Why can't the content in "UNSUBSCRIBE" be edited? How to add some text? - sendgrid

Why can't the content in "UNSUBSCRIBE" be edited? How to add some text?

You can customise the unsubscribe links, but not in the unsubscribe widget. Instead, you should add a regular text or code widget and use the tag {{{unsubscribe}}} for the URL. See the documentation here for more details on using a custom unsubscribe link.


How make NSTextView not selectable, but allow to select links

So I have NSTextView with attributed string which contain links from html markup. I want to make links clickable, but other text don't.
Delegate method which apple propose
(in topic https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nstextview/1449297-selectable)
is not working as I want, I can only remove selection after it already has been selected
And property isSelectable block any mouse events, so link are not clickable either

How do I replicate the tinymce link plugin's HTML markup behavior by adding succeeding text outside of the current node instead of inside?

When the user adds a link on selected text, it adds the URL markup only on the selected section and doesn't add the markup to any added text (after the markup is added) if the linked text is at the end of the string. This behavior differs from bold/italics/underline which adds added text to the bold/underline markup if the user adds more text at the end of a string.
I am implementing a custom button that should emulate the behavior of the link plugin. I have gone through the link/plugin.js file to no avail for which code block I need to re-use to get this behavior for my custom button.
How do I implement the link plugin's markup behavior? Are there any tinyMCE commands I should be using (setAttribs, etc)?
Video example of bold vs link plugin

How can I add static text to my MSCRM form?

I need to add static text on my form (can't use the xrm notification option) under specific terms I need to show and hide that text but I can't hold it in a field.
First I thought to use an Image with my text on the form, is there a better way to do that?
Like said in comments, HTML web resource is the way to go. You can embed the HTML in a form section/tab and hide them using conditional scripting in form load.

Add PDF report button on TabPanel's header

I want to add PDFreport button at the right of the header in TabPanel or may be on TabItem.
Is it possible?
I haven't tried this, but i think you could try with this method.
It allows you to put HTML code into the header of your TabPanel.
So you could insert your button as plain HTML into the header.
But it depends on what that button should do.

Create NSURL But Show Only Link Text

I'm using UIActivityViewController to share a screenshot in my app. From my understanding, we can have a text field, an image, and a URL. What I would like to do is have one of the words in my text field be a clickable URL in itself. Something like,
"Check out my high score in myGameName!" where myGameName is a link to my game's website. Basically what I am going for is just like an html link
Link text
where just the 'Link Text' is actually shown. Is there a way of doing this?
No, the text field/image/URL are all separate items, because some services don't support them "natively".
check this library to make attributed label https://github.com/mattt/TTTAttributedLabel
I think you can have a look at OHAttributedLabel