How to grab Frames from an RTSP link in flutter? - flutter

I have an RTSP link and I am trying to grab live feed frames from it. I am using FIJKPlayer flutter package to view the RTSP stream. I have one solution which takes screenshots but I am looking for a solution which can grab the raw frames from the source streams directly.I am new to flutter, any opinion and suggestions are welcomed. Thank you!


How to get audio volume (as stream) from WebRTC's MediaStream in Flutter?

I am using flutter mediasoup client to stream video+audio from the server.
This works well in general.
However, I now want to measure audio level (ie, loud/soft) from the incoming audio stream so that I can display an audio level indicator widget.
The underlying stream is this webrtc class, but there doesn't seem to be any API to directly extract audio level.
I found this thread in flutter-webrtc repo, but it led to no concrete solution.
So, I wonder if anyone has had any success in extracting audio level from webrtc media stream.
Thank you.
I also posted this question in flutter-webrtc github repo and got a response that eventually led to a solution in my case:

How do you retrieve the video stream from Unity MRTK-WebRTC?

Right now, I have successfully managed the Web-RTC connections between the HoloLens and Unity. But now I would like to retrieve the video stream from HoloLens and perform some opencv algorithms. I am currently unsure how I can go about extracting the video stream?
Would greatly appreciate some help in this, really a newbie to all of this.
Thanks a lot.
The VideoReceiver component provided VideoTrack property to receives video frames from the remote peer. Therefore, you can register to I420AVideoFrameReady or Argb32VideoFrameReady event with a callback method to handle every new video frame received.

How to stitching(side by side ) more than one video using xuggler

I have to stitch more than one video streams,it may be recorded file or live streams
I have seen some video on the YouTube.
can i do it with Xuggler?
Any sample code ,link, advice, idea will be highly appreciated.

Recording the live streming

Currently I'm playing the live radio stream using MPMoviePlayerController. I want to record & save the radio programs in my application.
Can someone please help me on this?
Thanks in advance
You would be able to do so using AVFoundation.
Initial an instance of AVURLAsset using you stream url
Use AVAssetReader to read the stream bytes
Use AVAssetWriter to write bytes to new file.
Hope I could help
If you're looking into the audio portion, I made a sample app that can record say, Pandora while it's running. Hope this helps!

IPhone: Video API: Live video streaming modify

I have a question about video stream processing. Is it possible to get access and modify real time video stream during recording (f.e. I want to add some text to video)? I can do this as a preview by getting separate frames, but I'm looking for tool which will allow me to store video with my text in video frames.
Probably there is already some libraries/tools available (but I haven't found any yet).
Try GPUIMAGE library. It can help you.
You should check AVCam sample code by apple. That might be a starting point.