Behavior of scala fold in parallel collections - scala

Let's run the following line of code several times:
Set(1,2,3,4,5,6,7).par.fold(0)(_ - _)
The results are quite interesting:
scala> Set(1,2,3,4,5,6,7).par.fold(0)(_ - _)
res10: Int = 8
scala> Set(1,2,3,4,5,6,7).par.fold(0)(_ - _)
res11: Int = 20
However clearly it should be like in its sequential version:
scala> Set(1,2,3,4,5,6,7).fold(0)(_ - _)
res15: Int = -28
I understand that operation - is non-associative on integers and that's the reason behind such behavior, but my question is quite simple: doesn't it mean that fold should not be parallelized in .par implementation of collections?

When you look at the standard library documentation, you see that fold is undeterministic here:
Folds the elements of this sequence using the specified associative binary operator.
The order in which operations are performed on elements is unspecified and may be nondeterministic.
As an alternative, there's foldLeft:
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements of this sequence, going left to right.
Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements of this collection or iterator, going left to right.
Note: might return different results for different runs, unless the underlying collection type is ordered or the operator is associative and commutative.
As Set is not an ordered collection, there's no canonical order in which the elements could be folded, so the standard library allows itself to be undeterministic even for foldLeft. If you would use an ordered sequence here, foldLeft would be deterministic in that case.

The scaladoc does say:
The order in which the elements are reduced is unspecified and may be nondeterministic.
So, as you stated, a binary operation applied in ParSet#fold that is not associative is not guaranteed to produce a deterministic result. The above text is warning is all you get.
Does that mean ParSet#fold (and cousins) should not be parallelized? Not exactly. If your binary operation is commutative and you don't care about non-determinism of side-effects (not that a fold should have any), then there isn't a problem. However, you are hit with the caveat of needing to tread carefully around parallel collections.
Whether or not it is correct is more of a matter of opinion. One could argue that if a method can result in accidental non-determinism, that it should not exist in a language or library. But the alternative is to clip out functionality so that ParSet is missing functionality that is present in most of the other collection implementations. You could use the same line of thinking to also suggest the removal of Stream#foreach to prevent people from accidentally triggering infinite loops on infinite streams, but should you?

It is useful to parallelize fold operation with high workloads, however, to guarantee a deterministic output from calling of collection.par.fold(z)(f), the following conditions must hold:
1- f(f(a,b),c) == f(a,f(b,c)) // Associativity
2- f(z,a) == f(a,z) == a , where z is the neutral element for f (like 0 for sum, and 1 for multiplication).
Fabian's answer suggests using foldLeft instead. Although this is deterministic, using .par with it won't really parallelize anything. because foldLeft is sequential by nature.


for vs map in functional programming

I am learning functional programming using scala. In general I notice that for loops are not much used in functional programs instead they use map.
What are the advantages of using map over for loop in terms of performance, readablity etc ?
What is the intention of bringing in a map function when it can be achieved using loop ?
Program 1: Using For loop
val num = 1 to 1000
val another = 1000 to 2000
for ( i <- num )
for ( j <- another)
Program 2 : Using map
val num = 1 to 1000
val another = 1000 to 2000
val mapper = => => (x,y))).flatten>println(x))
Both program 1 and program 2 does the same thing.
The answer is quite simple actually.
Whenever you use a loop over a collection it has a semantic purpose. Either you want to iterate the items of the collection and print them. Or you want to transform the type of the elements to another type (map). Or you want to change the cardinality, such as computing the sum of the elements of a collection (fold).
Of course, all that can also be done using for - loops but to the reader of the code, it is more work to figure out which semantic purpose the loop has, compared to a well known named operation such as map, iter, fold, filter, ...
Another aspect is, that for loops lead to the dark side of using mutable state. How would you sum the elements of a collection in a for loop without mutable state? You would not. Instead you would need to write a recursive function. So, for good measure, it is best to drop the habit of thinking in for loops early and enjoy the brave new functional way of doing things.
I'll start by quoting Programming in Scala.
"Every for expression can be expressed in terms of the three higher-order functions map, flatMap and filter. This section describes the translation scheme, which is also used by the Scala compiler."
So the reason that you noticed for-loops are not used as much is because they technically aren't needed, and any for expressions you do see are just syntactic sugar which the compiler will translate into some equivalent. The rules for translating a for expression into a map/flatMap/filter expression are listed in the link above.
Generally speaking, in functional programming there is no index variable to mutate. This means one typically makes heavy use of function calls (often in the form of recursion) such as list folds in place of a while or for loop.
For a good example of using list folds in place of while/for loops, I recommend "Explain List Folds to Yourself" by Tony Morris.
If a function is tail-recursive (denoted with #tailrec) then it can be optimized so as to not incur the high use of the stack which is common in recursive functions. In this case the compiler can translate the tail-recursive function to the "while loop equivalent".
To answer the second part of Question 1, there are some cases where one could make an argument that a for expression is clearer (although certainly there are cases where the opposite is true too.) One such example is given in the course "Functional Programming with Scala" by Dr. Martin Odersky:
for {
i <- 1 until n
j <- 1 until i
if isPrime(i + j)
} yield (i, j)
is arguably more clear than
(1 until n).flatMap(i =>
(1 until i).withFilter(j => isPrime(i + j))
.map(j => (i, j)))
For more information check out Dr. Martin Odersky's "Functional Programming with Scala" course on Lecture 6.5 "Translation of For" in particular discusses this in more detail.
Also, as a quick side note, in your example you use => println(x))
It is generally more accepted to use foreach in this case because you have the intent of side-effecting. Also, there is short hand
As for Question 2, it is better to use the map function in place of loops (especially when there is mutation in the loop) because map is a function and it can be composed. Also, once one is acquainted and used to using map, it is very easy to reason about.
The two programs that you have provided are not the same, even if the output might suggest that they are. It is true that for comprehensions are de-sugared by the compiler, but the first program you have is actually equivalent to:
val num = 1 to 1000
val another = 1000 to 2000
num.foreach(i => another.foreach(j => println(i,j)))
It should be noted that the resultant type for the above (and your example program) is Unit
In the case of your second program, the resultant type of the program is, as determined by the compiler, Seq[Unit] - which is now a Seq that has the length of the product of the loop members. As a result, you should always use foreach to indicate an effect that results in a Unit result.
Think about what is happening at the machine-language level. Loops are still fundamental. Functional programming abstracts the loop that is implemented in conventional programming.
Essentially, instead of writing a loop as you would in conventional or imparitive programming, the use of chaining or pipelining in functional programming allows the compiler to optimize the code for the user, and map is simply mapping the function to each element as a list or collection is iterated through. Functional programming, is more convenient, and abstracts the mundane implementation of "for" loops etc. There are limitations to this convenience, particularly if you intend to use functional programming to implement parallel processing.
It is arguable depending on the Software Engineer or developer, that the compiler will be more efficient and know ahead of time the situation it is implemented in. IMHO, mid-level Software Engineers who are familiar with functional programming, well versed in conventional programming, and knowledgeable in parallel processing, will implement both conventional and functional.

Difference between reduce and foldLeft/fold in functional programming (particularly Scala and Scala APIs)?

Why do Scala and frameworks like Spark and Scalding have both reduce and foldLeft? So then what's the difference between reduce and fold?
reduce vs foldLeft
A big big difference, not mentioned in any other stackoverflow answer relating to this topic clearly, is that reduce should be given a commutative monoid, i.e. an operation that is both commutative and associative. This means the operation can be parallelized.
This distinction is very important for Big Data / MPP / distributed computing, and the entire reason why reduce even exists. The collection can be chopped up and the reduce can operate on each chunk, then the reduce can operate on the results of each chunk - in fact the level of chunking need not stop one level deep. We could chop up each chunk too. This is why summing integers in a list is O(log N) if given an infinite number of CPUs.
If you just look at the signatures there is no reason for reduce to exist because you can achieve everything you can with reduce with a foldLeft. The functionality of foldLeft is a greater than the functionality of reduce.
But you cannot parallelize a foldLeft, so its runtime is always O(N) (even if you feed in a commutative monoid). This is because it's assumed the operation is not a commutative monoid and so the cumulated value will be computed by a series of sequential aggregations.
foldLeft does not assume commutativity nor associativity. It's associativity that gives the ability to chop up the collection, and it's commutativity that makes cumulating easy because order is not important (so it doesn't matter which order to aggregate each of the results from each of the chunks). Strictly speaking commutativity is not necessary for parallelization, for example distributed sorting algorithms, it just makes the logic easier because you don't need to give your chunks an ordering.
If you have a look at the Spark documentation for reduce it specifically says "... commutative and associative binary operator"
Here is proof that reduce is NOT just a special case of foldLeft
scala> val intParList: ParSeq[Int] = (1 to 100000).map(_ => scala.util.Random.nextInt()).par
scala> timeMany(1000, intParList.reduce(_ + _))
Took 462.395867 milli seconds
scala> timeMany(1000, intParList.foldLeft(0)(_ + _))
Took 2589.363031 milli seconds
reduce vs fold
Now this is where it gets a little closer to the FP / mathematical roots, and a little trickier to explain. Reduce is defined formally as part of the MapReduce paradigm, which deals with orderless collections (multisets), Fold is formally defined in terms of recursion (see catamorphism) and thus assumes a structure / sequence to the collections.
There is no fold method in Scalding because under the (strict) Map Reduce programming model we cannot define fold because chunks do not have an ordering and fold only requires associativity, not commutativity.
Put simply, reduce works without an order of cumulation, fold requires an order of cumulation and it is that order of cumulation that necessitates a zero value NOT the existence of the zero value that distinguishes them. Strictly speaking reduce should work on an empty collection, because its zero value can by deduced by taking an arbitrary value x and then solving x op y = x, but that doesn't work with a non-commutative operation as there can exist a left and right zero value that are distinct (i.e. x op y != y op x). Of course Scala doesn't bother to work out what this zero value is as that would require doing some mathematics (which are probably uncomputable), so just throws an exception.
It seems (as is often the case in etymology) that this original mathematical meaning has been lost, since the only obvious difference in programming is the signature. The result is that reduce has become a synonym for fold, rather than preserving it's original meaning from MapReduce. Now these terms are often used interchangeably and behave the same in most implementations (ignoring empty collections). Weirdness is exacerbated by peculiarities, like in Spark, that we shall now address.
So Spark does have a fold, but the order in which sub results (one for each partition) are combined (at the time of writing) is the same order in which tasks are completed - and thus non-deterministic. Thanks to #CafeFeed for pointing out that fold uses runJob, which after reading through the code I realised that it's non-deterministic. Further confusion is created by Spark having a treeReduce but no treeFold.
There is a difference between reduce and fold even when applied to non-empty sequences. The former is defined as part of the MapReduce programming paradigm on collections with arbitrary order ( and one ought to assume operators are commutative in addition to being associative to give deterministic results. The latter is defined in terms of catomorphisms and requires that the collections have a notion of sequence (or are defined recursively, like linked lists), thus do not require commutative operators.
In practice due to the unmathematical nature of programming, reduce and fold tend to behave in the same way, either correctly (like in Scala) or incorrectly (like in Spark).
Extra: My Opinion On the Spark API
My opinion is that confusion would be avoided if use of the term fold was completely dropped in Spark. At least spark does have a note in their documentation:
This behaves somewhat differently from fold operations implemented for
non-distributed collections in functional languages like Scala.
If I am not mistaken, even though the Spark API does not require it, fold also requires for the f to be commutative. Because the order in which the partitions will be aggregated is not assured.
For example in the following code only the first print out is sorted:
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
object FoldExample extends App{
val conf = new SparkConf()
.setAppName("Simple Application")
implicit val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val range = ('a' to 'z').map(_.toString)
val rdd = sc.parallelize(range)
println(range.reduce(_ + _))
println(rdd.reduce(_ + _))
println(rdd.fold("")(_ + _))
Print out:
fold in Apache Spark is not the same as fold on not-distributed collections. In fact it requires commutative function to produce deterministic results:
This behaves somewhat differently from fold operations implemented for non-distributed
collections in functional languages like Scala. This fold operation may be applied to
partitions individually, and then fold those results into the final result, rather than
apply the fold to each element sequentially in some defined ordering. For functions
that are not commutative, the result may differ from that of a fold applied to a
non-distributed collection.
This has been shown by Mishael Rosenthal and suggested by Make42 in his comment.
It's been suggested that observed behavior is related to HashPartitioner when in fact parallelize doesn't shuffle and doesn't use HashPartitioner.
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
/* Note: standalone (non-local) mode */
val master = "spark://...:7077"
val spark = SparkSession.builder.master(master).getOrCreate()
/* Note: deterministic order */
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq("a", "b", "c", "d"), 4).sortBy(identity[String])
require(rdd.collect.sliding(2).forall { case Array(x, y) => x < y })
/* Note: all posible permutations */
require(Seq.fill(1000)(rdd.fold("")(_ + _)).toSet.size == 24)
Structure of fold for RDD
def fold(zeroValue: T)(op: (T, T) => T): T = withScope {
var jobResult: T
val cleanOp: (T, T) => T
val foldPartition = Iterator[T] => T
val mergeResult: (Int, T) => Unit
sc.runJob(this, foldPartition, mergeResult)
is the same as structure of reduce for RDD:
def reduce(f: (T, T) => T): T = withScope {
val cleanF: (T, T) => T
val reducePartition: Iterator[T] => Option[T]
var jobResult: Option[T]
val mergeResult = (Int, Option[T]) => Unit
sc.runJob(this, reducePartition, mergeResult)
jobResult.getOrElse(throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty collection"))
where runJob is performed with disregard of partition order and results in need of commutative function.
foldPartition and reducePartition are equivalent in terms of order of processing and effectively (by inheritance and delegation) implemented by reduceLeft and foldLeft on TraversableOnce.
Conclusion: fold on RDD cannot depend on order of chunks and needs commutativity and associativity.
One other difference for Scalding is the use of combiners in Hadoop.
Imagine your operation is commutative monoid, with reduce it will be applied on the map side also instead of shuffling/sorting all data to reducers. With foldLeft this is not the case.
pipe.groupBy('product) {
_.reduce('price -> 'total){ (sum: Double, price: Double) => sum + price }
// reduce is .mapReduceMap in disguise
pipe.groupBy('product) {
_.foldLeft('price -> 'total)(0.0){ (sum: Double, price: Double) => sum + price }
It is always good practice to define your operations as monoid in Scalding.

Why doesn't scala's parallel sequences have a contains method?

Why does
Work, while
Does not?
This is planned for the future?
The non-teleological answer is that it's because contains is defined in SeqLike but not in ParSeqLike.
If that doesn't satisfy your curiosity, you can find that SeqLike's contains is defined thus:
def contains(elem: Any): Boolean = exists (_ == elem)
So for your example you can write
List.range(0,100).par.exists(_ == 2)
ParSeqLike is missing a few other methods as well, some of which would be hard to implement efficiently (e.g. indexOfSlice) and some for less obvious reasons (e.g. combinations - maybe because that's only useful on small datasets). But if you have a parallel collection you can also use .seq to get back to the linear version and get your methods back:
As for why the library designers left it out... I'm totally guessing, but maybe they wanted to reduce the number of methods for simplicity's sake, and it's nearly as easy to use exists.
This also raises the question, why is contains defined on SeqLike rather than on the granddaddy of all collections, GenTraversableOnce, where you find exists? A possible reason is that contains for Map is semantically a different method to that on Set and Seq. A Map[A,B] is a Traversable[(A,B)], so if contains were defined for Traversable, contains would need to take a tuple (A,B) argument; however Map's contains takes just an A argument. Given this, I think contains should be defined in GenSeqLike - maybe this is an oversight that will be corrected.
(I thought at first maybe parallel sequences don't have contains because searching where you intend to stop after finding your target on parallel collections is a lot less efficient than the linear version (the various threads do a lot of unnecessary work after the value is found: see this question), but that can't be right because exists is there.)

why use foldLeft instead of procedural version?

So in reading this question it was pointed out that instead of the procedural code:
def expand(exp: String, replacements: Traversable[(String, String)]): String = {
var result = exp
for ((oldS, newS) <- replacements)
result = result.replace(oldS, newS)
You could write the following functional code:
def expand(exp: String, replacements: Traversable[(String, String)]): String = {
case (result, (oldS, newS)) => result.replace(oldS, newS)
I would almost certainly write the first version because coders familiar with either procedural or functional styles can easily read and understand it, while only coders familiar with functional style can easily read and understand the second version.
But setting readability aside for the moment, is there something that makes foldLeft a better choice than the procedural version? I might have thought it would be more efficient, but it turns out that the implementation of foldLeft is actually just the procedural code above. So is it just a style choice, or is there a good reason to use one version or the other?
Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not asking about other functions, just foldLeft. I'm perfectly happy with the use of foreach, map, filter, etc. which all map nicely onto for-comprehensions.
Answer: There are really two good answers here (provided by delnan and Dave Griffith) even though I could only accept one:
Use foldLeft because there are additional optimizations, e.g. using a while loop which will be faster than a for loop.
Use fold if it ever gets added to regular collections, because that will make the transition to parallel collections trivial.
It's shorter and clearer - yes, you need to know what a fold is to understand it, but when you're programming in a language that's 50% functional, you should know these basic building blocks anyway. A fold is exactly what the procedural code does (repeatedly applying an operation), but it's given a name and generalized. And while it's only a small wheel you're reinventing, but it's still a wheel reinvention.
And in case the implementation of foldLeft should ever get some special perk - say, extra optimizations - you get that for free, without updating countless methods.
Other than a distaste for mutable variable (even mutable locals), the basic reason to use fold in this case is clarity, with occasional brevity. Most of the wordiness of the fold version is because you have to use an explicit function definition with a destructuring bind. If each element in the list is used precisely once in the fold operation (a common case), this can be simplified to use the short form. Thus the classic definition of the sum of a collection of numbers
is much simpler and shorter than any equivalent imperative construct.
One additional meta-reason to use functional collection operations, although not directly applicable in this case, is to enable a move to using parallel collection operations if needed for performance. Fold can't be parallelized, but often fold operations can be turned into commutative-associative reduce operations, and those can be parallelized. With Scala 2.9, changing something from non-parallel functional to parallel functional utilizing multiple processing cores can sometimes be as easy as dropping a .par onto the collection you want to execute parallel operations on.
One word I haven't seen mentioned here yet is declarative:
Declarative programming is often defined as any style of programming that is not imperative. A number of other common definitions exist that attempt to give the term a definition other than simply contrasting it with imperative programming. For example:
A program that describes what computation should be performed and not how to compute it
Any programming language that lacks side effects (or more specifically, is referentially transparent)
A language with a clear correspondence to mathematical logic.
These definitions overlap substantially.
Higher-order functions (HOFs) are a key enabler of declarativity, since we only specify the what (e.g. "using this collection of values, multiply each value by 2, sum the result") and not the how (e.g. initialize an accumulator, iterate with a for loop, extract values from the collection, add to the accumulator...).
Compare the following:
// Sugar-free Scala (Still better than Java<5)
def sumDoubled1(xs: List[Int]) = {
var sum = 0 // Initialized correctly?
for (i <- 0 until xs.size) { // Fenceposts?
sum = sum + (xs(i) * 2) // Correct value being extracted?
// Value extraction and +/* smashed together
sum // Correct value returned?
// Iteration sugar (similar to Java 5)
def sumDoubled2(xs: List[Int]) = {
var sum = 0
for (x <- xs) // We don't need to worry about fenceposts or
sum = sum + (x * 2) // value extraction anymore; that's progress
// Verbose Scala
def sumDoubled3(xs: List[Int]) = Int) => x*2). // the doubling
reduceLeft((x: Int, y: Int) => x+y) // the addition
// Idiomatic Scala
def sumDoubled4(xs: List[Int]) =*2).reduceLeft(_+_)
// ^ the doubling ^
// \ the addition
Note that our first example, sumDoubled1, is already more declarative than (most would say superior to) C/C++/Java<5 for loops, because we haven't had to micromanage the iteration state and termination logic, but we're still vulnerable to off-by-one errors.
Next, in sumDoubled2, we're basically at the level of Java>=5. There are still a couple things that can go wrong, but we're getting pretty good at reading this code-shape, so errors are quite unlikely. However, don't forget that a pattern that's trivial in a toy example isn't always so readable when scaled up to production code!
With sumDoubled3, desugared for didactic purposes, and sumDoubled4, the idiomatic Scala version, the iteration, initialization, value extraction and choice of return value are all gone.
Sure, it takes time to learn to read the functional versions, but we've drastically foreclosed our options for making mistakes. The "business logic" is clearly marked, and the plumbing is chosen from the same menu that everyone else is reading from.
It is worth pointing out that there is another way of calling foldLeft which takes advantages of:
The ability to use (almost) any Unicode symbol in an identifier
The feature that if a method name ends with a colon :, and is called infix, then the target and parameter are switched
For me this version is much clearer, because I can see that I am folding the expr value into the replacements collection
def expand(expr: String, replacements: Traversable[(String, String)]): String = {
(expr /: replacements) { case (r, (o, n)) => r.replace(o, n) }

Why doesn't Array's == function return true for Array(1,2) == Array(1,2)?

In Programming in Scala the authors write that Scala's == function compares value equality instead of reference equality.
This works as expected on lists:
scala> List(1,2) == List(1,2)
res0: Boolean = true
It doesn't however work on arrays:
scala> Array(1,2) == Array(1,2)
res1: Boolean = false
The authors recommend to use the sameElements function instead:
scala> Array(1,2).sameElements(Array(1,2))
res2: Boolean = true
As an explanation they write:
While this may seem like an inconsistency, encouraging an explicit test of the equality of two mutable data structures is a conservative approach on the part of the language designers. In the long run, it should save you from unexpected results in your conditionals.
What does this mean? What kind of unexpected results are they talking about? What else could I expect from an array comparison than to return true if the arrays contain the same elements in the same position? Why does the equals function work on List but not on Array?
How can I make the equals function work on arrays?
It is true that the explanation offered in the book is questionable, but to be fair it was more believable when they wrote it. It's still true in 2.8, but we have to retrofit different reasoning because as you've noticed, all the other collections do element comparisons even if they're mutable.
A lot of blood had been shed trying to make Arrays seem like the rest of the collections, but this was a tremendously leaky abstraction and in the end it was impossible. It was determined, correctly I think, that we should go to the other extreme and supply native arrays the way they are, using implicit machinery to enhance their capabilities. Where this most noticeably falls down is toString and equals, because neither of them behaves in a reasonable fashion on Arrays, but we cannot intercept those calls with implicit conversions because they are defined on java.lang.Object. (Conversions only happen when an expression doesn't type check, and those always type check.)
So you can pick your explanation, but in the end arrays are treated fundamentally differently by the underlying architecture and there's no way to paper over that without paying a price somewhere. It's not a terrible situation, but it is something you have to be aware of.
This exact question has been voiced many times (by myself too, see Strange behaviour of the Array type ).
Note that it is ONLY the Array collection that does not support ==, all other collections do. The root cause is that Array IS the Java array.
It's all about referential transparency. The idea is, if two values are ==, it shouldn't matter which one you use for something. If you have two arrays with the same contents, it clearly matters which one you modify, so == returns false unless they are the same one.