Add PDF report button on TabPanel's header - gwt

I want to add PDFreport button at the right of the header in TabPanel or may be on TabItem.
Is it possible?

I haven't tried this, but i think you could try with this method.
It allows you to put HTML code into the header of your TabPanel.
So you could insert your button as plain HTML into the header.
But it depends on what that button should do.


Is there a way to add input field in nav element using React FluentUI (#fluentui/react)?

The examples on website show many examples of navbars with links.
Image of navbar demo as shown on website.
I want to implement a search bar inside the nav element like this. Is there a way to do it?
I would try with OnRenderLink or linkAs methods.
Used to customize how content inside the link tag is rendered
linkAs: Render a custom link in place of
the normal one. This replaces the entire button rather than simply
button content
Source: INavProps interface

How to hide the header in Html before loading conent in UiwebView iOS5 and above?

I have a requirement of Hiding a header or div before displaying the html in UiwebView.I tried the injecting js in webViewdidFinishLoad but it has some problem ie first it load and show the html and then removing the header.
This would be easier to do server side, use javascript to hide the header and then at the bottom of the page have a script that loads to unhide the header.
EGood refrences: javascript hide/show element How can I hide a page contents until all the images are fully loaded?

jquery hide show

I have a table generated from database ( basically in MVC view). I want to make it editable. I want to use jquery to hide the row when edit button infront of row is clicked and show the row in edit format which is by default hidden. how can I do this using jquery?
Please suggest solution
I was able to accomplish this by tagging the table row with a fake class name, then in the button click events I used jquery's Hide/Show. Like this:
In your edit button click event call this:
And tag your table row with a fake class like this:
<tr class="trMyRowIWantToHide">
JQuery Show
JQuery Hide
You also may want to make use of div tables for this project instead of actual tables. You selectors such as $("#idofcolumn").toggle(); to hide and show the div or in your case you would probably want to show a text field. You could even .html() to replace the text in a column with a text box. There are several ways to go about this. Check out the JQuery documentation.
How exactly is the HTML set up for your rows? Normally you could do $('SELECTOR').toggle() on each of them.

how to display drop-down in iphone, like in this image

I want to display drop down menu like the one you see in this image
(below From and To)
How can i create that? Any good tutorial.
Best regards
You will have to use UIPicker for this purpose.This is used as a dropdown whereever needed in iPhone.
Please refer the link below
How to create drop down list box for an iphone app
It looks like that app is using a combination of a UIWebView and an html select tag. To do something similar would involve a solid bit of html and javascript hackery, but in essence would be:
Create a UIWebView and inject the appropriate HTML into it to make the dropdown.
User uses dropdown as if it was in mobile safari and picks something.
When you need it, you use a javascript call with stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: to grab the value of the dropdown by id and pass it back to your code.
There are a few gotchas here, mainly with constructing the dropdown and the webview such that it's big enough to show the expanded dropdown but transparent to see under it when the dropdown is not expanded, it's not scrollable, and that sort of thing.
I wonder if a UIActionsheet might be better ... you could easy make a button to call the sheet. Adding multiple buttons to the sheet transforms it into a table that you can scroll.

Best approach for adding non-web links to UITextView

I am creating a dictionary-style app that presents a tableview full of words, and when a word is selected, a UITextView is displayed that shows the definition of the word. What I would like to do is add a line that says "See also: synonym1, synonym2" where synonym1 and synonym2 are links that will take the user to the definition for the synonym that is touched.
What is the best way to add these dynamic links? Buttons? Somehow add a small UIWebView a UItable on the fly?
I would replace your UITextView with a UIWebView and use that contain your description text and your links. It's fairly trivial to generate HTML on the fly for something like that.
You could register a custom URL scheme for your app, or you could intercept links as they're clicked.
If your links are always grouped together there's no reason why you couldn't use a bunch of UIButtons inside a custom view, but then you'd have to handle layout and wrapping on your own. It seems a lot easier to do it in HTML.