at half-size resolution with some annotations:
Zooming in on the code panel:
There are three events here:
alloc_fn: Storage is returned from allocation function operator new.
noescape: Resource new Rcpp::Rostream<true>::Buffer is not freed or pointed-to in basic_ostream. ...
leaked_storage: Failing to save or free storage allocated by new Rcpp::Rostream<true>::Buffer leaks it.
The event tags are "alloc_fn", "noescape", and "leaked_storage".
In this instance, all of them are associated with the same line of code (line 49), but in general they may appear on different lines and spread across multiple files.
To navigate to all of the events, use the Occurrences panel:
The Occurrences panel shows all of the events, organized into a tree, where child nodes are events in callee functions. The entire list is generally ordered in program execution order, although some events may be chronologically disconnected, for example if the finding involves multiple execution paths.
Each entry in the Occurrences panel has an event number (again, nominally chronological), the event tag, and the file name and line number. Clicking on an entry navigates to that event in the code panel.
Here are a couple related Synopsys support articles:
how to add code annotation? I do not know which name should exist with //coverity[]
Is there a document that lists all defect 'events' with their name and descriptions?

Run Keyword In Separate Thread keyword not found even though it's in the script

I have a robot script with the following keywords:
Enter New Data Group
SelectDialog New Data Group
Button Should Be Disabled okButton
Type Into Text Field nameTextField EnteredByRF1
Type Into Text Field descriptionTextArea EnteredByRF1
Button Should Be Enabled okButton
Push Button okButton
Run Keyword In Separate Thread Check OverWrite
Check OverWrite
SelectDialog New Data Group
Push Button OK
SelectDialog New Data Group
Push Button Yes
When I run the script, it gets to the Run Keyword in Separate Thread and produces a Keyword Not found error. I understand from the docs that to handle a popup that may or may not appear, it needs to go in a separate thread.
If I run it without the Separate Thread keyword, it works fine, IF the popup appears. No popup, it fails.
How are you supposed to use this keyword? Is it the right solution for this test scenario?
After some experimentation, it appears Run Keyword In Separate Thread only works for pre-defined keywords in the SwingLibrary package.
By changing the sequence to:
Run Keyword In Separate Thread SelectDialog New Data Group
Run Keyword In Separate Thread Push Button OK
Run Keyword In Separate Thread SelectDialog New Data Group
Run Keyword In Separate Thread Push Button Yes
The RF script now works as expected.

Workaround for saving / editing a VSTS test case

I have an issue with VSTS manual test cases. When I try to edit one, I got an error message as follows:
An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary
Session Id: 73288d72-580f-42fb-9aeb-f5cadb6b3bc5
I only have this issue if a test step contains parameters. After refreshing the page and reopening the test case, the color code is black and it doesn't display the Save button. Also, the dropdown of the ... is empty.
Existing tests are fine, running them is also possible. Working with bugs, user stories and tasks is fine.
Screenshots can be found here
Is there a way to workaround this?
This is caused by the parameter name "#length", remove it or rename it to others like "#length1" would works.
This seems to be a bug with VSTS, I have help you created a feedback on MS Connect Page, refer to this link for details: "An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary" error occurs when save a test case contains a parameter named as "length".

How do I delay selecting from a dropdown until it's populated?

I'm using Watir WebDriver. I'm new to ruby.
The following dropdown list is always present. It fails unless I precede it by sleep(1). The developer said that the dropdown is not populated until the previous controls are set.
Which of the Wait commands do I need for this? I think in Selenium I waited until the hidden contents of the list contained the value that I wanted, then I selected that value.
def enterCompany(company)
#browser.select_list(:id, "ddlCompanyName").select(company)
A question was just asked of me offline on this one, so I wanted to provide an updated answer for the latest Watir versions that avoids the deprecated #when_present method:
browser.select_list(id: 'ddlCompanyName').wait_until { |el| el.include? company }.select
You can use the when_present to wait until the option is present before selecting it. Basically, Watir will wait up to 30 seconds for the option to appear. If it appears sooner than 30 seconds it will proceed with the action (ie select). Otherwise, a timeout exception is thrown.
#browser.select_list(:id, "ddlCompanyName").option(:text => company).when_present.select
Note that the above assumes that company is the text of the option.
Another option is to wait for anything to appear in the dropdown.
#browser.wait_until{ #browser.select_list(:id, "ddlCompanyName").options.length > 0 }