Installation of distcc 3.1 on Sun Solaris - solaris

I am trying to install distcc 3.1 on one of the Sun Solaris platform.
After extracting the files to a folder I run configure (script which basically checks the required configuration).
This script throws out the following error
make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 471: Unexpected end of line seen
after this if I run make or make install command I get another error and I am not able to proceed with the installation. Please help me with the correct installation process or guide me on how to resolve this Make issue.

this error occurs when the version of distcc installed is not compatible with your O.S. Install the package again this time for your own OS. Example - I installed distcc 2.13 for solaris 9 from
I hope this helps !!


C compiler cannot create executables after installing dependencies

So I've boned my system. I'm running LFS with xfce and it has been running perfectly. I needed to install a video editing package and some dependencies (AppStream, stemmer) but they failed during the install. At the time I didn't think much about it and decided to come back to it later. Now when I run the configure, it get a message:
error: C compiler cannot create executables
I decided to create a test file that just outputs "Yo Dude!" in the terminal. When I try to compile it I get the message:
error: no include path in which to search for stdc-predef.h
It seems as if it can't find the library files, even putting the absolute path to stdio.h doesn't work. I did notice that gcc now shows as 11.2.0 but when I installed the system, I installed 12.2.0. I downloaded 12.2.0 but it won't compile. I can't compile because gcc is broke and I can't install gcc because gcc is broke. I'm trying not to re-install the system. Any suggestions on how I can get around this?

How to use module in Guile? `$ guile copy.scm; ERROR: no code for module (gnome-2)`

I learnt basisc about Scheme and want to try Guile.
When copied this sample here the first one and run as a script, an Error occured,
$ guile copy.scm
ERROR: no code for module (gnome-2)
My laptop runs Fedora 16 x86_64, with yum install guile*
How to deal with Guile's modules?
May be you need guile-gnome-plataform-devel?

Zend-framework Error while trying ZF create project

when i was trying ZF create project test. I got this error message.
Pls help me to correct this.
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method PHP_CodeCoverage_Filter::getInstance() in /usr/share/php/PHPUnit/Autoload.php on line 64
Fatal error: Call to undefined method PHP_CodeCoverage_Filter::getInstance() in /usr/share/php/PHPUnit/Autoload.php on line 64
from PHP Unit Installation instructions :
PHP_CodeCoverage, the library that is used by PHPUnit 3.5 to collect
and process code coverage information, depends on Xdebug 2.0.5 (or
later) but Xdebug 2.1.2 (or later) is highly recommended.
So you need to install it using PEAR , so either install PEAR or update your existing pear installation and do these commands to install PHP_CodeCoverage
pear config-set auto_discover 1
pear install

GLIBC_2.7 not found

I am getting the following error when trying to run several executables:
/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.7' not found (required by .tools/bridge/bridge)
I have recently upgraded from CentOS 5.3 to 5.7 (I am required to run these tools on CentOS 5, so I can't upgrade to 6).
I recompiled the whole code but this error still appears.
Has anyone encountered this type of error?
The error means that you built .tools/bridge/bridge on a system with glibc-2.7 (or later), and are trying to run it on a system that has glibc-2.6 or earlier.
Linux (and most UNIXes) does not support "build on later, run on earlier"; only the reverse scenario is supported.
See also this answer.
The 'glibc' is not the latest version, and you can try to update glibc package.
yum install glibc
yum install glibc-2.7

libxml-ruby on windows xp problem

About a month ago I installed libxml-ruby using
gem install libxml-ruby
and it worked fine.
Then i went to install it on another machine today and it failed with this error:
C:\Windows\system32>gem install -r libxml-ruby
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing libxml-ruby:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/bin/rake RUBYARCHDIR=c:/ruby/lib/ruby/
gems/1.8/gems/libxml-ruby-1.1.3-x86-mswin32-60/lib RUBYLIBDIR=c:/ruby/lib/ruby/g
'c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.4/bin/rake' is not recognized as an int
ernal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Gem files will remain installed in c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/libxml-ruby-1.
1.3-x86-mswin32-60 for inspection.
Results logged to c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/libxml-ruby-1.1.3-x86-mswin32-6
I have rake installed and win32-api
I then got confused if I had really installed libxml-ruby on my machine previously and tried uninstalling and reinstalling it. It now fails with the same error message on my machine and some scripts i've written to parse xml, which used to work, no longer work. Has anyone else tried installing libxml-ruby lately on windows xp? It appears to be completely broken.
I got the same problem, and ended up figuring out a decent work-around.
It seems the error is correct
isn't a valid executable. It needs to run rake from the root ruby/bin folder, where the wrapping batch file can be found.
Rummaging through the rubygems code, I found that Gem::Ext::RakeBuilder tries to build extensions using
cmd = ENV['rake'] || Gem.bin_path('rake') rescue Gem.default_exec_format % 'rake'
So, simply setting the rake environment variable to something valid before running the gem install should help:
C:\>set rake=c:\ruby-1.8.6-26\bin\rake.bat
C:\>gem install libxml-ruby --no-rdoc --no-ri
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed libxml-ruby-1.1.3-x86-mswin32-60
1 gem installed
(I skipped installing rdoc and ri because it prints out a bunch of formatting warnings, making it more difficult to paste the results in here.)