Restful web service, partial Read permission - rest

I am designing a restful web service to create and read reports made from an app. When creating a report its possible to add some privacy sensitive information with it like a name, phone number, mail etc. After creating the report its made publicly visible through the same web service.
POST /report
returns 200 OK with:
and a method to get said report:
GET /report/{report_id}
I have another app with which an admin can manage the reports created though the previous web service. In this application I would like to display the privacy sensitive information. It uses the following URL to get a specific report.
GET /report/{report_id}
which returns 200 OK:
Now there is the issue. This is the exact same url. Is it Is it possible/conventional or even a good idea to use the same web service for both calls, but have some kind of CRUD management with it where depending on the role of the user a part of the information is not displayed/blocked? Or would it be better to make a separate web service with restrictions?

Yes, it's OK for different representations of the same resource to be returned at the same URL for different requests. That's how content negotiation works.
If you are concerned about this, I can think of two options:
One option is to include a query parameter to make the choice of views explicit, and access can be controlled for each. E.g.
Or you could also consider two sub-resources, one called /report/{report_id}/full and one called /report/{report_id}/restricted, and then you can return a 40x code when the user doesn't have correct permission, with a Location header as a hint of where they can look.

If your language of choice supports it, you could return a dynamic object.
here's some pseudo code.
if (loggedInUser != isAdmin(user))
return new { id: 1, contents: "..." }
return new { id: 1, name: "test", email: "", contents: "..." }
Personally, I would have different areas that do different things. One area that retrieves the model for everyone. In the other it'd be like an admin area.
In the one area, you have


REST: Is it considered restful if API sends back two type of response?

We have stock website and we help buyers connect with the sellers. We are creating API to let buyers push their contact details and get back the seller details. This is transaction and get logged in our database. We have created following API:
The request is POST, the URL looks like:
The request body looks like:
"buyermobile": "9999999999",
"stockid": "123"
The response looks like:
"sellermobile" : "8888888888",
"selleraddress": "123 avenue park"
We have a new requirement, i.e. we need to send back PDF URL (instead of "sellermobile" & "selleraddress"). This PDF URL would contain the seller details in case it comes from one of our client.
We have modified the same API, now the request body looks like:
"buyermobile": "9999999999",
"stockid": "123",
"ispdf": true
The response looks like:
"sellerdetailspdf" : "",
Is it RESTFUL to do this? OR we should create separate API for getting response as PDF?
I wouldn't approach it this way. What happens when you need to add XLS? Do you add "isxls" to the request too?
Things I'd consider:
Use a mime type for content negotiation. Post the same request, and specify in the Accept header what you expect back - JSON, PDF, etc. You're then actually getting the report instead of a link to the report, which may or may not be better.
- or -
Include a link in the typical lead response.
"sellermobile" : "8888888888",
"selleraddress": "123 avenue park",
"_links": {
"seller-details-pdf": ""
- or -
Support a query parameter that specifies the type in the response.
- or -
Have a single property that specifies the type in the response, rather than a boolean. Much cleaner to extend when you add new response types.
The first two options have the bonus that you don't require clients to handle multiple response types to a single request. That's not forbidden by any spec, but it's annoying for clients. Try not to annoy the people who you want to pay you. :)
Again the implementation looks good to me, however you could potentially look at breaking the return of the PDF URL to another endpoint maybe something like api/lead/pdf that way your request body is the same for api/lead and all subsequent endpoints under /lead. Allowing your routes and other code to handle small portioned tasks instead of having a route that handles multiple flags and multiple code routes.
That looks good to me - the same type of input should give the same type of response but in your case you have two different types of input - one with the "ispdf" flag and one without. So it's consistent to responds with two different types of response, one with the PDF link and one without.
That's still something you'll want to document but basically it's a correct implementation.

How to deal with a REST API structures redundancy?

I am currently build a REST API for a webservice that, amongst other things, handles user bans.
The current API I designed look like:
URL: GET /user/<user_id>/bans/<session_id>
Description: Get the ban on the specified session for the specified user.
session_id: 1,
banned_until: "..."
URL: GET /user/<user_id>/bans
Description: Get all bans for the specified user.
session_id: 1,
banned_until: "..."
session_id: 2,
banned_until: "..."
URL: PUT /user/<user_id>/bans/<session_id>
Description: Set or update a ban on the specified session for the specified user.
session_id: 1,
banned_until: "..."
session_id: 1,
banned_until: "..."
Now one of my coworkers believes that the API is wrong because, for instance in the case of the PUT, the user has to specify the session_id twice: once in the URL and once in the content and those two have to match (which means an extra check server-side). He makes the same comment for the GET where the user specifies the session id in the URL to get it back in the response, meaning a waste of bandwidth.
While I understand his concerns, I however think the current design as it is, is simpler for the user (only one data structure to care about) and that the extra check on the server isn't that much work to do compared to the comfort it brings the user.
Is there an official guideline regarding this in the REST best-practices ? What is the usual/recommended way of dealing with this ?
Personally, I think what you are talking about is the different between the PUT and POST methods.
From the RESTful CookBook:
Use PUT when you can update a resource completely through a specific resource. For instance, if you know that an article resides at, you can PUT a new resource representation of this article directly through a PUT on this URL.
So, in the PUT example you gave, I think it is perfectly valid to specify the sessionID in the URL since you are storing the ban at a specific point.
However you could also create a POST service at URL: POST /user/<user_id>/bans to satisfy your co-worker. :-)

Restful API for Templating

I am struggling with a design aspect of my restful api for templating collections of resources.
The endpoint calls for a json with the name to a particular template and a collections of tokens. The API will then create entries into numerous tables and use the tokens where appropriate.
A very simple example is:
'template': 'DeviceTemplate'
'tokens': [
'customer': 1234,
'serial_number': '12312RF3242a',
'ip_address': ''
This creates a new device for the customer with that ip address along with several other objects, for instance interfaces, device users etc etc. I use the tokens in various places where needed.
I'm not sure how to make this endpoint restful.
The endpoint for /device is already taken if you want to create this resource individually. The endpoint I need is for creating everything via the template.
I want to reserve the POST /template endpoint for creating the actual template itself and not for implementing it with the tokens to create the various objects.
I want to know how to call the endpoint without using a verbs.
I also want to know if its a good idea to structure a POST with a nested JSON.
I'd suggest that you create an action on the template object itself. So right now if you do /templates/<id> you are given an object. You should include in that object a url endpoint for instantiating an instance of that template. Github follows a scheme that I like a lot [1] where within an object there will be a key pointing to another url with a suffix _url. So for instance, your response could be something like:
"template": "DeviceTemplate",
"id": "127",
"create_url": "",
Then this way you treat a POST to that endpoint the same as if this template (DeviceTemplate) was its own resource.
The way to conceptualize this is you're calling a method on an object instead of calling a function.
[1] - For example

HATEOAS client with AngularJS

I was wondering if there were any features hidden in Angular or exposed by some 3rd-party libraries to easily create HATEOAS-compliant Restful clients.
On backend side, I am using Spring Data/REST to produce an HATEOAS JSON API.
Consuming it, though, is quite another story.
For instance, I've got those 3 entities:
Company {name, address}
Employee {firstName, lastName, employer[Company]}
Activity {rate, day, employee[Employee], client[Company]}
and requesting an activity (the most complex entity of the model) produces something like this:
links: [],
content: [{
rate: 456,
day: 1366754400000,
links: [{
rel: "self",
href: "http://localhost:8080/api/activities/1"
rel: "activities.activity.client",
href: "http://localhost:8080/api/activities/1/client"
rel: "activities.activity.employee",
href: "http://localhost:8080/api/activities/1/employee"
My API talks in terms of REST (resources identified by links).
An Activity has an Employee for instance. What I really want to use is : {rate: 456, day: 1366754400000, employee: {firstName:"xxx", lastName:"xxx" ...}}.
However, as you can see in the first output, my Activity only contains a link to the employee, not its data. Is there anything in Angular or in a 3rd-party library to resolve those links and embed the resulting data instead?
Any input on this?
Thanks in advance!
Checkout angular-hateoas. ITs an AngularJS module for using $resource with a HATEOAS-enabled REST API.
You could write a Response Transformation that would inspect your returned object, check for links, and resolve them before returning the response. See the section "Transforming Requests and Responses" in the $http service documentation.
Something like this:
transformResponse: function(rawData) {
var json = JSON.parse( rawData );
forEach( json.content.links, function(link) {
// resolve link...
return json;
Since the "resolve link" step is itself an $http call, sub-references would also be resolved. HOWEVER, since these are asynchronous, you would likely return a promise instead of the real value; I don't know if the transform function is allowed to do this.
As #charlietfl pointed out, however, please note that this will result in several HTTP calls to return a single entity. Even though I like the concept of HATEOAS, this will likely result in sluggishness if too many calls are made. I'd suggest that your server return the data, or some of it, directly, PLUS the link for details.
Based on your comment about wanting to work with data as against links on the client, I think Restangular would be a good fit.
I've been using angular-hal for one of my projects. It was a Spring HATEOAS backend. And I didn't run into any issues. It handles parametrized resources. I suspect it only supports HAL so since you're using Spring Data Rest you probably have to configure it to generate HAL compliant responses.
I think the confusion may be that you are asking for an Angular solution, when what you really want to do is have Spring Data send a more complete JSON response. I.e, you really just want the server to return the employee data as part of the response JSON, rather than having the client perform extra steps to look it up. I don't know what data store you are using in Spring Data, but the general solution would be to add public getEmployee() method to your Activity class and then annotate the method with #RelatedTo and #Fetch (this would be the setup for Neo4J -- may be different annotations for your flavor of Spring Data). This should cause Spring HATEOAS to include the Employee record within the response for /activity. Hope this helps.

How to handle updates to a REST resource when using hypermedia links

I'm working a REST-ful API in which resources which are fairly interrelated. Resources reference each other, and these references may be created or deleted. I'm a little uncertain how to support associating resources together when they reference each other using hyperlinks.
A simple example follows with two resources, A and B.
Resource A:
name: integer
list_b: [list of resource B]
Resource B:
id: integer
description: String
Now, A does not include B in its document, but rather links to it. When using hypermedia, it might look something like this:
Resource A:
id: 1,
list_b: [
{ id: 1, href: "https://server/api/b/1" },
{ id: 2, href: "https://server/api/b/2" }
If a user wants to add or delete one of the B references in A's list, how do they do so, taking into account the presence of the hyperlink? I want the user to be able to update the entire A resource in one PUT operation, but nothing in the output indicates which value for B is required. It make sense to me for the user to perform PUT with content like this:
Resource A:
id: 1,
list_b: [
{ id: 1, href: "https://server/api/b/1" },
{ id: 2, href: "https://server/api/b/2" },
{ id: 3 },
and receive the updated resource (in the response) like this:
Resource A:
id: 1,
list_b: [
{ id: 1, href: "https://server/api/b/1" },
{ id: 2, href: "https://server/api/b/2" },
{ id: 3, href: "https://server/api/b/3" }
My concern is that the user won't necessarily know what to include in the resource when updating resource A's list_b.
When dealing with hyperlinks from one resource to another, how should creates and updates work? Should clients be allowed to update part of the link (the id), or should they be required to update both parts of the link?
Note: I know another approach might be exposing a sub-url for resource A. It could expose list_b as a resource which is operable via HTTP (allowing clients to use POST, PUT, and DELETE on the list resource itself). But this seems less reasonable when A contains multiple references to other resource types. Each field which references another would potentially require a sub-url, which, if there are 10+ fields, is unwieldy, and requires multiple HTTP requests to update the resource.
HATEOAS connects resources together in a RESTful interface, and it's not clear here whether or not the subsidiary objects you're describing really make sense as independent resources. The "AS" part of HATEOAS reminds us of the role that Web pages play as "resources" in a Web application. Each Web page is really an interactive representation of application state (the "application" in this case being a classical, multiple-page Web application), and the hyperlinks to other resources provide the user with transitions to other application states.
A RESTful Web API, having JavaScript code rather than human beings as its client, is naturally data-access-oriented, so few if any of its resources take the form of "application state," per se. In a tradition Web application, you can draw a state transition diagram and clearly see the connections among states, and thus among resources. In a RESTful API, the boundaries among passive data resources are motivated more by the efficiencies of client/server interactions and other subtle forces.
So do your subsidiary objects ("B") here really need to be represent as first-class resources? Are there instances where the front end will enumerate or otherwise access them independent of the aggregates in which they participate ("A")?
If the answer is "no," then they obviously shouldn't be represented hyptertextually in the "A" structure. I presume that the answer is "yes," however, and that you also have good reason to offer all of the other subsidiary objects to which you refer as independent resources. In this case, there's some amount of interface work in the form of routes and controllers that is necessary to support all of those resources no matter what, because your application is presumably providing a means to manipulate them each on their own, or at least query them (through hyperlinks such as those in your example).
This being the case, a POST to the path representing your collection of "B" objects (e.g., "server/api/b") can return a URL in the response's "location" header value as POSTs that create new resources are supposed to do. When your user interactively adds a new "B" to a list belonging to an "A" on your Web page, your front end can first POST the new "B," getting its URL back through the location header on success. It can then incorporate that link into the list representation inside its "A" object before PUTting the updated "A."
The ID value is a bit of a wrinkle, as you'll be tempted to break the encapsulation of the back end by extracting the ID value from the text of the URL. True HATEOAS zealots make their RESTful APIs produce obfuscated, hashed or otherwise unintelligible URLs specifically to frustrate such encapsulation-breaking on the part of clients. Better that the POST of the new "B" object returns a complete representation of the new "B" object, including its ID, in its response body, so that the client can reconstitute the full object and extract the ID from it, thus narrowing the coupling to the resource itself and not the details of the RESTful interface through which it is obtained.
You should also look at the LINK method:
LINK /ResourceA/1 HTTP/1.1
Link: <>; rel="list_b"
204 Yeah Fine, Whatever
This tells /ResourceA/1 to link to /ResourceB/3 using the relationship "list_b".