Can I bound one same device (same id) with two different account(two different agentuserID)? - actions-on-google

I'm developing an Action on Google and I have a question about agentUserID. In documentation I see this information to reportstate command:
"requestId": "123ABC",
"agentUserId": "user-123",
"payload": {
"devices": {
"states": {
"light-123": {
"on": true
In this reportstate command there is the agentUserId.
1 - Can I to bound the same device with two agentUserId(i.e. two accounts)?
2 - If the anwser of question 1 one is yes, Should I send two reportstate command for Home Graph, one with agentUserID-1 and other with agentUserID-2?

As it is defined in the reference documentation, the agentUserId:
Reflects the unique (and immutable) user ID on the agent's platform. The string is opaque to Google, so if there's an immutable form vs a mutable form on the agent side, use the immutable form (e.g. an account number rather than email).
On your end, you can bind the same device to two separate user accounts and agentUserIds, although from the perspective of the platform they will be internally viewed as two separate devices.
So if you have one light and two accounts, you can still handle execution commands for both by mapping devices to a single entity on your side and it will work without issue.
But yes it does mean you will need to report two separate states to update both devices from the perspective of the Home Graph.


Providing information ragarding the content of a link target with HAL

We intend to use Spring-HATEOAS to enrich our interface with hypermedia informations via HAL/JSON.
What we are wondering is, how to provide sufficient meta information of what we are going to find in a resource after following a link.
I identified different methods to publish such information, with one being the content type of the resource and the other being a profile.
However both do not allow any kind of polymorphism.
Let's assume we model a weather station which has a temperature a wind and a light sensor.
In my concept I would link those three sensors:
"item" : [
{ "href" : ".../sensors/1" } // temperature
{ "href" : ".../sensors/2" } // wind
{ "href" : ".../sensors/3" } // light
which means they are part of my sensor collection (which my weather station is).
To the user of my weather station, I would like to provide the meta information, that:
All three sensors are sensors (which implys the existence of certain properties)
Sensor 1 is a unidirectional sensor, whil 2 and 3 only measure for a specific direction
Sensor 3 provides addtional to the value (intensity) some spectral information.
So in Code:
class TemperatureSensor extends Sensor
class WindSensor extends Sensor implements DirectionalSensor
class LightSensor extends Sensor implements DirectionalSensor, SprectralSensor
How can I provide those information to the user, using Spring-HATEOAS or directly HAL?
I identified different methods to publish such information, with one being the content type of the resource and the other being a profile.
In general the media type defines how to process a payload but not necessarily what object or type its content relates to. I.e. on receiving a HTML payload you don't necessarily know that the page contains user information or the like, unless you have certain semantic annotations present within the markup. All HTML defines is a set of valid elements, how these elements have to be embedded in the payload (i.e. either <element>...</element> or <element/>), which attributes they support and when it is admissible to add which elements, i.e. certain elements such as the list-item tag <li> makes only sense as part of an unordered list <ul> or its counter-part the order list <ol>.
In regards to profiles, according to RFC 6906
A profile is defined not to alter the semantics of the resource representation itself, but to allow clients to learn about additional semantics (constraints, conventions, extensions) that are associated with the resource representation, in addition to those defined by the media type and possibly other mechanisms.
It is therefore a configuration option to set on the media-type processor, which depending on the profile specified, might apply additional validation rules, allow certain elements to appear in certain elements or the like. I.e. HTML4.01 added profiles to the <head> element so that search engines that understand this profile know that meta-information for author, date, keyword and copyright will be present which they can use directly instead of attempting to parse that information from the body directly.
HAL supports both the specification of profiles on media-type definitions as well as on link objects.
... how to provide sufficient meta information of what we are going to find in a resource after following a link.
In HTML a user is usually hinted what invoking a link might return by adding additional text, that summarizes the content of that target, or images, that express an affordance to the user, to the link context. For humans this is usually easy to understand though for an automated process such meta information are usually difficult to process and act upon. Instead of using free-text or images to express the relation the target has to the current content, link relations are used to express this.
According to RFC 8288 (Web Linking)
... an application will define the link relation type(s) it uses, along with the serialisation(s) that they might occur within. For example, the application "Web browsing" looks for the "stylesheet" link relation type in the HTML link serialisation (and optionally in the Link header field), whereas the application "AtomPub" uses the "edit" and "edit-media" link relations in the Atom serialisation.
Web linking also describes that link-relations not only describe simple semantics but also particular attributes or behaviors. More formally, they describe how the current context is related to an other resource.
Wikipedia describes link relations as:
A link relation is a descriptive attribute attached to a hyperlink in order to define the type of the link, or the relationship between the source and destination resources. The attribute can be used by automated systems, or can be presented to a user in a different way.
Such link relations should be based on standardized terms or make use of an extension mechanism, i.e. dublin-core. Microformats also lists plenty of commonly used relation names in HTML5. While link-relations must not constrain the processing of the current document or the availability of target representation types, they can specify certain behaviors or properties of target resources, i.e. that a resource supports certain HTTP methods or that support of certain media-type formats is required.
A link may have multiple different link relation names assigned. Clients that do not understand a certain link relation name should ignore it and only operate on those they do know and support. This basically just allows to add as many relation names to the URI context as needed. This is similar to the semantic Web where there may exist multiple predicates between a subject and object and further relation exist that indicate that a predicate expresses the same as an other one and may thus be used interchangingly.
HAL supports link-relations out of the box and adds CURIEs on top, which is a further reserved link-relation name itself, that hints a client on the location of a resource documentation. Link relation extension, as defined by RFC 8288, do not necessarily need to point to a documentation describing the semantics, therefore clients shouldn't access such URIs by default.
A links-section within a HAL representation response may look like this for the given problem statement:
"links": {
"self": { "href": "/weatherstation" },
"curies": [{ "name": "ws", "href": "{rel}", "templated": true }],
"ws:sensors": [
{ "href": "../sensors/1", "title": "temperature" },
{ "href": "../sensors/2", "title": "wind" },
{ "href": "../sensors/3", "title": "light" }
"ws:unidirectional": { "href": "../sensors/1", "title": "temperature" },
"ws:directional": [
{ "href": "../sensors/2", "title": "wind" },
{ "href": "../sensors/3", "title": "light" }
"ws:spectral": { "href": "../sensors/3", "title": "light" },
"": [
{ "href": "../sensors/1" },
{ "href": "../sensors/2" },
{ "href": "../sensors/3" }
"": { "href": "../sensors/1" },
"": [
{ "href": "../sensors/2" },
{ "href": "../sensors/3" }
"": { "href": "../sensors/3" }
At this point I'm not 100% sure whether Curies also express link-relations or just express the documentation of a resource, hence I divided the sample above a bit. In theory they should be able to be valid link-relation names itself, in which case the latter definition may be skipped, as the HAL processor will resolve them to a full URI as required by RFC 8288 anyway.
While Web linking would allow for a link-relation such as:
Link: <../sensors/3>; rel=""
that defines all 3 attributes on the same URI, I'm not sure if this is also possible in HAL directly.
Support for Curies is documented in the reference documentation where you basically just have to add a CurieProvider bean to your config. This Curie provider kicks in on all non registered link relations you define via RelProvider. Registered link relations can easily be added via new Link("/some-target", IanaLinkRelations.NEXT) for example as documented here

Setting Conversion Window/Ads Action Stats via Facebook Ads Api

I have a requirement to add 'Conversion Window' (as above) to an existing Java application which creates batches of Facebook ads. I can't find how to set Conversion Window via the API or how to get a list of them from the API.
This is the most relevant information I've found:
But it doesn't give me all of what I need.
Although named similarly, those are two different things.
Conversion window specified with bidding is a time period used for optimization of ad delivery. The parameter is called attribution_specand can be set on adset. Valid combinations are described here.
Adset with conversion window of 1-day view, 7-day click would be specified like this:
"name": "Adset name",
"attribution_spec": [
"event_type": "VIEW_THROUGH",
"window_days": 1
"event_type": "CLICK_THROUGH",
"window_days": 7
... other adset params ...
Attribution window is a parameter used when loading insights. Using that you can get the stats broken down into different time periods, which can be handy for advanced analytics.

How to design calculation API in RESTFul way?

I'm trying to design an API to calculate a result based on inputs.
Real business:
The API compares two securities portfolios (source and target) and return the orders, the consumer gets the orders, so he/she can then places those orders to adjust portfolio from source to target.
If this is hard to be understood, then here's a similar scenario:
The API compare two text, then return the difference of the 2 texts.
It is a little bit different from the classic CRUD, because the inputs and output are different resources
My first thought is like this:
POST /api/difference
'source': { ... },
'target': { ... }
But, it will be conflict with the classic payload:
POST /api/difference
'lineNumber': ...,
'isAdded': ...
Should I use a media-type to distinguish the the input payloads? What a 'resource' should be in this case?
What should the API look like if I also want to place the orders (or apply the text diff) in the same time when the API is called?
Iam not sure whether I understand your problem correctly, but in general it
depends on whether the resources are already persisted in the system. In case
both resources are already available in the system I would simply build an URI
like /portfolio/{source_id}/difference/{target_id} which returns the diff
result. If only the source exists I would probably use something like:
POST /portfolio/{source_id}/difference
If both resources are not available I would probably consider to first persist
such a resource and make then the comparison.
If I understood you correctly, there already exists the resource POST /api/difference and hence you are looking to change MIME type. Instead, why don't you go with the first approach and change the resource name? For example,
POST /api/compare
'source': { ... },
'target': { ... }

Restful web service, partial Read permission

I am designing a restful web service to create and read reports made from an app. When creating a report its possible to add some privacy sensitive information with it like a name, phone number, mail etc. After creating the report its made publicly visible through the same web service.
POST /report
returns 200 OK with:
and a method to get said report:
GET /report/{report_id}
I have another app with which an admin can manage the reports created though the previous web service. In this application I would like to display the privacy sensitive information. It uses the following URL to get a specific report.
GET /report/{report_id}
which returns 200 OK:
Now there is the issue. This is the exact same url. Is it Is it possible/conventional or even a good idea to use the same web service for both calls, but have some kind of CRUD management with it where depending on the role of the user a part of the information is not displayed/blocked? Or would it be better to make a separate web service with restrictions?
Yes, it's OK for different representations of the same resource to be returned at the same URL for different requests. That's how content negotiation works.
If you are concerned about this, I can think of two options:
One option is to include a query parameter to make the choice of views explicit, and access can be controlled for each. E.g.
Or you could also consider two sub-resources, one called /report/{report_id}/full and one called /report/{report_id}/restricted, and then you can return a 40x code when the user doesn't have correct permission, with a Location header as a hint of where they can look.
If your language of choice supports it, you could return a dynamic object.
here's some pseudo code.
if (loggedInUser != isAdmin(user))
return new { id: 1, contents: "..." }
return new { id: 1, name: "test", email: "", contents: "..." }
Personally, I would have different areas that do different things. One area that retrieves the model for everyone. In the other it'd be like an admin area.
In the one area, you have

HL7-FHIR accepting absolute foreign references on server

In 2.6.3 Copying Resources and re-identification of DSTU1 there's a description of how clients may have to re-assign ids on resources pulled from a server. My question is what should be allowed when going in the opposite direction. I see no issue with accepting foreign absolute references when there's no re-interpretation needed (ie you accept the URI on POST/PUT and return the same URI on GET), but I'm wondering if they should be accepted if a re-identification is needed on the server side (ie you accept the URI on POST/PUT but assign a new id no the object such that subsequent GET's return a local relative URI).
Are there any guidelines in DSTU1 (or even DSTU2) related to this?
The client POSTs the following:
"resourceType": "Patient",
"name": [{"text": "Irene"}],
"careProvider": [{"reference": ""}]
The client then does a GET and receives the following:
"resourceType": "Patient",
"id": "abc",
"name": [{"text": "Irene"}],
"careProvider": [{"reference": "Organization/987"}]
You can see that the server re-identified the Organization into a local reference.
There's no more material than what you already referenced. The material isn't meant to dictate the answers, only to suggest the kind of solutions that might be needed. Generally, then, it's not really possible to talk about what's allowed - except or one thing you mentioned: the server isn't allowed to accept a PUT and then not honor the PUT by moving the resource; it should reject the PUT and insist on a POST. But generally, the mix of clients, servers and middleware in an eco-system, I don't know that we can usefully make rules about what should and shouldn't happen