How to know which data type is being passed - select

I have a Select function in my block diagram. For the True and False statements I am passing two data types. The True statement is a is a Digital Reference data type to a numerical indicator in the front panel, and the False statement is a knob Reference data type to a gauge in the front panel as well. I am not sure what to put in the middle entry point for the Select function since it needs to have a True Boolean. Ideally I would just connect another Digital Reference data type and it would return the digital indicator in that case but the Select function only receives a boolean as an input.

Ideally I would just connect another Digital Reference data type and it would return the digital indicator in that case
In what case? You haven't defined any case. :-)
The Select node picks between two different values. When you wire the digital reference to one input and the knob reference to the other input, the output will be a control reference to one of those two controls. You have to wire a Bool in order to pick which control you're going to operate on downstream.
You say you want to wire another Digital Reference to the middle terminal, but that's just a reference to a control. It doesn't define a choice. Perhaps you want to read the Value property of that other control and do something on the value? If so, this is your code, where you put whatever test you want instead of the Equal Zero node.

Select function requires a boolean in the selector input. The other two inputs changes according to what you connect.
So, in your scenario:
Output type is the most lower common class between knob reference and numeric reference. It should be a Numeric reference.
the selector input must be a boolean type. You cannot connect any reference or any other data type. So, connect a boolean control or use the approach suggested by srm.

I found a solution by connecting an equal function to the middle boolean selector input of the select function. The equal function has two inputs, an either Knob Reference or Digital Reference for the first input and a Digital Reference for the second input. If those two are equal then the equal function passes true to the selector function and then the Digital Reference gets passed in this case.


When subclassing "double" with new properties in MATLAB, is there an easy way to access the data value?

Say I have a class subclassing double, and I want to add a string (Similar to the 'extendDouble' in the documentation). Is there an easy way to access the actual numeric value without the extra properties, particular for reassigning? Or if I want to change the value, will I have to recreate the value as a new member of the class with the new value and the same string?
classdef myDouble < double
function obj = myDouble(s)
% Construct object (simplified)
obj.string = s;
x = myDouble(2,'string')
x =
2 string
x = 3
x =
3 string
Short answer: NO. There is no easy way to access a single member of a class when the class contains more than one member. You'll always have to let MATLAB know which part of the class you want to manipulate.
You have multiple questions in your post but let's tackle the most interesting one first:
% you'd like to instanciate a new class this way (fine)
x = myDouble(2,'string')
x =
2 string
% then you'd like to easily refer to the only numeric part of your class
% for assignment => This can NEVER work in MATLAB.
x = 3
x =
3 string
This can never work in MATLAB because of how the interpreter works. Consider the following statements:
% direct assignment
(1) dummy = 3
% indexed assignments
(2) dummy(1) = 3
(3) dummy{1} = 3
(4) dummy.somefieldname = 3
You would like the simplicity of the first statement for assignment, but this is the one we cannot achieve. The statement 2, 3 and 4 are all possible with some fiddling with subasgn and subsref.
The main difference between (1) and [2,3,4] is this:
Direct assignment:
In MATLAB, when you execute a direct assignment to a simple variable name (without indexing with () or {} or a field name) like dummy=3, MATLAB does not check the type of dummy beforehand, in fact it does not even check whether the variable dummy exists at all. No, with this kind of assignment, MATLAB goes the quickest way, it immediately create a new variable dummy and assign it the type and value accordingly. If a variable dummy existed before, too bad for it, that one is lost forever (and a lot of MATLAB users have had their fingers bitten once or twice by this behavior actually as it is an easy mistake to overwrite a variable and MATLAB will not raise any warning or complaint)
Indexed assignments:
In all the other cases, something different happens. When you execute dummy(1)=3, you are not telling MATLAB "create a new dummy variable with that value", you are telling MATLAB, "find the existing dummy variable, find the existing subindex I am telling you, then assign the value to that specific subindex". MATLAB will happlily go on, if it finds everything it does the sub-assignment, or it might complains/error about any kind of misassignment (wrong index, type mismatch, indices length mismatch...).
To find the subindex, MATLAB will call the subassgn method of dummy. If dummy is a built-in class, the subassgn method is also built in and usually under the hood, if dummy is a custom class, then you can write your own subassgn and have full control on how MATLAB will treat the assignment. You can check for the type of the input and decide to apply to this field or another if it's more suitable. You can even do some range check and reject the assignment altogether if it is not suitable, or just assign a default value. You have full control, MATLAB will not force you to anything in your own subassgn.
The problem is, to trigger MATLAB to relinquish control and give the hand to your own subassgn, you have to use an indexed assignment (like [2,3 or 4] above). You cannot do that with type (1) assignment.
Other considerations: You also ask if you can change the numeric part of the class without creating a new object. The answer to that is no as well. This is because of the way value classes work in matlab. There could be a long explanation of what happens under the hood, but the best example is from the MATLAB example you referenced yourself. If we look at the class definition of ExtendDouble, then observe the custom subassgn method which will perform the change of numeric value, what happens there is:
obj = ExtendDouble(b,obj.DataString);
So even Mathworks, to change the numeric value of their extended double class, have to recreate a brand new one (with a new numeric value b, and transfering the old string value obj.DataString).

LLDB for Swift: Access computed property or perform function call in type summary Python script

When I create a custom type summary using a Python script, it is possible to access ivars using value.GetChildMemberByName("<child-name>"). However, this does not work for computed properties or functions.
With the frame variable command, the script that generates the summary can evaluate expressions in the current frame (e.g. value.GetFrame().EvaluateExpression(value.GetName() + ".description"))
However, this will not work when using p <some-expression>/expression -- <some-expression> as there is no frame, so the above statement will fail to produce any results.
Is there a way to call functions or evaluate computed properties in a type summary when using p (expression --)?
You might what to use SBValue.CreateValueFromExpression instead of either the frame or the target EvaluateExpression calls for data formatters.
SBValues remember the context they were defined in, and SBValue.CreateValueFromExpression funnels that context back to the expression evaluator. Since the Variable formatters always receive the SBValue that they are acting on, CreateValueFromExpression allows a simple way to forward that context to the new expression.
The EvaluateExpression function is available on the target as well as on frames. Try value.GetTarget().EvaluateExpression(...).

Tell IPython to use an object's `__str__` instead of `__repr__` for output

By default, when IPython displays an object, it seems to use __repr__.
__repr__ is supposed to produce a unique string which could be used to reconstruct an object, given the right environment.
This is distinct from __str__, which supposed to produce human-readable output.
Now suppose we've written a particular class and we'd like IPython to produce human readable output by default (i.e. without explicitly calling print or __str__).
We don't want to fudge it by making our class's __repr__ do __str__'s job.
That would be breaking the rules.
Is there a way to tell IPython to invoke __str__ by default for a particular class?
This is certainly possible; you just need implement the instance method _repr_pretty_(self). This is described in the documentation for IPython.lib.pretty. Its implementation could look something like this:
class MyObject:
def _repr_pretty_(self, p, cycle):
p.text(str(self) if not cycle else '...')
The p parameter is an instance of IPython.lib.pretty.PrettyPrinter, whose methods you should use to output the text representation of the object you're formatting. Usually you will use p.text(text) which just adds the given text verbatim to the formatted representation, but you can do things like starting and ending groups if your class represents a collection.
The cycle parameter is a boolean that indicates whether a reference cycle is detected - that is, whether you're trying to format the object twice in the same call stack (which leads to an infinite loop). It may or may not be necessary to consider it depending on what kind of object you're using, but it doesn't hurt.
As a bonus, if you want to do this for a class whose code you don't have access to (or, more accurately, don't want to) modify, or if you just want to make a temporary change for testing, you can use the IPython display formatter's for_type method, as shown in this example of customizing int display. In your case, you would use
lambda obj, p, cycle: p.text(str(obj) if not cycle else '...')
with MyObject of course representing the type you want to customize the printing of. Note that the lambda function carries the same signature as _repr_pretty_, and works the same way.

How to make the output type of the comparison block 'double' in Simulink?

I want to compare a number to another: if the comparison is true the current value must pass but if not it must stop. But I can't do this idea because the output of the compare block is boolean so if it is true, the output is 1 so the current value will not pass as same number. How can I do this idea? Thanks.
One way to accomplish this would be to use a Switch block (under Commonly Used Blocks and Signal Routing) instead of the Relational Operator block.
There is also a Data Type Conversion block if you ever do need to convert a Boolean output to double precision, but I don't think that's what you want in this case.

Difference of SystemVerilog data types (reg, logic, bit)

There are different data types in SystemVerilog that can be used like the following:
reg [31:0] data;
logic [31:0] data;
bit [31:0] data;
How do the three of them differ?
reg and wire were the original types. Wires are constantly assigned and regs are evaluated at particular points, the advantage here is for the simulator to make optimisations.
wire w_data;
assign w_data = y;
// Same function as above using reg
reg r_data;
always #*
r_data = y ;
A common mistake when learning Verilog is to assume the a reg type implies a register in hardware. The earlier optimisation for the simulator can be done through the context of its usage.
This introduces logic which can be used in place of wire and reg.
logic w_data;
assign w_data = y;
// Same function as above using reg
logic r_data;
always #*
r_data = y ;
The type bit and byte have also been created that can only hold 2 states 0 or 1 no x or z. byte implies bit [7:0]. Using these types offers a small speed improvement but I would recommend not using them in RTL as your verification may miss uninitialized values or critical resets.
The usage of bit and byte would be more common in testbench components, but can lead to issues in case of having to drive x's to stimulate data corruption and recovery.
At the time of writing I was under the impression that logic could not be used for tristate, I am unable to find the original paper that I based this on. Until further updates, comments or edits, I revoke my assertion that logic can not be used to create tri-state lines.
The tri type has been added, for explicitly defining a tri-state line. It is based on the properties of a wire, logic is based on the properties of a reg.
tri t_data;
assign t_data = (drive) ? y : 1'bz ;
If you no longer have to support backwards compatibility Verilog then I would recommend switching to using logic and tri. Using logic aids re-factoring and and tri reflects the design intent of a tristate line.
The choice of the name reg turned out to be a mistake, because the existence of registers is instead inferred based on how assignments are performed. Due to this, use of reg is essentially deprecated in favor of logic, which is actually the same type.
logic is a 1-bit, 4-state data type
bit is a 1-bit, 2-state data type which may simulate faster than logic
If a logic is also declared as a wire, it has the additional capability of supporting multiple drivers. Note that by default wire is equivalent to wire logic.
In general, the "nets" (such as wire and tri) are most suitable for designing communication buses.
Practically speaking, for RTL it usually doesn't matter whether you declare with reg, or logic, or wire. However, if you have to make an explicit declaration of a 4-state type (as opposed to when you don't), you should typically choose logic since that is what is intended by the language.
Related articles:
What’s the deal with those wire’s and reg’s in Verilog
An analysis of the "logic" data type by Cliff Cummings - 20021209
As I'm unable to add a comment I've to write what looks like a new answer but isn't. Sigh!
#e19293001, #Morgan, logic defines a 4-state variable unlike bit, and hence a logic variable can be used to store 1'bz so the following code is valid and compiles:
logic t_data;
assign t_data = (drive) ? y : 1'bz ;
But I agree that to reflect the design intent tri should be used instead of logic in these cases (although I must say I don't see people using tri instead of logic/wire too often).
reg and logic are exactly the same. These data types appear inside the always or initial blocks and store values i.e. always #(a) b <= a;, the reg b gets evaluated only when 'a' changes but otherwise it simply stores the value it has been assigned last.
wire are just simply connections and need to continuously driven. I agree that they can behave identical as #Morgan mentioned, but they can be imagined as a piece of hard wire, the value of which changes only the value at the other end or the source changes.
How do the three of them differ?
There is no difference between logic and reg.
The difference between bit and the other two is that bit is 2-state, whereas logic/reg are 4-state.
Refer to IEEE Std 1800-2017, section 6.11.2, 2-state (two-value) and 4-state (four-value) data types:
logic and reg denote the same type.
Also, section 6.3.1 Logic values:
The SystemVerilog value set consists of the following four basic values:
0 —represents a logic zero or a false condition
1 —represents a logic one or a true condition
x —represents an unknown logic value
z —represents a high-impedance state
Several SystemVerilog data types are 4-state types, which can store
all four logic values. All bits of 4-state vectors can be
independently set to one of the four basic values. Some SystemVerilog
data types are 2-state, and only store 0 or 1 values in each bit of a
Logic data type doesn't permit multiple driver. The last assignment wins in case of multiple assignment .Reg/Wire data type give X if multiple driver try to drive them with different value. Logic data type simply assign the last assignment value.
The "Reg" data type is used in procedural assignment, whereas the "Logic" data type can be used anywhere.