How do I get the event tags for a Coverity issue? - coverity

If I am looking at an issue in the Coverity user interface, how do I get the event tag or tags? I need to know a tag in order to suppress the finding using code annotations, as described in the question "How can I disable coverity checking using code annotation?" but I'm not seeing it or maybe don't know where to look.

The event tag is the first identifier-like word in each line of commentary that makes up the issue report.
For example, on Github, RcppCore/Rcpp issue 760 contains a screenshot that I have reproduced at half-size resolution with some annotations:
Zooming in on the code panel:
There are three events here:
alloc_fn: Storage is returned from allocation function operator new.
noescape: Resource new Rcpp::Rostream<true>::Buffer is not freed or pointed-to in basic_ostream. ...
leaked_storage: Failing to save or free storage allocated by new Rcpp::Rostream<true>::Buffer leaks it.
The event tags are "alloc_fn", "noescape", and "leaked_storage".
In this instance, all of them are associated with the same line of code (line 49), but in general they may appear on different lines and spread across multiple files.
To navigate to all of the events, use the Occurrences panel:
The Occurrences panel shows all of the events, organized into a tree, where child nodes are events in callee functions. The entire list is generally ordered in program execution order, although some events may be chronologically disconnected, for example if the finding involves multiple execution paths.
Each entry in the Occurrences panel has an event number (again, nominally chronological), the event tag, and the file name and line number. Clicking on an entry navigates to that event in the code panel.
Here are a couple related Synopsys support articles:
how to add code annotation? I do not know which name should exist with //coverity[]
Is there a document that lists all defect 'events' with their name and descriptions?


Migrating from itext2 to itext7

Years ago, I wrote a small app in itext2 to gather reports on a weekly basis and concatenate them into one PDF. The app used com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfCopy to copy and merge the PDFs. And it worked fine. Performed exactly as expected.
A few weeks ago I looked into migrating the application to itex7. To that end, I used the copyPagesTo method of com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument. When run on the same file set, this produces warnings like:
WARN PdfNameTree - Name "section.1" already exists in the name tree; old value will be replaced by the new one.
When I click on the link to "section.1" in the first document of the merged PDF, I am taken to "section.1" of the last document. Not what I expected and not what happens when using the itext2 app. In the PDF's produced by itext2, if I click on the link to "section.1" of the first document in the combined PDF, I am taken to section 1 of the first document.
There is a hint in Javadocs for copyPagesTo saying
If outlines destination names are the same in different documents, all
such outlines will lead to a single location in the resultant
document. In this case iText will log a warning. This can be avoided
by renaming destinations names in the source document.
There is however, no explanation of how this should be done. I find it odd that this should be necessary in itext7, although it wasn't in itext2.
Is there a simple way to get around his problem?
I've also tried the Sejda desktop app and it produces correct results, but I would prefer to automate the process through a batch script.
My guess is iText 2 didn't even know it might be a problem.
If iText can't deduplicate destination names, the procedure is roughly:
Follow /Catalog -> /Names -> /Dests in each document to find the destination name tree.
Deduplicate the names, by adding suffixes. Remember that a name with a suffix added might be equal to an existing name in the same or another document. Be careful!
Now you can rewrite the destination name trees. Since you have only used suffixes, you can do this in place - the lexicographic ordering of the names is unaltered so the search tree structure is not broken.
Now, rewrite destination links in each PDF for the new names. For example any dictionary entry with key /Dest, or any /D in a /GoTo action.
Now, after all this preprocessing, the files will merge without name clashes.
(I know all this because I've just implemented it for my own PDF software. It's slightly hairy stuff, but not intractable.)
If you like, I can provide a devel version of cpdf with this functionality, if you would like to test it.

VS Code Regex search to remove references based on containing text in string

I am attempting to remove all references of a managed package that is going to be uninstalled that spans throughout code base in VS Code
I have using a query to find the field permissions but am wondering if there is a way to search for the reference outside of specifying the exact field name compared to the field containing only "agf" since they are all using it.
Below is the search query:
In the field, I want to be able to find and delete the 5 associated lines from multiple files if they match "agf" in any combination. Something like the below:
With any combination of agf in the field, delete all from any file it appears in.
Not an answer but too long for a comment
You don't have to? Profiles/perm sets don't block package's delete. Probably neither do reports.
You'd use your time better by searching for all instances of agf__ (that's with double underscore), should find fields, objects... used in classes, flows, page layouts etc. And search for agf. (with dot) should find all instances where your Apex code calls their classes marked as global.
Alternatively Apex / VF pages with dependencies on package will have it listed in their "meta.xml", for example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ApexClass xmlns="">
Last but not least - why not just spawn a dev sandbox and attempt the delete there? If it succeeds - great. If not - it'll list the dependencies that blocked the delete. It'll be "the real thing", it'll smite you even if your VSCode project doesn't contain all flows, layouts and thus could lull you into false sense of security. I'd seriously do it in sandbox and then run all tests for good measure, just in case there are some dynamic soql queries that don't count as hard, delete-blocking references.
After delete's done - fetch Profiles / Permsets from this org and the field references will be gone from the xml.

IBM Chatbot Assistant - Array with same values

I have this piece of code in JSON editor of Watson:
"context": {
"array": "<? entities['spare_part'].![literal] ?>",
"array_size": "<?$array.size() ?>"
When the input of the user, for example, is "Hello, I need a valve, and the part number of the valve is 1234", the size of the array ends up being 2 since the user mentions the word "valve" twice in his input. Some nodes are being executed depending on size of the array. For instance if the size of the array is 1, some nodes will be ignored because they are only executed only if the size of the array is 2.
I want the array to store only the inputs with different values, which is basically I don`t want the array to store the values of the same type, in my case 2 valves. If it is possible somehow please show me a way.
All that can be done, but the best approach depends on the overall system architecture. Remember that Watson Assistant is a conversation service, not a data processing platform...
You can process JSON in either Watson Assistant directly using the built-in methods and SpEL, see these links to get started:
That would require some coding within the dialog nodes. It could be ok. What I would recommend is to either process in your app that drives the dialog (you need that app anyway) or to code up small server actions to transform data.
If it is the word you are looking for, you can use contextual entities to train for this.
As an example I created the following intent (along with general intents from catalog).
For each example I highlighted the "valve" word that is the one I am interested in, and added to the entity.
Now when I test it I get the following.
All this was done in a couple of minutes. For production level you may want to add more examples, or think about how you want to annotate.

Problems with GitHub rendering my README.rst incorrectly..?

I've got a GitHub repo/branch where I'm attempting to update the README.rst, but it's not formatting the way I expect when it comes to the bullet lists I'm including.
Everything seems ok except for my Usage section, in which I have the following:
- Open the template file that corresponds to the API call you'd like to make.
* Example: If we want to make a call to the RefundTransaction API we open up /templates/RefundTransaction.php
- You may leave the file here, or save this file to the location on your web server where you'd like this call to be made.
* I like to save the files to a separate location and keep the ones included with the library as empty templates.
* Note that you can also copy/paste the template code into your own file(s).
- Each template file includes PHP arrays for every parameter available to that particular API. Simply fill in the array parameters with your own dynamic (or static) data. This data may come from:
* Session Variables
* General Variables
* Database Recordsets
* Static Values
* Etc.
- When you run the file you will get a $PayPalResult array that consists of all the response parameters from PayPal, original request parameters sent to PayPal, and raw request/response info for troubleshooting.
* You may refer to the `PayPal API Reference Guide <>`_ for details about what response parameters you can expect to get back from any successful API request.
+ Example: When working with RefundTransaction, I can see that PayPal will return a REFUNDTRANSACTIONID, FEEREFUNDAMT, etc. As such, I know that those values will be included in $PayPalResult['REFUNDTRANSACTIONID'] and $PayPalResult['FEEREFUNDAMT'] respectively.
- If errors occur they will be available in $PayPalResult['ERRORS']
You may refer to this `overview video <>`_ of how to use the library,
and there are also samples provided in the /samples directory as well as blank templates ready to use under /templates.
You may `contact me directly <>`_ if you need additional help getting started. I offer 30 min of free training for using this library,
which is generally plenty to get you up-and-running.
For some reason, though, when you look at that on GitHub the first line of the bullet lists is coming up bold and italics and I have no idea why. Also, the sub-list where it shows Session Variables, General Variables, etc. is supposed to be all the same sub-list. I'm not sure why it's dropping into another sub when it sees General Variables.
Any information on what I've done wrong here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Switch from .rst to .md and then use '#' for your headings.
## Usage
- Open the template file that corresponds to the API call you'd like to make.
* Example

LibXML: Comment-out a block of Elements

IS there a way to add/initate a comment ( e.g. $dom->createComment ... ) such that it comments out an entire block of xml tags. Basically I want to turn-off the content between the comment.
For example, it would look like this:
<!-- comment to blocking
<DD>d's content is good</DD>
Actually this question is a pre-cursor to my attempt to figure-out a method to be able to markup/label/identify the changes to an xml files in support of new client software functionality, but be able to have the ability to remove / back-out these xml changes in the rare event the client needs to fall back to the previous software version (and no I can't just simply point back to the original xml file because the client is allowed to make minor modifications to existing node text values). This is all going to be controlled via a perl script and LibXML's core modules (I can't use modules the client doesn't have).
So basically I've identified three possible types of xml changes as a result of new client sw functionality:
1.) ADD new element node(s) (typically to support new sw functionality)
2.) DELETE element node(s), or blocks of (would be rare, but never-the-less a possibility)
3.) CHANGE node text values (rare, but the new sw may require a new value)
For all three types, the client needs the ability to back out the changes. One thing I was thinking to use is ATTRIBUTES since the existing xml files don't use them. For example, for an ADD change type, I could include an atribute like 'ADD="sw version 4.1"' . This way if it needs to be removed, I could just simply have the perl script find those attribute strings and delete them (using LibXML methods). Same thing with CHANGE change type - I could use an attribute like CHG="newvalue_oldvalue", then again use straight perl (or LibXML) to switch back the value based on the contents of the attribute. The DELETE change type is giving me a problem though (as welll as the others lol!). I want to be able to "keep" the deleted lines in the xml file soley for the purposes if the sw falls back a version (at some late point the perl script could eventually cleanup/delete them).
I know this is a lot, I'm new to LibXML (but not to perl). I was just wonder if any of you have any thoughts as to how to go about it or seen anything resembling this kind of request ... I'd be grateful for any kind of advice! Thank you...