Search bar displaying beneath table - swift storyboard - swift

Seems like a pretty basic issue, but I have a tableViewController and at the top of the screen I've got a collection, beneath this I want to include a Search Bar. But for some reason it won't let me place this above the Table View Cell. It will let me add it into the collection view bizarrely but it goes behind the cells.
Is this a limitation caused by the fact I've included a Collection at the top of the screen? Is there only space for one element above a table on a tableViewController? Is there a workaround whilst still using a tableViewController?
Likely a noob question, but I'm still v noob

Is there only space for one element above a table on a
You get one header view area, and one footer view area for the tableViewController as a whole. (plus extras for the sections)
If you want a quick solution for a simple table then the tableViewController saves you about 60 seconds. - but if you want to do something more complex now or later, then you may want to consider using a regular UIViewController, dropping a UITableView into it and applying constraints as needed.
You would also need to remember to set the tableView dataSource and delegate up and comply to their protocols - or you go the diffableDataSource route.

Thanks #agentoverflow I couldn't find any documentation that explained the limitations of a UITableViewController.
Came up with my own solution. Put a view into the header area and put my collectionView and searchBar into that. Hooked the code up for both elements and both are working as expected.


How to build this screen in iOS?

I'm new to iOS development and am trying to build something like the screen below:
If I was doing it in Android, I can easily build the above UI in a few minutes. However, I don't know how to go about it with iOS.
I understand that the whole ViewController can be embedded in a navigation controller, which produces the title bar above. What about the bottom part though? I'm thinking of using something like a grouped UITableView but I'm not sure, since every cell will have very different contents:
A search bar, perhaps a subclassed UISearchBar, which I also don't know how to customize--the Search button at the right is required but isn't in the default UISearchBar. When the user taps on it, the UISearchBar must be translated to the navigation bar, no need to display a UITableView of suggested results. I don't know how to do that, too.
A button that, when tapped, flies in a modal from the bottom (I imagine it to be another ViewController with a grouped UITableView), to allow the user to choose from defined locations. Once selected, the modal closes and the button text is replaced with the selected location. This sounds much easier to do.
A header ("Item categories") and the list of categories, which may change in number. If the parent isn't a grouped UITableView, I think this part can be a UILabel and a non-scrolling UITableView with a height that changes depending on how many cells it has. If there are plenty table cells that don't fit given the screen's height, everything below the navigation bar can be scrolled vertically. That, I also don't know how to do.
If anyone can just guide me to what native iOS components I can use to build the above screen, and maybe a couple of tutorials to the things I just said I don't know how to do, I'd appreciate it.
You said it right .All the basic info you need is with you.
To build a searchbar like that i dont think you have to subclass it.
Bottom comprises of tableview.
Actually these Questions are seperately available in SO itself.So search seperately for your needs and you can achieve whatever you want
One basic principle : You cant achive anything by just thinking.Trying and get to it and if you have any issues look forward at it.All the issues will have an answer on the way.
Lots of components you need there.. Search Bar, UIPickerView and UITableView. I would like to give you some pointers.
1) You can refer for Search bar
2) When clicking on the Button, you can bring up a UIPickerView instead of another controller. For that you can refer
3) You can use a normal Tableview with a single section, configure the section header to display Item categories.
You are asking too much to ask how to do every component of your UI. I will just answer a little.
Yes, a grouped table view is a good design. I am using a grouped table view for varying types of input. I have an actual table, with rows that can be added, and deleted, and contain an editable text area. Then I have three groups that only really show one piece of content each: two are sliders and one is a switch.
For choosing the location, pushing another view controller on your navigation stack would be the more typical way to handle it. You will save some effort that way, with some buttons and behaviors built in, but a modal view controller is not much harder. I'm not sure if you can make a navigation view fly in vertically, but does your app have to be frame-for-frame identical to the android version?

iOS - Using TPKeyboardAvoiding on two scroll views, they affect each other

It is so lucky to find the michaeltyson/TPKeyboardAvoiding to solve the Keyboard blocking text field problem. The TPKeyboardAvoiding is very nice. User just needs defining custom class as TPKeyboardAvoiding to make it happen.
My Question and Problem is:
In my condition, I have two views include scroll view. In each scroll view, there are sevral text fields. One view segue to other view. After segued view's last text field been edited, the previous view can't scroll to the last text filed.
All in all, after user editing one scroll view, the other view's content insets -> bottom value changed! Anyone has similar experience with me?
Correct one
Wrong one
My unsuccessful try: I have tried copy another paire of TPKeyboardAvoidingScrollView.h & .m file into project, and renamed them.It doesn't work.
BTW, even the segued view can't raise last textfield up entirely.
I have not used TPKeyboardAvoid with two Scroll views but sometime using alternate framework might solve your problem :
You can give try to following frameworks -

Newbie TableView challenges

I am building an app that requires a tableview control so that users can select multiple rows and act upon them in some way. I find it easy to load my data and display it using the UITableViewController but it seems when I do it this way I am unable to place any other controls on the page, such as a toolbar to give the user some actions to perform on the selected rows. I can place a toolbar control on the form in the storyboard, but it doesn't render in the emulator.
Using a UIViewController and placing a TableView on it seems to come with its own set of confusing challenges (that will make total sense once I conquer them).
Is there any advice for a smooth way of getting a table view with toolbar controls? Thanks!
don't use a TableViewController. Use a Standard ViewController, then add a UITableView to it, and adjust the size. This way you will be able to do whatever else you want on that view without limiting yourself to the tableView only functionality.
When you do this make sure you add the datasource and delegate to the connected table. Then add cellForRowAtIndex, number of sections, number of rows, and whatever other delegate methods you need for your table.
Good luck
Is there any advice for a smooth way of getting a table view with toolbar controls?
Yes there are few ways to accomplish this, one way would be adding a footerview to your tableviewcontroller check these
UIButtons on tableFooterView not responding to events
Easier way to add this is using storyboard.
Just drag and drop a view in to your tableviewcontroller, then you can adjust the views size and put anything from objects menu to inside of the view.
Now the problem with that is view will not be stable position at the bottom of the page like a tabbar. Lets say you have only 1 row in your tableview, footer view will go up just below that 1 row, lets say you have hundreds of items in your tableview toolbar will be at the bottom of the rows.
The other solutions for your problem would be either create a custom view and adding it to current view or window (this is little bit adbance),but if you want this just google it.
Or just as you said, create a viewcontroller and put a uitableview inside. Dont forget to add <UITableViewDelegate,UITableViewDataSource> to your .h file and then you can call UItableview delegate methods.\
Good Luck.

Is it possible to put one UITableView over another UITableView in InterfaceBuilder?

I know I can use codes to add UITableView one by one.
[self.view addSubview:tableview1];//
[self.view addSubview:tableview2];//
I hope to do the same thing in InterfaceBuilder, when I drag one UITableView onto another one, the new one always pushes the old one to the bottom, rather than just stays over the old one of UITableView.
Welcome any comment
If you have a parent view that will contain your tableviews then you shouldn't have any problem. If you're trying to place them directly in a window then I could see a problem. If things aren't lining up the way you want you can always change their position via the Size Inspector or by nudging them with the arrow keys (shift-arrow key moves in 10 pixel increments).
Why anyone would want a tableview on top of another tableview escapes me.
Your parent view should be a subclass of uiviewcontroller and your xib should have the root view as a uiview and not uitableview.
I used two overlapping table views to show two different contents on the same view, which could be toggles using a segment switch. Apparently my client requirements were vague enough that I couldn't just filter out data like how the phone app displays all calls/missed calls list.

Left area of section in iPhone TableView

I have a section where I would like to customize the left area of a section a TableView - a bit like viewForHeaderInSection.
I have thought at using a cell for the section instead, but it would be a lot of nitty-gritty.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to customise the left-hand-side of some, or every cell in a UITableView? Then you need to make create your own custom table view cells. I normally make these cells in Interface Builder; this post helped me out. See also the Customizing Cells section of Apple's Table View Programming Guide for iOS.
I read your question to mean that there is one custom element to the left of a bunch of cells. The only way I know of offhand is to use a cell as you describe and then have a left view and a tableview inside of it.