Ideal data polling method? - unity3d

I have to continuously poll data from an external board via USB. How should I go about doing this in the scripting side? Is there any threading concept or something else? The data has to be polled every 20 milliseconds.

For connecting to the USB here is an example:
For C# Synchronize Wait / Poll methods:
C# Synchronize Wait / Poll methods
Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful. If you provide more information it might make a solution more oblivious.


Which is best polling or realtime for google applications like Gmail or Google Drive?

In general everyone say realtime is best for the performance of the application but is it good to have all the applications as realtime ??
There are some cases where polling might be better than real-time streaming. Essentially, it's when you have a massive event stream and the client cannot easily cope with this stream in real time. For example, you are pushing tons of events to a mobile device that dequeues the data more slowly than the producer. In such a case, thanks to polling, the client could ask for a new batch of data, process it quietly, than ask for another batch. Of course, all this makes sense if the data producer (the server) is able to resample the data flow so that at each request, it doesn't need to send all the same data it would send when streaming.
So, to go back to your specific question, both Gmail and Google Drive do not produce so much real-time data to need polling (I know this sounds counterintuitive!), and I would then say that real-time streaming would always be better than polling. But streaming is a bit more delicate than polling). You must monitor if the connection is healthy. It could be half-closed or half-opened and you need bidirectional heartbeats to make sure it's fully alive. In case of disconnection, you must be able to automatically reconnect and restore the state before the connection broke.

redis- Should I use redis to store chat messages?

So I am currently working on a chat, and I wonder if I could use Redis to store the chat messages. The messages will be only at the web and I want at least a chat history of 20 messages for each private chat. The Chats subscribers will be already stored in MongoDB.
I mainly want to use Redis, because I get rid of the MongoDB stuff, for more speed.
I already use Pub/Sub, but what about storing a copy in Redis Lists? Also what about reading statuses, how could I implement that?
Redis only loses data in case of power outage, if the system is shutdown properly, it will save its data and in this case, data won't be lost.
It is good approach to dump data from redis to mongoDb/anyotherDb when a size limit is reached or on date basis (weekly or monthly) so that your realtime chat database stays light weighted.
Many modern systems now a days prepare for power outage, a ups will run and the system will shutdown properly.
see :
Also what about reading statuses, how could I implement that?
Depends on protocol you are implementing, if you are using xmpp, see this.
Otherwise, you can use a property in message model for e.g "DeliveryStatus" and set it to your enums (1. Sent, 2. Delivered, 3. Read). Mark message as Sent as soon as it is received at server. For Delivered and Read, your clients will send you back packets indicating the respective action has occurred.
As pointed in the comment above, the important thing to consider here is the persistency model. Redis offers some persistency (with snapshots and aof-files). The important thing is to first understand what you need:
can you afford to lose all the data? can you afford to lose some of the data? if the answer is no, then perhaps you should not bother with redis.

Windows IOCP for real time

I have a question related to IOCP networking strategy for our C++ server application.
Our server simulates a lot of devices which speak over UDP with short (less than 2K) messages. The server is also bound by a soft real-time constraint of 70-100 milliseconds. Currently the networking part of the application was developed with a thread being started for every socket, which leads to hundreds of threads being started. Their job is to watch for the UDP sockets, and when the data arrives, copy it into the queue of our real-time thread.
We are being asked to support more and more devices and I was thinking that rewriting the communication module using IOCP our server would be more efficient. I developed a prototype based on the code I was able to find online, but the combination of
WSARecvFrom (Initiates receive)
OnDataRecieved (A method of my class that gets called when data is copied into my buffer)
does not seem efficient at all. The gaps between data arrival on a given socket are 500-600 milliseconds.
I only started prototyping and did not profile a whole lot.
My question are:
Can IOCP be used for my scenario or is it designed for high throughput only?
Will WSAAsyncSelect (with hidden windows) be more efficient for my use case?
Thanks in advance,
I noticed while profiling that the problem starts with:
- WSASendTo
- GetQueuedCompletionStatus
- OnDataSent
Looks like GetQueuedCompletionStatus doesn't wake up fast enough.

.Net 4.5 TCP Server scale to thousands of connected clients

I need to build a TCP server using C# .NET 4.5+, it must be capable of comfortably handling at least 3,000 connected clients that will be send messages every 10 seconds and with a message size from 250 to 500 bytes.
The data will be offloaded to another process or queue for batch processing and logging.
I also need to be able to select an existing client to send and receive messages (greater then 500 bytes) messages within a windows forms application.
I have not built an application like this before so my knowledge is based on the various questions, examples and documentation that I have found online.
My conclusion is:
non-blocking async is the way to go. Stay away from creating multiple threads and blocking IO.
SocketAsyncEventArgs - Is complex and really only needed for very large systems, BTW what constitutes a very large system? :-)
BeginXXX methods will suffice (EAP).
Using TAP I can simplify 3. by using Task.Factory.FromAsync, but it only produces the same outcome.
Use a global collection to keep track of the connected tcp clients
What I am unsure about:
Should I use a ManualResetEvent when interacting with the TCP Client collection? I presume the asyc events will need to lock access to this collection.
Best way to detect a disconnected client after I have called BeginReceive. I've found the call is stuck waiting for a response so this needs to be cleaned up.
Sending messages to a specific TCP Client. I'm thinking function in custom TCP session class to send a message. Again in an async model, would I need to create a timer based process that inspects a message queue or would I create an event on a TCP Session class that has access to the TcpClient and associated stream? Really interested in opinions here.
I'd like to use a thread for the entire service and use non-blocking principals within, are there anythings I should be mindful of espcially in context of 1. ManualResetEvent etc..
Thank you for reading. I am keen to hear constructive thoughts and or links to best practices/examples. It's been a while since I've coded in c# so apologies if some of my questions are obvious. Tasks, async/await are new to me! :-)
I need to build a TCP server using C# .NET 4.5+
Well, the first thing to determine is whether it has to be base-bones TCP/IP. If you possibly can, write one that uses a higher-level abstraction, like SignalR or WebAPI. If you can write one using WebSockets (SignalR), then do that and never look back.
Your conclusions sound pretty good. Just a few notes:
SocketAsyncEventArgs - Is complex and really only needed for very large systems, BTW what constitutes a very large system? :-)
It's not so much a "large" system in the terms of number of connections. It's more a question of how much traffic is in the system - the number of reads/writes per second.
The only thing that SocketAsyncEventArgs does is make your I/O structures reusable. The Begin*/End* (APM) APIs will create a new IAsyncResult for each I/O operation, and this can cause pressure on the garbage collector. SocketAsyncEventArgs is essentially the same as IAsyncResult, only it's reusable. Note that there are some examples on the 'net that use the SocketAsyncEventArgs APIs without reusing the SocketAsyncEventArgs structures, which is completely ridiculous.
And there's no guidelines here: heavier hardware will be able to use the APM APIs for much more traffic. As a general rule, you should build a barebones APM server and load test it first, and only move to SAEA if it doesn't work on your target server's hardware.
On to the questions:
Should I use a ManualResetEvent when interacting with the TCP Client collection? I presume the asyc events will need to lock access to this collection.
If you're using TAP-based wrappers, then await will resume on a captured context by default. I explain this in my blog post on async/await.
There are a couple of approaches you can take here. I have successfully written a reliable and performant single-threaded TCP/IP server; the equivalent for modern code would be to use something like my AsyncContextThread class. It provides a context that will cause await to resume on that same thread by default.
The nice thing about single-threaded servers is that there's only one thread, so no synchronization or coordination is necessary. However, I'm not sure how well a single-threaded server would scale. You may want to give that a try and see how much load it can take.
If you do find you need multiple threads, then you can just use async methods on the thread pool; await will not have a captured context and so will resume on a thread pool thread. In this case, yes, you'd need to coordinate access to any shared data structures including your TCP client collection.
Note that SignalR will handle all of this for you. :)
Best way to detect a disconnected client after I have called BeginReceive. I've found the call is stuck waiting for a response so this needs to be cleaned up.
This is the half-open problem, which I discuss in detail on my blog. The best way (IMO) to solve this is to periodically send a "noop" keepalive message to each client.
If modifying the protocol isn't possible, then the next-best solution is to just close the connection after a no-communication timeout. This is how HTTP "persistent"/"keep-alive" connections decide to close. There's another possibile solution (changing the keepalive packet settings on the socket), but it's not as easy (requires p/Invoke) and has other problems (not always respected by routers, not supported by all OS TCP/IP stacks, etc).
Oh, and SignalR will handle this for you. :)
Sending messages to a specific TCP Client. I'm thinking function in custom TCP session class to send a message. Again in an async model, would I need to create a timer based process that inspects a message queue or would I create an event on a TCP Session class that has access to the TcpClient and associated stream? Really interested in opinions here.
If your server can send messages to any client (i.e., it's not just a request/response protocol; any part of the server can send messages to any client without the client requesting an update), then yes, you'll need a proper queue of outgoing requests because you can't (reliably) issue multiple concurrent writes on a socket. I wouldn't have the consumer be timer-based, though; there are async-compatible producer/consumer queues available (like BufferBlock<T> from TPL Dataflow, and it's not that hard to write one if you have async-compatible locks and condition variables).
Oh, and SignalR will handle this for you. :)
I'd like to use a thread for the entire service and use non-blocking principals within, are there anythings I should be mindful of espcially in context of 1. ManualResetEvent etc..
If your entire service is single-threaded, then you shouldn't need any coordination primitives at all. However, if you do use the thread pool instead of syncing back to the main thread (for scalability reasons), then you will need to coordinate. I have a coordination primitives library that you may find useful because its types have both synchronous and asynchronous APIs. This allows, e.g., one method to block on a lock while another method wants to asynchronously block on a lock.
You may have noticed a recurring theme around SignalR. Use it if you possibly can! If you have to write a bare-bones TCP/IP server and can't use SignalR, then take your initial time estimate and triple it. Seriously. Then you can get started down the path of painful TCP with my TCP/IP FAQ blog series.

Advice - Real time data processing from client to server

I am looking for advice/guidance on how to achieve the following:
I have a circuit mounted and connected to an Arduino and I am able to easily retrieve data from it, using Python and the pySerial module. It allows me to determine the value of an analog input over time.
At the moment I am storing that data to a file, with a time stamp and the correspondent value and I would love to hear opinions and thoughts on how I could 'share' this data to a web server and 'play' it live.
Is it possible to 'stream' the values into the dump file and retrieve data from it at the same time through an AJAX request or should I look into event-driven web servers like 'Tornado', 'Twisted'...
I am a bit lost here. Just for the record, I am comfortable with PHP and JavaScript for the final output, I just don't have a clue on how to constantly 'stream' the data I need.
Thanks in advance.
If you don't plan to update the Ardunio device too much then it would make sense to have the Python component continue to collect the data over the serial port and publish it in a way that can easily be consumed by a service which can distribute the information in a more efficient, and probably flexible, manner.
read the data from the serial port and publish messages onto a message queue. The message queue can then be read by any other component and the data can then be distributed to other applications/clients.
Make a web call to a server that can process each update and distribute to other applications/clients.
You could use something like Pusher (who I work for) and make a call to the REST API to deliver each message to any connected clients. Whilst this is a good way of distributing your data you will be publishing your data even if no clients are listening so I think you are best to get the data to a component like a web server first.
Assuming you go with 1 or 2, you can then use realtime web solution to distribute the data to any number of clients. You could use Pusher here or you could use a self hosted solution.
So, the data flow as I see it would be:
Ardunio -> small Python app -> Queue (or HTTP request to Web server) -> Realtime Web Technology -> Many clients