Best way to deploy long-running high-compute app to GCP - gcloud

I have a python app that builds a dataset for a machine learning task on GCP.
Currently I have to start an instance of a VM that we have, and then SSH in, and run the app, which will complete in 2-24 hours depending on the size of the dataset requested.
Once the dataset is complete the VM needs to be shutdown so we don't incur additional charges.
I am looking to streamline this process as much as possible, so that we have a "1 click" or "1 command" solution, but I'm not sure the best way to go about it.
From what I've read about so far it seems like containers might be a good way to go, but I'm inexperienced with docker.
Can I setup a container that will pip install the latest app from our private GitHub and execute the dataset build before shutting down? How would I pass information to the container such as where to get the config file etc? It's conceivable that we will have multiple datasets being generated at the same time based on different config files.
Is there a better gcloud feature that suits our purpose more effectively than containers?
I'm struggling to get information regarding these basic questions, it seems like container tutorials are dominated by web apps.

It would be useful to have a batch-like container service that runs a container until its process completes. I'm unsure whether such a service exists. I'm most familiar with Google Cloud Platform and this provides a wealth of compute and container services. However -- to your point -- these predominantly scale by (HTTP) requests.
One possibility may be Cloud Run and to trigger jobs using Cloud Pub/Sub. I see there's async capabilities too and this may be interesting (I've not explored).
Another runtime for you to consider is Kubernetes itself. While Kubernetes requires some overhead in having Google, AWS or Azure manage a cluster for you (I strongly recommend you don't run Kubernetes yourself) and some inertia in the capacity of the cluster's nodes vs. the needs of your jobs, as you scale the number of jobs, you will smooth these needs. A big advantage with Kubernetes is that it will scale (nodes|pods) as you need them. You tell Kubernetes to run X container jobs, it does it (and cleans-up) without much additional management on your part.
I'm biased and approach the container vs image question mostly from a perspective of defaulting to container-first. In this case, you'd receive several benefits from containerizing your solution:
reproducible: the same image is more probable to produce the same results
deployability: container run vs. manage OS, app stack, test for consistency etc.
maintainable: smaller image representing your app, less work to maintain it
One (beneficial!?) workflow change if you choose to use containers is that you will need to build your images before using them. Something like Knative combines these steps but, I'd stick with doing-this-yourself initially. A common solution is to trigger builds (Docker, GitHub Actions, Cloud Build) from your source code repo. Commonly you would run tests against the images that are built but you may also run your machine-learning tasks this way too.
Your containers would container only your code. When you build your container images, you would pip install, perhaps pip install --requirement requirements.txt to pull the appropriate packages. Your data (models?) are better kept separate from your code when this makes sense. When your runtime platform runs containers for you, you provide configuration information (environment variables and|or flags) to the container.

The use of a startup script seems to better fit the bill compared to containers. The instance always executes startup scripts as root, thus you can do anything you like, as the command will be executed as root.
A startup script will perform automated tasks every time your instance boots up. Startup scripts can perform many actions, such as installing software, performing updates, turning on services, and any other tasks defined in the script.
Keep in mind that a startup script cannot stop an instance but you can stop an instance through the guest operating system.
This would be the ideal solution for the question you posed. This would require you to make a small change in your Python app where the Operating system shuts off when the dataset is complete.
Q1) Can I setup a container that will pip install the latest app from our private GitHub and execute the dataset build before shutting down?
A1) Medium has a great article on installing a package from a private git repo inside a container. You can execute the dataset build before shutting down.
Q2) How would I pass information to the container such as where to get the config file etc?
A2) You can use ENV to set an environment variable. These will be available within the container.
You may consider looking into Docker for more information about container.


Cloud Init on Google Compute Engine (GCE) with Centos7/8 doesn't run properly on First boot, but fine after any other reboot

We have a CentOS 8 (tried 7 as well) image and I am adding some config to act as a router.
The issue is, for some reason, the first time the instance is created, cloud init doesn't read the network config we pass using the user-data metadata
version: 1
We configure eth1 to use dhcp and get cloud-init to manage it, as well as add a route.
Works perfectly every time after the initial boot up (and stop>start again).
To me it feels like cloud-init is not aware of the config, but when I go in the machine and do cloud-init query userdata i can see the data, and even then if I do cloud-init clean && cloud-init init it doesn't do anything. The same commands work fine if the machine was rebooted
Try running cloud-init analyze show both times (instance creation and consecutive reboot) and check for any differences.
Sadly, cloud providers kind-of abuse the abilities of cloud-init, not to a complete fault. cloud-init allows for customization of vendor/user provided configuration (who overrides what), changing the order of boot stages, etc.
This is done mostly because different cloud providers need network/provisioning/storage at different times. For example, AWS attaches storage after network (EBS only), Azure provides VM only after storage is attached and it's natively provided as NTFS (they really format the drive if you need anything else), etc.
These shenanigans, while understandable (datacenter infrastructure defines user availability) make cloud-init's documentation merely a suggestion for the user to investigate.
From my experience, Azure is the closest to original implementation. Possibly they haven't learned yet how to utilize the potential in their favor.
My general suggestion for any instance customization (almost always works) is to write a script with write_files and execute them with bootcmd/runcmd, because these run at the final stage, and provide for best override opportunity. Edit hosts, change firewall rules - most of the stuff will not require reboot.

NixOS within NixOS?

I'm starting to play around with NixOS deployments. To that end, I have a repo with some packages defined, and a configuration.nix for the server.
It seems like I should then be able to test this configuration locally (I'm also running NixOS). I imagine it's a bad idea to change my global configuration.nix to point to the deployment server's configuration.nix (who knows what that will break); but is there a safe and convenient way to "try out" the server locally - i.e. build it and either boot into it or, better, start it as a separate process?
I can see docker being one way, of course; maybe there's nothing else. But I have this vague sense Nix could be capable of doing it alone.
There is a fairly standard way of doing this that is built into the default system.
Namely nixos-rebuild build-vm. This will take your current configuration file (by default /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, build it and create a script allowing you to boot the configuration into a virtualmachine.
once the script has finished, it will leave a symlink in the current directory. You can then boot by running ./result/bin/run-$HOSTNAME-vm which will start a boot of your virtualmachine for you to play around with.
nixos-rebuild build-vm
nixos-rebuild build-vm is the easiest way to do this, however; you could also import the configuration into a NixOS container (see Chapter 47. Container Management in the NixOS manual and the nixos-container command).
This would be done with something like:
containers.mydeploy = {
privateNetwork = true;
config = import ../mydeploy-configuration.nix;
Note that you would not want to specify the network configuration in mydeploy-configuration.nix if it's static as that could cause conflicts with the network subnet created for the container.
As you may already know, system configurations can coexist without any problems in the Nix store. The problem here is running more than one system at once. For this, you need an isolation or virtualization tools like Docker, VirtualBox, etc.
NixOS Containers
NixOS provides an efficient implementation of the container concept, backed by systemd-nspawn instead of an image-based container runtime.
These can be specified declaratively in configuration.nix or imperatively with the nixos-container command if you need more flexibility.
Docker was not designed to run an entire operating system inside a container, so it may not be the best fit for testing NixOS-based deployments, which expect and provide systemd and some services inside their units of deployment. While you won't get a good NixOS experience with Docker, Nix and Docker are a good fit.
UPDATE: Both 'raw' Nix packages and NixOS run in Docker. For example, Arion supports images from plain Nix, NixOS modules and 'normal' Docker images.
To deploy NixOS inside NixOS it is best to use a technology that is designed to run a full Linux system inside.
It helps to have a program that manages the integration for you. In the Nix ecosystem, NixOps is the first candidate for this. You can use NixOps with its multiple backends, such as QEMU/KVM, VirtualBox, the (currently experimental) NixOS container backend, or you can use the none backend to deploy to machines that you have created using another tool.
Here's a complete example of using NixOps with QEMU/KVM.
If the your goal is to run automated integration tests, you can make use of the NixOS VM testing framework. This uses Linux KVM virtualization (expose /dev/kvm in sandbox) to run integrations test on networks of virtual machines, and it runs them as a derivation. It is quite efficient because it does not have to create virtual machine images because it mounts the Nix store in the VM. These tests are "built" like any other derivation, making them easy to run.
Nix store optimization
A unique feature of Nix is that you can often reuse the host Nix store, so being able to mount a host filesystem in the container/vm is a nice feature to have in your solution. If you are creating your own solutions, depending on you needs, you may want to postpone this optimization, because it becomes a bit more involved if you want the container/vm to be able to modify the store. NixOS tests solve this with an overlay file system in the VM. Another approach may be to bind mount the Nix store forward the Nix daemon socket.

Coordinating Job containers and Volumes in a CI system

I'm working on a tinker Kubernetes-based CI system, where each build gets launched as a Job. I'm running these much like Drone CI does, in that each step in the build is a separate container. In my k8s CI case, I'm running each step as a container within a Job pod. Here's the behavior I'm after:
A build volume is created. All steps will mount this. A Job is fired
off with all of the steps defined as separate containers, in order of
desired execution.
The git step (container) runs, mounting the shared volume and cloning
the sources.
The 'run tests' step mounts the shared volume to a container spawned
from an image with all of the dependencies pre-installed.
If our tests pass, we proceed to the Slack announcement step, which is
another container that announces our success.
I'm currently using a single Job pod with an emptyDir Volume for the shared build space. I did this so that we don't have to wait while a volume gets shuffled around between nodes/Pods. This also seemed like a nice way to ensure that things get cleaned up automatically at build exit.
The problem becomes that if I fire up a multi-container Job with all of the above steps, they execute at the same time. Meaning the 'run tests' step could fire before the 'git' step.
I've thought about coming up with some kind of logic in each of these containers to sleep until a certain unlock/"I'm done!" file appears in the shared volume, signifying the dependency step(s) are done, but this seems complicated enough to ask about alternatives before proceeding.
I could see giving in and using multiple Jobs with a coordinating Job, but then I'm stuck getting into Volume Claim territory (which is a lot more complicated than emptyDir).
To sum up the question:
Is my current approach worth pursuing, and if so, how to sequence the Job's containers? I'm hoping to come up with something that will work on AWS/GCE and bare metal deployments.
I'm hesitant to touch PVCs, since the management and cleanup bit is not something I want my system to be responsible for. I'm also not wanting to require networked storage when emptyDir could work so well.
Edit: Please don't suggest using another existing CI system, as this isn't helpful. I am doing this for my own gratification and experimentation. This tinker CI system is unlikely to ever be anything but my toy.
If you want all the build steps to run in containers, GitLab CI or Concourse CI would probably be a much better fit for you. I don't have experience with, but Frank.Germain suggests that it will also work.
Once you start getting complex enough that you need signaling between containers to order the build steps it becomes much more productive to use something pre-rolled.
As an option you could use a static volume (i.e. a host path as an artifact cache, and trigger the next container in sequence from the current container, mounting the same volume between the stages. You could then just add a step to the beginning or end of the build to 'clean up' after your pipeline has been run.
To be clear: I don't think that rolling your own CI is the most effective way to handle this, as there are already systems in place that will do exactly what you are looking for

why salt-cloud is so slow comparing to terraform?

I'm comparing salt-cloud and terraform as tools to manage our infrastructure at GCE. We use salt stack to manage VM configurations, so I would naturally prefer to use salt-cloud as an integral part of the stack and phase out terraform as a legacy thing.
However my use case is critical on VM deployment time because we offer PaaS solution with VMs deployed on customer request, so need to deliver ready VMs on a click of a button within seconds.
And what puzzles me is why salt-cloud takes so long to deploy basic machines.
I have created neck-to-neck simple test with deploying three VMs based on default CentOS7 image using both terraform and salt-cloud (both in parallel mode). And the time difference is stunning - where terraform needs around 30 seconds to deploy requested machines (which is similar to time needed to deploy through GCE GUI), salt-cloud takes around 220 seconds to deploy exactly same machines under same account in the same zone. Especially strange is that first 130 seconds salt-cloud does not start deploying and does seemingly nothing at all, and only after around 130 seconds pass it shows message deploying VMs and those VMs appear in GUI as in deployment.
Is there something obvious that I'm missing about salt-cloud that makes it so slow? Can it be sped up somehow?
I would prefer to user full salt stack, but with current speed issues it has I cannot really afford that.
Note that this answer is a speculation based on what I understood about terraform and salt-cloud, I haven't verified with an experiment!
I think the reason is that Terraform keeps state of the previous run (either locally or remotely), while salt-cloud doesn't keep state and so queries the cloud before actually provisioning anything.
These two approaches (keeping state or querying before doing something) are needed, since both tools are idempotent (you can run them multiple times safely).
For example, I think that if you remove the state file of Terraform and re-run it, it will assume there is nothing in the cloud and will actually instantiate a duplicate. This is not to imply that terraform does it wrong, it is to show that state is important and Terraform docs say clearly that when operating in a team the state should be saved remotely, exactly to avoid this kind of problem.
Following my line of though, this should also mean that if you either run salt-cloud in verbose debug mode or look at the network traffic generated by it, in the first 130 secs you mention (before it says "deploying VMs"), you should see queries from salt-cloud to the cloud provider to dynamically construct the state.
Last point, the fact that salt-cloud doesn't store the state of a previous run doesn't mean that it is automatically safe to use in a team environment. It is safe to use as long as no two team members run it at the same time. On the other hand, terraform with remote state on Consul allows for example to lock, so that team concurrent usage will always be safe.

Managing resources (database, elasticsearch, redis, etc) for tests using Docker and Jenkins

We need to use Jenkins to test some web apps that each need:
a database (postgres in our case)
a search service (ElasticSearch in our case, but only sometimes)
a cache server, such as redis
So far, we've just had these services running on the Jenkins master, but this causes problems when we want to upgrade Postgres, ES or Redis versions. Not all apps can move in lock step, and we want to run the tests on new versions before committing to move an app in production.
What we'd like to do is have these services provided on a per-job-run basis, each one running in its own container.
What's the best way to orchestrate these containers?
How do you start up these ancillary containers and tear them down, regardless of whether to job succeeds or not?
how do you prevent port collisions between, say, the database in a run of a job for one web app and the database in the job for another web app?
Check docker-compose and write a docker-compose file for your tests.
The latest network features of Docker (private network) will help you to isolate builds running in parallel.
However, start learning docker-compose as if you only had one build at the same time. When confident with this, look further for advanced docker documentation around networking.