What is Scheme's relationship with operators? - operator-overloading

I am aware that Scheme has no operator precedence or operator associativity due to its use of s-expressions and the fact that operators are considered to be functions. However, I'm confused as to whether Scheme can do operator overloading. There isn't much information on the internet on that regard.


Is there an option to enable overloading of user-defined symbols in cvc4 for SMT input?

In versions through 1.2 of the SMT-LIB language, overloading of user-defined symbols was allowed. Since version 2.0 of standard, overloading is restricted to theory symbol.
Nevertheless, some SMT-solvers still allow overloading of user-defined symbols and that happens to be handy for my use case: proof obligations are easily generated automatically with overloading, not so much without... I would like to add cvc4 to my portfolio of SMT solvers, but I found out that it produces a parsing error on overloaded user-symbols.
I am aware that this is the correct way to be compliant with the SMT-LIB standard, but I would like to know the following: Is there an option to CVC4 that disables such check and where the parser is able to disambiguate overloaded user symbols?
Unfortunately, CVC4 does not have an option to support overloaded user symbols. Each user symbol must be unique.

Recommended style for arity-1 call followed by arity-0 call

Given that the official Scala style guide
recommends using infix notation for arity-1 calls and dot notation for arity-0 calls, what's the recommended style for an arity-1 call followed by an arity-0 call?
For example, would this be the recommended way?
(bytes map (_.toChar)).mkString
The summary of the style guide is basically: use point-free style whenever it is simple and clear. Otherwise, don't. In this case, your options are
(bytes map (_.toChar)).mkString
and the former looks simpler and clearer to me, so it wins.
Really long chains are also not very clear in point-free notation
foo bar baz qux quux bippy
Say what again?
Oh, okay.
Be pragmatic. Point-free style can be clean and elegant. Good coding style will often lead you to write code that looks nice point-free. But the point of the syntax is to be clear and avoid errors, so use whichever better accomplishes the goal.
I don't know who wrote this guide, but he definitely seemed biased, and I would advice against following this guide. Infix notation has a lot of pitfalls, which the author doesn't mention, and the benefits of it are questionable at very least. The arguments the author uses are not any less questionable.
The author argues that the following code makes it look like a method filter is being called on a function (_.toUpperCase):
names.map (_.toUpperCase).filter (_.length > 5)
But nobody formats the code like that. The following are the standard practices and they both introduce no ambiguity of such:
names.map(_.toUpperCase).filter(_.length > 5)
names.map( _.toUpperCase ).filter( _.length > 5 )
Pitfalls of the infix notation
Parameterless methods cannot be used inside a method calls chain.
Parameterless methods cannot be used in the end of a method calls chain, because they grab the terms from the next line.
It does not allow splitting to multiple lines. You'll either have to introduce some lispy bracketing or awkardly place the parameters on the next line. Another option is to switch back to the "dot" notation and end up with an inconsistent style.
All those options can hardly be referred to as increasing the readability.
It breeds misunderstandings like that.
Finally, it adds a layer of obfuscation of your intent. I.e., a reader has to analyse how the compiler will infer the dots and braces prior to actually comprehending the code.
The only argument for this notation that I've ever met is that it increases readability. While this argument is questionable itself, I find that it can hardly stand against any of the aforementioned drawbacks of this notation, due to which it often even decreases the readability.
The most consistent and safe standard is to use infix notation only for operators, i.e., methods with names like +, *, >>=.

Perl operators are "discovered" and not designed?

Just reading this page: https://github.com/book/perlsecret/blob/master/lib/perlsecret.pod , and was really surprised with the statements like:
Discovered by Philippe Bruhat, 2012.
Discovered by Abigail, 2010. (Alternate nickname: "grappling hook")
Discovered by Rafaël Garcia-Suarez, 2009.
Discovered by Philippe Bruhat, 2007.
and so on...
The above operators are DISCOVERED, so they are not intentional by perl-design?
Thats mean than here is possibility than perl sill have some random character sequences what in right order doing something useful like the ()x!! "operator"?
Is here any other language what have discovered operatos?
From the page you linked:
They are like operators in the sense that these Perl programmers see
them often enough to recognize them without thinking about their
smaller parts, and eventually add them to their toolbox. And they are
like secrets in the sense that they have to be discovered by their
future user (or be transmitted by a fellow programmer), because they
are not explicitly documented.
That is, they are not really their own operators, but they are made up of smaller operators compounded to do something combinedly.
For example, the 'venus' operator (0+ or +0) numifies the object on its left or right. That's what adding zero in any form does, "secret" operator or not.
Perl has a bunch of operators that do special things, as well as characters that do special things when interpreted in a specific context. Rather than these being actual "operators" (i.e., not explicitly recognized by the Perl parser), think of them as combinations of certain functions/operations. For example ()X!!, which is known as the "Enterprise" operator, consists of () which is a list, followed by x, which is a repetition operator, followed by !! (the "bang bang" operator), which performs a boolean conversion. This is one of the reasons that Perl is so expressive.

Is it appropriate to overload Perl's file input angle operator as a general iterator/generator?

I have seen several modules (example: Iterator::Simple) that make use of Perl's angle operator as an approximate equivalent to Python generators. Specifically, providing the ability to iterate over a list of values without actually loading the whole list in memory. Is this generally considered to be an appropriate extension of the functionality of the operator, or is it considered to be an abuse of it?
The <HANDLE> operator is just syntactic sugar for the readline HANDLE function, which is very much an iterator over the handle. If an object provides iterative access, I don't see any problem with overloading <> to provide flexibility to the end user.
The <> operator does not approximate the generator, the module does that. All that
while (<$iterator>) {...}
gives you is a fancy way to write
while (defined ($_ = $iterator->next)) {...}
Perl is a very expressive language due to the many different ways it allows you to solve problems. Many modules choose to offer alternative interfaces in this spirit. This allows users to code the way that works best for them.

What type of lambda calculus would Lisp loosely be an example of?

I'm trying to get a better grip on how types come into play in lambda calculus. Admittedly, a lot of the type theory stuff is over my head. Lisp is a dynamically typed language, would that roughly correspond to untyped lambda calculus? Or is there some kind of "dynamically typed lambda calculus" that I'm unaware of?
Lisp is a dynamically typed language, would that roughly correspond to untyped lambda calculus?
Yes, but only roughly. In the "pure" untyped lambda calculus, everything is coded as functions. (You can google for the popular "Church encoding" and the less popular "Scott encoding".) Lisp has non-functional data, like atoms and numbers and such, so this would count as "untyped lambda calculus extended with constants."
Another important difference is in order of evaluation. Rules for reducing lambda-calculus terms are highly nondeterministic. (There's a theorem, the Church-Rosser theorem, which says loosely that as long as things terminate, order of evaluation doesn't matter.) In practice lambda terms are typically reduced using leftmost-outermost aka "normal-order" reduction because if any reduction strategy terminates, that one does.
This is very different from Lisp which always evaluates arguments to normal form before doing a beta-reduction. This evaluation order is called "call by value."
In summary, Lisp corresponds to an untyped, call-by-value lambda calculus extended with constants.
John McCarthy introduced LISP in his April, 1960 paper "Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine, Part I". The following paragraph is from page 6:
e. Functions and Forms. It is usual in mathematics — outside of mathematical logic — to use the word “function” imprecisely and to apply it to forms
such as y2 + x. Because we shall later compute with expressions for functions,
we need a distinction between functions and forms and a notation for express-
ing this distinction. This distinction and a notation for describing it, from
which we deviate trivially, is given by Church [3].
3. A. CHURCH, The Calculi of Lambda-Conversion (Princeton University
Press, Princeton, N. J., 1941).
The Wikipedia article on lambda-calculus has a history of Church's publications. The 1941 paper referenced by McCarthy seems to be about the typed lambda-calculus, in contradiction to the Wikipedia article's introduction.
The lambda keyword in Lisp can be understood to refer to the lambda-calculus only through analogy. A Lisp lambda expression is a type of anonymous function.
Lisp is not 'a lambda calculus', I don't know what 'a lambda calculus' is.
If you want to identify lambda calculi by there type system then Lisp is its own of course. The 'lambda' keyword in any lisp before Scheme is certainly pretentious, and after Scheme there's room too to say it is. Just using 'func' would have been more humble. Lisp is a list processor mainly, not a 'lambda calculus'
I also wrote a rather extensive article about this once that attempts to demonstrate why A: the term 'functional programming' is meaningless and B: why the speaking of 'a lambda calculus' rather than 'a type system' is so too:
Also, keep in mind that in Lisp, all functions are in effect single argument and can only be have lists as their arguments.