I have a list which contains only 4 numbers. I want to do cartesian multiplication, but in my case because there is no difference between (x,y) and (y,x), I want to delete one of them to avoid redundant calculations later. I removed the diagonal items using the filter operations, but I couldn't remove one of the symmetric items.
data = [1,2,3,4]
from pyspark import SparkContext
sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
dataRDD = sc.parallelize(data)
newRDD = dataRDD.cartesian(dataRDD)
newRDD = newRDD.filter(lambda x : x[0]!=x[1]) # removing diagonal items
#expected output:
I had the idea that maybe converting the items to a set in python and doing distinct operation would solve the problem. And I got error because sets are unhashable ...
so I came with this idea that maybe I can convert them to set and then I can convert it to str
which is okay with distinct operation in pyspark, but I didn't get the correct results :/
In the above example maybe the idea I mentioned would work, but in my own data it works sometimes and sometimes doesn't.
Thanks in advance!
I have a piece of code that I want to translate into a Pandas UDF in PySpark but I'm having a bit of trouble understanding whether or not you can use conditional statements.
def is_pass_in(df):
x = list(df["string"])
result = []
for i in x:
if "pass" in i:
df["result"] = result
return df
The code is super simple all I'm trying to do is iterate through a column and in each row contains a sentence. I want to check if the word pass is in that sentence and if so append that to a list that will later become a column right next to the df["string"] column. Ive tried to do this using Pandas UDF but the error messages I'm getting are something that I don't understand because I'm new to spark. Could someone point me in the correct direction?
There is no need to use a UDF. This can be done in pyspark as follows. Even in pandas, I would advice you dont do what you have done. use np.where()
df.withColumn('result', when(col('store')=='target','YES').otherwise('NO')).show()
I am currently working on 11,000 files. Each file will generate a data frame which will be Union with the previous one. Below is the code:
var df1 = sc.parallelize(Array(("temp",100 ))).toDF("key","value").withColumn("Filename", lit("Temp") )
files.foreach( filename => {
val a = filename.getPath.toString()
val m = a.split("/")
val name = m(6)
println("FILENAME: " + name)
if (name == "_SUCCESS") {
println("Cannot Process '_SUCCSS' Filename")
} else {
val freqs=doSomething(a).toDF("key","value").withColumn("Filename", lit(name) )
First, i got an error of java.lang.StackOverFlowError on 11,000 files. Then, i add a following line after df1=df1.unionAll(freqs):
It resolves the problem but after each iteration, it is getting slower. Can somebody please suggest me what should be done to avoid StackOverflowError with no decrease in time.
The issue is that spark manages a dataframe as a set of transformations. It begins with the "toDF" of the first dataframe, then perform the transformations on it (e.g. withColumn), then unionAll with the previous dataframe etc.
The unionAll is just another such transformation and the tree becomes very long (with 11K unionAll you have an execution tree of depth 11K). The unionAll when building the information can get to a stack overflow situation.
The caching doesn't solve this, however, I imagine you are adding some action along the way (otherwise nothing would run besides building the transformations). When you perform caching, spark might skip some of the steps and therefor the stack overflow would simply arrive later.
You can go back to RDD for iterative process (your example actually is not iterative but purely parallel, you can simply save each separate dataframe along the way and then convert to RDD and use RDD union).
Since your case seems to be join unioning a bunch of dataframes without true iterations, you can also do the union in a tree manner (i.e. union pairs, then union pairs of pairs etc.) this would change the depth from O(N) to O(log N) where N is the number of unions.
Lastly, you can read and write the dataframe to/from disk. The idea is that after every X (e.g. 20) unions, you would do df1.write.parquet(filex) and then df1 = spark.read.parquet(filex). When you read the lineage of a single dataframe would be the file reading itself. The cost of course would be the writing and reading of the file.
I have a Dataset/Dataframe with a mllib.linalg.Vector (of Doubles) as one of the columns. I would like to add another column to this dataset of type ml.linalg.Vector to this data set (so I will have both types of Vectors). The reason is I am evaluating few algorithms and some of those expect mllib vector and some expect ml vector. Also, I have to feed o/p of one algorithm to another and each use different types.
Can someone please help me convert mllib.linalg.Vector to ml.linalg.Vector and append a new column to the data set in hand. I tried using MLUtils.convertVectorColumnsToML() inside an UDF and regular functions but not able to get it to working. I am trying to avoid creating a new dataset and then doing inner join and dropping the columns as the data set will be huge eventually and joins are expensive.
You can use the method toML to convert from mllib to ml vector. An UDF and usage example can look like this:
val convertToML = udf((mllibVec: org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector) = > {
val df2 = df.withColumn("mlVector", convertToML($"mllibVector"))
Assuming df to be the original dataframe and the column with the mllib vector to be named mllibVector.
I'm trying to find a way to calculate the mean of rows in a Spark Dataframe in Scala where I want to ignore NAs. In R, there is a very convenient function called rowMeans where one can specify to ignore NAs:
I'm unable to find a corresponding function for Spark Dataframes, and I wonder if anyone has a suggestion or input if this would be possible. Replacing them with 0 won't due since this will affect the denominator.
I found a similar question here, however my dataframe will have hundreds of columns.
Any help and shared insights is appreciated, cheers!
Usually such functions ignore nulls by default.
Even if there are some mixed columns with numeric and string types, this one will drop strings and nulls, and calculate only numerics.
df.select(df.columns.map(c => mean(col(c))) :_*).show
You can do this by first identifying which fields are numeric, and then selecting their mean for each row...
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
val df = List(("a",1,2,3.0),("b",5,6,7.0)).toDF("s1","i1","i2","i3")
// grab numeric fields
val numericFields = df.schema.fields.filter(f => f.dataType==IntegerType || f.dataType==LongType || f.dataType==FloatType || f.dataType==DoubleType || f.dataType==ShortType).map(_.name)
// compute mean
val rowMeans = df.select(numericFields.map(f => col(f)).reduce(_+_) / lit(numericFields.length) as "row_mean")
Is it possible and what would be the most efficient neat method to add a column to Data Frame?
More specifically, column may serve as Row IDs for the existing Data Frame.
In a simplified case, reading from file and not tokenizing it, I can think of something as below (in Scala), but it completes with errors (at line 3), and anyways doesn't look like the best route possible:
var dataDF = sc.textFile("path/file").toDF()
val rowDF = sc.parallelize(1 to DataDF.count().toInt).toDF("ID")
dataDF = dataDF.withColumn("ID", rowDF("ID"))
It's been a while since I posted the question and it seems that some other people would like to get an answer as well. Below is what I found.
So the original task was to append a column with row identificators (basically, a sequence 1 to numRows) to any given data frame, so the rows order/presence can be tracked (e.g. when you sample). This can be achieved by something along these lines:
map(case(d, i)=>i.toString + delimiter + d).
Regarding the general case of appending any column to any data frame:
The "closest" to this functionality in Spark API are withColumn and withColumnRenamed. According to Scala docs, the former Returns a new DataFrame by adding a column. In my opinion, this is a bit confusing and incomplete definition. Both of these functions can operate on this data frame only, i.e. given two data frames df1 and df2 with column col:
val df = df1.withColumn("newCol", df1("col") + 1) // -- OK
val df = df1.withColumn("newCol", df2("col") + 1) // -- FAIL
So unless you can manage to transform a column in an existing dataframe to the shape you need, you can't use withColumn or withColumnRenamed for appending arbitrary columns (standalone or other data frames).
As it was commented above, the workaround solution may be to use a join - this would be pretty messy, although possible - attaching the unique keys like above with zipWithIndex to both data frames or columns might work. Although efficiency is ...
It's clear that appending a column to the data frame is not an easy functionality for distributed environment and there may not be very efficient, neat method for that at all. But I think that it's still very important to have this core functionality available, even with performance warnings.
not sure if it works in spark 1.3 but in spark 1.5 I use withColumn:
import sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
I use this when I need to use a value that is not related to existing columns of the dataframe
This is similar to #NehaM's answer but simpler
I took help from above answer. However, I find it incomplete if we want to change a DataFrame and current APIs are little different in Spark 1.6.
zipWithIndex() returns a Tuple of (Row, Long) which contains each row and corresponding index. We can use it to create new Row according to our need.
val rdd = df.rdd.zipWithIndex()
.map(indexedRow => Row.fromSeq(indexedRow._2.toString +: indexedRow._1.toSeq))
val newstructure = StructType(Seq(StructField("Row number", StringType, true)).++(df.schema.fields))
sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, newstructure ).show
I hope this will be helpful.
You can use row_number with Window function as below to get the distinct id for each rows in a dataframe.
df.withColumn("ID", row_number() over Window.orderBy("any column name in the dataframe"))
You can also use monotonically_increasing_id for the same as
df.withColumn("ID", monotonically_increasing_id())
And there are some other ways too.