Adding a nested value as a field - MongDB aggregation - mongodb

So I have a parent document with users, as well as an array that has users too. I want to add the DisplayName from the nested users array to the aggregation output. Any ideas?
Output I'm looking to achieve:
"user": {
"_id": "11",
"Name": "Dave",
"DocID": "1",
"DocDisplyName": "ABC"
"user": {
"_id": "33",
"Name": "Henry",
"DocID": "1",
"DocDisplyName": "ABC",
And so on.. So an array of all users and for users that belong to a branch, add the branch display Name to the output.
// Doc 1
"_id": "1",
"DisplayName": "ABC",
"Users": [
{ "_id": "11", "Name": "Dave" },
{ "_id": "22", "Name": "Steve" }
"Branches": [
"_id": "111",
"DisplayName": "BranchA",
"Users": [
{ "_id": "33", "Name": "Henry" },
{ "_id": "44", "Name": "Josh" },
"_id": "222",
"DisplayName": "BranchB",
"Users": [
{ "_id": "55", "Name": "Mark" },
{ "_id": "66", "Name": "Anton" },
``Doc 2
"_id": "2",
"DisplayName": "DEF",
"Users": [
{ "_id": "77", "Name": "Josh" },
{ "_id": "88", "Name": "Steve" }
"Branches": [
"_id": "333",
"DisplayName": "BranchA",
"Users": [
{ "_id": "99", "Name": "Henry" },
{ "_id": "10", "Name": "Josh" },
"_id": "444",
"DisplayName": "BranchB",
"Users": [
{ "_id": "112", "Name": "Susan" },
{ "_id": "112", "Name": "Mary" },
$addFields: {
branchUsers: {
$reduce: {
input: "$Branches.Users",
initialValue: [],
in: {
$concatArrays: ["$$this", "$$value"],
$addFields: {
user: {
$concatArrays: ["$branchUsers", "$Users"],
$addFields: {
"user.DocID": "$_id","user.DocDisaplyName": "$DisplayName"
$unwind: "$user",
$project: {
_id: 0,
user: 1,
Thanks in advance!

OK I found a solution.
$addFields: {
"branchUsers.BranchDisplayName": {
$let: {
vars: {
first: {
$arrayElemAt: [ "$Branches", 0 ]
in: "$$first.DisplayName"
This creates the field only for the users that belong to the branch


How can I merge two documents, get rid of duplicates and keep certain data?

I have the following data, which describes who is going to do what work.
Basically I want to replace the "workId" and "userId" with objects that contain all the data from their respective documents and retain the "when" data.
I am starting with this data:
"schedule": {
"WorkId": "4e51dc1069c27c015ede4e3e",
"daily": [
"when": 1,
"U_W": [
"workId": "3a60dc1069c27c015ede1111",
"userId": "5f60c3b7f93d8e00a1cdf414"
"workId": "3a60dc1069c27c015ede1122",
"userId": "5f60c3b7f93d8e00a1cdf415"
Here is the user table
"userSchema": [
_id: "5f60c3b7f93d8e00a1cdf414",
Name: "Bob"
_id: "5f60c3b7f93d8e00a1cdf415",
Name: "Joe"
Here is the work table
"workSchema": [
_id: "3a60dc1069c27c015ede1111",
Name: "shovel"
_id: "3a60dc1069c27c015ede1122",
Name: "hammer"
what I want to end up with is this
"schedule": {
"WorkId": "4e51dc1069c27c015ede4e3e",
"daily": [
"when": 1,
"U_W": [
"work": {
"id": "3a60dc1069c27c015ede1111",
"name": "shovel"
"user": {
"id": "5f60c3b7f93d8e00a1cdf414",
"name": "bob"
"work": {
"id": "3a60dc1069c27c015ede1122",
"name": "hammer"
"user": {
"id": "5f60c3b7f93d8e00a1cdf415",
"name": "joe"
Here is my first attempt:
I have it joining the the two documents
How can I get rid of the duplicates ( bob:hammer and joe:shovel ) ?
and how do I include the "when" ?
Here is the playground that provides the following :
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"user_info": {
"Name": "Bob",
"_id": "5f60c3b7f93d8e00a1cdf414"
"work_role": {
"Name": "shovel",
"_id": "3a60dc1069c27c015ede1111"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"user_info": {
"Name": "Bob",
"_id": "5f60c3b7f93d8e00a1cdf414"
"work_role": {
"Name": "hammer",
"_id": "3a60dc1069c27c015ede1122"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"user_info": {
"Name": "Joe",
"_id": "5f60c3b7f93d8e00a1cdf415"
"work_role": {
"Name": "shovel",
"_id": "3a60dc1069c27c015ede1111"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"user_info": {
"Name": "Joe",
"_id": "5f60c3b7f93d8e00a1cdf415"
"work_role": {
"Name": "hammer",
"_id": "3a60dc1069c27c015ede1122"
After beating my head against the wall for some time...
I found a pretty cool feature of mongo "references"
REF_work: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, required: true, ref: 'work' },
REF_person: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, required: true, ref: 'users' },
then when I call it from my get function I add a populate to the find
I get exactly what I want:
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"REF_person": {
"Name": "Bob",
"_id": "5f60c3b7f93d8e00a1cdf414"
"REF_work": {
"Name": "shovel",
"_id": "3a60dc1069c27c015ede1111"
"_id": ObjectId("5a934e000102030405000000"),
"REF_person": {
"Name": "Joe",
"_id": "5f60c3b7f93d8e00a1cdf415"
"REF_work": {
"Name": "hammer",
"_id": "3a60dc1069c27c015ede1122"

Aggregation: Mongodb aggregation query example

Record is database:
"title": "title1",
"author": [
"name": "user1",
"register": true
"name": "user2",
"register": true
"tags": [
"title": "title2",
"author": [
"name": "user1",
"register": true
"name": "user2",
"register": true
"tags": [
"title": "title3",
"author": [
"name": "user1",
"register": true
"name": "user2",
"register": true
"tags": [
expected output:
{"tag":"tag1", "titles":["title1","title2","title3"], "size":3}
{"tag":"tag2", "titles":["title2","title4"], "size":2}
Can someone help with aggregate query?
You can use group
$unwind to deconstruct the array
$group to regroup the based on tags
$project to show the desired output
Here is the code,
{ "$unwind": "$tags" },
"$group": {
"_id": "$tags",
"titles": { "$push": "$title" }
$project: {
tag: "$_id",
titles: 1,
size: { $size: "$titles" },
_id: "$$REMOVE"
Working Mongo playground

MongoDB inner join with specific condition from both collections

I have got two collections, chapters and courses with one-to-one association,
"chapters": [
"_id": 10,
"course_id": 1,
"author": "John"
"_id": 20,
"course_id": 2,
"author": "John"
"_id": 30,
"course_id": 3,
"author": "Timmy"
"_id": 40,
"course_id": 4,
"author": "John"
"courses": [
"_id": 1,
"published": true,
"name": "course 1"
"_id": 2,
"published": false,
"name": "course 2"
"_id": 3,
"published": true,
"name": "course 3"
"_id": 4,
"published": true,
"name": "course 4"
How do I query all chapters with the published course (published=true) and the author is "John"?
You can use $match, $lookup then $group by author then simply $filter it based on published
$match: {
author: "John"
"$lookup": {
"from": "courses",
"localField": "course_id",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "course"
$project: {
_id: 1,
course: {
$first: "$course"
author: 1
$group: {
_id: "$author",
courseChapters: {
$push: "$$ROOT"
$project: {
courseChapters: {
$filter: {
input: "$courseChapters",
as: "cc",
cond: {
$eq: [
"_id": "John",
"courseChapters": [
"_id": 10,
"author": "John",
"course": {
"_id": 1,
"name": "course 1",
"published": true
"_id": 40,
"author": "John",
"course": {
"_id": 4,
"name": "course 4",
"published": true

Aggregate nested arrays

I have multiple documents, and I'm trying to aggregate all documents with companyId = xxx and return one array with all the statuses.
So it will look like this:
"status": "created",
"date": "2019-03-16T10:59:59.200Z"
"status": "completed",
"date": "2019-03-16T11:00:37.750Z"
"status": "created",
"date": "2019-03-16T10:59:59.200Z"
"status": "completed",
"date": "2019-03-16T11:00:37.750Z"
"status": "created",
"date": "2019-03-16T10:59:59.200Z"
"status": "completed",
"date": "2019-03-16T11:00:37.750Z"
"status": "created",
"date": "2019-03-16T10:59:59.200Z"
"status": "completed",
"date": "2019-03-16T11:00:37.750Z"
The document look like this:
"companyId": "xxx",
"position": "",
"section": "",
"comment": "",
"items": [
"any": "111",
"name": "some name",
"description": "some description",
"version": "3",
"status": [
"status": "created",
"date": "2019-03-16T10:59:59.200Z"
"status": "completed",
"date": "2019-03-16T11:00:37.750Z"
"any": "222",
"name": "some name",
"description": "some description",
"version": "3",
"status": [
"status": "created",
"date": "2019-03-16T10:59:59.200Z"
"status": "completed",
"date": "2019-03-16T11:00:37.750Z"
"companyId": "xxx",
"position": "",
"section": "",
"comment": "",
"items": [
"any": "111",
"name": "some name",
"description": "some description",
"version": "3",
"status": [
"status": "created",
"date": "2019-03-16T10:59:59.200Z"
"status": "completed",
"date": "2019-03-16T11:00:37.750Z"
"any": "222",
"name": "some name",
"description": "some description",
"version": "3",
"status": [
"status": "created",
"date": "2019-03-16T10:59:59.200Z"
"status": "completed",
"date": "2019-03-16T11:00:37.750Z"
Any suggestion, how to implement this?
Then I want to loop over the array (in code) and count how many items in status created, and completed. maybe it could be done with the query?
Thanks in advance
You can use below aggregation:
$match: { companyId: "xxx" }
$unwind: "$items"
$unwind: "$items.status"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: "$items.status"
$group: {
_id: "$status",
count: { $sum: 1 }
Double $unwind will return single status per document and then you can use $replaceRoot to promote each status to root level of your document.
Additionally you can add $group stage to count documents by status.
In addition to the #mickl answer, you can add $project pipeline to get the result as a flat list of status and count.
$match: { companyId: "xxx" }
$unwind: "$items"
$unwind: "$items.status"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: "$items.status"
$group: {
_id: "$status",
count: { $sum: 1 }
$project: {
If the number of documents on which you are executing the above query is too much then you should avoid using $unwind in the initial stage of aggregation pipeline.
Either you should use $project after $match to reduce the selection of fields or you can use below query:
$match: {
companyId: "xxx"
$project: {
_id: 0,
data: {
$reduce: {
input: "$items.status",
initialValue: [
in: {
$concatArrays: [
$unwind: "$data"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: "$data"

Aggregation collection in mongdb

How to populate in result of aggregated query in monogdb
Array of followedId
var followeduserId = ["abc","efg","xyz","pqr","acd","rts"];
Feeds Recommended
"feedsId": "feed1",
"userId": "abc"
"feedsId": "feed1",
"userId": "efg"
Feeds collection
"link": "",
"recommended": [
"title": "This is my feed7",
"topics": [
"link": "",
"recommended": [
"title": "This is my feed8",
"topics": [
Ran aggregation query
{ $match: { userId: { $in: "followersId" }}},
{ $lookup: {
from: "feeds",
localField: "feedsId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "feedsId"
{ $group: {
"_id": { "feedsId": "$feedsId" },
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
{ $sort: { count: -1 }}
result After aggregation
var resultfeeds = [
"count": 7,
"id": {
"_id": "feed1",
"link": "",
"recommended": [
"title": "This is my feed1",
"topics": [
"count": 3,
"id": {
"_id": "feed5",
"link": "",
"recommended": [
"title": "This is my feed1",
"topics": [
"count": 3,
"id": {
"_id": "feed6",
"link": "",
"recommended": [
"title": "This is my feed1",
"topics": [
"count": 2,
"id": {
"_id": "feed2",
"link": "",
"recommended": [
"title": "This is my feed1",
"topics": [
"count": 2,
"id": {
"_id": "feed7",
"link": "",
"recommended": [
"title": "This is my feed1",
"topics": [
"count": 1,
"id": {
"_id": "feed3",
"link": "",
"recommended": [
"title": "This is my feed1",
"topics": [
"count": 1,
"id": {
"_id": "feed8",
"link": "",
"recommended": [
"title": "This is my feed1",
"topics": [
I want to populate topics and recommeded userName and image in the result
topic collection
"topic_name": "tiger"
"topic_name": "loin"
user collection
"name": "deepa",
"profileImg": ""
"name": "nisa",
"profileImg": ""
My last result should be like this
"count": 2,
"id": {
"_id": "feed2",
"link": "",
"recommended": [
"_id": "abc",
"name": "deepa",
"profileImg": ""
"_id": "acd",
"name": "sigger",
"profileImg": ""
"_id": "rts",
"name": "buster",
"profileImg": ""
"title": "This is my feed1",
"topics": [
"_id": "topi6",
"topic_name": "boolena"
"_id": "topi7",
"topic_name": "mika"
"_id": "topi8",
"topic_name": "tika"
You can try below aggregation in mongodb 3.6 and above
{ "$match": { "userId":{ "$in": followersId }}},
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$feedsId",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
{ "$lookup": {
"from": "feeds",
"let": { "feedsId": "$_id" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$eq": [ "$_id", "$$feedsId" ] }}},
{ "$lookup": {
"from": "topics",
"let": { "topics": "$topics" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$in": [ "$_id", "$$topics" ] } } }
"as": "topics"
{ "$lookup": {
"from": "users",
"let": { "recommended": "$recommended" },
"pipeline": [
{ "$match": { "$expr": { "$in": [ "$_id", "$$recommended" ] } } }
"as": "recommended"
"as": "feedsId"