Uppy TUS removeFile calls DELETE - uppy

we are using Uppy Tus Client to upload files to a 3rd Party server using the TUS protocol. On removeFile(), Uppy appears to be making DELETE calls to the upload url; however the 3rd party TUS server doesn't support DELETE on their upload urls.
Is there any way to override the default behaviour and not make the DELETE calls on removeFile? Objective is to simply remove the file from Uppy's upload list and cancel the ongoing tus PATCH request.
Uppy removeFile seems to be using the abort function of tus-js-client library, which has "shoulderTerminate" parameter. This option doesn't appear to be exposed in the Uppy options though.


Data Factory can't download CSV file from web API with Basic Auth

I'm trying to download a CSV file from a website in Data Factory using the HTTP connector as my source linked service in a copy activity. It's basically a web call to a url that looks like https://www.mywebsite.org/api/entityname.csv?fields=:all&paging=false.
The website uses basic authentication. I have manually tested by using the url in a browser and entering the credentials, and everything works fine. I have used the REST connector in a copy activity to download the data as a JSON file (same url, just without the ".csv" in there), and that works fine. But there is something about the authentication in the HTTP connector that is different and causing issues. When I try to execute my copy activity, it downloads a csv file that contains the HTML for the login page on the source website.
While searching, I did come across this Github issue on the docs that suggests that the basic auth header is not initially sent and that may be causing an issue.
As I have it now, the authentication is defined in the linked service. I'm hoping that maybe I can add something to the Additional Headers or Request Body properties of the source in my copy activity to make this work, but I haven't found the right thing yet.
Suggestions of things to try or code samples of a working copy activity using the HTTP connector and basic auth would be much appreciated.
The HTTP connector expects the API to return a 401 Unauthorized response after the initial request. It then responds with the basic auth credentials. If the API doesn't do this, it won't use the credentials provided in the HTTP linked service.
If that is the case, go to the copy activity source, and in the additional headers property add Authorization: Basic followed by the base64 encoded string of username:password. It should look something like this (where the string at the end is the encoded username:password):
Authorization: Basic ZxN0b2njFasdfkVEH1fU2GM=`
It's best if that isn't hard coded into the copy activity but is retrieved from Key Vault and passed as secure input to the copy activity.
I suggest you try to use the REST connector instead of the HTTP one. It supports Basic as authentication type and I have verified it using a test endpoint on HTTPbin.org
Above is the configuration for the REST linked service. Once you have created a dataset connected to this linked service you can include it in you copy activity.
Once the pipeline executes the content of the REST response will be saved in the specified file.

Webextension: Set response headers for web_accessible_resources

To provide some custom caching via a webextension, I use web_accessible_resources and redirect accesses towards them in a background script – see my previous question for details.
While that works content wise, I cannot find a way to change the response headers of the cached content, for example the Last-Modified header. So when I cache content that the original website does some consistence checks on, this will fail.
I tried to intercept the redirected response with an onHeadersReceived handler, but this never triggers as “Only requests made using HTTP or HTTPS will trigger events” and my redirect uses the moz-extension:// protocol.
How does one set response headers when serving web_accessible_resources?
Is it possible at all?

WWW::Mechanize::Chrome capture XHR response

I am using Perl WWW::Mechanize::Chrome to automate a JS heavy website.
In response to a user click the page among many other requests, requests and loads a JSON file using XHR.
Is there some way to save this particular JSON data to a file?
To intercept requests like that, you generally need to use the webRequest API to filter and retrieve specific responses. I do not think you can do that via WWW::Mechanize::Chrome.
WWW::Mechanize::Chrome tries to give you the content of all requests, but Chrome itself does not make the content of XHR requests available ( https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=457484 ). So the approach I take in (for example ) Net::Google::Keep is to replay the XHR requests using plain Perl LWP requests by copying the cookies and parameters from the Chrome requests-
Please note that the official support forum for WWW::Mechanize::Chrome is https://perlmonks.org , not StackOverflow.

Yii2 Reading PUT request body after oauth2 server already did it

I am working on REST API with oauth2 authorization.
For Oauth2 server i use https://github.com/bshaffer/oauth2-server-php
Php doc says here http://php.net/manual/en/wrappers.php.php
Prior to PHP 5.6, a stream opened with php://input could only be read once; the stream did not support seek operations. However, depending on the SAPI implementation, it may be possible to open another php://input stream and restart reading. This is only possible if the request body data has been saved. Typically, this is the case for POST requests, but not other request methods, such as PUT or PROPFIND.
In short it means that it is possible to read POST body twice, but not PUT.
But Oauth2 server reads it first time here https://github.com/bshaffer/oauth2-server-php/blob/develop/src/OAuth2/Request.php#L114
So when i read raw body in Yii2 Request, it is empty. (only on PUT, on POST and PATCH it is ok and can be read twice).
I know that this is kind of expected, no bugs. But what would be the solution for this?
Before you create that auth server, run this (depending in where you do authentication, you can use beforeAction(), or even init():
$content = Yii::$app->request->rawBody;
$authentication = Request::createFromGlobals();
if ($content)
$authentication->content = $content;
Now, I don't know how/where you use the component, so it might not fully work, but in theory it should.

how to create a request with FiddlerScript

I want to launch fiddler from the command line and populate the request builder with given request parameters.
Is this possible using ExecAction (or otherwise) and FiddlerScript?
Can someone get me started with the necessary FiddlerScript needed? I can't find anything in the docs...
FiddlerScript can generate any HTTP request you want. Look at http://fiddlerbook.com/Fiddler/dev/ScriptSamples.asp and particularly the use of the utilIssueRequest method.
Sending a new request to the Composer requires that you call FiddlerApplication.DoComposeByCloning(oS), passing the Session to display in the Composer as the parameter.