Recording the live streming - iphone

Currently I'm playing the live radio stream using MPMoviePlayerController. I want to record & save the radio programs in my application.
Can someone please help me on this?
Thanks in advance

You would be able to do so using AVFoundation.
Initial an instance of AVURLAsset using you stream url
Use AVAssetReader to read the stream bytes
Use AVAssetWriter to write bytes to new file.
Hope I could help

If you're looking into the audio portion, I made a sample app that can record say, Pandora while it's running. Hope this helps!


Live Streaming Video in iPhone

I am new to iPhone Development. I need to capture video. While I'm capturing video it display on server too. Something like live streaming.
Anyone have idea from where I should have to start for this functionality?
Thanks in Advance.
Your question seems similar to this
Xcode ios: Streaming of video file while recording and removed redundant personal statements
First Half Solution
Using AVFoundation you can get video Buffer/frames while recording.
Second Half
But for uploading i didn't find any solution
There is Input Stream option there in iOS APIs but it need some file path. but as video is not recorded we didn't have any path.
Edit 1
Here is Best Example for AVFoundation provided by Apple, you can start with
I recommend you to use wowza, it has all the features, from live stream, video on demand and etc.

How to record and play a captured video using AVAssertWriter and AVAssertReader in iphone sdk

I am displaying the camera data (video) on the preview layer.Now I want to record the video and store it in a local file and access it to play on the screen.
I had seen some websites that it is possible with AVAssertWriter and AVAssertReader. Its very difficult for me to understand. Can any one advice me in a clearcut manner or with any sample code.
Anyone's help will be much appreciated.
Thanks to all,

How to record audio stream from internet radio resourse?

In my application I play internet audio/radio stream with AVPlayer. I want to save and playing audio. Could you give me a right way to resolve this problem (with example, please).
check the link hope it will help .

IPhone: Video API: Live video streaming modify

I have a question about video stream processing. Is it possible to get access and modify real time video stream during recording (f.e. I want to add some text to video)? I can do this as a preview by getting separate frames, but I'm looking for tool which will allow me to store video with my text in video frames.
Probably there is already some libraries/tools available (but I haven't found any yet).
Try GPUIMAGE library. It can help you.
You should check AVCam sample code by apple. That might be a starting point.

iPhone App Development - Audio Queue Recording

I am currently working on an App which needs to get some data from the microphone. I have read through some resources on the Internet and believe that Audio Queue is a good library to do it.
I only need to get an array which stores the microphone input data, and do not need to play it back.
Can anyone kindly give some hints on that? Greatly appreciated if a simple sample/essential code fragments can be given.
Speak Here App given by the Apple can give you some idea.You can get the link here