Found a constructor of inductive type bool while a constructor of list is expected - coq

I have the following question : Define the fonction value : list bool -> nat that return the value represented by a list of booleans(binary number to decimal number). For example, value [false;true;false;true] = 10.
I wrote this:
Fixpoint value (l: list bool) := match l with
|true=> 1
|false=> 0
|x::r => (value [x])+2*(value r)
but I get this error : "Found a constructor of inductive type bool
while a constructor of list
is expected."
I have tried to put false and true as bool list : [false] [true]
but it still doesn't work... What should I do?

Indeed, Coq rightfully complains that you should use a constructor for list, and true and false are booleans, not lists of booleans. You are right that [true] and [false] should be used.
Then after this, Coq should still complain that you did not specify your function on the empty list, so you need to add a case for it like so:
Fixpoint value (l: list bool) :=
match l with
| [] => 0
| [ true ] => 1
| [ false ] => 0
| x :: r => value [x] + 2 * value r
This time Coq will still complain but for another reason: it doesn't know that [x] is smaller than x :: r. Because it isn't the case syntactically.
To fix it, I suggest to simply deal with the two cases: true and false. This yields something simpler in any case:
From Coq Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Fixpoint value (l: list bool) :=
match l with
| [] => 0
| true :: r => 1 + 2 * value r
| false :: r => 2 * value r


how to code in coq a function that sum the integers represented by the 2 lists and boolean representing a holdback?

I want to set the recursive function badd_r: list bool -> list bool -> bool -> list bool that sum the integers represented by the 2 lists and boolean representing a holdback.
I need to use these two functions b1add_r(sum of two lists), bsucc(successor of a binary number represented by a list of booleans).
Here are the two functions:
Fixpoint bsucc (l: list bool): list bool :=
match l with
| [] =>[true]
| true::r => false:: (bsucc r)
| false::r => true::r
Definition b1add_r b1 b2 r :=
match b1,b2 with
true, true => (r,true)
| true,false => (negb r, r)
| false, true => (negb r,r)
| false,false => (r, false)
I have no idea how to code this function in coq and how to prove it...
Lemma badd_rOK: forall l1 l2 r,
value (badd_r l1 l2 r) = value l1 + value l2 + (if r then 1 else 0).
Fixpoint value (l: list bool) :=
match l with
| [] => 0
| true :: r => 1 + 2 * value r
| false :: r => 2 * value r
Any help would be appreciated!
Your function may have the following form:
Fixpoint badd_r (l1 l2:list bool) (r : bool) : list bool :=
match l1, l2 with
nil, nil => (* base case 1 *)
| a::r1, nil => (* base case 2 *)
| nil, b::r2 => (* base case 3 *)
| a::r1, b:: r2 => let (c, r') := b1add_r a b r
in (* recursive case *)
In order to fill the holes/comments, and plan to prove correctness, you may relate arithmetic properties with the possible cases.
For instance, the equality (1+2*x)+(0+2*y)+1= 0+2(x+y+1) corresponds to the case add_r (true::r) (false::s) true = false :: (add_r r s true)

Dependent functions in Coq

I am very new to Coq, and hope my question is not too basic. I am simply wondering how I define dependent functions in Coq. For example, how could I define a function from Booleans that sends true to true and false to the natural number seven ? I assume one can use the usual (f x) notation to apply a dependent function f to an input x.
To define dependent functions in Coq, you refer back to the parameter when specifying the type. In your example, you take a Boolean, let's call it b, and your return type is match b with true => bool | false => nat end (or if b then bool else nat).
In code, that looks like the following:
Definition foo (b : bool)
: match b with true => bool | false => nat end
:= match b with true => true | false => 7 end.
Compute foo true. (* = true *)
Compute foo false. (* = 7 *)
There is a little bit of magic that goes on in figuring out the type of the match construct here, if you give more type annotations it looks like
Definition foo'
: forall b : bool, match b return Set with true => bool | false => nat end
:= fun b : bool =>
match b as b'
return match b' return Set with true => bool | false => nat end
with true => true | false => 7 end.
Here, since the match construct can have different types depending on the value of b (which can be an arbitrary term, not just a variable), we use the annotation as b' return ... to give b a new name, and then specify the type of the match depending on the value of b'.
However, particularly when matching on a variable, Coq can often figure out the return ... annotation on it's own.
You can find some documentation of the match construct here, in the reference manual

How does one do an else statement in Coq's functional programming language?

I am trying to count the # of occurrences of an element v in a natlist/bag in Coq. I tried:
Fixpoint count (v:nat) (s:bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => 0
| h :: tl => match h with
| v => 1 + (count v tl)
however my proof doesn't work:
Example test_count1: count 1 [1;2;3;1;4;1] = 3.
Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed.
Why doesn't the first piece of code work? What is it doing when v isn't matched?
I also tried:
Fixpoint count (v:nat) (s:bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => 0
| h :: tl => match h with
| v => 1 + (count v tl)
| _ => count v tl
but that also gives an error in Coq and I can't even run it.
Functional programming is sort of new to me so I don't know how to actually express this in Coq. I really just want to say if h matches v then do a +1 and recurse else only recurse (i.e. add zero I guess).
Is there a simple way to express this in Coq's functional programming language?
The reason that I ask is because it feels to me that the match thing is very similar to an if else statement in "normal" Python programming. So either I am missing the point of functional programming or something. That is the main issue I am concerned I guess, implicitly.
(this is similar to Daniel's answer, but I had already written most of it)
Your problem is that in this code:
match h with
| v => 1 + (count v tl)
matching with v binds a new variable v. To test if h is equal to v, you'll have to use some decision procedure for testing equality of natural numbers.
For example, you could use Nat.eqb, which takes two natural numbers and returns a bool indicating whether they're equal.
Require Import Nat.
Fixpoint count (v:nat) (s:bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => 0
| h :: tl => if (eqb h v) then (1 + count v t1) else (count v t1)
Why can't we simply match on the term we want? Pattern matching always matches on constructors of the type. In this piece of code, the outer match statement matches with nil and h :: t1 (which is a notation for cons h t1 or something similar, depending on the precise definition of bag). In a match statement like
match n with
| 0 => (* something *)
| S n => (* something else *)
we match on the constructors for nat: 0 and S _.
In your original code, you try to match on v, which isn't a constructor, so Coq simply binds a new variable and calls it v.
The match statement you tried to write actually just shadows the v variable with a new variable also called v which contains just a copy of h.
In order to test whether two natural numbers are equal, you can use Nat.eqb which returns a bool value which you can then match against:
Require Import Arith.
Fixpoint count (v:nat) (s:bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => 0
| h :: tl => match Nat.eqb v h with
| true => 1 + (count v tl)
| false => count v tl
As it happens, for matching of bool values with true or false, Coq also provides syntactic sugar in the form of a functional if/else construct (which is much like the ternary ?: operator from C or C++ if you're familiar with either of those):
Require Import Arith.
Fixpoint count (v:nat) (s:bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => 0
| h :: tl => if Nat.eqb v h then
1 + (count v tl)
count v tl
(Actually, it happens that if works with any inductive type with exactly two constructors: then the first constructor goes to the if branch and the second constructor goes to the else branch. However, the list type has nil as its first constructor and cons as its second constructor: so even though you could technically write an if statement taking in a list to test for emptiness or nonemptiness, it would end up reversed from the way you would probably expect it to work.)
In general, however, for a generic type there won't necessarily be a way to decide whether two members of that type are equal or not, as there was Nat.eqb in the case of nat. Therefore, if you wanted to write a generalization of count which could work for more general types, you would have to take in an argument specifying the equality decision procedure.

How can I match on a specific value in Coq?

I'm trying to implement a function that simply counts the number of occurrences of some nat in a bag (just a synonym for a list).
This is what I want to do, but it doesn't work:
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Definition bag := list nat.
Fixpoint count (v:nat) (s:bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => O
| v :: t => S (count v t)
| _ :: t => count v t
Coq says that the final clause is redundant, i.e., it just treats v as a name for the head instead of the specific v that is passed to the call of count. Is there any way to pattern match on values passed as function arguments? If not, how should I instead write the function?
I got this to work:
Fixpoint count (v:nat) (s:bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => O
| h :: t => if (beq_nat v h) then S (count v t) else count v t
But I don't like it. I'd rather pattern match if possible.
Pattern matching is a different construction from equality, meant to discriminate data encoded in form of "inductives", as standard in functional programming.
In particular, pattern matching falls short in many cases, such as when you need potentially infinite patterns.
That being said, a more sensible type for count is the one available in the math-comp library:
count : forall T : Type, pred T -> seq T -> nat
Fixpoint count s := if s is x :: s' then a x + count s' else 0.
You can then build your function as count (pred1 x) where pred1 : forall T : eqType, T -> pred T , that is to say, the unary equality predicate for a fixed element of a type with decidable (computable) equality; pred1 x y <-> x = y.
I found in another exercise that it's OK to open up a match clause on the output of a function. In that case, it was "evenb" from "Basics". In this case, try "eqb".
Well, as v doesn't work in the match, I thought that maybe I could ask whether the head of the list was equal to v. And yes, it worked. This is the code:
Fixpoint count (v : nat) (s : bag) : nat :=
match s with
| nil => 0
| x :: t =>
match x =? v with
| true => S ( count v t )
| false => count v t

Indicator function and semirings in COQ

I'm quite new with Coq, and I'm trying to define a "generic" indicator function, like this :
Function indicator (x : nat) : bool :=
match x with
| O => false
| _ => true
This one works well.
My problem is that I want an indicator function that returns false for the identity element of any semiring (for which I have a personal definition), not just for the natural number zero, like this :
Function indicator `(S : Semiring) (x : K) : bool :=
match x with
| ident => false
| _ => true
where K is defined in the semiring S as the set and ident is defined in the semiring Sas the identity element.
This one doesn't work. I got the error:
This clause is redundant
with the last line of the match underlined. However, I don't think the error really comes from here. I read that it may come from the line
| ident => false
because ident is a variable, but I don't have more clues.
nat is an inductive type, created from two constructors:
Inductive nat: Set :=
| O : nat
| S : nat -> nat
This means that any inhabitant of the nat type is always built by a combination of these 2 constructors.
You can "inspect" this construction by pattern matching, like you did in the first indicator definition.
In the second case, your type K is a type variable (you don't want to have a fix type like nat), so you didn't explain how to build elements of K. Then, when you pattern match, the ident your wrote is just a binder, any name would have had the same effect (and _ too). It has no link to the indent of your semiring. Coq said that the clause is redundant because ident already captured any element of type K, so the _ case is never called.
If you want to write such a function for any type K, you will have to provide a way to compare elements of K (something of the type K -> K -> bool) and use it in your indicator function. I'm not sure about the syntax but you'll have something link:
Record SemiRing : Type := mkSemiRing {
K: Type;
ident : K;
compare : K -> K -> bool;
(* you might need the property that:
forall x y, compare x y = true -> x = y
op1 : K -> K -> K;
op2 : K -> K -> K
(* and all the laws of semiring... *)
Definition indicator (ring: SemiRing) (x: K ring) : bool :=
if compare ring x (ident ring) then true else false.