Schema registry incompatible changes - apache-kafka

In all the documentation it’s clear described how to handle compatible changes with Schema Registry with compatibility types.
But how to introduce incompatible changes without disturbing the downstream consumers directly, so that the can migrated in their own pace?
We have the following situation (see image) where the producer is producing the same message in both schema versions:
The problem is how to migrated the app’s and the sink connector in a controlled way, where business continuity is important and the consumer are not allowed to process the same message (in the new format).

consumer are not allowed to process the same message (in the new format).
Your consumers need to be aware of the old format while consuming the new one; they need to understand what it means to consume the "same message". That's up to you to code, not something Connect or other consumers can automatically determine, with or without a Registry.
In my experience, the best approach to prevent duplicate record processing across various topics is to persist unique ids (UUID) as part of each record, across all schema versions, and then query some source of truth for what has been processed already, or not. When not processed, insert these ids into that system after the records have been.
This may require placing a stream processing application that filters already processed records out of a topic before the sink connector will consume it

I figure what you are looking for is kind of an equivalent to a topic-offset, but spanning multiple ones. Technically this is not provided by Kafka and with good reasons I'd like to add. The solution would be very specific to each use case, but I figure it boils all down to introducing your own functional offset attribute in both streams.
Consumers will have to maintain state in regards to what messages have been processed when switching to another topic filtering out messages that were processed from the other topic. You could use your own sequence numbering or timestamps to keep track of process across topics. Using a sequence will be easier keeping track of the progress as only one value needs to be stored at consumer end. When using UUIDs or other non-sequence ids will potentially require a more complex state keeping mechanism.
Keep in mind that switching to a new topic will probably mean that lots of messages will have to be skipped and depending on the amount this might cause a delay that you need to be willing to accept.


Is it ok to use Apache Kafka "infinite retention policy" as a base for an Event sourced system with CQRS?

I'm currently evaluating options for designing/implementing Event Sourcing + CQRS architectural approach to system design. Since we want to use Apache Kafka for other aspects (normal pub-sub messaging + stream processing), the next logical question would be, "Can we use the Apache Kafka store as event store for CQRS"?, or more importantly would that be a smart decision?
Right now I'm unsure about this.
This source seems to support it:
This other source recommends against that:
In my current tests/experiments, I'm having problems similar to those described by the 2nd source, those are:
recomposing an entity: Kafka doesn't seem to support fast retrieval/searching of specific events within a topic (for example: all commands related to an order's history - necessary for the reconstruction of the entity's instance, seems to require the scan of all the topic's events and filter only those matching some entity instance identificator, which is a no go). [This other person seems to have arrived to a similar conclusion: Query Kafka topic for specific record -- that is, it is just not possible (without relying on some hacky trick)]
- write consistency: Kafka doesn't support transactional atomicity on their store, so it seems a common practice to just put a DB with some locking approach (usually optimistic locking) before asynchronously exporting the events to the Kafka queue (I can live with this though, the first problem is much more crucial to me).
The partition problem: On the Kafka documentation, it is mentioned that "order guarantee", exists only within a "Topic's partition". At the same time they also say that the partition is the basic unit of parallelism, in other words, if you want to parallelize work, spread the messages across partitions (and brokers of course). But this is a problem, because an "Event store" in an event sourced system needs the order guarantee, so this means I'm forced to use only 1 partition for this use case if I absolutely need the order guarantee. Is this correct?
Even though this question is a bit open, It really is like that: Have you used Kafka as your main event store on an event sourced system? How have you dealt with the problem of recomposing entity instances out of their command history (given that the topic has millions of entries scanning all the set is not an option)? Did you use only 1 partition sacrificing potential concurrent consumers (given that the order guarantee is restricted to a specific topic partition)?
Any specific or general feedback would the greatly appreciated, as this is a complex topic with several considerations.
Thanks in advance.
There was a similar discussion 6 years ago here:
Using Kafka as a (CQRS) Eventstore. Good idea?
Consensus back then was also divided, and a lot of people that suggest this approach is convenient, mention how Kafka deals natively with huge amounts of real time data. Nevertheless the problem (for me at least) isn't related to that, but is more related to how inconvenient are Kafka's capabilities to rebuild an Entity's state- Either by modeling topics as Entities instances (where the exponential explosion in topics amount is undesired), or by modelling topics es entity Types (where amounts of events within the topic make reconstruction very slow/unpractical).
your understanding is mostly correct:
kafka has no search. definitely not by key. there's a seek to timestamp, but its imperfect and not good for what youre trying to do.
kafka actually supports a limited form of transactions (see exactly once) these days, although if you interact with any other system outside of kafka they will be of no use.
the unit of anything in kafka (event ordering, availability, replication) is a partition. there are no guarantees across partitions of the same topic.
all these dont stop applications from using kafka as the source of truth for their state, so long as:
your problem can be "sharded" into topic partitions so you dont care about order of events across partitions
youre willing to "replay" an entire partition if/when you lose your local state as bootstrap.
you use log compacted topics to try and keep a bound on their size (because you will need to replay them to bootstrap, see above point)
both samza and (IIUC) kafka-streams back their state stores with log-compacted kafka topics. internally to kafka offset and consumer group management is stored as a log compacted topic with brokers holding a "materialized view" in memory - when ownership of a partition of __consumer_offsets moves between brokers the new leader replays the partition to rebuild this view.
I was in several projects that uses Kafka as long term storage, Kafka has no problem with it, specially with the latest versions of Kafka, they introduced something called tiered storage, which give you the possibility in Cloud environment to transfer the older data to slower/cheaper storage.
And you should not worry that much about transactions, in todays IT there are other concepts to deal with it like Event Sourcing, [Boundary Context][3,] yes, you should differently when you are designing your applications, how?, that is explained in this video.
But you are right, your choice about query this data will be limited, easiest way is to use Kafka Streams and KTable but this will be a Key/Value database so you can only ask questions about your data over primary key.
Your next best choice is to implement the Query part of the CQRS with the help of Frameworks like Akka Projection, I wrote a blog about how can you use Akka Projection with Elasticsearch, which you can find here and here.

Is there any way to ensure that duplicate records are not inserted in kafka topic?

I have been trying to implement a queuing mechanism using kafka where I want to ensure that duplicate records are not inserted into topic created.
I found that iteration is possible in consumer. Is there any way by which we can do this in producer thread as well?
This is known as exactly-once processing.
You might be interested in the first part of Kafka FAQ that describes some approaches on how to avoid duplication on data production (i.e. on producer side):
Exactly once semantics has two parts: avoiding duplication during data
production and avoiding duplicates during data consumption.
There are two approaches to getting exactly once semantics during data
Use a single-writer per partition and every time you get a network
error check the last message in that partition to see if your last
write succeeded
Include a primary key (UUID or something) in the
message and deduplicate on the consumer.
If you do one of these things, the log that Kafka hosts will be
duplicate-free. However, reading without duplicates depends on some
co-operation from the consumer too. If the consumer is periodically
checkpointing its position then if it fails and restarts it will
restart from the checkpointed position. Thus if the data output and
the checkpoint are not written atomically it will be possible to get
duplicates here as well. This problem is particular to your storage
system. For example, if you are using a database you could commit
these together in a transaction. The HDFS loader Camus that LinkedIn
wrote does something like this for Hadoop loads. The other alternative
that doesn't require a transaction is to store the offset with the
data loaded and deduplicate using the topic/partition/offset
I think there are two improvements that would make this a lot easier:
Producer idempotence could be done automatically and much more cheaply
by optionally integrating support for this on the server.
The existing
high-level consumer doesn't expose a lot of the more fine grained
control of offsets (e.g. to reset your position). We will be working
on that soon

Kafka: topic compaction notification?

I was given the following architecture that I'm trying to improve.
I receive a stream of DB changes which end up in a compacted topic. The stream is basically key/value pairs and the keyspace is large (~4 GB).
The topic is consumed by one kafka stream process that stores the data in RockDB (separate for each consumer/shard). The processor does two different things:
join the data into another stream.
check if a message from the topic is a new key or an update to an existing one. If it is an update it sends the old key/value and the new key/value pair to a different topic (updates are rare).
The construct has a couple of problems:
The two different functionalities of the stream processor belong to different teams and should not be part of the same code base. They are put together to save memory. If we separate it we would have to duplicate RockDB's.
I would prefer to use a normal KTable join instead of the handcrafted join that's currently in the code.
RockDB seems to be a bit of overkill if the data is already persisted in a topic. We currently running into some performance issues and I assume it would be faster if we just keep everything in memory.
Question 1:
Is there a way to hook into the compaction process of a compacted topic? I would like a notification (to a different topic) for every key that is actually compacted (including the old and new value).
If this is somehow possible I could easily split the code bases apart and simplify the join.
Question 2:
Any other idea on how this can be solved more elegantly?
You overall design makes sense.
About your join semantics: I guess you need to stick with Processor API as regular KTable cannot provide you want. It's also not possible to hook into the compaction process.
However, Kafka Streams also supports in-memory state stores:
RocksDB is used by default, to allow the state to be larger than available main-memory. Spilling to disk with RocksDB to reliability -- however, it also has the advantage, that stores can be recreated quicker if an instance come back online on the same machine, as it's not required to re-read the whole changelog topic.
If you want to split the app into two, is your own decision on how much resources you want to provide.

Failed to rebalance error in Kafka Streams with more than one topic partition

Works fine when source topic partition count = 1. If I bump up the partitions to any value > 1, I see the below error. Applicable to both Low level as well as the DSL API. Any pointers ? What could be missing ?
org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: stream-thread [StreamThread-1] Failed to rebalance
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamThread.runLoop(
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: task [0_1] Store in-memory-avg-store's change log (cpu-streamz-in-memory-avg-store-changelog) does not contain partition 1
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.ProcessorStateManager.register(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.ProcessorContextImpl.register(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals.InMemoryKeyValueStoreSupplier$MemoryStore.init(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals.InMemoryKeyValueLoggedStore.init(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals.MeteredKeyValueStore.init(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.AbstractTask.initializeStateStores(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamTask.<init>(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamThread.createStreamTask(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamThread.addStreamTasks(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamThread.access$100(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamThread$1.onPartitionsAssigned(
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator.onJoinComplete(
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator.joinGroupIfNeeded(
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator.ensureActiveGroup(
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerCoordinator.poll(
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.pollOnce(
at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.poll(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamThread.runLoop(
It's an operational issue. Kafka Streams does not allow to change the number of input topic partitions during its "life time".
If you stop a running Kafka Streams application, change the number of input topic partitions, and restart your app it will break (with the error you see above). It is tricky to fix this for production use cases and it is highly recommended to not change the number of input topic partitions (cf. comment below). For POC/demos it's not difficult to fix though.
In order to fix this, you should reset your application using Kafka's application reset tool:
Using the application reset tool, has the disadvantage that you wipe out your whole application state. Thus, in order to get your application into the same state as before, you need to reprocess the whole input topic from beginning. This is of course only possible, if all input data is still available and nothing got deleted by brokers that applying topic retention time/size policy.
Furthermore you should note, that adding partitions to input topics changes the topic's partitioning schema (be default hash-based partitioning by key). Because Kafka Streams assumes that input topics are correctly partitioned by key, if you use the reset tool and reprocess all data, you might get wrong result as "old" data is partitioned differently than "new" data (ie, data written after adding the new partitions). For production use cases, you would need to read all data from your original topic and write it into a new topic (with increased number of partitions) to get your data partitioned correctly (or course, this step might change the ordering of records with different keys -- what should not be an issue usually -- just wanted to mention it). Afterwards you can use the new topic as input topic for your Streams app.
This repartitioning step can also be done easily within you Streams application by using operator through("new_topic_with_more_partitions") directly after reading the original topic and before doing any actual processing.
In general however, it is recommended to over partition your topics for production use cases, such that you will never need to change the number of partitions later on. The overhead of over partitioning is rather small and saves you a lot of hassle later on. This is a general recommendation if you work with Kafka -- it's not limited to Streams use cases.
One more remark:
Some people might suggest to increase the number of partitions of Kafka Streams internal topics manually. First, this would be a hack and is not recommended for certain reasons.
It might be tricky to figure out what the right number is, as it depends on various factors (as it's a Stream's internal implementation detail).
You also face the problem of breaking the partitioning scheme, as described in the paragraph above. Thus, you application most likely ends up in an inconsistent state.
In order to avoid inconsistent application state, Streams does not delete any internal topics or changes the number of partitions of internal topics automatically, but fails with the error message you reported. This ensure, that the user is aware of all implications by doing the "cleanup" manually.
Btw: For upcoming Kafka 0.10.2 this error message got improved:

Looking for alternative to dynamically creating Kafka topics

I have a service that fetches a snapshot of some information about entities in our system and holds on to that for later processing. Currently in the later processing stages we fetch the information using http.
I want to use Kafka to store this information by dynamically creating topics so that the snapshots aren't mixed up with each other. When the service fetches the entities it creates a unique topic and then each entity we fetch gets pushed to that topic. The later processing stages would be passed the topic as a parameter and can then read all the info at their own leisure.
The benefits of this would be:
Restarting the later stages processing can be made to just restart at the offset it has processed so far.
No need to worry about batching of requests (or stream processing the incoming http response) for the entities if there is a lot of them since we simply read one at a time.
Multiple consumer groups can easily be added later for other processing purposes.
However, Kafka/Zookeeper has some limits on the total number of topics/partitions it can support. As such I would need to delete them either after the processing is done or based on some arbitrary time passing. In addition since (some) of the processors would have to know when all the information has been read I would need to include some sort of "End of Stream" message on the topic.
Two general questions:
Is it bad to dynamically create and delete Kafka topics like this?
Is it bad to include an "End of Stream" type of message?
Main question:
Is there an alternative to the above approach using static topics/partitions that doesn't entail having to hold onto the entities in memory until the processing should occur?
It seems that one “compacted” topic can be an alternative