Yii2 Reading PUT request body after oauth2 server already did it - rest

I am working on REST API with oauth2 authorization.
For Oauth2 server i use https://github.com/bshaffer/oauth2-server-php
Php doc says here http://php.net/manual/en/wrappers.php.php
Prior to PHP 5.6, a stream opened with php://input could only be read once; the stream did not support seek operations. However, depending on the SAPI implementation, it may be possible to open another php://input stream and restart reading. This is only possible if the request body data has been saved. Typically, this is the case for POST requests, but not other request methods, such as PUT or PROPFIND.
In short it means that it is possible to read POST body twice, but not PUT.
But Oauth2 server reads it first time here https://github.com/bshaffer/oauth2-server-php/blob/develop/src/OAuth2/Request.php#L114
So when i read raw body in Yii2 Request, it is empty. (only on PUT, on POST and PATCH it is ok and can be read twice).
I know that this is kind of expected, no bugs. But what would be the solution for this?

Before you create that auth server, run this (depending in where you do authentication, you can use beforeAction(), or even init():
$content = Yii::$app->request->rawBody;
$authentication = Request::createFromGlobals();
if ($content)
$authentication->content = $content;
Now, I don't know how/where you use the component, so it might not fully work, but in theory it should.


Recommended or not: Sending a JSON body via POST HTTP Request without modification

Is it recommended to send a JSON body via a POST HTTP Request which doesn't modify anything?
Based on the link below, a Get request is not recommended to have a body. Thus, the other way is the one above.
HTTP GET with request body
Get the list of users, or anything for that matter based on parameters.
Http GET example.com/users
... long list of parameters
Is it recommended to send a JSON body via a POST HTTP Request which doesn't modify anything?
The rule is that POST is the default; it should be used unless there is something better.
For a request with "effectively read only" semantics, you want to use GET instead of POST... if it works. The challenge can be those cases where the request-target (aka: the URI) gets long enough that you start running into 414 URI Too Long responses. If your identifier is long enough that general purpose components refuse to pass the request along, then it is not something better, and you fall back to POST.
An origin server SHOULD NOT rely on private agreements to receive content, since participants in HTTP communication are often unaware of intermediaries along the request chain. (HTTP Semantics, 9.3.1)
In other words, introducing a private agreement to include content in a GET request trades away inter-op, which - if you want "web scale" - is not a winning trade. So GET-with-a-body is not better, and you fall back to POST.
The HTTP working group has been working on semantics for a new "effectively-read-only-with-a-body" method token, which could prove to be an alternative for requests where you need to include a bunch of information in the body because it is too long to encode it into the URI. But we don't have a standard for that today, which means that it is not something better, and you fall back to POST.

GET or POST for stateless RESTFUL API

I'm writing a stateless API. You send it a document, it processes the document, and then returns the processed document. I'm struggling to understand how the RESTFUL rules apply. I'm not retrieving data, creating data or updating data on the server. There is no data on the server. What do I need to use in this case as the http method and why?
Good news - you are right that it is confusing.
Nothing on the server changes in response to the request. That suggests that the request is safe. So GET is the natural choice here... BUT -- GET doesn't support message payloads
A payload within a GET request message has no defined semantics; sending a payload body on a GET request might cause some existing implementations to reject the request.
HEAD, the other ubiquitous safe method, has the same problem (and is unsuitable when you want to return a document in any case).
The straight forward thing to do at this point is just use POST. It's important to realize that POST doesn't promise that a request is unsafe, only that it doesn't promise that it is safe -- generic components won't know that the request is safe, and won't be able to take advantage of that.
Another possibility is to look through the method registry, to see if somebody has already specified a method that has the semantics that you want. Candidates include SEARCH and REPORT, from the WebDAV specifications. My read of those specifications is that they don't actually have the right semantics for your case.
A Lot of ways to do what you want. But here is a small guideline.
I would create an endpoint that receives the document:
with a 'POST' method. Since you are 'sending' your document to the server
I would create an endpoint that serves up the processed document:
with a 'GET' method. Since you want to retrieve / see your document from the server?
The problem that you are trying to solve is mainly related to the document size, and processing time before returning the response.
Theorically, in order to use a restful approach, you have an endpoint, like yourhost.com/api/document-manager (it can be a php script, or whatever you are using as backend).
OK, so instead of naming the endpoint differently for each operation type, you just change the HTTP method, I'll try to make an example:
POST: used to upload the document, returns 200 OK when the upload is completed.
GET: returns the processed document, you can also return a different HTTP code, in case the document is not ready or even different if the document hasn't been uploaded. 204 no content or 412 precondition failed can be good candidates in case of unavailable document. I'm not sure about the 412, seems like it's returned when you pass a header in the request, that tells the server which resource to return. In your case, I think that the user processes one document at time. But to make a more solid api, maybe you can return an ID token to the user, into the POST response, then forward that token to the GET request, so the server will be able to know exactly which file the user is requesting.
PUT: this method should be used when updating a resource that has been already created with POST
DELETE: removes a resource, then return 204 or 404
OPTIONS: the response contains the allowed methods on this endpoint. You can use it to know for example which privileges has the currently logged user on a resource.
HEAD: is the same as a GET call, but it shouldn't return the response body. This is another good candidate for you to know when the document has been processed. You can upload with POST, then when the upload is done, start some kind of polling to the same endpoint with the HEAD method, finally when it will return "found", the polling will stop, and make the final GET call, which will start the download of the processed document.
HTTP methods are a neat way of managing HTTP communications, if used properly are the way to go, and easily understandable by other developers. And not to forget, you don't have to invent lots of different names for your endpoints, one is enough.
Hope that this helped you a little... But there are loads of guides on the net.

WWW::Mechanize::Chrome capture XHR response

I am using Perl WWW::Mechanize::Chrome to automate a JS heavy website.
In response to a user click the page among many other requests, requests and loads a JSON file using XHR.
Is there some way to save this particular JSON data to a file?
To intercept requests like that, you generally need to use the webRequest API to filter and retrieve specific responses. I do not think you can do that via WWW::Mechanize::Chrome.
WWW::Mechanize::Chrome tries to give you the content of all requests, but Chrome itself does not make the content of XHR requests available ( https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=457484 ). So the approach I take in (for example ) Net::Google::Keep is to replay the XHR requests using plain Perl LWP requests by copying the cookies and parameters from the Chrome requests-
Please note that the official support forum for WWW::Mechanize::Chrome is https://perlmonks.org , not StackOverflow.

Best way to send content in PERL POST Request?

I am sending a PERL POST Request over HTTPS. During sending the request i need to send two things in content one is an authorization token and other is the command need to be executed on the server side.
What should be the approach to send these two things as the content?
Should it be:-
OR should it be
my #content =($token,$command)
The module which i am using is LWP::UserAgent and in that i will be creating a HTTP::Request type object my $request = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "<url>"); and in
this object i am sending content.
There is only a single content (request body) for a POST request. So any call of content just replaces the previously defined content. Please have a look at the documentation for LWP::UserAgent::post which clearly defines how to send POST data with multiple values. Also, it might be useful if you understand how forms in HTML work, both on the client (browser) and on the server side. Because only if you know what the server side expects in detail you can create the proper request.

Url's containing authentication secrets and app ID's

We received a request to create a REST api. I was a little confused in the example of provided by our client. As you can see below, they've identified the app_id and secret in the URL before the #. The remainder of the URI looks like what I would expect.
Is this valid? I thought maybe this is some weird cURL format I haven't seen before.
Just seeing if anyone has seen this format before?
A URI is made up of various parts, one of them being the authority part, which can feature optional username:password element.
The full scheme is:
This way your REST api remains stateless [not relying on previous app states like storing stuff in session]. But I advice you not to explicitly go with the username:password#stuff route, but to rely on Basic HTTP Auth, so the credentials are sent encoded in Base64 at least.
EDIT: a brief note about BasicAuth now you're asking - things go like this:
you make a request to http://johndoe:12345#service/api/foo/bar;
are credentials good? Ok, you get a 200 OK response with proper body;
are they not? You get a 401 Unauthorized response.
In the latter case, it's the browser [or any other program / script performing the request] that should prompt the user with the login popup.
Usually browsers ask you to cache credentials not to ask them every time, but this does not mean that they are not sent - it's just that every request to protected resources are featured with such header:
Authorization Basic base64encode(username:password)
Where base64encode is your custom way to encode the username:password string.