How to switch fit mode to cloud mode in one AP router? - router

I am trying to switch fit mode to cloude mode in a H3C AP router(WA6320-C):
[H3C probe] wlan-mode cloud
but the code isn't work, and it said:
% Unrecognized command found at '^' position.
How to figure it out?


Using Enter as Accelerator in MATLAB UIMenu

I'm building a GUI in MATLAB and currently adding custom menus using uimenu. I'm trying to add different accelerators to different menu actions.
I've found that passing char(10) (newline) as the accelerator character in uimenu (see below) matlab adds Ctrl+ Enter as that menu's accelerator label. The problem is that it will not run the callback when I hit Ctrl+ Enter.
Any ideas why this doesn't work? Am I missing something? Is the Ctrl+ Enter for "run current section" cancelling my call? In that case, can I override it?
A quick demonstrative example of how MATLAB will not accept Ctrl+ Enter
function test
close all
function hittest(h,~)
As you've stated, it appears the main application has registered this accelerator and is therefore preventing your GUI from intercepting this call.
You could try to change MATLAB's keyboard shortcut in the shortcut preferences dialog. Note that this will only affect your installation of MATLAB.
If you start MATLAB in -nodesktop mode, then this will prevent the MATLAB IDE from launching the IDE and should free up the accelerator for your use.
matlab -nodesktop
Since you mention that this will be a deployed application, you could always use isdeployed to check if it is being run as a deployed application and if it's not then you could use an alternate keyboard shortcut so you don't have to continuously start MATLAB without an IDE
if ~isdeployed
% Use some other keyboard shortcut for testing
set(hmenu, 'Accelerator', <some other key for testing>)
% Use the enter key on deployed applications
set(hmenu, 'Accelerator', char(10))
You could also make it so that any time your app is deployed or matlab is being run with -nodesktop it would use the enter key:
if usejava('desktop')
% Use some other keyboard shortcut for testing
set(hmenu, 'Accelerator', <some other key for testing>)
% Use the enter key on deployed applications
set(hmenu, 'Accelerator', char(10))

How to debug program after specific iteration in Matlab

I need your help. I want debug a matlab code after specific iteration.
Suppose the following is the code:
[m n]=size(im);
for i=1:2:m-1
for j=1:2:n-1
enter into a function
Suppose, when i = 505 and j = 460, the program will enter into the Debug Mode, and then I will debug the rest of the code using STEP IN (F11)
Please help me. Please please please......
Many thanks in advance.
- Jessy
As others have stated in the comments, you can use conditional breakpoints. It is important to point out that this can be done both interactively through the MATLAB editor or programmatically
Furthermore, you can also combine conditionals within your code and the use of keyboard to be able to interact with the code at a specific location.
for i=1:2:m-1
for j=1:2:n-1
if i == 505 && j == 460
keyboard % Now you can step through the "do stuff" below
% do stuff
As a side note, a REALLY useful debugging tip is to actually set dbstop to be triggered when ANY error is thrown.
dbstop if error
This will set a breakpoint right where any failure occurs. You can then use all the editor debugging tools or debugging commands (dbup, dbdown, dbstep, etc.) to go to where the real issue lies and look at the current state.

Matlab control+enter key on figure

I want to capture when the user holds down the control key and presses the enter key on a figure window. Note: This is the default keys for "Evaluate Current Section" in the editor.
See example code below:
function test
f = figure;
f.KeyPressFcn = #myKeyPressFcn;
function myKeyPressFcn ( hFig, event )
cm = hFig.CurrentModifier();
if ~isempty ( cm )
fprintf ( 'CurrentKey: %s:%s\n', cm{1}, hFig.CurrentKey );
fprintf ( 'CurrentKey: %s\n', hFig.CurrentKey );
To reproduce save the above in an active file in the editor and run the function - the editor needs to be open (this is important!!).
With the figure active press any key -> the selected key is written to the terminal window. However if you hold down Control and press the enter (return) key then this is not captured but instead Matlab attempts to "Evaluate Current Section" (or cell as it used to be called) in the editor (no matter that the figure has the focus). This of course throws as error...
I have contacted Matlab support and this is "expected behaviour!". I can (just about) see why it might be a good idea for demos - but for professional applications that run in Matlab I personally think this "feature" is a bug!!
When the editor is closed the control+enter is captured in the figure
In deployed applications the control+enter is captured.
If I manually change the Evaluate Current Section shortcut then control+enter is captured.
I have tried a number of things to resolve this but none have worked, for example hiding the editor or setting editor enable state to false (neither of these are acceptable solutions - I was trying to see what I could get to work on a small test case...):
function test
desktop = com.mathworks.mde.desk.MLDesktop.getInstance;
jEditor = desktop.getGroupContainer('Editor').getTopLevelAncestor;
f = figure
f.KeyPressFcn = #myKeyPressFcn;
The only way I can get it to work is to close all of the editor files on launching the GUI and then opening them again when the GUI closes (this is not an acceptable solution... - for fairly obvious reasons!!)
I did think about trying to temporarily modify the shortcut key (Preferences-Keyboard-Shortcuts) of the "Evaluate Current Section" -> but haven't worked out a way to do it from the commandline, and then set it back again when finished. If this is fast you could do it when the user presses and releases the control key.
So what am I asking:
If possible I need a solution that will work for anyone anywhere - as if I can get this to work it will be included in a new add-on feature in my Matlab GUI Toolbox. - which is used by people all over the world.
Do you know how to modify the keyboard shortcuts from the commandline - if so how!
Any other suggestions?
My other idea is to change my shortcut to a different key combination - but wheres the fun in that! :) (I will still have the issue if some user somewhere has altered the execute the current cell to my new combination...)
P.S. Thanks for reading this far down!! :)
Why don't you go to the home> Preferences > keyboard > Shortcutand change it there?
you only need to hit Ctrl + Enter in the black box at top of the page for searching the related command, which is here Evaluate Current Section and change it whatever you like.
Please bear in mind you will only need to split out your windows (Undock them). Then, when you click on Ctrl + Enter, it will do whatever you would like.
I hope you find this answer helpful.
You can try the solution from my FEX submission. The KbTimer is motivated by the need to capture keyboard stroke without the need of GUI that designed either by GUIDE or APP DESIGNER. Note that the implementation of function was inspired from the PsychToolbox which is MEX based.

How to debug matlab code without gui

I have recently started using MATLAB without GUI by starting matlab with -nodesktop option and it is considerably faster.
However presently I have no way to debug a .m script in non gui mode. I have to open the default matlab editor every time I have to debug.Has anyone figured out a way to do it?
Thanks in advance
I am using Ubuntu Linux, in case that helps.
To set breakpoints with the command line, dbstop is the tool (plus dbclear to clear breakpoints and dbstatus to list them).
There are presently 17 different forms to dbstop, which allow you to specify various combinations of:
The M-file in which to stop
Line number
Conditional to an arbitrary expression. For example,
dbstop in myFun.m at 224 if ~exist('x','var')
At any run-time error (dbstop if error)
At a specific error (e.g dbstop if error myFun.m:barErrorId)
At any warning (dbstop if warning) or specific warning
If NaN or Inf are encountered (dbstop if naninf)
See the documentation for dbstop for details and good examples.
Also get used to dbcont (or F5), dbstep (or F10), dbquit (Shift+F5), dbstep (also dbstep in, dbstep out), dbstack (to see where you are and how you got there). The keyboard shortcuts may be different outside of Windows.
Far less used, but still very useful are dbup and dbdown, which allow you to switch workspace context (memory stacks).
See the summary of functions and a list of examples and how-to pages in the MathWorks page on Debugging.
Related to the "db" functions is checkcode, which will check your code for possible problems before you even run it. This is a nice substitute for the red squiggly underlines that you would get in the MATLAB Editor.
Once you get a hang of dbstop and it's syntax, you won't often need to insert a keyboard into your code, but it's always an option.
Try placing the keyboard command in your code to insert a breakpoint. When the keyboard command is reached, MATLAB will drop into an interactive prompt that you can use to inspect variables. For example:
x = rand(10,10);
y = rand(10,5);
z = x * y;
keyboard; % you can interactively inspect x, y, z here
z = sort(z);
To leave keyboard mode, you can type dbquit to exit the program, or return to continue executing the program.
Another trick is to turn on dbstop if error which will automatically drop you into an interactive prompt whenever your code crashes.
You can use MATLAB -Dgdb if that helps. This sets gdb as the debugger. You will need to be familiar with gdb of course.
Once you do that, use the standard gdb commands to debug it.
My mistake. Above won't work for M-Files. (Not having MATLAB to try things out is a pain :)
MATLAB has a pretty good set of debugging commands you can use from the commandline. If you insert keyboard commands in your MATLAB code, you can then use the commands.
You can use MATLAB's editor debug button to debug within MATLAB environment

Detect Keyboard Input Matlab

I have a simple question, although it's harder than it seems; I couldn't find the answer on the interwebs :O
I'm writing a script in Matlab. What I want to do is the following:
When I press the esc key, I want a helpdialogue to pop up, so my script pauses. (So when I press esc, I want to stop the whole script to run so that the car (which im writing the script for) stops driving)
How do I do this? How can I say to Matlab: When I press esc, do this...
Thanks for your time guys!
EDIT: It's no option to implement something which awaits the keypress. Im writing a script for a driving car. It just has to drive around basically, but when I press esc for example, it should stop driving. So the script just has to run, untill I press the esc key; then the script has to pause.
KeyPressFcn is good because it forces you to write event-driven code. Which is generally a good idea! However, if KeyPressFcn doesn't seem right for you, for example if you must keep running in a loop, and you just want to poll whether a key has been pressed, I found this solution buried in the matlab website:
Then you could set this property to a blank, and poll it as required.
set(gcf,'CurrentCharacter','#'); % set to a dummy character
while ~finish
% do things in loop...
% check for keys
if k~='#' % has it changed from the dummy character?
set(gcf,'CurrentCharacter','#'); % reset the character
% now process the key as required
if k=='q', finish=true; end
This worked well for me in 2014b. The downside is that the graphics window needs to be focused to receive the key events.
In a matlab figure you can define a 'KeyPressFcn' that works similar to do what you ask.
If you are in the console you have to work around that matlab is single threaded. Basically you need to halt the program flow to check for key presses.
btw - also when you use 'KeyPressFcn' you will need to make some pauses so that Matlab will check if anything has happened.
btw2 - I should also add during this pauses Matlab will not only read your key presses - but also do some housekeeping such as redrawing its window and stuff.
I frequently ran into similar use cases and typically preferred to react to joystick buttons because of the more convenient interface provided by vrjoystick. However, I recently wrote a library that provides a similar interface for keyboard inputs.
% Pause on ESC
kb = HebiKeyboard();
while true
state = read(kb);
if state.ESC
It's non-blocking and doesn't require focus on any particular figure.
File Exchange:
I had a related task once, and i did it with getkey form matlab file exchange.
Basicly you will want to have it listen for ascii 1B (27 decimal)
if getkey does not solve your problem you can still have a look at its code and maybe find the line that will do the trick for you.