SwiftUI ForEach Bindable List errors - swift

I would appreciate help with SwiftUI bindable lists.
I read the following article and tried it on my app but I'm getting errors.
First, the following View including the non-bindable ordinary ForEach list works fine without any errors
#ObservedObject var notificationsViewModel = NotificationsViewModel.shared
//NotificationsViewModel does a API call and puts the fetched data in the Notifications Model
var body: some View {
VStack {
ForEach(notificationsViewModel.notifications?.notificationsDetails ?? [NotificationsDetail]()) { notificationsDetail in
---additional code here--- }
Model below:
struct Notifications: Codable, Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
let numberOfNotifications: Int
var notificationsDetails: [NotificationsDetail]
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case numberOfNotifications = "number_of_notifications"
case notificationsDetails = "notifications"
struct NotificationsDetail: Codable, Identifiable, Equatable {
let id: Int
let notificationsCategoriesId: Int
let questionsUsersName: String?
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id = "notifications_id"
case notificationsCategoriesId = "notifications_categories_id"
case questionsUsersName = "questions_users_name"
When I try to change this ForEach to a bindable one, I start getting multiple errors.
ForEach($notificationsViewModel.notifications?.notificationsDetails ?? [NotificationsDetail]()) { $notificationsDetail in
---additional code here using $notificationsDetail---}
When I try to fix some of the errors such as "remove ?", I get a new error saying I need to add the ?.
When I delete the default value ?? NotificationsDetail, I still get errors
The Xcode build version is iOS15.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance.

ForEach($notificationsViewModel.notifications?.notificationsDetails ?? [NotificationsDetail]()
Is confusing the type system, because one side of the ?? is a binding to an array of values, and the other side is an array of values. There's also an optional in your key path to make things more complicated.
Try to rearrange the NotificationsViewModel type so that it just surfaces a non-optional array instead of having all this optional mess at the view level. Is it really meaningful to have an optional notification property, or can an empty one be used instead? Do you need the separate notifications struct? Are you just modelling your data types directly from API responses? Perhaps you can make changes to your model types to make them easier to work with?


Swift Codable struct recursively containing itself as property

I have a rather large struct that conforms to Codable, and one of its properties needs to be of the same type as itself. A shortened sample of what I'm trying to do is shown below:
struct Message: Codable {
let content: String
// ...other values
let reference: Message // <-- Error: Value type 'Message' cannot have a stored property that recursively contains it
Swift doesn't seem to allow a struct to recursively contain itself as one of its values. Is there any way to get this working besides creating a complete duplicate Message struct (which turns this into a chicken and egg problem where the duplicate struct cannot contain itself etc). Not creating a duplicate struct also allows me to reuse SwiftUI code that takes in and renders a Message struct.
A simple way is to just change the struct into a class:
class Message: Codable {
let content: String
// ...other values
let reference: Message? // optional - the recursion has to end somewhere right?
But this could break other parts of your code, since structs and classes have vastly different semantics.
An alternative would be to make a reference type Box:
class Box<T: Codable>: Codable {
let wrappedValue: T
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
wrappedValue = try T(from: decoder)
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
try wrappedValue.encode(to: encoder)
struct Message: Codable {
let content: String
// ...other values
let boxedReference: Box<Message>?
// you can still refer to 'reference' as 'reference' in your swift code
var reference: Message? { boxedReference?.wrappedValue }
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case content, boxedReference = "reference"
Sweeper's approach provides two good solutions, both of which involve injecting a class. But there are a several other things you might try, some that work and some that don't, and it's worth understanding the underlying issue. It's not just a quirk; it's an important part of how Swift works.
// FAIL (for abstract reasons)
var manager: Manager
var manager: CollectionOfOne<Manager>
// FAIL (for swift-specific reasons)
var manager: Manager? // when manager is a struct
var manager: Result<Manager, Error> // when manager is a struct
var manager: Manager? // when Manager is a class
var manager: Result<Manager, Error> // when manager is a class
var manager: Box<Manager> // our custom class Box
var manager: [Manager]
var manager: EmptyCollection<Manager>
The following example also passes:
protocol ManagerLike {
var id: String { get set }
var mail: String { get set }
var manager: ManagerLike? { get set }
struct Manager: ManagerLike {
var id: String
var mail: String
var manager: any ManagerLike?
The first two cases fail for abstract, logical reasons. It's impossible for any "eager" language (like Swift) to construct a type that must contain a value of its own type. That's infinitely recursive. And an eager language needs to construct the entire value before it can progress. Even in a lazy language, you'd need some kind of generator to construct this. This is true no matter whether Manager is a struct or a class (or an enum or anything else).
The next two issues are related to how Swift implements structs. A struct stores each of its fields in sequence in memory; there's no indirection. So the size of the struct is based on the size of its properties, and Swift must know its final size at compile time. (In Rust, you can explicitly mark types as Sized to express this explicitly, but in Swift, it's an implicit part of being a struct.)
Optional and Result are themselves just structs, so they inline their contents just like any other struct, and their final size is dependent on the size of their content. Since there is no way to know at compile time how deep this chain goes, there's no way to know how large this struct is.
Classes, on the other hand, store their data on the heap, and are implemented as a pointer to that storage. They are always exactly the same size, no matter what they contain. So a nested Manager? works. It is logically possible, since it can eventually terminate (unlike a nested Manager). And it is sizable because it is always the size of an object pointer. Result works the same way.
Box is just a specific case of a class, which is why it works.
But what about [Manager]? Certainly we don't know how many elements are in it, so how does Swift know how large it is? Because Array is always the same size. It generally stores its contents on the heap, and just stores a pointer internally. There are cases where it can inline its contents if they're small enough. But the key point is that Array itself is a fixed size. It just has a pointer to variable sized storage.
EmptyCollection works for the same reason. It's always the same size, empty.
The final example, using a protocol, is an example of an existential container, which is what the new any points out. An existential container is very similar to the Box type, except that it's made by the compiler and you can't access it directly through the language. It moves the contents to the heap (unless the contents are very small), and so is itself fixed-size.
This brings up one more example that seems to work, but doesn't:
protocol ManagerLike {
var id: String { get set }
var mail: String { get set }
var manager: ManagerLike? { get set }
struct Manager<M: ManagerLike> {
var id: String
var mail: String
var manager: M?
Now, rather than using an any Manager, it is replaced with a generic. This will compile. So you might think "I'll just pass Manager as the type of M and get my original goal!" And you'll find the rule is...self-enforcing:
let m = Manager<Manager<Manager<Manager<...
The type itself is now infinitely recursive. Oh well. Hard to sneak past algebra.
The key take away is that a struct must know its size, and that means everything within it must know its size, and that's impossible if any of its properties' sizes rely on the size of the struct type itself.
I'm answering my own question after a tip-off by #Sweeper.
By converting the Message struct into a class and changing several extensions, Message recursively containing itself as a property is possible. This is possible since class is a reference type, which are allowed to recursively contain themselves. So, the code below will compile:
class Message: Codable { // <-- Message is now a class
let content: String
// ...other values
let reference: Message

SwiftUI Initialzier requires String conform to Identifiable

I am attempting writing some SwiftUI code for the very first time and am running into an issue while trying to make a simple table view. In this code teams is an array of String, but the List is giving me the following error: Initializer 'init(_:rowContent:)' requires that 'String' conform to 'Identifiable'
var body: some View {
let teams = getTeams()
Text("Hello there")
List(teams) { team in
Anyone have an idea what it means?
The argument of List is required to be unique, that's the purpose of the Identifiable protocol
You can do
List(teams, id: \.self) { team in
but then you are responsible to ensure that the strings are unique. If not you will get unexpected behavior.
Better is to use a custom struct with an unique id conforming to Identifiable
The Apple preferred way to do this is to add a String extension:
extension String: Identifiable {
public typealias ID = Int
public var id: Int {
return hash
See this code sample for reference:
I'm assuming that getTeams() returns a [String] (a.k.a. an Array<String>).
The issue, as the error suggests, are the strings aren't identifiable. But not just in the "they don't conform to the Identifiable protocol" sense, but in the broader sense: if two strings are "foo", one is indistinguishable from the other; they're identical.
This is unacceptable for a List view. Imagine you had a list that contains "foo" entries, and the users dragged to rearrange one of them. How would List be able to tell them apart, to know which of the two should move?
To get around this, you need to use an alternate source of identity to allow the List to distinguish all of its entries.
You should watch the "Demystify SwiftUI" talk from this year's WWDC. It goes into lots of detail on exactly this topic.
If your trying to go over a 'List' of items of type 'Struct'
Change the Struct to use 'Identifiable':
my Struct:
struct Post : Identifiable{
let id = UUID()
let title: String
my List :
let posts = [
Post( title: "hellow"),
Post( title: "I am"),
Post( title: "doing"),
Post( title: "nothing")
then you can go over your List:
List(posts){post in

Is there a way to reuse model within itself?

I have an app that stores User (UserModel) Friend list. if a friend clicks one user, its type is the same type (UserModel). In Swift it wouldnt allow using the model recursively, giving me this error:
"Value type 'OwnerModel' cannot have a stored property that recursively contains it"
import Foundation
struct OwnerModel: Codable {
var ownerId: Int
var ownerEmail: String
var ownerUserName: String
var ownerCommonName: String
var ownerBirthDate: String
var ownerCountry: String
var ownerBdayReminderId: Int
var ownerIsVerified: Bool
var ownerIsOnline: Bool
var ownerIsEventGreeted: Bool
var ownerIsBirthdayGreeted: Bool
var ownerAllowGreeting: Bool
var ownerFriends: OwnerModel
Is there a way I can reuse the OwnerModel under ownerFriends?
This can't work because structs are value types. So each OwnerModel would have to have a OwnerModel inside it, which would have to have an OwnerModel inside it, which would have to have an OwnerModel inside it.... This can never resolve. Since you've marked this Codable, try to write the JSON you expect to encode this to.
That said, ownerFriends seems plural, which would suggest [OwnerModel], and that's not a problem, since you could have zero of them:
struct OwnerModel: Codable {
var ownerFriends: [OwnerModel]
Remember again, however, that structs are value types. So each OwnerModel is just a value. It's not a reference to any other object. If you want to refer to other owners, you may want to store IDs rather than the actual object (or use classes in order to create references).

Implementing Codable and NSManagedObject simultaneously in Swift

I have an order processing application I'm working on for my employers that was originally designed to get all data about orders, products, and clients dynamically from the API. So all of the objects and and all of the functions dealing with those objects are interacting in the app with a "pass by value" expectation, utilizing structs conforming to Codable.
I now have to cache pretty much all of these objects. Enter CoreData.
I have no desire to create two files for one object(one as a Codable struct and the other as an NSManagedObject class) and then trying to figure out how to convert one to another. So I want to implement both in the same file...while still somehow being able to use my "pass by value" code.
Perhaps this is impossible.
I'm looking for something a bit simpler than rebuilding all my data structures from the ground up. I understand I'll have to do some alterations to make a Codable struct compatible with a NSManagedObject class. I'd like to avoid making a custom initializer that requires me to enter in every property by hand, because there's hundreds of them.
In the end, it sounds like there is no "good" solution when migrating from an API dynamic app without caching to a cached app.
I decided to just bite the bullet and try the method in this Question: How to use swift 4 Codable in Core Data?
I couldn't figure out how to make that work so I used the following solution:
import Foundation
import CoreData
SomeItemData vs SomeItem:
The object with 'Data' appended to the name will always be the codable struct. The other will be the NSManagedObject class.
struct OrderData: Codable, CodingKeyed, PropertyLoopable
typealias CodingKeys = CodableKeys.OrderData
let writer: String,
userID: String,
orderType: String,
shipping: ShippingAddressData
var items: [OrderedProductData]
let totals: PaymentTotalData,
discount: Float
writer = json[CodingKeys.writer.rawValue] as! String
userID = json[CodingKeys.userID.rawValue] as! String
orderType = json[CodingKeys.orderType.rawValue] as! String
shipping = json[CodingKeys.shipping.rawValue] as! ShippingAddressData
items = json[CodingKeys.items.rawValue] as! [OrderedProductData]
totals = json[CodingKeys.totals.rawValue] as! PaymentTotalData
discount = json[CodingKeys.discount.rawValue] as! Float
extension Order: PropertyLoopable //this is the NSManagedObject. PropertyLoopable has a default implementation that uses Mirror to convert all the properties into a dictionary I can iterate through, which I can then pass directly to the JSON constructor above
convenience init(from codableObject: OrderData)
self.init(context: PersistenceManager.shared.context)
writer = codableObject.writer
userID = codableObject.userID
orderType = codableObject.orderType
shipping = ShippingAddress(from: codableObject.shipping)
items = []
for item in codableObject.items
self.addToItems(OrderedProduct(from: item))
totals = PaymentTotal(from: codableObject.totals)
discount = codableObject.discount

Using Swift 4 Codable Protocol with Unknown Dictionary Keys

I am working with NASA's Near Earth Object Web Service to retrieve data to be displayed in an application. I understand how to use Swift 4's Codable protocol, but I do not understand how to map part of the response.
Using Paw, I inspected the response from the API:
As you can see, the near_earth_objects structure is a Dictionary, and the keys are dates. The issue is that the URL parameters are dates, so these date structures will change, depending on the day of the request. Therefore, I do not know how I can create properties to be automatically mapped when using the Codable protocol.
The data that I am trying to get to inside of these structures are Arrays that contain Dictionarys:
How can I have my model object conform to the Codable protocol and map these structures when the dates will change as the dates of the requests change?
You don't need to know the keys of the Dictionary compile time if you don't mind keeping a Dictionary after decoding.
You just need to specify the property with type Dictionary<String:YourCustomDecodableType>. The keys will be dates corresponding to observation and the value will an array of all objects with your custom type.
struct NearEarthObject: Codable {
let referenceID:String
let name:String
let imageURL:URL
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case referenceID = "neo_reference_id"
case name
case imageURL = "nasa_jpl_url"
struct NEOApiResponse: Codable {
let nearEarthObjects: [String:[NearEarthObject]]
private enum CodingKeys: String,CodingKey {
case nearEarthObjects = "near_earth_objects"
do {
let decodedResponse = try JSONDecoder().decode(NEOApiResponse.self, from: data)
} catch {
As you said, near_earth_objects is a Dictionary, but keys are not Dates, keys are Strings, and values are arrays of the known structures. So the above code will work:
let nearEarthObjects: [String: [IndexObject]]
enum CodingKey: String, CodingKeys {
case nearEarthObjects = "near_earth_objects"
struct IndexObject: Decodable {
let name: String