What's the best way to check if the hardware is up? - linux-device-driver

Currently, we are polling the device to check if its up or not which includes thread to poll and sleep for some time and again poll. The current method does consume a lot of CPU cycles. Is there any better way to do that?.


Akka IO app consumes 100% cpu

I am trying to profile an Akka app that is constantly at or near 100% CPU usage. I took a CPU sample using visualvm. The sample indicates that there are 2 threads that make up 98.9% of CPU usage. 79% of the cpu time was spent on a method called sun.misc.Unsafe. Other answers on SO say that it just means that a thread is waiting but in the native implementation layer (outside of the jvm).
In questions similar to mine, people have been told to look elsewhere without being given specifics. Where should I look to figure out what's causing the cpu spike?
The application is a server that primarily uses Akka IO to listen for TCP socket connections.
Without seeing any of the source code, or even knowing what IO channel you are talking about (sockets, files, etc), there is very little insight that anyone here can give you.
I do have some rather general suggestions though.
First, you should be using reactive techniques and reactive IO in your application. This issue could be occurring because you are polling the status of some resource in a tight loop, or using a blocking call when you should be using a reactive one. This tends to be an anti-pattern and a performance drain exactly because you can spend CPU cycles doing nothing but "actively waiting". I recommend double checking for:
resource polling
blocking calls
system calls
disk flushes
waiting on a Future when it would be appropriate to map it instead
Second, you should NOT be using Mutexes or other thread synchronization in your application. If so, then you might be suffering from a live-lock. Unlike dead-locks, live-locks manifest with symptoms like 100% CPU usage as threads constantly lock and unlock concurrency primitives in an attempt to "catch them all". Wikipedia has a nice technical description of what a live lock looks like. With Akka in place you shouldn't have any need to use Mutexes or any thread synchronization primitives. If you are then you probably need to re-design your application.
Third, you should be throttling IO (as well as error handling like reconnection attempts). This issue could be occurring because your system lacks effective throttling. Often with data channels we leave their bandwidth unconstrained. However this can become an issue when that channel reaches 100% saturation and begins to steal resources from other parts of the system. This can happen, for example, if you are moving large files around without a reasonable limit.
Alternatively, you also need to throttle connection retries when you encounter any errors, rather than retrying immediately. Lots of systems will attempt to reconnect to a server if they lose their connection. While normally desirable, this can lead to problematic behavior if you use a naive reconnection strategy. For example, imagine a network client that was written this way:
class MyClient extends Client {
... other code...
def onDisconnect() = {
Every time the Client disconnects for ANY reason it will attempt to reconnect. You can see how this would cause a tight loop between the error handling code and the Client if the Wifi cut-out or a network cable was unplugged.
Fourth, your application should have well defined data sources and sinks. Your issue could be caused by a "data loop", that is some set of Akka actors that are just sending messages to the next actor in the chain, with the last actor sending the message back to the first actor in the chain. Make sure you have a clear and definite way for messages to enter and exit your system.
Fifth, use appropriate profiling and instrumentation for your application. Instrument your application using Kamon or Coda Hale's Metrics library.
Finding an appropriate profiler will be more difficult, since we as a community have far to go to develop mature tools for reactive applications. Personally I have found visualvm useful, but not always overwhelmingly helpful for detecting code paths that are CPU bound. The issue is that sampling profilers are only able to collect data when the JVM reaches a safepoint. This has the potential to bias certain code paths. The fix is to use a profiler that supports AsyncGetStackTrace.
Best of luck! And please add more context if you can.

How/does DMA handle multiple concurrent transfers?

I am working on implementing a VM and trying to model all the different hardware components as accurately as possible, just for pure learning purposes.
My question is, how does a DMA device handle multiple concurrent transfer requests? From what I understand a DMA device has several registers to set the location in memory, the type of operation (read or write) and the number of bytes, so what happens when the CPU requests an operation from DMA, puts the thread to sleep and then the next thread that runs also requests a DMA operation while the previous one is still in progress? Is this even supported?
Unless you're talking about ancient, ISA-era hardware, DMA nowadays is handled by the device itself taking ownership of the bus and requesting the data directly from the RAM. See the Wikipedia article on Bus Mastering for more information.
Therefore, it is really up to any individual device how to handle DMA, so not much can be said for the general case. However, most simple devices just support a single DMA operation at a time; if the host wants to submit two DMA operations, it would simply wait for the first DMA to complete (being notified by an interrupt) and then instruct the device to do the second one, the OS putting the requesting thread to sleep while the first DMA is in progress. There are certainly variations, however, such as using a command-buffer that can specify multiple (DMA-involving or not) operations for the device to do in sequence without interrupting the CPU between each.
I doubt there are very many devices at all that try to carry out multiple transfers simultaneously, however, seeing as how interleaving DRAM accesses would just hurt performance anyway. But I wouldn't exclude their existence, especially if the operations involve very large transfers.
In the end, you'll just have to read up on the particular device you're trying to emulate.

Are events built on polling?

an event is when you click on something, and code is run right away
polling is when the application constantly checks if your mouse button is held down, and if it's held down in a certain spot, code is run
do events really exist in computing, or is it all a layer built on polling?
This is a complicated question, and the answer depends on how far down you go (in abstraction layers) to answer it. Ultimately, your USB keyboard device is being polled once per millisecond by the computer to ask what keys are being held down. This information gets passed to the keyboard driver through a CPU interrupt when the USB device (in the computer) gets a packet of data from the keyboard. From then on, interrupts are used to pass the data from process to process (through the GUI framework) and eventually reach your application.
As Marc Cohen said in his answer, CPU interrupts are also raised to signal I/O completion. This is an example of something which has no polling until you get to the hardware level, where checks are performed (perhaps once per clock cycle? Someone with more experience with computer architecture should answer) to see if the event has taken place.
It's a common technique to simulate events by polling but that's often very inefficient and leads to a dilemma where you have a tradeoff between event resolution and polling overhead but that doesn't mean true events don't exist.
A CPU interrupt, which could be raised to signal an external event, like I/O completion, is an example of an event all the way down at the hardware layer.
Well, both operating system and application level depend on events not polling. Polling is usually possible where states cannot be maintained. On desktop applications and OS levels however, applications have states; so, they use events for their processes, not polling.

Ideal data polling method?

I have to continuously poll data from an external board via USB. How should I go about doing this in the scripting side? Is there any threading concept or something else? The data has to be polled every 20 milliseconds.
For connecting to the USB here is an example:
For C# Synchronize Wait / Poll methods:
C# Synchronize Wait / Poll methods
Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful. If you provide more information it might make a solution more oblivious.

How to run CFSocket on a background thread for more accurate ping time?

I am modifying Apple’s SimplePing example to do an ICMP ping for an iPhone app. The code wraps a native socket in a CFSocket object specifying a read callback, then adds it as a run loop source on the main thread. When a packet is sent to the socket, the callback is invoked to time the round trip, verify the contents, update the UI, etc.
What would be the best approach for moving this processing to a background thread so the ping time is as accurate as possible? I need to measure the precise time between the call to the socket “sendto” method and the callback invocation without interruption.
Any examples or pseudo code would be extremely helpful. I have done a lot of reading on threading in Cocoa (NSThread vs. NSOperation, NSRunLoop, etc.), but so far, I can’t quite piece it all together.
Do you need to support iOS 3.x? If not, you could look into using Grand Central Dispatch; in this scenario, you would specify the socket as a source for a dispatch queue and give it the highest priority.