How to debug program after specific iteration in Matlab - matlab

I need your help. I want debug a matlab code after specific iteration.
Suppose the following is the code:
[m n]=size(im);
for i=1:2:m-1
for j=1:2:n-1
enter into a function
Suppose, when i = 505 and j = 460, the program will enter into the Debug Mode, and then I will debug the rest of the code using STEP IN (F11)
Please help me. Please please please......
Many thanks in advance.
- Jessy

As others have stated in the comments, you can use conditional breakpoints. It is important to point out that this can be done both interactively through the MATLAB editor or programmatically
Furthermore, you can also combine conditionals within your code and the use of keyboard to be able to interact with the code at a specific location.
for i=1:2:m-1
for j=1:2:n-1
if i == 505 && j == 460
keyboard % Now you can step through the "do stuff" below
% do stuff
As a side note, a REALLY useful debugging tip is to actually set dbstop to be triggered when ANY error is thrown.
dbstop if error
This will set a breakpoint right where any failure occurs. You can then use all the editor debugging tools or debugging commands (dbup, dbdown, dbstep, etc.) to go to where the real issue lies and look at the current state.


Keep Matlab from stepping into built in functions during dbstop if error

I use dbstop error a lot when working in Matlab. A good portion of the time, a mistake causes errors to be thrown inside of built-in [m-file] functions, which then causes Matlab to stop execution and open the file. However, it's almost never helpful to debug inside of the built-in file, so this ends up disrupting my workflow. Might there be a way to set things up so that Matlab backs out of the built-in file in the debugger (never opening it), leaving me at the function call?
Although I've never found a way to tackle this problem properly, it's fairly easy to hack together a workaround:
Create a script containing something along these lines:
S = dbstack();
file_paths = cellfun(#which, {S.file}, 'UniformOutput', false);
builtins = ~cellfun('isempty', strfind(file_paths, matlabroot()));
stack_depth = find(~builtins, 1, 'first');
for ii = 1:stack_depth-1
dbup(); end
Save it somewhere that makes sense to you, and place a shortcut to it in the MATLAB toolbar.
Then, whenever this problem occurs, you just click on your little shortcut, which will automatically take you to the first non-builtin function in the debug stack.
Based on Rody's answer and feedback from Mathworks, this is the closest you can get at this point (R2016b):
S = dbstack('-completenames');
builtins = ~cellfun('isempty', strfind({S(:).file}, matlabroot()));
stack_depth = find(~builtins, 1, 'first');
hDocument = matlab.desktop.editor.findOpenDocument(S(1).file);
if stack_depth == 2
This shortcut will:
Open up the closest user function to the correct line.
Close the builtin function that opened when the error was thrown.
If the error happened only one level away from a user function, switch to that workspace.
The problem is that dbup() only works once - after the call, execution in the script stops. There's no function to switch to an arbitrary place in the stack.

Seeing which part of code MatLab is currently running [duplicate]

Is there any way to stop the execution of a matlab program from the debugger like ctrl+c does, but then being able to continue execution (like you can in say c#)?
If not, is there any better way to workaround this other than trying to pre-emptively set break points or dbstop statements in your matlab code?
I would like to be able to interrupt a long running simulation to look at the current state and then continue the simulation.
The two options I'm currently using/considering are
dbstop commands (or (conditional) breakpoints) in the code.
Drawback is that sometimes I don't want to stop the simulation for a few hours, sometimes want to stop after only a few seconds (and I don't necessarily know that in advance) and this doesn't work well with this approach: If I set the break condition to break every 5 minutes, I can't leave matlab running for hours without interaction. If I set the condition to higher, I have to wait too long for the condition to hit.
include code to save the workspace every few seconds/minutes and import the workspace into a second matlab instance. Drawback is that this is a huge hassle and also doesn't necessarily allows me to resume the simulation with the state of the saved workspace then step through the code for a few iterations.
I'm hoping there is a better solution than either of the 2. Thanks for any advice!
Edit: I think what I'm going to do is write simple matlab function that checks an environment variable or a file on disk every iteration and calls dbstop if I set a flag in this file or env. This way I can control when (and if needed which of several) the breakpoint hits from outside matlab by editing the file. Messy, but should work.
This is not necessarily the best way, but you could simulate a file-based signal/interrupt framework. It could be done by checking every once in a while inside the long simulation loop for the existence of a specific file. If it does, you enter interactive mode using the keyboard command.
Something along the lines:
CHECK_EVERY = 10; %# like a polling rate
i = 1; %# loop counter
while true %# long running loop
if rem(i,CHECK_EVERY) == 0 && exist('debug.txt','file')
fprintf('%f seconds since last time.\n', toc)
%# ... long calculations ...
i = i + 1;
You would run your simulation as usual. When you would like to step in the code, simply create a file debug.txt (manually that is), and the execution will halt and you get the prompt:
2.803095 seconds since last time.
You could then inspect your variables as usual... To continue, simply run return (dont forget to temporarily rename or remove the file). In order to exit, use dbquit
EDIT: Just occurred to me, instead of checking for files, an easier solution would be to use a dummy figure as the flag (as long as the figure is open, keep running).
hFig = figure; drawnow
while true
if ~ishandle(hFig)
hFig = figure; drawnow
%# ...
With the release of R2016a, you can just hit the Pause button in the code editor and it will halt right away. The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+F5.
To pause the execution of a program while it is running, in the Editor tab, click the Pause button. MATLAB pauses execution at the next executable line*.
When your code is running, the Start button will turn into a pause:
Another change with this release is the ability to add/remove breakpoints while running. Previously you couldn't do this, apparently.
You can set a conditional breakpoint in the MATLAB Editor. You can also use DBSTOP to do this. For example, this will set a conditional breakpoint in the file myFcn at line 20 which will stop execution when a loop variable i is a multiple of 500:
dbstop in myFcn.m at 20 if rem(i,500) == 0
Then you can continue execution after you inspect some of your variables.
If saving the workspace to a file is a good proxy for what you want, how about making a simple GUI with a toggle button. In your code, check the state of the button. If the button is depressed, save the state, update a static text to reflect time stamp of last save, unpress the button. Optionally, have a conditional breakpoint based on the state of that toggle button.
Here is an alternate solution using the waitinput File Exchange submission.
The advantage is that you can use it from whithin the current session or in cases where it is troublesome to set up a file. Also it won't leave a file behind on the computer.
The downside is there as well unfortunately, you need to wait for the checking moment before you can terminate and it costs a little bit of time.
for t = 1:10
pause(3) %Doing some calculations
str = waitinput('Enter 1 if you want to stop ',5);
if ~isnan(str)
keyboard; % Enter dbcont if you want to continue from here
['moving on, it is now: ' datestr(now)]
pause(3) %Doing some more calculations
If you want, you can prevent lines being printed to the screen. In this case you need to enter the input at the time the figure window is open (Look in your start bar on windows).
To summarize, the short code that you can put somewhere like a conditional breakpoint would be:
if ~isnan(waitinput('',5))
After certain version (I don't know which one exactly):
Windows: Ctrl + F5
Mac: Command + F5 (I guess)
Unix: I am looking for answer too
After 2016a, there is a button for that on the interface too.

Debugging functions in matlab

Question: Is there a preferred way to debug functions in matlab?
If I all calculations in a script, then every variable is in the workspace and I can easily query them to find out what's not working right. However, if I use a function, then only my outputs are visible and I can't see what's going wrong. I understand there are ways of getting around this, but thusfar they seem to be more trouble than just making one, long ugly, script. So how do YOU debug functions in matlab? Is there a preferred/efficient way of doing this?
I always make sure to enable "Stop If Error" in the Breakpoints menu and if I want to debug a specific function I set a breakpoint at the first line in that function (or at the point of interest). Note that "clear all", which is common in the beginning of scripts deletes all break points. Use "clear variables" instead.
See MATLAB settings - stop if errors for more info on how to make the Stop If Error persist when you restart Matlab.

How to debug matlab code without gui

I have recently started using MATLAB without GUI by starting matlab with -nodesktop option and it is considerably faster.
However presently I have no way to debug a .m script in non gui mode. I have to open the default matlab editor every time I have to debug.Has anyone figured out a way to do it?
Thanks in advance
I am using Ubuntu Linux, in case that helps.
To set breakpoints with the command line, dbstop is the tool (plus dbclear to clear breakpoints and dbstatus to list them).
There are presently 17 different forms to dbstop, which allow you to specify various combinations of:
The M-file in which to stop
Line number
Conditional to an arbitrary expression. For example,
dbstop in myFun.m at 224 if ~exist('x','var')
At any run-time error (dbstop if error)
At a specific error (e.g dbstop if error myFun.m:barErrorId)
At any warning (dbstop if warning) or specific warning
If NaN or Inf are encountered (dbstop if naninf)
See the documentation for dbstop for details and good examples.
Also get used to dbcont (or F5), dbstep (or F10), dbquit (Shift+F5), dbstep (also dbstep in, dbstep out), dbstack (to see where you are and how you got there). The keyboard shortcuts may be different outside of Windows.
Far less used, but still very useful are dbup and dbdown, which allow you to switch workspace context (memory stacks).
See the summary of functions and a list of examples and how-to pages in the MathWorks page on Debugging.
Related to the "db" functions is checkcode, which will check your code for possible problems before you even run it. This is a nice substitute for the red squiggly underlines that you would get in the MATLAB Editor.
Once you get a hang of dbstop and it's syntax, you won't often need to insert a keyboard into your code, but it's always an option.
Try placing the keyboard command in your code to insert a breakpoint. When the keyboard command is reached, MATLAB will drop into an interactive prompt that you can use to inspect variables. For example:
x = rand(10,10);
y = rand(10,5);
z = x * y;
keyboard; % you can interactively inspect x, y, z here
z = sort(z);
To leave keyboard mode, you can type dbquit to exit the program, or return to continue executing the program.
Another trick is to turn on dbstop if error which will automatically drop you into an interactive prompt whenever your code crashes.
You can use MATLAB -Dgdb if that helps. This sets gdb as the debugger. You will need to be familiar with gdb of course.
Once you do that, use the standard gdb commands to debug it.
My mistake. Above won't work for M-Files. (Not having MATLAB to try things out is a pain :)
MATLAB has a pretty good set of debugging commands you can use from the commandline. If you insert keyboard commands in your MATLAB code, you can then use the commands.
You can use MATLAB's editor debug button to debug within MATLAB environment

Can you pause MATLAB? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Stop and continue execution from debugger possible?
(6 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
In MATLAB, I'm running some code which takes a while to run. I'd like to pause the code to check on some variable values. Is there a way I can do this without having to re-run the code from the beginning? I don't want to terminate the program; just pause it.
You can halt execution and give a command prompt in two ways of which I am aware:
Putting keyboard in your code where you want to stop.
Setting a breakpoint.
You can resume and stop execution with dbcont and dbquit, respectively. To step forward, use dbstep. dbstack lets you see where you are. There are many more commands. The help page for any of these will give you other suggestions.
As Dennis Jaheruddin has pointed out, dbstop also has several useful features worth trying. In particular is the ability to set conditional and global (any line meeting a criterion) breakpoints via the dbstop if syntax. For example, dbstop if error will break to a debugging command prompt on any error. One suggestion he made, which I now do, is to put dbstop if error into startup.m so that this behavior will be default when you start MATLAB. You may need to create this file in a userpath folder; edit(fullfile(regexp(userpath,'^[^;]*','match','once'),'startup.m')).
One way to achieve what you're looking for would be to use code sections (also known as code cells), where you divide your code into sections divided by lines with two percent signs (%%).
Then, in the editor, you can press ctrl+enter to execute the current code section, and ctrl+up/down to navigate between sections.
Well there is the pause command, but then you cannot check for the variable contents in the workspace because the program is running.
What you probably want is to set a breakpoint (See the Debug menu / key F12).
At a breakpoint matlab pauses the program and enters debugging mode in which you can see and edit the variables. Once finished, you can resume the program where it was paused.
I'm not sure about Windows users but if you're running Linux you can start Matlab in a terminal using
matlab -nodesktop
then once Matlab has started, cd to your project directory and start your Matlab script. Now whenever you want to pause execution you can use ctrl-Z. Then to resume type fg. I hope this helps.