Tomcat in k8s pod and db in cloud - slow connection - kubernetes

I have tomcat, zookeeper and kafka deployled in local k8s(kind) cluster. The database is remote i.e. in cloud. The pages load very slowly.
But when i moved tomcat outside of the pod and started manually with zk and kafka in local k8s cluster and db in remote cloud the pages are loading fine.
Why is Tomcat very slow when inside a Kubernetes pod?

In theory, a program running in a container can run as fast as a program running on the host machine.
In practice, there are many things that can affect the performance.
When running on Windows or macOS (for instance with Docker Desktop), container doesn't run directly on the machine, but in a small Linux virtual machine. This VM will add a bit of overhead, and it might not have as much CPU and RAM as the host environment. One way to have a look at the resource usage of containers is to use docker stats; or docker run -ti --pid host alpine and then use classic UNIX tools like free, top, vmstat, ... to see the resource usage in the VM.
In most environments (at least with Docker, and with Kubernetes clusters in their most common default configurations), containers run without resource constraints and limits. However, it is fairly common (and, in fact, highly recommended!) to set resource requests and limits when running containers on Kubernetes. You can check resource limits of a pod with kubectl describe. If metrics-server is installed (which is recommended, even on dev/staging environments), you can check resource usage with kubectl top. Tools like k9s will show you resource requests, limits, and usage in a comprehensive way (as long as the data is available; i.e. you still need to install metrics-server to obtain pod metrics, for instance).
In addition to the VM overhead described above, if the container does a lot of I/O (whether it's disk or network), there might be a bit of overhead in comparison to a native process. This can become noticeable if the container writes on the container copy-on-write filesystem (instead of a volume), especially when using the device-mapper storage driver.
Applications that use "live reload" techniques (that automatically rebuild or restart when source code is edited) are particularly prone to this I/O issue, because there are unfortunately no efficient methods to watch file modifications across a virtual machine boundary. This means that many web frameworks exhibit extreme performance degradations when running in containers on Mac or Windows when the source code is mounted to the container.
In addition to these factors, there can be other subtle differences that might affect the overall performance of a containerized application. When observing performance issues, it is very helpful to use a profiler (or some kind of APM solution) to see which parts of the code take longer to execute. If no profiler or APM is available, try to execute individual portions of the code independently to compare their performance. For instance, have a small piece of code that executes a single query to the database; or executes a single task from a job queue, etc.
Good luck!


Writing to neo4j pod takes much more time than writing to local neo4j

I have a python code where I process some data, write neo4j queries and then commit these queries to neo4j. When I run the code on my local machine and write the output to local neo4j it doesn't take more than 15 minutes. However, when I run my code locally and write the output to noe4j pod in k8s pod it takes double the time, and when I build my code and deploy it to k8s and run that pod and write the output to neo4j pod it takes a round 3 hours. since I'm new to k8s deployment it might something in the pod configurations or settings, so I appreciate if I can get some hints
There could be few reasons of that.
I would first check how much resources does your pod consume while you are processing data, you can do that using kubectl top pod.
Second I would check if there are any limits inside pod. You can read a great deal about them on Managing Compute Resources for Containers.
If you have a limit set then it might be too low and that's causing the extended time while processing data.
If limits are not set then it might be because of how you installed minik8s. I think as default it's being installed with 4G is memory, you can look at alternative methods of installing minik8s. With multipass you can specify more memory to allocate.
There also can be a issue with Page Cache Sizing, Heap Sizing or number of open files. Please read the Neo4j Performance Tuning.

Best way to deploy long-running high-compute app to GCP

I have a python app that builds a dataset for a machine learning task on GCP.
Currently I have to start an instance of a VM that we have, and then SSH in, and run the app, which will complete in 2-24 hours depending on the size of the dataset requested.
Once the dataset is complete the VM needs to be shutdown so we don't incur additional charges.
I am looking to streamline this process as much as possible, so that we have a "1 click" or "1 command" solution, but I'm not sure the best way to go about it.
From what I've read about so far it seems like containers might be a good way to go, but I'm inexperienced with docker.
Can I setup a container that will pip install the latest app from our private GitHub and execute the dataset build before shutting down? How would I pass information to the container such as where to get the config file etc? It's conceivable that we will have multiple datasets being generated at the same time based on different config files.
Is there a better gcloud feature that suits our purpose more effectively than containers?
I'm struggling to get information regarding these basic questions, it seems like container tutorials are dominated by web apps.
It would be useful to have a batch-like container service that runs a container until its process completes. I'm unsure whether such a service exists. I'm most familiar with Google Cloud Platform and this provides a wealth of compute and container services. However -- to your point -- these predominantly scale by (HTTP) requests.
One possibility may be Cloud Run and to trigger jobs using Cloud Pub/Sub. I see there's async capabilities too and this may be interesting (I've not explored).
Another runtime for you to consider is Kubernetes itself. While Kubernetes requires some overhead in having Google, AWS or Azure manage a cluster for you (I strongly recommend you don't run Kubernetes yourself) and some inertia in the capacity of the cluster's nodes vs. the needs of your jobs, as you scale the number of jobs, you will smooth these needs. A big advantage with Kubernetes is that it will scale (nodes|pods) as you need them. You tell Kubernetes to run X container jobs, it does it (and cleans-up) without much additional management on your part.
I'm biased and approach the container vs image question mostly from a perspective of defaulting to container-first. In this case, you'd receive several benefits from containerizing your solution:
reproducible: the same image is more probable to produce the same results
deployability: container run vs. manage OS, app stack, test for consistency etc.
maintainable: smaller image representing your app, less work to maintain it
One (beneficial!?) workflow change if you choose to use containers is that you will need to build your images before using them. Something like Knative combines these steps but, I'd stick with doing-this-yourself initially. A common solution is to trigger builds (Docker, GitHub Actions, Cloud Build) from your source code repo. Commonly you would run tests against the images that are built but you may also run your machine-learning tasks this way too.
Your containers would container only your code. When you build your container images, you would pip install, perhaps pip install --requirement requirements.txt to pull the appropriate packages. Your data (models?) are better kept separate from your code when this makes sense. When your runtime platform runs containers for you, you provide configuration information (environment variables and|or flags) to the container.
The use of a startup script seems to better fit the bill compared to containers. The instance always executes startup scripts as root, thus you can do anything you like, as the command will be executed as root.
A startup script will perform automated tasks every time your instance boots up. Startup scripts can perform many actions, such as installing software, performing updates, turning on services, and any other tasks defined in the script.
Keep in mind that a startup script cannot stop an instance but you can stop an instance through the guest operating system.
This would be the ideal solution for the question you posed. This would require you to make a small change in your Python app where the Operating system shuts off when the dataset is complete.
Q1) Can I setup a container that will pip install the latest app from our private GitHub and execute the dataset build before shutting down?
A1) Medium has a great article on installing a package from a private git repo inside a container. You can execute the dataset build before shutting down.
Q2) How would I pass information to the container such as where to get the config file etc?
A2) You can use ENV to set an environment variable. These will be available within the container.
You may consider looking into Docker for more information about container.

Performance Postgresql on Local Volume K8s

currently I recently switched our PostgreSQL cluster from a simple "bare-metal" (vms) workload to a containerised K8s cluster (also on vms).
Currently we run zalando-incubator/postgres-operator and use Local Volume's with volumeMode: FileSystem the volume itself is a "simple" xfs volume mounted on the host.
However we actually seen performance drops up to 50% on the postgres cluster inside k8s.
Some heavy join workloads actually perform way worse than on the old cluster which did not use containers at all.
Is there a way to tune the behavior or at least measure the performance of I/O to find the actual bottleneck (i.e. what is a good way to measure I/O, etc.)
Is there a way to tune the behavior
Be cognizant of two things that might be impacting your in-cluster behavior: increased cache thrashing and the inherent problem of running concurrent containers on a Node. If you haven't already tried it, you may want to use taints and tolerations to sequester your PG Pods away from other Pods and see if that helps.
what is a good way to measure I/O, etc.
I would expect the same iostat tools one is used to using would work on the Node, since no matter how much kernel namespace trickery is going on, it's still the Linux kernel.
Prometheus (and likely a ton of other such toys) surfaces some I/O specific metrics for containers, and I would presume they are at the scrape granularity, meaning you can increase the scrape frequency, bearing in mind the observation cost impacting your metrics :-(
It appears new docker daemons ship with Prom metrics, although I don't know what version introduced that functionality. There is a separate page discussing the implications of high frequency metric collection. There also appears to be a Prometheus exporter for monitoring arbitrary processes, above and beyond the PostgreSQL specific exporter.
Getting into my opinion, it may be a very reasonable experiment to go head-to-head with ext4 versus a non-traditional FS like xfs. I can't even fathom how much extra production experience has gone into ext4, merely by the virtue of almost every Linux on the planet deploying on it by default. You may have great reasons for using xfs, but I just wanted to ensure you had at least considered that xfs might have performance characteristics that make it problematic in a shared environment like a kubernetes cluster.

AWS EB should create new instance once my docker reached its maximum memory limit

I have deployed my dockerized micro services in AWS server using Elastic Beanstalk which is written using Akka-HTTP( and Scala.
I have allocated 512mb memory size for each docker and performance problems. I have noticed that the CPU usage increased when server getting more number of requests(like 20%, 23%, 45%...) & depends on load, then it automatically came down to the normal state (0.88%). But Memory usage keeps on increasing for every request and it failed to release unused memory even after CPU usage came to the normal stage and it reached 100% and docker killed by itself and restarted again.
I have also enabled auto scaling feature in EB to handle a huge number of requests. So it created another duplicate instance only after CPU usage of the running instance is reached its maximum.
How can I setup auto-scaling to create another instance once memory usage is reached its maximum limit(i.e 500mb out of 512mb)?
Please provide us a solution/way to resolve these problems as soon as possible as it is a very critical problem for us?
CloudWatch doesn't natively report memory statistics. But there are some scripts that Amazon provides (usually just referred to as the "CloudWatch Monitoring Scripts for Linux) that will get the statistics into CloudWatch so you can use those metrics to build a scaling policy.
The Elastic Beanstalk documentation provides some information on installing the scripts on the Linux platform at
However, this will come with another caveat in that you cannot use the native Docker deployment JSON as it won't pick up the .ebextensions folder (see Where to put ebextensions config in AWS Elastic Beanstalk Docker deploy with dockerrun source bundle?). The solution here would be to create a zip of your application that includes the JSON file and .ebextensions folder and use that as the deployment artifact.
There is also one thing I am unclear on and that is if these metrics will be available to choose from under the Configuration -> Scaling section of the application. You may need to create another .ebextensions config file to set the custom metric such as:
BreachDuration: 3
LowerBreachScaleIncrement: -1
MeasureName: MemoryUtilization
Period: 60
Statistic: Average
Threshold: 90
UpperBreachScaleIncrement: 2
Now, even if this works, if the application will not lower its memory usage after scaling and load goes down then the scaling policy would just continue to trigger and reach max instances eventually.
I'd first see if you can get some garbage collection statistics for the JVM and maybe tune the JVM to do garbage collection more often to help bring memory down faster after application load goes down.

Running MongoDB and Redis on two different containers in the same host machine

I have read somewhere that MongoDB and Redis server shouldn't be executed in the same host because the way that Redis manages the memory damages MongoDb. This is before But now thing seems are pretty different or not? Is is convenient running Redis server and MongoDB on two different containers on the same host machine?
Docker does not change your hardware, also it is the OS that deals with resources which is not virtualized so the same rules as a normal hardware should apply here.
MongoDB and Redis don't share any memory. The problem of using the same host will be that you can run out of RAM with these two processes, you can put a max size for redis, you can probably do the same for MongoDB, it is mandatory.
If your sizing is good (MongoDB RAM + Redis RAM < Hardware RAM), you won't get any swap on disk for redis (which is absolutely what you want to prevent) but maybe mongodb cache won't be as good (not enough place for optimization). Less memory for redis is always a challenge if your data grows: beware of out of memory if the data size is unpredictable!
If you use backups with redis, it uses more RAM than its dataset to produce the dump, so beware of that. It implies also using IO.
In this case (less RAM) mongo will do a lot more of IO to access data. Redis, depending on your backup policy, can use IO or not (your choice). Worst case: if you use AOF on redis, it is a lot of IO so maybe IO can become a bottleneck in this architecture. If you don't use backups with redis: you won't have problems. Also a SSD is a good choice for Mongo.
I don't know if MongoDB uses a lot of CPU, but redis most of the time does not except during backups. If you use backups with redis: try to have two CPU cores available for it (one for redis, one for backup task).
It depends on your number of clients. But you should check the throughput / input load of your machine to see if you are not saturating (using monit for instance with alerts). Sometimes it is the bottleneck, not enought throughput in one machine!
Many of today's services, in particular Databases, are very aggressive consuming resources and are designed thinking they will (or should) be executed in a dedicated machine for them. MongoDB and Redis try to keep a lot of data in memory and will try to take the more memory they can for themselves. To avoid this services take all the memory of your host machine you can limit the maximum memory used by a container using -m="<number><optional unit>" in docker run. E.g.: docker run -d -m="2g" -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb dockerfile/mongodb
So you can control in an easy way the resource limits of your services, and run them in the same host with a fine grained control of the resources. Anyway it's important to consider that the performance of these services is designed thought that the resources of the host machine will be fully available for them. For example there are other databases as Cassandra that will consume a lot of memory, and furthermore, are designed to have sequential access writing to disk. In these cases Docker will let you to run limiting the resources used, but if you run multiple services in the same host the performance of them will decrease severely.