numba error with tuple sorting containing numpy arrays - numba

I have a (working) function that uses the heapq module to build a priority queue of tuples and I would like to compile it with numba, however I get a very long and unclear error. It seems to boil down to a problem with tuple order comparison needed for the queue. The tuples have a fixed format, where the first item is a a floating point number (whose order I care about) and then a numpy array, which I need for computation but never get compared when running normally. This is intended because comparison on numpy arrays yields an array which cannot be used in conditionals and raises an exception. However, I guess numba needs a scalar yielding comparison to be at least defined for all items in the tuple, and hence the numba error.
I have a very minimal example:
def f():
return 1 if (1, numpy.arange(3)) < (2, numpy.arange(3)) else 2
where the numba compilation fails (without numba it works since it never needs to actually compare the arrays, as in the original code).
Here is a slightly less minimal but maybe clearer example, which shows what I am actually doing:
from heapq import heappush
import numpy
import numba
def f(n):
heap = [(1, 0, numpy.random.rand(2, 3))]
for unique_id in range(n):
order = numpy.random.rand()
data = numpy.random.rand(2, 3)
heappush(heap, (order, unique_id, data))
return heap[0]
Here order is the variable whose order I care about in the queue, unique_id is a trick to avoid that when order is the same the comparison goes on to data and throws an exception.
I tried to bypass the problem converting the numpy array to a list when in the tuple and back to array for computation, but while this compiles, the numba version is slower than the interpreted one, even thought the array is quite small (usually 2x3). Without converting I would need to rewrite the code as loops which I would prefer to avoid (but is doable).
Is there a better alternative to get this working with numba, hopefully running faster than the python interpreter?

I'll try to respond based on the minimal example you provided.
I think that the problem here is not related to the ability of numba to perform comparison between all the elements of the tuple, but rather on where to store the result of such a comparison. This is stated in the error log returned when trying to execute your example:
cannot store {i8*, i8*, i64, i64, i8*, [1 x i64], [1 x i64]} to i1*: mismatching types
Basically, you are trying to store the result of a comparison between a pair of floats and a pair of arrays into a single boolean, and numba doesn't know how to do that.
If you are only interested in comparing the first elements of the tuples, the quickest workaround I can think of is forcing the comparison to happen only on the first elements, e.g.
def f():
return 1 if (1, numpy.arange(3))[0] < (2, numpy.arange(3))[0] else 2
If this is not applicable to your use case, please provide more details about it.
According to the further information you provided, I think the best way to solve this is avoiding pushing the numpy arrays to the heap. Since you're only interested in the ordering properties of the heap, you can just push the keys to the heap and store the corresponding numpy arrays in a separate dictionary, using as keys the same values you push in the heap.
As a sidenote, when you use standard library functions in nopython-jitted functions, you are resorting on specific numba's re-implementation of those functions rather then the "original" python's ones. A comprehensive list of the available python's features in numba can be found here.

Ok, I found a solution to the problem: since storing the array in the heap tuple is the cause of the numba error, it is enough to store it in a separate dictionary with an unique key and store only the key in the heap tuple. For instance, using an integer as the key:
from heapq import heappush
import numpy
import numba
def f(n):
key = 0
array_storage = {key: numpy.random.rand(2, 3)}
heap = [(1.0, key)]
for _ in range(n):
order = numpy.random.rand()
data = numpy.random.rand(2, 3)
key += 1
heappush(heap, (order, key))
array_storage[key] = data
return heap[0]
Now the tuples in the heap can be compared yielding a boolean value and I still get to associate the data with its tuple. I am not completely satisfied since it seems a workaround, but it works pretty well and it is not overly complicated. If anyone has a better one please let me know!


how to return list for eager compilation?

The numba allows eager compilation by telling the function signature. But, I can not find some information about the list type. My test code is:
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
# #nb.jit(nb.ListType())
def Cal():
return [1, np.zeros(shape=[5, 5]), 3]
a = Cal()
What's the function signature for Cal?
In addition, what if there are three outputs? How to provide the function signature? For example:
def TwoOutput():
return 1, 2
Any suggestion is appreciated
You cannot return the list [1, np.zeros(shape=[5, 5]), 3] from a Numba jitted function. In fact, if you try, Numba will throw few error saying that the "compilation is falling back to object mode WITH looplifting enabled because Function "Cal" failed type inference" due to the output type being not well defined. Indeed, the type of the items in the list needs to be all the same and not objects (called typed list). This is not the case here (reflected list). Reflected lists are not supported by Numba (anymore). What makes Numba fast is the type inference enabling it to generate a fast native code. With Python dynamic objects there is no way to generate a fast code (due to many heavy overhead like type checking, reference counting, allocations, etc.).
Note that you can return a tuple if the output always have the same small number of item defined at compile-time. Also note that Numba can automatically infer the output type so you can use #nb.jit(()) here to enable the eager compilation of the target function.
Put it shortly, Numba is not meant to support/speed-up this use-case. Note that Cython can and be slightly faster. You need not to use reflected lists (nor dynamic objects) if you want to get a fast code.

Numba signature for structured arrays

Numba's documentation does not give any example of signatures for functions that take structured arrays. I have tried several ways, but all were rejected by Numba (and Pylance).
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
PairSpec = [("x", np.float32), ("y", np.float32)]
Pair = np.dtype(PairSpec)
NumbaPair = nb.from_dtype(Pair)
# BUG None of this works
# #nb.jit(np.float32(Pair[:]))
# #nb.jit(np.float32(NumbaPair[:]))
def sum(pairs):
pair = pairs[0]
return pair.x + pair.y
pairs = np.array([(2, 3)], dtype=PairSpec)
How to give a signature to a function that takes structured arrays?
The correct signature is nb.float32(NumbaPair[:]). Note the use of nb.float32 and not np.float32. Also please note that arrays of structures (AoS) generally tend to be less efficient than structures of arrays (SoA). This is especially true for coordinates since most fields are generally read and AoS prevent any efficient vectorization (while modern x86-64 processors can typically compute ~16 float32 values per cycle and per core, as opposed to 2 for scalar values).

why is the map function inherently parallel?

I was reading the following presentation:
and the author claims that the map function is built very well for parallelism (specifically he supports his claim on page 3 or slides 9 and 10).
If one were given the problem of increasing each value of a list by +1, I can see how looping through the list imperatively would require a index value to change and hence cause potential race condition problems. But I'm curious how the map function better allows a programmer to successfully code in parallel.
Is it due to the way map is recursively defined? So each function call can be thrown to a different thread?
I hoping someone can provide some specifics, thanks!
The map function applies the same pure function to n elements in a collection and aggregates the results. It doesn't matter the order in which you apply the function to the members of the collection because by definition the return value of the function is purely dependent upon the input.
The others already explained that the standard map implementation isn't parallel.
But in Scala, since you tagged it, you can get the parallel version as simply as
val list = ... // some list => ...) // instead of => ...)
See also Parallel Collections Overview and documentation for ParIterable and other types in the scala.collection.parallel package.
You can find the implementation of the parallel map in, if you want (look for def map and class Map). It requires very non-trivial infrastructure and certainly isn't just taking the recursive definition of sequential map and parallelizing it.
If one had defined map via a loop how would that break down?
The slides give F# parallel arrays as the example at the end and at you can see the non-parallel implementation there is a loop:
let inline map (mapping: 'T -> 'U) (array:'T[]) =
checkNonNull "array" array
let res : 'U[] = Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics.Array.zeroCreateUnchecked array.Length
for i = 0 to res.Length-1 do
res.[i] <- mapping array.[i]

Behavior of scala fold in parallel collections

Let's run the following line of code several times:
Set(1,2,3,4,5,6,7).par.fold(0)(_ - _)
The results are quite interesting:
scala> Set(1,2,3,4,5,6,7).par.fold(0)(_ - _)
res10: Int = 8
scala> Set(1,2,3,4,5,6,7).par.fold(0)(_ - _)
res11: Int = 20
However clearly it should be like in its sequential version:
scala> Set(1,2,3,4,5,6,7).fold(0)(_ - _)
res15: Int = -28
I understand that operation - is non-associative on integers and that's the reason behind such behavior, but my question is quite simple: doesn't it mean that fold should not be parallelized in .par implementation of collections?
When you look at the standard library documentation, you see that fold is undeterministic here:
Folds the elements of this sequence using the specified associative binary operator.
The order in which operations are performed on elements is unspecified and may be nondeterministic.
As an alternative, there's foldLeft:
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements of this sequence, going left to right.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements of this collection or iterator, going left to right.
Note: might return different results for different runs, unless the underlying collection type is ordered or the operator is associative and commutative.
As Set is not an ordered collection, there's no canonical order in which the elements could be folded, so the standard library allows itself to be undeterministic even for foldLeft. If you would use an ordered sequence here, foldLeft would be deterministic in that case.
The scaladoc does say:
The order in which the elements are reduced is unspecified and may be nondeterministic.
So, as you stated, a binary operation applied in ParSet#fold that is not associative is not guaranteed to produce a deterministic result. The above text is warning is all you get.
Does that mean ParSet#fold (and cousins) should not be parallelized? Not exactly. If your binary operation is commutative and you don't care about non-determinism of side-effects (not that a fold should have any), then there isn't a problem. However, you are hit with the caveat of needing to tread carefully around parallel collections.
Whether or not it is correct is more of a matter of opinion. One could argue that if a method can result in accidental non-determinism, that it should not exist in a language or library. But the alternative is to clip out functionality so that ParSet is missing functionality that is present in most of the other collection implementations. You could use the same line of thinking to also suggest the removal of Stream#foreach to prevent people from accidentally triggering infinite loops on infinite streams, but should you?
It is useful to parallelize fold operation with high workloads, however, to guarantee a deterministic output from calling of collection.par.fold(z)(f), the following conditions must hold:
1- f(f(a,b),c) == f(a,f(b,c)) // Associativity
2- f(z,a) == f(a,z) == a , where z is the neutral element for f (like 0 for sum, and 1 for multiplication).
Fabian's answer suggests using foldLeft instead. Although this is deterministic, using .par with it won't really parallelize anything. because foldLeft is sequential by nature.

Avoid testing duplicate values with ScalaTest forAll

I'm playing with property-based testing on ScalaTest and I had the following code:
val myStrings = Gen.oneOf("hi", "hello")
forAll(myStrings) { s: String =>
println(s"String tested: $s")
When I run the forAll code, I've noticed that the same value is tried more than once, e.g.
String tested: hi
String tested: hello
String tested: hi
String tested: hello
String tested: hi
String tested: hello
I was wondering if there is a way for, given the code above, for each value in oneOf to be tried only once. In other words, to get ScalaTest not to use the same value twice.
Even if I used other generators, such as Gen.alphaStr, I'd like to find a way to avoid testing the same String twice. The reason I'm interested in doing this is because each test runs against a server running in a different process, and hence there's a bit of cost involved, so I'd like to avoid testing the same thing twice.
What you're trying to do is seems to be against scalacheck ideology(see Note1); however it's kind of possible (with high probability) by reducing the number of samples:
scala> forAll(oneOf("a", "b")){i => println(i); true}.check(Test.Parameters.default.withMinSuccessfulTests(2))
+ OK, passed 2 tests.
Note that you can still get aa/bb sometimes, as scala-check is built on randomness and statistical approach. If you need to always check all combinations - you probably don't need scala-check:
scala> assert(Set("a", "b").forall(_ => true))
Basically Gen allows you to create an infinite collection that represents a distribution of input values. The more values you generate - the better sampling you get. So if you have N possible states, you can't guarantee that they won't repeat in an infinite collection.
The only way to do exactly what you want is to explicitly check for duplicates before calling the service. You can use something like Option(ConcurrentHashMap.putIfAbscent(value, value)).isEmpty for that. Keep in mind it is a risk of OOM so be careful to take care of the amount of generated values and maybe even add an explicit check.
Note1) What scalacheck is needed for reducing number of combinations from maximum (which is more than 100) to some value that still gives you a good check. So scalacheck is useful when a set of possible inputs is really huge. And in that case the probability of repetitions is really small
Talking about oneOf (from scaladoc):
def oneOf[T](t0: T, t1: T, tn: T*): Gen[T]
Picks a random value from a list
See also (examples are a bit outdated): How can I reduce the number of test cases ScalaCheck generates?
I would aim to increase the entropy of values. Using random sentences will increase it a lot, although not (theoretically) fixing the issue.
val genWord = Gen.onOf("hi", "hello")
def sentanceOf(words: Int): Gen[String] = {
Gen.listOfN(words, genWord).map(_.mkString(" ")